For those Dems who want Hillary as President in 2016. Question for you


Gold Member
Apr 17, 2011
What has accomplishment has Hillary done in the 4 yrs she was Secretary of state ?? While besides watching 4 (what difference does it make) Americans die .. What has she done?
At this point, what difference does it make? Hillary lied, 4 brave Americans died.
What has accomplishment has Hillary done in the 4 yrs she was Secretary of state ?? While besides watching 4 (what difference does it make) Americans die .. What has she done?

Mrs Clinton has been female Secretary of State. This has been of tremendous benefit to citizens of the USA because ....... well, just because! All of us PC people know without doubt that if enough women are given high office all bad things will stop. Everywhere. Permanently.

So Mrs Clinton does not need to DO anything, she just needs to BE.
She was a major supporter of the troop surge in Afghanistan. Probably one of the main reasons we might be able to leave there at the end 2014, at least the greater majority of the military will leave.
What has accomplishment has Hillary done in the 4 yrs she was Secretary of state ?? While besides watching 4 (what difference does it make) Americans die .. What has she done?

Mrs Clinton has been female Secretary of State. This has been of tremendous benefit to citizens of the USA because ....... well, just because! All of us PC people know without doubt that if enough women are given high office all bad things will stop. Everywhere. Permanently.

So Mrs Clinton does not need to DO anything, she just needs to BE.

One would think that all that is needed is to be appointed the job. Regardless her performance, the fact that she was appointed would make all the difference. She could have been snubbed by other leaders due to her way of presenting her self diplomatically and strategically and could have ignored help during a consulate attack overseas, that wouldn't matter. The fact that she held the title would have made all the difference in the world,.

That is in essence what you are saying. To put it nicely, you are incredibly naive and I can undoubtedly assume you have been voting for Obama all along for the most stupid reasons. But the again, that how he was elected.
She was a major supporter of the troop surge in Afghanistan. Probably one of the main reasons we might be able to leave there at the end 2014, at least the greater majority of the military will leave.

She did 1, quote 1, thing right and she deserves to be elected president of the USA? Who says that was her idea?
She stayed married to the womanizer Bill.....thus that is her qualification to liberals.
She was a major supporter of the troop surge in Afghanistan. Probably one of the main reasons we might be able to leave there at the end 2014, at least the greater majority of the military will leave.

She did 1, quote 1, thing right and she deserves to be elected president of the USA? Who says that was her idea?

It was primarily her and Robert Gates that convinced Obama to perform the troop surge.

Also Clinton was pretty important in the military intervention in Libya which lead to Qaddaffi's (spelling?) killing. Don't tell me you right wingers don't love that??

Also she was the most traveled of any Sec of State in US History...visiting 112 different nations. Pretty impressive record for Sec of State honestly.
So are claiming the attack on Libya was a success???:cuckoo:

It only turned the country into an out of control terrorist training ground like Afghanistan run by the Taliban. The bigger problem is Libya has easier access to Europe than Afghanistan last time I checked.

Obama and the windbag Hillary just created a terrorist Disneyland in Libya....

She was a major supporter of the troop surge in Afghanistan. Probably one of the main reasons we might be able to leave there at the end 2014, at least the greater majority of the military will leave.

She did 1, quote 1, thing right and she deserves to be elected president of the USA? Who says that was her idea?

It was primarily her and Robert Gates that convinced Obama to perform the troop surge.

Also Clinton was pretty important in the military intervention in Libya which lead to Qaddaffi's (spelling?) killing. Don't tell me you right wingers don't love that??

Also she was the most traveled of any Sec of State in US History...visiting 112 different nations. Pretty impressive record for Sec of State honestly.
What has accomplishment has Hillary done in the 4 yrs she was Secretary of state ?? While besides watching 4 (what difference does it make) Americans die .. What has she done?

Mrs Clinton has been female Secretary of State. This has been of tremendous benefit to citizens of the USA because ....... well, just because! All of us PC people know without doubt that if enough women are given high office all bad things will stop. Everywhere. Permanently.

So Mrs Clinton does not need to DO anything, she just needs to BE.

One would think that all that is needed is to be appointed the job. Regardless her performance, the fact that she was appointed would make all the difference. She could have been snubbed by other leaders due to her way of presenting her self diplomatically and strategically and could have ignored help during a consulate attack overseas, that wouldn't matter. The fact that she held the title would have made all the difference in the world,.

