CDZ For what reason are kids having to learn about slavery ??

Huh! Excellent thread topic. Why indeed do they hammer on and on and on about something that after all --- isn't happening? Black slavery.

I would think they might educate children about all the slavery that IS going on --- Arabs taking thousands of black slaves and treating Bangladeshis as slaves when they bring them over to Saudi Arabia.

Or more importantly, the huge number of sex slaves trafficked in the millions, mostly women and children, all over the world, bought and sold, addicted to drugs quickly so they won't escape.

Instead they focus obsessively on something that isn't happening anymore. It's to saddle whites with guilt and blame and keep us constantly accused, of course. I'd say we should put a stop to this and teach our children to ignore it and to understand the malign purposes going on.
How do current events qualify as history ?
How can you teach the Civil War without teaching about slavery ?
How can you understand the US without teaching about slavery ?

The only reasons against it appear to be political and based in ignorance as nobody has taken the trouble to find out what is being taught.
Surely you dont want to brush it under the carpet ?
Slavery was a product of the times and not considered bad at all. In fact, slavery is what supported the economy, especially the Southern economy. It was basically free labor (depending on how much the slave owner cared for his slaves). It was, of course, immoral in retrospect to relegate certain people as not really human beings and damn them to a lifetime of hard labor. Yet, that was the thinking at the time. The school curriculum fails to immerse the kids into the actual times and explain the why of slavery AT THE TIME. IMO it is better that the kids understand but don't hate the past and, at the same time, realize that human beings, although flawed, can mend their ways.
Im sorry but that is crap. There was a strong anti slavery movement in many parts of the world and the institution was seen as unacceptable. Read some contemporary newspapers and some novels written at the time.
Huh! Excellent thread topic. Why indeed do they hammer on and on and on about something that after all --- isn't happening? Black slavery.

I would think they might educate children about all the slavery that IS going on --- Arabs taking thousands of black slaves and treating Bangladeshis as slaves when they bring them over to Saudi Arabia.

Or more importantly, the huge number of sex slaves trafficked in the millions, mostly women and children, all over the world, bought and sold, addicted to drugs quickly so they won't escape.

Instead they focus obsessively on something that isn't happening anymore. It's to saddle whites with guilt and blame and keep us constantly accused, of course. I'd say we should put a stop to this and teach our children to ignore it and to understand the malign purposes going on.
How do current events qualify as history ?
How can you teach the Civil War without teaching about slavery ?
How can you understand the US without teaching about slavery ?

The only reasons against it appear to be political and based in ignorance as nobody has taken the trouble to find out what is being taught.
Surely you dont want to brush it under the carpet ?

They want a watered down version of slavery where slaves were lucky to be out of the jungle, were treated well and in many ways were better off
My granddaughter who goes to school with Blacks, Asians, Mexicans, whites (her color), etc just said to me "PaPa we're learning about slavery"... My heart sank knowing what the poor child was being exposed to, and how she will next be basically looked at by her black classmates in a different way, and this after they being themselves exposed to the events surrounding this time period in which waxes hot amongst so many Americans to this very day.

Blacks are running around trying all they can to erase history (destroying statues), etc. Yet they want the white children to be exposed to a government version of events in which will cause generations after generations of naive children to be saddled with white Guilt.

Then we have the upcoming "black history month", where the same results can also take place in this program just as well. What's wrong with changing the month to "AMERICAN HISTORY MONTH" instead ?????? In American History Month the children would be able to pick out their favorite person in American history to write an essay on.

What's wrong, scared a black child might pick a white person to write about or think highly of ??? Jessie Jackson, and old Al Sharpton along with Maxine Waters would have a cow wouldn't they ?

When are we truly gonna get beyond this bullcrap ??

In school

We should have the slavery and separate water fountains of our ancestors shoved down our throats until we vomit their racist bullcrap as you say in hopes the 101st can do its job instead of dealing with white race riots.

We should have to watch Holocaust videos until we vomit.

We should have to dig mass graves for those who threatened Stalin's rule.

We should have to dunk animals until they confess to be witches or that the earth isn't the center of the universe or whatever religious perversions we think up.

We should have to memorize the name of every eradicated Indian nation.

A little bit of black history and understanding of how it looks from the other side would do our over privileged selves well.
. Bullcrap..

No really. A few days ago my kid asked me who MLK was. I reminded him about that movie "Hidden Figures" he watched part of with us and told him some of the ridiculousness of the segregation rules. He thought that was the strangest thing that people did that. It saved me from going into the whole detail of the white racist riots of our parents and grand parents or how the 101st Airborne had to be deployed to let kids into school.

I think we all need a good vomit session in front of the horrors of our past and present to prevent them from happening again.

