CDZ For what reason are kids having to learn about slavery ??

You mean the statues of people who committed treason so they could continue to own other human beings? Those statues?

You're a perfect example of how public schools make turn the mentally weak into dumbshits.

The Civil War wasn't about preserving slavery. The Confederacy had already banned the importation of slaves and Abraham Lincoln promised to support slavery if the South ceased succession. Those statures are of heroes who defended the sovereignty of the states. The only treason was by Lincoln and the north who violated the liberty of the people and the limits of the Constitution.
My granddaughter who goes to school with Blacks, Asians, Mexicans, whites (her color), etc just said to me "PaPa we're learning about slavery"... My heart sank knowing what the poor child was being exposed to, and how she will next be basically looked at by her black classmates in a different way, and this after they being themselves exposed to the events surrounding this time period in which waxes hot amongst so many Americans to this very day.

Blacks are running around trying all they can to erase history (destroying statues), etc. Yet they want the white children to be exposed to a government version of events in which will cause generations after generations of naive children to be saddled with white Guilt.

Then we have the upcoming "black history month", where the same results can also take place in this program just as well. What's wrong with changing the month to "AMERICAN HISTORY MONTH" instead ?????? In American History Month the children would be able to pick out their favorite person in American history to write an essay on.

What's wrong, scared a black child might pick a white person to write about or think highly of ??? Jessie Jackson, and old Al Sharpton along with Maxine Waters would have a cow wouldn't they ?

When are we truly gonna get beyond this bullcrap ??
Students need to learn the truth and facts about our Nation’s history, not the lies, racism, fear, ignorance, bigotry, and hate most conservatives attempt to propagate - this thread's premise being one of many examples.

You mean the lies the democrats tell by omitting that their political party was the political party that fought to restart the slave trade with Africa, fought to have slavery in new states, and went to war to keep their slaves. Then, when their side lost, the democrats enacted Poll Taxes, Literacy tests, their party members started the ku klux klan and their political party created segregation under the jim crow laws....

That is the history that isn't being taught.....

The lie that democrats became the party of Civil Rights in the 1960s is one that also needs to be defeated...
Third Graders need to learn the damage that guns do to our society

We can begin by teaching them about the First Graders at Sandy Hook Elementary
. Good grief.. No.
. Children today are being turned into snowflakes because of it all. It needs to end or be changed up. Did the teaching to you those things you wrote above, place a heavy burden upon you at to young an age, and cause you to hate because of it all ? If so then you were to young to be taught such things. Once get to a certain age, and the lessons are properly balanced, then the understanding without the misinformation, and hatred can be controlled better as a result of it all.

I was fully aware of what slavery was while I was in the third grade
Nobody "protected" my delicate feelings

I was able to watch Civil Rights protests on the TV news when I got home. I also saw coverage of the Vietnam did not give me feelings of hate, but feelings of injustice

What is not "balanced" in what your granddaughter learned about slavery?
Do you want her to learn the slaveholders views?
. Is that what you liberals eternally fear, is that the kids might learn a better view than what you are trying to force feed them forever ?? It has to stop somewhere or it begins to punish the generations for crimes they didn't commit and would never commit. So what is it continuing for ? We all know by now what the reasoning behind it all is, and that's what you all are fearing the most. Without these divisive issues, then you can't club the white people over the heads with them anymore.

It is your thread...

You have yet to answer what "other view" about slavery you want your granddaughter to learn?
. She doesn't need to learn anything about it at age 8. Maybe 15, but not 8. The same goes for other subjects as well. The brainwashing has got to end.. Enough of the bullcrap already. If anyone can't see the damage it causes on future generations, then they need help badly.
50 years ago, I learned all about slavery at age 8

Are today's children more sensitive?
Time for a change, because we see that the ideas of the past ain't working.
I was fully aware of what slavery was while I was in the third grade
Nobody "protected" my delicate feelings

I was able to watch Civil Rights protests on the TV news when I got home. I also saw coverage of the Vietnam did not give me feelings of hate, but feelings of injustice

What is not "balanced" in what your granddaughter learned about slavery?
Do you want her to learn the slaveholders views?
. Is that what you liberals eternally fear, is that the kids might learn a better view than what you are trying to force feed them forever ?? It has to stop somewhere or it begins to punish the generations for crimes they didn't commit and would never commit. So what is it continuing for ? We all know by now what the reasoning behind it all is, and that's what you all are fearing the most. Without these divisive issues, then you can't club the white people over the heads with them anymore.

It is your thread...