That is in essence what you are saying. To put it nicely, you are incredibly naive and I can undoubtedly assume you have been voting for Obama all along for the most stupid reasons. But the again, that how he was elected.

OK, OK my fault. I should have listened to all those who warned me that Irony is unknown in the State of Tennessee.

Please accept my promise that if and when we Swedes are granted the vote in US elections I will NOT be voting for Mrs Clinton, being more inclined to the Mrs Palin tendency.
So are claiming the attack on Libya was a success???:cuckoo:

It only turned the country into an out of control terrorist training ground like Afghanistan run by the Taliban. The bigger problem is Libya has easier access to Europe than Afghanistan last time I checked.

Obama and the windbag Hillary just created a terrorist Disneyland in Libya....

She did 1, quote 1, thing right and she deserves to be elected president of the USA? Who says that was her idea?

It was primarily her and Robert Gates that convinced Obama to perform the troop surge.

Also Clinton was pretty important in the military intervention in Libya which lead to Qaddaffi's (spelling?) killing. Don't tell me you right wingers don't love that??

Also she was the most traveled of any Sec of State in US History...visiting 112 different nations. Pretty impressive record for Sec of State honestly.

If I was an american I would be despondent: Mrs Clinton departed the country on 112 occasions and RETURNED every time.
Neo-cons in both parties were disappointed with her ramping down Iraq and now probably Afghanistan, keeping ground troops out of Libya, Syria, and Egypt.

Neo-cons are as evil in the GOP as TeaPs and reactionaries.

I want her to run because Christie can beat her handily.
So are claiming the attack on Libya was a success???:cuckoo:

It only turned the country into an out of control terrorist training ground like Afghanistan run by the Taliban. The bigger problem is Libya has easier access to Europe than Afghanistan last time I checked.

Obama and the windbag Hillary just created a terrorist Disneyland in Libya....

It was primarily her and Robert Gates that convinced Obama to perform the troop surge.

Also Clinton was pretty important in the military intervention in Libya which lead to Qaddaffi's (spelling?) killing. Don't tell me you right wingers don't love that??

Also she was the most traveled of any Sec of State in US History...visiting 112 different nations. Pretty impressive record for Sec of State honestly.

If I was an american I would be despondent: Mrs Clinton departed the country on 112 occasions and RETURNED every time.

I think that, and the fact her first order of business was to buy new crystal goblets for the State Department was her two crowning achievements. Hillary for 2016!

(I know, she bought from a European Co. instead of much for patriotism...
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So are claiming the attack on Libya was a success???:cuckoo:

It only turned the country into an out of control terrorist training ground like Afghanistan run by the Taliban. The bigger problem is Libya has easier access to Europe than Afghanistan last time I checked.

Obama and the windbag Hillary just created a terrorist Disneyland in Libya....

It was primarily her and Robert Gates that convinced Obama to perform the troop surge.

Also Clinton was pretty important in the military intervention in Libya which lead to Qaddaffi's (spelling?) killing. Don't tell me you right wingers don't love that??

Also she was the most traveled of any Sec of State in US History...visiting 112 different nations. Pretty impressive record for Sec of State honestly.

If I was an american I would be despondent: Mrs Clinton departed the country on 112 occasions and RETURNED every time.

Now just hold on one dang minute!

There was that one time when the brave Ms. Clinton almost......almost.....didn't return!!!

Yup....she had to duck and crawl under the most intense sniper fire!!!!

"Clinton under fire: Video contradicts Hillary's claim she ran from sniper shots in Bosnia
Last updated at 14:38 26 March 2008

It was a story perhaps designed to convince the American public that she has what it takes to remain composed under fire if she becomes the first woman president.
In a speech on Iraq, Hillary Clinton recalled how she had been targeted by snipers and had to run for her life when she arrived at an airbase during a trip to Bosnia 12 years ago.
The incident was used to embellish her claim to have more experience to lead the country than Barack Obama, her rival for the Democratic presidential nomination."
Clinton under fire: Video contradicts Hillary's claim she ran from sniper shots in Bosnia | Mail Online

My fav Hillary Clinton lie was the time she went without a name for the first six years of her life....

May 29, 1953 Sir Edmund Hillary and Norgay Climb Mount Everest: After years of dreaming about it and seven weeks of climbing, New Zealander Edmund Hillary and Nepalese Tenzing Norgay reached the top of Mt. Everest, the highest mountain in the world, at 11:30 a.m. on May 29, 1953.