Not that I'm a white basher or anything, I'm pretty equal opportunity with the monsters of Asia. I could use a good idea on how to work with my black neighbors showing crime scene pictures of their murdered children or older siblings on billboards until someone helps out that police investigation. Then again while they still stuck out from the rest of the whites, my Italian and Irish neighbors preferred to handle things with their gangs also so it isn't a unique problem.

Who is up for gathering the pre-teens with us tonight and watching Schindler's list or a good episode of World at War later? We can watch a special on the atrocities of Stalin next week and perhaps a good expose on Tuskegee after that. The politically correct world where we can't show kids the horrors of wrong decisions has gone too far imo.
Slavery was a product of the times and not considered bad at all. In fact, slavery is what supported the economy, especially the Southern economy. It was basically free labor (depending on how much the slave owner cared for his slaves). It was, of course, immoral in retrospect to relegate certain people as not really human beings and damn them to a lifetime of hard labor. Yet, that was the thinking at the time. The school curriculum fails to immerse the kids into the actual times and explain the why of slavery AT THE TIME. IMO it is better that the kids understand but don't hate the past and, at the same time, realize that human beings, although flawed, can mend their ways.
Im sorry but that is crap. There was a strong anti slavery movement in many parts of the world and the institution was seen as unacceptable. Read some contemporary newspapers and some novels written at the time.

Yes of course there were those who opposed slavery but the American economy was partially based on slavery at the time. I think that is important knowledge to be able to understand the roots of the Civil War .
For what reason are kids having to learn about slavery ??

Because it's part of our history.
Nazism and Hitler is part of German History, but it is illegal to utter Hitler's name in public, and to openly speak of the Nazi's in Germany. So when History is so bad, then it is that it should be responsibly told in historical context, and in the proper settings.

Exposing young children to horrendous acts or events in history, and at to young of an age is the ultimate hight of irresponsibility, and it should stop immediately.

It is agenda driven, and it serves a purpose that is far more sinister than the intent that is given by those who are in up to their eyeballs in the bullcrap.
For what reason are kids having to learn about slavery ??

Because it's part of our history.
Nazism and Hitler is part of German History, but it is illegal to utter Hitler's name in public, and to openly speak of the Nazi's in Germany. So when History is so bad, then it is that it should be responsibly told in historical context, and in the proper settings.

Exposing young children to horrendous acts or events in history, and at to young of an age is the ultimate hight of irresponsibility, and it should stop immediately.

It is agenda driven, and it serves a purpose that is far more sinister than the intent that is given by those who are in up to their eyeballs in the bullcrap.
From where do you come up with this stuff. Denying the Holocaust is a crime in Germany. Nazi Germany and Hitler’s rise to power are taught in schools there...

Teaching Nazi Past to German Youth
Huh! Excellent thread topic. Why indeed do they hammer on and on and on about something that after all --- isn't happening? Black slavery.

I would think they might educate children about all the slavery that IS going on --- Arabs taking thousands of black slaves and treating Bangladeshis as slaves when they bring them over to Saudi Arabia.

Or more importantly, the huge number of sex slaves trafficked in the millions, mostly women and children, all over the world, bought and sold, addicted to drugs quickly so they won't escape.

Instead they focus obsessively on something that isn't happening anymore. It's to saddle whites with guilt and blame and keep us constantly accused, of course. I'd say we should put a stop to this and teach our children to ignore it and to understand the malign purposes going on.
How do current events qualify as history ?
How can you teach the Civil War without teaching about slavery ?
How can you understand the US without teaching about slavery ?

The only reasons against it appear to be political and based in ignorance as nobody has taken the trouble to find out what is being taught.
Surely you dont want to brush it under the carpet ?
. We are talking about age appropriate, and how to teach history without it causing damage or fomenting white guilt, black hatred etc.

It can be done, and it would be the next step in the healing process in which should have been healed already, but here this country still is being stupid about how to have history, but not to further the ill affects of it upon the children. Why is it right to burden every generation with the guilt of the past, otherwise as if it can't ever be healed never ??
For what reason are kids having to learn about slavery ??

Because it's part of our history.
Nazism and Hitler is part of German History, but it is illegal to utter Hitler's name in public, and to openly speak of the Nazi's in Germany. So when History is so bad, then it is that it should be responsibly told in historical context, and in the proper settings.

Exposing young children to horrendous acts or events in history, and at to young of an age is the ultimate hight of irresponsibility, and it should stop immediately.

It is agenda driven, and it serves a purpose that is far more sinister than the intent that is given by those who are in up to their eyeballs in the bullcrap.
From where do you come up with this stuff. Denying the Holocaust is a crime in Germany. Nazi Germany and Hitler’s rise to power are taught in schools there...

Teaching Nazi Past to German Youth
. Was watching something on YouTube once, and the people being interviewed in a park or something said it was against German law to speak about the Nazi's or Hitler in public. Will try to find it again... Is it true ??
Huh! Excellent thread topic. Why indeed do they hammer on and on and on about something that after all --- isn't happening? Black slavery.

