For those who have a hard time keeping track of all the GOP candidates for president...


Gold Member
Dec 4, 2010
...I have prepared this helpful guide:

Chris Christie "The Bully"
New Jersey Governor.

Best known for closing a bridge as an act of political retribution.

Scott Walker "The Goon"
Wisconsin Governor

Best known for hatred of teacher's unions and his opposition to abortion WITHOUT exception for the life of the mother.

Ben Carson "The Pretty One"
Former neurosurgeon

Best known for plagiarizing the title of his book 'America the Beautiful' from a poem by a lesbian socialist.

Ted Cruz "The Shameless Demagogue"
US Senator for Texas

Best known for being born in Canada to an American mother and a father who was not a U.S. Citizen (and yet, neither Trump nor the other racists asked for his birth certificate).

Mark Everson "Um, who..?"
Former IRS Commissioner

Not really KNOWN for anything, but works at firm that helps companies get corporate welfare.

Carly Fiorina "The Scrooge"
Corporate executive.

Best known for firing thousands of Hewlett Packard employees, before being forced to resign because of poor performance.

Jim Gilmore "The Indistinguishable One"
Former Governor of Virginia

Seems to be a middle-of-the-road pinochetist, with nothing special to offer.

Lindsey Graham "The Neo-Con"
US Senator for South Carolina

Best known for his strong political alliance with John McCain.

Mike Huckabee "Deliverance"
Former Governor of Arkansas

Best known for his moralizing social views, and for plucking his bass behind Ted Nugent as the latter sang "Well, I make the pussy purr with the stroke of my hand. They know they gettin' it from me. They know just where to go when they need their lovin' man. They know I'm doin' it for free"

John Kasich "The Mythologist"
Governor of Ohio

Best known for bragging about all the Jobs that were created in Ohio under his governance. Though liberal states with democratic governors during that same time, such as Oregon, Washington, California and New York had higher percentage private sector job growth.

Bobby Jindal "The Exorcist"
Governor of Louisiana

Best known for his tales of "spiritual warfare," but should be best known for his state becoming the poorest in the Union under his governance, as median household income in Louisiana fell below Arkansas and Mississippi.

George Pataki "The Moderate"
Former Governor of New York

Best known for defeating Mario Cuomo way back in 1994

Rand Paul "The Plagiarist"
US Senator for Kentucky

Best known for being son of Texas congressman Ron Paul.

Rick Perry "The Ditz"
Former Governor of Texas

Best known for his aggressive corporate welfarist policies, owning Ni**erhead Ranch... and one other thing... I forget... oops...

Marco Rubio "The Thirsty One"
US Senator for Florida

Best known for fibbing that his parents fled from Castro's Cuba, even though they immigrated in 1956, whereas Castro took power in 1959.

Rick Santorum "The Creepy One"
Former US Senator for Pennsylvania

Best known for his militant opposition to contraception of any kind.

Donald Trump "The Birther"
Reality TV personality

Best known for his narcissistic personality disorder.

Jeb Bush "The Crazy One"
Former Governor of Florida

Best known for allowing the "Scarlet Letter Law" to be enacted in 2001, in order to shame rape victims who gave up their babies for adoption.

Hope this helps.
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funny thing is, we have a list of people to choose from and know they are running.

you leftist only know hillary the murderer and whatshisname the socialist

no one else made the news.

well, there was that one guy who got booed for saying "all lives matter". Just shows you how low class you leftist really are.

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