Now, the most transparent lie told by a politician:

"On a first-lady goodwill tour of Asia in April 1995—the kind of banal trip that she now claims as part of her foreign-policy "experience"—Mrs. Clinton had been in Nepal and been briefly introduced to the late Sir Edmund Hillary, conqueror of Mount Everest. Ever ready to milk the moment, she announced that her mother had actually named her for this famous and intrepid explorer. The claim "worked" well enough to be repeated at other stops and even showed up in Bill Clinton's memoirs almost a decade later, as one more instance of the gutsy tradition that undergirds the junior senator from New York.

Clinton was born in 1947, and Sir Edmund Hillary and his partner Tenzing Norgay did not ascend Mount Everest until 1953, so the story was self-evidently untrue and eventually yielded to fact-checking.

For Sen. Clinton, something is true if it validates the myth of her striving and her "greatness" (her overweening ambition in other words) and only ceases to be true when it no longer serves that limitless purpose. "
The case against Hillary Clinton. - By Christopher Hitchens - Slate Magazine

Seems she had no name for 'til she was six...... did they call her in for dinner those first six years???
A whistle?
A cow bell?

Don't be mean and say a 'silent dog whistle'!
What has accomplishment has Hillary done in the 4 yrs she was Secretary of state ?? While besides watching 4 (what difference does it make) Americans die .. What has she done?

That point is irrelevant.

The majority of voters are more concerned about the amount of freebies and free lunches that a candidate will promise.

Based on that parasitic principle Elizabeth Warren will win by a landslide.

So are claiming the attack on Libya was a success???:cuckoo:

It only turned the country into an out of control terrorist training ground like Afghanistan run by the Taliban. The bigger problem is Libya has easier access to Europe than Afghanistan last time I checked.

Obama and the windbag Hillary just created a terrorist Disneyland in Libya....

If I was an american I would be despondent: Mrs Clinton departed the country on 112 occasions and RETURNED every time.

Now just hold on one dang minute!

There was that one time when the brave Ms. Clinton almost......almost.....didn't return!!!

Yup....she had to duck and crawl under the most intense sniper fire!!!!

"Clinton under fire: Video contradicts Hillary's claim she ran from sniper shots in Bosnia
Last updated at 14:38 26 March 2008

It was a story perhaps designed to convince the American public that she has what it takes to remain composed under fire if she becomes the first woman president.
In a speech on Iraq, Hillary Clinton recalled how she had been targeted by snipers and had to run for her life when she arrived at an airbase during a trip to Bosnia 12 years ago.
The incident was used to embellish her claim to have more experience to lead the country than Barack Obama, her rival for the Democratic presidential nomination."
Clinton under fire: Video contradicts Hillary's claim she ran from sniper shots in Bosnia | Mail Online


Oh yes, lol! I remember that claim well! No wonder she and Obama got along! I was going to say so well, but who knows. When two liars get together, it has to be quite a sight!

You know, she doesn't allow the press to come along to her speaking engagements any more. I think that is one of the reasons. She doesn't want to be caught again!
If I was an american I would be despondent: Mrs Clinton departed the country on 112 occasions and RETURNED every time.

Now just hold on one dang minute!

There was that one time when the brave Ms. Clinton almost......almost.....didn't return!!!

Yup....she had to duck and crawl under the most intense sniper fire!!!!

"Clinton under fire: Video contradicts Hillary's claim she ran from sniper shots in Bosnia
Last updated at 14:38 26 March 2008

It was a story perhaps designed to convince the American public that she has what it takes to remain composed under fire if she becomes the first woman president.
In a speech on Iraq, Hillary Clinton recalled how she had been targeted by snipers and had to run for her life when she arrived at an airbase during a trip to Bosnia 12 years ago.
The incident was used to embellish her claim to have more experience to lead the country than Barack Obama, her rival for the Democratic presidential nomination."
Clinton under fire: Video contradicts Hillary's claim she ran from sniper shots in Bosnia | Mail Online


Oh yes, lol! I remember that claim well! No wonder she and Obama got along! I was going to say so well, but who knows. When two liars get together, it has to be quite a sight!

You know, she doesn't allow the press to come along to her speaking engagements any more. I think that is one of the reasons. She doesn't want to be caught again!

Yea.....she might slip up and say "47% will never vote for us anywhy...."

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