I would think they might educate children about all the slavery that IS going on --- Arabs taking thousands of black slaves and treating Bangladeshis as slaves when they bring them over to Saudi Arabia.

Or more importantly, the huge number of sex slaves trafficked in the millions, mostly women and children, all over the world, bought and sold, addicted to drugs quickly so they won't escape.

Instead they focus obsessively on something that isn't happening anymore. It's to saddle whites with guilt and blame and keep us constantly accused, of course. I'd say we should put a stop to this and teach our children to ignore it and to understand the malign purposes going on.
How do current events qualify as history ?
How can you teach the Civil War without teaching about slavery ?
How can you understand the US without teaching about slavery ?

The only reasons against it appear to be political and based in ignorance as nobody has taken the trouble to find out what is being taught.
Surely you dont want to brush it under the carpet ?
. We are talking about age appropriate, and how to teach history without it causing damage or fomenting white guilt, black hatred etc.

It can be done, and it would be the next step in the healing process in which should have been healed already, but here this country still is being stupid about how to have history, but not to further the ill affects of it upon the children. Why is it right to burden every generation with the guilt of the past, otherwise as if it can't ever be healed never ??

Children have learned about slavery for 150 years

Why are today's children so sensitive ?
For what reason are kids having to learn about slavery ??

Because it's part of our history.
Nazism and Hitler is part of German History, but it is illegal to utter Hitler's name in public, and to openly speak of the Nazi's in Germany. So when History is so bad, then it is that it should be responsibly told in historical context, and in the proper settings.

Exposing young children to horrendous acts or events in history, and at to young of an age is the ultimate hight of irresponsibility, and it should stop immediately.

It is agenda driven, and it serves a purpose that is far more sinister than the intent that is given by those who are in up to their eyeballs in the bullcrap.
From where do you come up with this stuff. Denying the Holocaust is a crime in Germany. Nazi Germany and Hitler’s rise to power are taught in schools there...

Teaching Nazi Past to German Youth
. Was watching something on YouTube once, and the people being interviewed in a park or something said it was against German law to speak about the Nazi's or Hitler in public. Will try to find it again... Is it true ??
I’ve never heard that; and as the link I posted reflects, it’s taught in schools, so I can’t imagine how it could be illegal to talk about it in public.
Huh! Excellent thread topic. Why indeed do they hammer on and on and on about something that after all --- isn't happening? Black slavery.

I would think they might educate children about all the slavery that IS going on --- Arabs taking thousands of black slaves and treating Bangladeshis as slaves when they bring them over to Saudi Arabia.

Or more importantly, the huge number of sex slaves trafficked in the millions, mostly women and children, all over the world, bought and sold, addicted to drugs quickly so they won't escape.

Instead they focus obsessively on something that isn't happening anymore. It's to saddle whites with guilt and blame and keep us constantly accused, of course. I'd say we should put a stop to this and teach our children to ignore it and to understand the malign purposes going on.
How do current events qualify as history ?
How can you teach the Civil War without teaching about slavery ?
How can you understand the US without teaching about slavery ?

The only reasons against it appear to be political and based in ignorance as nobody has taken the trouble to find out what is being taught.
Surely you dont want to brush it under the carpet ?

They want a watered down version of slavery where slaves were lucky to be out of the jungle, were treated well and in many ways were better off
. And you want to keep guilt alive... If you lose your weapons of historic mass destruction, then you can't beat your opponents down with it in order to get your way right ? Right.
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They want a watered down version of slavery where slaves were lucky to be out of the jungle, were treated well and in many ways were better off

Who are they? I know of no one who wants to 'water down' slavery. Understanding that slavery was an institution in America and was tied to our economy is not teaching that slavery was somehow OK. In fact it led to the Civil War where we lost about 3/4 of a million American soldiers on both sides in bloody battles. In fact, one of the many lessons to be learned is how morality can become relative to the detriment of a society.
Huh! Excellent thread topic. Why indeed do they hammer on and on and on about something that after all --- isn't happening? Black slavery.

I would think they might educate children about all the slavery that IS going on --- Arabs taking thousands of black slaves and treating Bangladeshis as slaves when they bring them over to Saudi Arabia.

Or more importantly, the huge number of sex slaves trafficked in the millions, mostly women and children, all over the world, bought and sold, addicted to drugs quickly so they won't escape.

Instead they focus obsessively on something that isn't happening anymore. It's to saddle whites with guilt and blame and keep us constantly accused, of course. I'd say we should put a stop to this and teach our children to ignore it and to understand the malign purposes going on.
How do current events qualify as history ?
How can you teach the Civil War without teaching about slavery ?
How can you understand the US without teaching about slavery ?