You have yet to answer what "other view" about slavery you want your granddaughter to learn?
. She doesn't need to learn anything about it at age 8. Maybe 15, but not 8. The same goes for other subjects as well. The brainwashing has got to end.. Enough of the bullcrap already. If anyone can't see the damage it causes on future generations, then they need help badly.
50 years ago, I learned all about slavery at age 8

Are today's children more sensitive?
Time for a change, because we see that the ideas of the past ain't working.
You mean ideas like.......Slavery is BAD?
You mean the statues of people who committed treason so they could continue to own other human beings? Those statues?

You're a perfect example of how public schools make turn the mentally weak into dumbshits.

The Civil War wasn't about preserving slavery. The Confederacy had already banned the importation of slaves and Abraham Lincoln promised to support slavery if the South ceased succession. Those statures are of heroes who defended the sovereignty of the states. The only treason was by Lincoln and the north who violated the liberty of the people and the limits of the Constitution.


The Confederacy was founded to preserve slavery- hence the protections for slavery in the Confederate Constitution.

Abraham Lincoln did not run on abolishing slavery- but the Confederate politicians were convinced that his election would lead to abolition. So yes- while Lincoln was personally against slavery, he was very clear that he fought to preserve the Union- but the Confederates fought to preserve the Confederacy- which itself was founded to preserve legal slavery.

The statues are variously Confederate war heroes- or Confederate politicians- both of whom fought against the United States- and led to the death of soldiers of the Army of the United States.

And yes- when South Carolina fired on the United States Army- it was arguably treason. Luckily Lincoln was more concerned with preserving the United States than prosecuting traitors.

The Confederates were more interested in preserving slavery- than preserving the United States.
I was fully aware of what slavery was while I was in the third grade
Nobody "protected" my delicate feelings

I was able to watch Civil Rights protests on the TV news when I got home. I also saw coverage of the Vietnam did not give me feelings of hate, but feelings of injustice

What is not "balanced" in what your granddaughter learned about slavery?
Do you want her to learn the slaveholders views?
. Is that what you liberals eternally fear, is that the kids might learn a better view than what you are trying to force feed them forever ?? It has to stop somewhere or it begins to punish the generations for crimes they didn't commit and would never commit. So what is it continuing for ? We all know by now what the reasoning behind it all is, and that's what you all are fearing the most. Without these divisive issues, then you can't club the white people over the heads with them anymore.

It is your thread...

You have yet to answer what "other view" about slavery you want your granddaughter to learn?
. She doesn't need to learn anything about it at age 8. Maybe 15, but not 8. The same goes for other subjects as well. The brainwashing has got to end.. Enough of the bullcrap already. If anyone can't see the damage it causes on future generations, then they need help badly.
50 years ago, I learned all about slavery at age 8

Are today's children more sensitive?
Time for a change, because we see that the ideas of the past ain't working.

Yep- no more teaching kids that slavery is bad.

The solution to the right wing snowflakes.
You mean the statues of people who committed treason so they could continue to own other human beings? Those statues?

You're a perfect example of how public schools make turn the mentally weak into dumbshits.

The Civil War wasn't about preserving slavery. The Confederacy had already banned the importation of slaves and Abraham Lincoln promised to support slavery if the South ceased succession. Those statures are of heroes who defended the sovereignty of the states. The only treason was by Lincoln and the north who violated the liberty of the people and the limits of the Constitution.
The civil was wasn’t about anything BUT slavery. That’s what was said in the secession notices. So before you try to revise history, you should probably go to the original sources. Here. Read. Learn.

The Declaration of Causes of Seceding States | Civil War Trust
Huh! Excellent thread topic. Why indeed do they hammer on and on and on about something that after all --- isn't happening? Black slavery.

I would think they might educate children about all the slavery that IS going on --- Arabs taking thousands of black slaves and treating Bangladeshis as slaves when they bring them over to Saudi Arabia.

Or more importantly, the huge number of sex slaves trafficked in the millions, mostly women and children, all over the world, bought and sold, addicted to drugs quickly so they won't escape.

Instead they focus obsessively on something that isn't happening anymore. It's to saddle whites with guilt and blame and keep us constantly accused, of course. I'd say we should put a stop to this and teach our children to ignore it and to understand the malign purposes going on.
Schools like to teach slavery to bash White folks

Um... no.

Um, yes. There wasn't any mention of slavery when I went to school. Of course, there weren't any blacks in our schools, either, so they weren't there bashing. Now it's one long nag, nag, nag.
And outside of school there was never any mention of it nor was it ever depicted in film or on TV...
If we don't teach kids about slavery in the US, they will never understand where Negro poverty came from.

