For Trumpsters, re: The sacking of the Capitol

As we all know, the standard Trumpster response to anything that happened at our nation's Capitol is "whataboutism". What about the summer riots? Deflect, change the subject, attack. So, Trump supporters, since you're so interested in comparisons, here's your challenge. Here's what happened after the attack on the Capitol:
  • 5 Americans dead or dying
  • 140 American police injured, some permanently
  • America's Capitol has been sacked
  • "We Love You"
  • "You're Special"
  • "This is What Happens".
So this thread is your chance to put all your whataboutisms in one place. Show us some solid comparisons. Maybe words by DEMOCRATIC Presidents after riots. Show us why this is no big deal. Show us how the Democrats have done the same thing many times.

Let's collect them here. Go ahead.
You're a fucking idiot. It was your ilk who sacked the Capital.

You burned the Reichstag and blamed it on the opposition.

But, you're probably too stupid to get the reference, because you know cocksucking shit about history.

Stupid motherfucker.
So these weren't Trump supporters. It was all the other guys. Okay, got it.

What do you think of Trump saying, "we love you", "you're special" and "this is what happens"?

Look it up, Herr Mac.
Was that an answer to my question?

I'll try again.

What do you think of Trump saying, "we love you", "you're special" and "this is what happens"?
Why don't you ask him? I am not going to speculate.

But, who rioted for MONTHS and you said nothing?


Suddenly, your outrage is insatiable.

You don't fool anyone.
Yeah, I didn't think so.

And there was ZERO incitement by your Dem ilk for 7 fucking months.

Your selective fake outrage is well noted you partisan hack..
We were for legal protests against police brutality....we also spoke out against illegal rioting and looting. On the other hand, how many Qultists spoke out against the insurrection on Jan. 6th?
The Capitol riot revolves around xiden.
Lotta Trump flags. I don’t see any Biden flags.
  • 140 American police injured, some permanently
  • America's Capitol has been sacked

Over 2,000 police injured in Dem riots cheered on by Dem leaders in congress. The American "Capital was not sacked stop lying, a building was occupied the same building Dems occupied while Dem leaders approved and there was scant damage to the building while Dems set fire to and sacked multiple government buildings across the nation while Dem leaders in congress looked on in silence or in case of the VP she said the riots must continue.

Possibly the greatest example of shameless Dem hypocrisy in history.
You haven't showed any Democrats from congress cheering riots.
then you are 1 blind retard. the demonRATS paid antifa and blm to tear up and loot how many cities last year. go look for a brain
They did not....Why are you lying? Oh,'re a trump Qultist, aren't you? Rhetorical Question then.
Yep, they're not really lying. They believe this stuff. Their own little world. Just like a cult.
Yep, they're not really lying. The brain-dead demonRATS buy right into these blatant lies Their own little world. Just like brain dead robots
  • 140 American police injured, some permanently
  • America's Capitol has been sacked

Over 2,000 police injured in Dem riots cheered on by Dem leaders in congress. The American "Capital was not sacked stop lying, a building was occupied the same building Dems occupied while Dem leaders approved and there was scant damage to the building while Dems set fire to and sacked multiple government buildings across the nation while Dem leaders in congress looked on in silence or in case of the VP she said the riots must continue.

Possibly the greatest example of shameless Dem hypocrisy in history.
You haven't showed any Democrats from congress cheering riots.
then you are 1 blind retard. the demonRATS paid antifa and blm to tear up and loot how many cities last year. go look for a brain
They did not....Why are you lying? Oh,'re a trump Qultist, aren't you? Rhetorical Question then.
Why are you lying? Oh,'re a xiden robot aren't you? Rhetorical Question ....
My goodness, plagarism? :heehee: Qultists can't even be original.
You left out the most important question. Why?
BLM protests happened because of police brutality/murder against black people.
The insurrection happened because a Narcissistic billionaire lost his job.
typical bullshit answer from another retard...blm camped out, after they took over the city, paid for by demonRATS...duh
The insurrection happened because a communist bought millionaire paid dominion millions to rig their machines to cheat the AMERICAn people, relatives of relatives of really are a few fries short of a happy meal
  • 140 American police injured, some permanently
  • America's Capitol has been sacked

Over 2,000 police injured in Dem riots cheered on by Dem leaders in congress. The American "Capital was not sacked stop lying, a building was occupied the same building Dems occupied while Dem leaders approved and there was scant damage to the building while Dems set fire to and sacked multiple government buildings across the nation while Dem leaders in congress looked on in silence or in case of the VP she said the riots must continue.

