CDZ For what reason are kids having to learn about slavery ??

I knew about slavery when I was in third grade
I also knew about the Civil Rights movement and saw people attacked by dogs and saw children mowed down with fire hoses

Children today are not Snowflakes
. Children today are being turned into snowflakes because of it all. It needs to end or be changed up. Did the teaching to you those things you wrote above, place a heavy burden upon you at to young an age, and cause you to hate because of it all ? If so then you were to young to be taught such things. Once get to a certain age, and the lessons are properly balanced, then the understanding without the misinformation, and hatred can be controlled better as a result of it all.

I was fully aware of what slavery was while I was in the third grade
Nobody "protected" my delicate feelings

I was able to watch Civil Rights protests on the TV news when I got home. I also saw coverage of the Vietnam did not give me feelings of hate, but feelings of injustice

What is not "balanced" in what your granddaughter learned about slavery?
Do you want her to learn the slaveholders views?
. Is that what you liberals eternally fear, is that the kids might learn a better view than what you are trying to force feed them forever ?? It has to stop somewhere or it begins to punish the generations for crimes they didn't commit and would never commit. So what is it continuing for ? We all know by now what the reasoning behind it all is, and that's what you all are fearing the most. Without these divisive issues, then you can't club the white people over the heads with them anymore.

It is your thread...

You have yet to answer what "other view" about slavery you want your granddaughter to learn?
. She doesn't need to learn anything about it at age 8. Maybe 15, but not 8. The same goes for other subjects as well. The brainwashing has got to end.. Enough of the bullcrap already. If anyone can't see the damage it causes on future generations, then they need help badly.

Well certainly you can tell your kids how they should allow their kids to be educated.

But just because you think your grandkids should be ignorant of history, doesn't mean our educational system should buy into it.
My granddaughter who goes to school with Blacks, Asians, Mexicans, whites (her color), etc just said to me "PaPa we're learning about slavery"... My heart sank knowing what the poor child was being exposed to, and how she will next be basically looked at by her black classmates in a different way, and this after they being themselves exposed to the events surrounding this time period in which waxes hot amongst so many Americans to this very day.

Blacks are running around trying all they can to erase history (destroying statues), etc. Yet they want the white children to be exposed to a government version of events in which will cause generations after generations of naive children to be saddled with white Guilt.

Then we have the upcoming "black history month", where the same results can also take place in this program just as well. What's wrong with changing the month to "AMERICAN HISTORY MONTH" instead ?????? In American History Month the children would be able to pick out their favorite person in American history to write an essay on.

What's wrong, scared a black child might pick a white person to write about or think highly of ??? Jessie Jackson, and old Al Sharpton along with Maxine Waters would have a cow wouldn't they ?

When are we truly gonna get beyond this bullcrap ??

so you think slavery isn't a huge part of our history?

they should learn about slavery.

they should learn about Jim Crow

they should learn about Martin Luther King and civil rights movement.

no one is trying to erase history. well, except for your apparently but nor should people who committed treason in order to keep owning other human beings be honored.

if you want to know what painful is, have your six year old be assigned the Diary of Anne Frank and learn that people like him were mass murdered for their religion .... which is his religion.

no one is trying to erase history.

That isn't true...the democrat party is doing it's best to erase the fact that their political party was the party of slavery and jim crow laws....and only jumped on the Civil Rights band wagon when their terrorist wing, the ku klux klan, and their party leaders failed to keep blacks from gaining political power......

Yes.....children should learn that in the 20th Century, socialist atheists committed mass murder in Germany, Russia, China, Cambodia, Cuba, and socialist athieists conducted wars and mass murder to create socialist utopias around the world....

Hey, we agree on that...

Ah so instead of history- 2aguy as usual wants students indoctrinated with the far right propaganda- rather than real history.
I don't know what video you're referring to. sorry.

knowledge isn't evil. people can be evil, but that isn't a reason to deny history.

Well, history also tells us Africans enslaved other tribes long before traders came along.
I wonder if that's taught properly in black history month ??

Why would you care? You didn't bother to elicit more information about what the child was taught by your own admission. Why would you care about what is taught during Black History Month?
My granddaughter who goes to school with Blacks, Asians, Mexicans, whites (her color), etc just said to me "PaPa we're learning about slavery"... My heart sank knowing what the poor child was being exposed to, and how she will next be basically looked at by her black classmates in a different way, and this after they being themselves exposed to the events surrounding this time period in which waxes hot amongst so many Americans to this very day.

Blacks are running around trying all they can to erase history (destroying statues), etc. Yet they want the white children to be exposed to a government version of events in which will cause generations after generations of naive children to be saddled with white Guilt.

Then we have the upcoming "black history month", where the same results can also take place in this program just as well. What's wrong with changing the month to "AMERICAN HISTORY MONTH" instead ?????? In American History Month the children would be able to pick out their favorite person in American history to write an essay on.

What's wrong, scared a black child might pick a white person to write about or think highly of ??? Jessie Jackson, and old Al Sharpton along with Maxine Waters would have a cow wouldn't they ?