Black poverty now isn't from slavery, which ended in 1865. They are much more poor in Africa, where we whites did not enslave them. They are still extremely poor and have many bad cultural features like crime and prostitution and drugs in all the inner cities now, but they moved to the cities many decades after the Civil War, so that poverty behavior can't be about slavery either.

Teaching white children obsessive narratives about "oh, the poor blacks, we were so mean to them!" is a way to excuse serious problem behaviors that so many blacks show, but I think most white people just stopped believing all that nonsense as of 2016, if not earlier.
I was a history teacher, so this hits close to home with me. My job is to eradicate ignorance and on this topic, all I can see is someone failed you miserably.

If you think you are eradicating ignorance, you are assuming everyone else is ignorant and you are the Enlightened One who can define reality correctly for everyone else. This is a leftwing Social Justice Warrior attitude that is completely intolerable ----- finally. High time, too. No one should ever be allowed to get away with this sort of attitude.
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My granddaughter who goes to school with Blacks, Asians, Mexicans, whites (her color), etc just said to me "PaPa we're learning about slavery"... My heart sank knowing what the poor child was being exposed to, and how she will next be basically looked at by her black classmates in a different way, and this after they being themselves exposed to the events surrounding this time period in which waxes hot amongst so many Americans to this very day.

Blacks are running around trying all they can to erase history (destroying statues), etc. Yet they want the white children to be exposed to a government version of events in which will cause generations after generations of naive children to be saddled with white Guilt.

Then we have the upcoming "black history month", where the same results can also take place in this program just as well. What's wrong with changing the month to "AMERICAN HISTORY MONTH" instead ?????? In American History Month the children would be able to pick out their favorite person in American history to write an essay on.

What's wrong, scared a black child might pick a white person to write about or think highly of ??? Jessie Jackson, and old Al Sharpton along with Maxine Waters would have a cow wouldn't they ?

When are we truly gonna get beyond this bullcrap ??

so you think slavery isn't a huge part of our history?

they should learn about slavery.

they should learn about Jim Crow

they should learn about Martin Luther King and civil rights movement.

no one is trying to erase history. well, except for your apparently but nor should people who committed treason in order to keep owning other human beings be honored.

if you want to know what painful is, have your six year old be assigned the Diary of Anne Frank and learn that people like him were mass murdered for their religion .... which is his religion.

your six year old (first grade) was assigned "THE DIARY OF ANNE FRANK"? I did not read that book
until I was ten-------and I was a precocious reader. At age six I was reading------"RUN, DICK, RUN"
"run run run, see dick run" <<<< really dull but that is what school is for-----to dull the brain----not
ACTIVATE IT. It was in the 60's that the literature available to the world brainwashed the world
to think "BLACK PERSON" whenever the word "slave" appeared. Strictly speaking OLIVER TWIST
was a slave. Serfs in Russia were slaves----Serfs in England were slaves. I read the verse ----NO
MELVIN CARTER-----it is all in your mind-----the world "slave" is not an equivalent of "mammy" or
aunt Jemima. The education in the USA does lead kids to the delusion that world history

Melvin Carter------Francis Scott Key was probably referring to the INDENTURED SERVITUDE inflicted
on blond blue eyed impoverished pick pockets from the gutters of London
For what reason are kids having to learn about slavery ??

Because it's part of our history.
I was a history teacher, so this hits close to home with me. My job is to eradicate ignorance and on this topic, all I can see is someone failed you miserably.

If you think you are eradicating ignorance, you are assuming everyone else is ignorant and you are the Enlightened One who can define reality correctly for everyone else. This is a leftwing Social Justice Warrior attitude that is completely intolerable ----- finally. High time, too. No one should ever be allowed to get away with this sort of attitude.

I see you are doing your very best to propagate even more ignorance. When it comes to what I teach, I am the Enlightened One. I invested many hours of my time and effort in order to be that way. I am sorry that you likely never attained that status in your lifetime.
Slavery was a product of the times and not considered bad at all. In fact, slavery is what supported the economy, especially the Southern economy. It was basically free labor (depending on how much the slave owner cared for his slaves). It was, of course, immoral in retrospect to relegate certain people as not really human beings and damn them to a lifetime of hard labor. Yet, that was the thinking at the time. The school curriculum fails to immerse the kids into the actual times and explain the why of slavery AT THE TIME. IMO it is better that the kids understand but don't hate the past and, at the same time, realize that human beings, although flawed, can mend their ways.

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