Possibly the greatest example of shameless Dem hypocrisy in history.
You haven't showed any Democrats from congress cheering riots.
then you are 1 blind retard. the demonRATS paid antifa and blm to tear up and loot how many cities last year. go look for a brain
They did not....Why are you lying? Oh,'re a trump Qultist, aren't you? Rhetorical Question then.
Why are you lying? Oh,'re a xiden robot aren't you? Rhetorical Question ....
My goodness, plagarism? :heehee: Qultists can't even be original.
obviously, you need to look up that definition. that is unless the demonRATS gave you one that differs....retard
  • 140 American police injured, some permanently
  • America's Capitol has been sacked

Over 2,000 police injured in Dem riots cheered on by Dem leaders in congress. The American "Capital was not sacked stop lying, a building was occupied the same building Dems occupied while Dem leaders approved and there was scant damage to the building while Dems set fire to and sacked multiple government buildings across the nation while Dem leaders in congress looked on in silence or in case of the VP she said the riots must continue.

Possibly the greatest example of shameless Dem hypocrisy in history.
You haven't showed any Democrats from congress cheering riots.
then you are 1 blind retard. the demonRATS paid antifa and blm to tear up and loot how many cities last year. go look for a brain
They did not....Why are you lying? Oh,'re a trump Qultist, aren't you? Rhetorical Question then.
Why are you lying? Oh,'re a xiden robot aren't you? Rhetorical Question ....
My goodness, plagarism? :heehee: Qultists can't even be original.
Well, they repeat what Trump and Q say....
Lol, if that's a sacking it's really pathetic. But we already know it's not, just amped up partisan rhetoric and hyperbole. That's all.
You left out the most important question. Why?
BLM protests happened because of police brutality/murder against black people.
The insurrection happened because a Narcissistic billionaire lost his job.
typical bullshit answer from another retard...blm camped out, after they took over the city, paid for by demonRATS...duh
The insurrection happened because a communist bought millionaire paid dominion millions to rig their machines to cheat the AMERICAn people, relatives of relatives of really are a few fries short of a happy meal
So, you support the Jan 6th insurrection? Yes or no?
  • 140 American police injured, some permanently
  • America's Capitol has been sacked

Over 2,000 police injured in Dem riots cheered on by Dem leaders in congress. The American "Capital was not sacked stop lying, a building was occupied the same building Dems occupied while Dem leaders approved and there was scant damage to the building while Dems set fire to and sacked multiple government buildings across the nation while Dem leaders in congress looked on in silence or in case of the VP she said the riots must continue.

Possibly the greatest example of shameless Dem hypocrisy in history.
You haven't showed any Democrats from congress cheering riots.
then you are 1 blind retard. the demonRATS paid antifa and blm to tear up and loot how many cities last year. go look for a brain
They did not....Why are you lying? Oh,'re a trump Qultist, aren't you? Rhetorical Question then.
Yep, they're not really lying. They believe this stuff. Their own little world. Just like a cult.

Thank God you're not in a cult Mac & Cheese. :thup:
Lol, if that's a sacking it's really pathetic. But we already know it's not, just amped up partisan rhetoric and hyperbole. That's all.
Sure, not much happened. No big deal.

Not really. The different groups antifa, proud boys, leftists, who "sacked" the capitol, lol, did a pretty pathetic job.
Good thing there were no Trump supporters there. Phew!

Oh there were some there. Again, nothing compared to the violence and murder over a year committed by the left. That's not even arguable. Yeah, 25 were killed due to the carnage created from the riots by the left.
You left out the most important question. Why?
BLM protests happened because of police brutality/murder against black people.
The insurrection happened because a Narcissistic billionaire lost his job.
typical bullshit answer from another retard...blm camped out, after they took over the city, paid for by demonRATS...duh
The insurrection happened because a communist bought millionaire paid dominion millions to rig their machines to cheat the AMERICAn people, relatives of relatives of really are a few fries short of a happy meal
So, you support the Jan 6th insurrection? Yes or no?

Lol, there was no insurrection. Only in liberal hack minds.