When are we truly gonna get beyond this bullcrap ??
Students need to learn the truth and facts about our Nation’s history, not the lies, racism, fear, ignorance, bigotry, and hate most conservatives attempt to propagate - this thread's premise being one of many examples.

The lie that democrats became the party of Civil Rights in the 1960s is one that also needs to be defeated...

The GOP certainly is working overtime with revisionist history.
Poor Jillian fighting the abortion issue in a slavery thread. about oppression....
I think she believes there will be no slaves to victimize if we just kill them in utero.

Or maybe she thinks if we deny them personhood when they're young, we won't have to deal with the uncomfortable issue of why some people get to decide whether or not other people live...based on the *fact* that if they aren't people, it doesn't matter....this is the same argument slave owners used back in the good old days, after all. They aren't human, they don't experience things the same, and thus it is right and good that we dispatch them as we see fit.
No wackjob.

Though it’s always adorable to have failures pretend they can judge me.
Education needs balance.

When talking about the expansion West, it is only right to discuss how Indians were treated.

Discussing the early US economy involves cotton, enter slavery.

Industrial revolution, child labor.

When we have progress, it usually comes at the expense of someone.
. True, but when you see things attempted to be taught to children at precise ages, then we have something else going on, and it ain't no good thing.

Why not do the work needed to get your changes heard instead of ranting on a message board?

Curriculum is set by the school board in your state.
. What's wrong with planting that mustard seed ?

Your mustard seed has fallen on the path where it cannot grow.
. Well you tried to push it into the thorns and thickets, just like the story of the seed (that then landed on such ground), as found in the seed and the sower parrable in the Bible.
LOL... You people are something else.. LOL

Oh well, I still think it's wrong to teach children to young about some subjects in life, and this ain't the only subject that is being highly debated today in the same regards. Politics in the classroom at to young of an age is also a major problem..... I said what I wanted to say.

You think is it wrong to teach children proper word choice as in "to", "too" and "two"?

Is that because you didn't learn it either, like history?
Education needs balance.

When talking about the expansion West, it is only right to discuss how Indians were treated.

Discussing the early US economy involves cotton, enter slavery.

Industrial revolution, child labor.

When we have progress, it usually comes at the expense of someone.
. True, but when you see things attempted to be taught to children at precise ages, then we have something else going on, and it ain't no good thing.

Why not do the work needed to get your changes heard instead of ranting on a message board?

Curriculum is set by the school board in your state.
. What's wrong with planting that mustard seed ?

Your mustard seed has fallen on the path where it cannot grow.
. Well you tried to push it into the thorns and thickets, just like the story of the seed (that then landed on such ground), as found in the seed and the sower parrable in the Bible.

I knew exactly what you were talking about. That's why I answered as I did. You are attempting to deflect, and I nailed you.
True, but when you see things attempted to be taught to children at precise ages, then we have something else going on, and it ain't no good thing.

Did you ask her what she learned?
. She told me that she was to learn about slavery.. That was enough.

If that was enough for you, your ignorance is your fault.
Well you know what they say about opinions right ?

There is no opinion there. The fact you failed to follow up and engage the child is your error. There is no doubt about it.
Oh that will be next, but why should we have to counter the bullcrap if it were trusted that it could be done right ?? Nothing wrong with teaching super contentious history as an elective concerning high school students, but what's going on in the elementary stages is tragic when it comes to these things. If it causes white guilt or black hatred then it is wrong period. This nation should be looking to move forward, and not get trapped in the history books forever.
. True, but when you see things attempted to be taught to children at precise ages, then we have something else going on, and it ain't no good thing.

Why not do the work needed to get your changes heard instead of ranting on a message board?

Curriculum is set by the school board in your state.
. What's wrong with planting that mustard seed ?

Your mustard seed has fallen on the path where it cannot grow.
. Well you tried to push it into the thorns and thickets, just like the story of the seed (that then landed on such ground), as found in the seed and the sower parrable in the Bible.

I knew exactly what you were talking about. That's why I answered as I did. You are attempting to deflect, and I nailed you.
Meh, you still are missing the point, but oh well.
If we don't teach kids about slavery in the US, they will never understand where Negro poverty came from.

Is that where it comes from?

I never knew that. Perhaps all of my years in the study of history was for naught.

I grew up as the son of a tobacco sharecropper in Kentucky and we were dirt poor when I was a child but we survived. I guess I must be black and didn't know it until now.
All the racial division that racist libtards (Democrats) cause is a great tragedy.
How are so called liberals causing division when the o/p doesn’t think history should be taught because history offends him.

We’ll wait.
. Did you ask that when the crazies were out trying to tear down all the statues, and rewriting history to suit their agenda ?
If we don't teach kids about slavery in the US, they will never understand where Negro poverty came from.
I just think that the lessons should be heavily scrutinized/investigated to make sure that we are teaching them in a way that does not place a huge burden upon their souls, their minds, and their hearts in that others could take advantage of or even destroy their lives over. That is unexceptable to me...

I think we have found your problem.
. Children today are being turned into snowflakes because of it all. It needs to end or be changed up. Did the teaching to you those things you wrote above, place a heavy burden upon you at to young an age, and cause you to hate because of it all ? If so then you were to young to be taught such things. Once get to a certain age, and the lessons are properly balanced, then the understanding without the misinformation, and hatred can be controlled better as a result of it all.