As we all know, the standard Trumpster response to anything that happened at our nation's Capitol is "whataboutism". What about the summer riots? Deflect, change the subject, attack. So, Trump supporters, since you're so interested in comparisons, here's your challenge. Here's what happened after the attack on the Capitol:
  • 5 Americans dead or dying
  • 140 American police injured, some permanently
  • America's Capitol has been sacked
  • "We Love You"
  • "You're Special"
  • "This is What Happens".
So this thread is your chance to put all your whataboutisms in one place. Show us some solid comparisons. Maybe words by DEMOCRATIC Presidents after riots. Show us why this is no big deal. Show us how the Democrats have done the same thing many times.

Let's collect them here. Go ahead.
You're a fucking idiot. It was your ilk who sacked the Capital.

You burned the Reichstag and blamed it on the opposition.

But, you're probably too stupid to get the reference, because you know cocksucking shit about history.

Stupid motherfucker.
So these weren't Trump supporters. It was all the other guys. Okay, got it.

What do you think of Trump saying, "we love you", "you're special" and "this is what happens"?

Look it up, Herr Mac.
Was that an answer to my question?

I'll try again.

What do you think of Trump saying, "we love you", "you're special" and "this is what happens"?
Why don't you ask him? I am not going to speculate.

But, who rioted for MONTHS and you said nothing?


Suddenly, your outrage is insatiable.

You don't fool anyone.
Yeah, I didn't think so.

And there was ZERO incitement by your Dem ilk for 7 fucking months.

Your selective fake outrage is well noted you partisan hack..
We were for legal protests against police brutality....we also spoke out against illegal rioting and looting. On the other hand, how many Qultists spoke out against the insurrection on Jan. 6th?

No, actually quite a few congressmembers on the left condoned the violence mad riots.
You left out the most important question. Why?
BLM protests happened because of police brutality/murder against black people.
The insurrection happened because a Narcissistic billionaire lost his job.
typical bullshit answer from another retard...blm camped out, after they took over the city, paid for by demonRATS...duh
The insurrection happened because a communist bought millionaire paid dominion millions to rig their machines to cheat the AMERICAn people, relatives of relatives of really are a few fries short of a happy meal
So, you support the Jan 6th insurrection? Yes or no?

Lol, there was no insurrection. Only in liberal hack minds.
There most certainly you support what happened on Jan 6th or not? Yes or No?

As we all know, the standard Trumpster response to anything that happened at our nation's Capitol is "whataboutism". What about the summer riots? Deflect, change the subject, attack. So, Trump supporters, since you're so interested in comparisons, here's your challenge. Here's what happened after the attack on the Capitol:
  • 5 Americans dead or dying
  • 140 American police injured, some permanently
  • America's Capitol has been sacked
  • "We Love You"
  • "You're Special"
  • "This is What Happens".
So this thread is your chance to put all your whataboutisms in one place. Show us some solid comparisons. Maybe words by DEMOCRATIC Presidents after riots. Show us why this is no big deal. Show us how the Democrats have done the same thing many times.

Let's collect them here. Go ahead.
Sadly, the trump Nazis are unable to follow the simple instructions you gave them in your OP.

Their responses are their standard blather, flights of fantasy, conspiracy theories, and just plain bullsh!t.

The trump Nazis are so accustomed to the lies they've been told over, and over, and over, and over, that truth and the ability to discuss topics rationally has become totally foreign to them.

The GOP developed the twisted mindset in their right-wing voter base over a period of decades, entire generations have grown up hearing nothing but the Republican propaganda. Year upon year of the rhetoric, which constantly encourages their racism, bigotry, xenophobia, and the many other negative characteristics that have become the "values" of conservatism.

However, for most, if not all, of the trump Nazis, being hammered by the GOP's fatalistic propaganda was a choice they made, eagerly. It's effect turned these tens-of-millions of people into "patriots" not of their nation, but to a destructive political party that put their "patriots" on a self-destructive course.

The trump presidency has been the unintended culmination of the Republican Party's many years of hard work. Now, Party leaders must find a way to return the 74 million trump Nazis to the fold. But, their brief experience with trump's fascism and his embrace of the white supremacists
makes the GOP too "liberal" for the former rank-and-file. And politicians like Cruz and Hawley are the crooked opportunists ready to jump in and fill the void left by trump's departure.


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