I was fully aware of what slavery was while I was in the third grade
Nobody "protected" my delicate feelings

I was able to watch Civil Rights protests on the TV news when I got home. I also saw coverage of the Vietnam did not give me feelings of hate, but feelings of injustice

What is not "balanced" in what your granddaughter learned about slavery?
Do you want her to learn the slaveholders views?
. Is that what you liberals eternally fear, is that the kids might learn a better view than what you are trying to force feed them forever ?? It has to stop somewhere or it begins to punish the generations for crimes they didn't commit and would never commit. So what is it continuing for ? We all know by now what the reasoning behind it all is, and that's what you all are fearing the most. Without these divisive issues, then you can't club the white people over the heads with them anymore.

It is your thread...

You have yet to answer what "other view" about slavery you want your granddaughter to learn?
. She doesn't need to learn anything about it at age 8. Maybe 15, but not 8. The same goes for other subjects as well. The brainwashing has got to end.. Enough of the bullcrap already. If anyone can't see the damage it causes on future generations, then they need help badly.

Well certainly you can tell your kids how they should allow their kids to be educated.

But just because you think your grandkids should be ignorant of history, doesn't mean our educational system should buy into it.
Go tell that to your statue destroyers. Columbus ???? Pathetic.
I knew about slavery when I was in third grade
I also knew about the Civil Rights movement and saw people attacked by dogs and saw children mowed down with fire hoses

Children today are not Snowflakes
. Children today are being turned into snowflakes because of it all. It needs to end or be changed up. Did the teaching to you those things you wrote above, place a heavy burden upon you at to young an age, and cause you to hate because of it all ? If so then you were to young to be taught such things. Once get to a certain age, and the lessons are properly balanced, then the understanding without the misinformation, and hatred can be controlled better as a result of it all.

I was fully aware of what slavery was while I was in the third grade
Nobody "protected" my delicate feelings

I was able to watch Civil Rights protests on the TV news when I got home. I also saw coverage of the Vietnam did not give me feelings of hate, but feelings of injustice

What is not "balanced" in what your granddaughter learned about slavery?
Do you want her to learn the slaveholders views?
. Is that what you liberals eternally fear, is that the kids might learn a better view than what you are trying to force feed them forever ?? It has to stop somewhere or it begins to punish the generations for crimes they didn't commit and would never commit. So what is it continuing for ? We all know by now what the reasoning behind it all is, and that's what you all are fearing the most. Without these divisive issues, then you can't club the white people over the heads with them anymore.

It is your thread...

You have yet to answer what "other view" about slavery you want your granddaughter to learn?
. She doesn't need to learn anything about it at age 8. Maybe 15, but not 8. The same goes for other subjects as well. The brainwashing has got to end.. Enough of the bullcrap already. If anyone can't see the damage it causes on future generations, then they need help badly.

Using that kind of logic, why don't we just move history to post-secondary education?

The little snowflakes still won't be ready for it according to you.
All the racial division that racist libtards (Democrats) cause is a great tragedy.
How are so called liberals causing division when the o/p doesn’t think history should be taught because history offends him.

We’ll wait.
. Did you ask that when the crazies were out trying to tear down all the statues, and rewriting history to suit their agenda ?
Nice deflection.

You mean the statues of people who committed treason so they could continue to own other human beings? Those statues?

Again. Stop deselecting. There is a difference between choosing not to honor people who committed treason and not teaching history.
. Children today are being turned into snowflakes because of it all. It needs to end or be changed up. Did the teaching to you those things you wrote above, place a heavy burden upon you at to young an age, and cause you to hate because of it all ? If so then you were to young to be taught such things. Once get to a certain age, and the lessons are properly balanced, then the understanding without the misinformation, and hatred can be controlled better as a result of it all.

I was fully aware of what slavery was while I was in the third grade
Nobody "protected" my delicate feelings

I was able to watch Civil Rights protests on the TV news when I got home. I also saw coverage of the Vietnam did not give me feelings of hate, but feelings of injustice

What is not "balanced" in what your granddaughter learned about slavery?
Do you want her to learn the slaveholders views?
. Is that what you liberals eternally fear, is that the kids might learn a better view than what you are trying to force feed them forever ?? It has to stop somewhere or it begins to punish the generations for crimes they didn't commit and would never commit. So what is it continuing for ? We all know by now what the reasoning behind it all is, and that's what you all are fearing the most. Without these divisive issues, then you can't club the white people over the heads with them anymore.

It is your thread...

You have yet to answer what "other view" about slavery you want your granddaughter to learn?
. She doesn't need to learn anything about it at age 8. Maybe 15, but not 8. The same goes for other subjects as well. The brainwashing has got to end.. Enough of the bullcrap already. If anyone can't see the damage it causes on future generations, then they need help badly.

Using that kind of logic, why don't we just move history to post-secondary education?

The little snowflakes still won't be ready for it according to you.
. Whatever it takes to solve the issue, but why do you refer to elementary students as little snowflakes ??

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