The only reasons against it appear to be political and based in ignorance as nobody has taken the trouble to find out what is being taught.
Surely you dont want to brush it under the carpet ?
. We are talking about age appropriate, and how to teach history without it causing damage or fomenting white guilt, black hatred etc.

It can be done, and it would be the next step in the healing process in which should have been healed already, but here this country still is being stupid about how to have history, but not to further the ill affects of it upon the children. Why is it right to burden every generation with the guilt of the past, otherwise as if it can't ever be healed never ??

Children have learned about slavery for 150 years

Why are today's children so sensitive ?
. It's the way in which it is being taught, and who benefits from it today once the results have been engrained into the very being of the next set of guinea pig's (generations saddled with the guilt), who had to drink from the poisonous hands in which were feeding them these things at to young an age for a desired effect to take place in the future. It is that these chains will not be held around the necks of our children forever, and it will be that future generations of black youth won't think that they have got to work their way out from under the weight of it all forever.
Huh! Excellent thread topic. Why indeed do they hammer on and on and on about something that after all --- isn't happening? Black slavery.

I would think they might educate children about all the slavery that IS going on --- Arabs taking thousands of black slaves and treating Bangladeshis as slaves when they bring them over to Saudi Arabia.

Or more importantly, the huge number of sex slaves trafficked in the millions, mostly women and children, all over the world, bought and sold, addicted to drugs quickly so they won't escape.

Instead they focus obsessively on something that isn't happening anymore. It's to saddle whites with guilt and blame and keep us constantly accused, of course. I'd say we should put a stop to this and teach our children to ignore it and to understand the malign purposes going on.
How do current events qualify as history ?
How can you teach the Civil War without teaching about slavery ?
How can you understand the US without teaching about slavery ?

The only reasons against it appear to be political and based in ignorance as nobody has taken the trouble to find out what is being taught.
Surely you dont want to brush it under the carpet ?

They want a watered down version of slavery where slaves were lucky to be out of the jungle, were treated well and in many ways were better off
. And you want to keep guilt alive... If you lose your weapons of historic destruction, then you can't beat your opponents down with it in order to get your way right ? Right.
It’s not keeping guilt alive. It’s keeping history from being lost.
Huh! Excellent thread topic. Why indeed do they hammer on and on and on about something that after all --- isn't happening? Black slavery.

I would think they might educate children about all the slavery that IS going on --- Arabs taking thousands of black slaves and treating Bangladeshis as slaves when they bring them over to Saudi Arabia.

Or more importantly, the huge number of sex slaves trafficked in the millions, mostly women and children, all over the world, bought and sold, addicted to drugs quickly so they won't escape.

Instead they focus obsessively on something that isn't happening anymore. It's to saddle whites with guilt and blame and keep us constantly accused, of course. I'd say we should put a stop to this and teach our children to ignore it and to understand the malign purposes going on.
How do current events qualify as history ?
How can you teach the Civil War without teaching about slavery ?
How can you understand the US without teaching about slavery ?

The only reasons against it appear to be political and based in ignorance as nobody has taken the trouble to find out what is being taught.
Surely you dont want to brush it under the carpet ?

They want a watered down version of slavery where slaves were lucky to be out of the jungle, were treated well and in many ways were better off
. And you want to keep guilt alive... If you lose your weapons of historic destruction, then you can't beat your opponents down with it in order to get your way right ? Right.
It is not is fact
Just like the revolutionary war and Columbus

Nobody is destroying history by reporting it
Children have learned about slavery for 150 years

Why are today's children so sensitive ?

Because they are told certain things in the past were just 'bad'....They are not given enough perspective to find out for themselves.
Huh! Excellent thread topic. Why indeed do they hammer on and on and on about something that after all --- isn't happening? Black slavery.

I would think they might educate children about all the slavery that IS going on --- Arabs taking thousands of black slaves and treating Bangladeshis as slaves when they bring them over to Saudi Arabia.

Or more importantly, the huge number of sex slaves trafficked in the millions, mostly women and children, all over the world, bought and sold, addicted to drugs quickly so they won't escape.

Instead they focus obsessively on something that isn't happening anymore. It's to saddle whites with guilt and blame and keep us constantly accused, of course. I'd say we should put a stop to this and teach our children to ignore it and to understand the malign purposes going on.
How do current events qualify as history ?
How can you teach the Civil War without teaching about slavery ?
How can you understand the US without teaching about slavery ?

The only reasons against it appear to be political and based in ignorance as nobody has taken the trouble to find out what is being taught.
Surely you dont want to brush it under the carpet ?
. We are talking about age appropriate, and how to teach history without it causing damage or fomenting white guilt, black hatred etc.

It can be done, and it would be the next step in the healing process in which should have been healed already, but here this country still is being stupid about how to have history, but not to further the ill affects of it upon the children. Why is it right to burden every generation with the guilt of the past, otherwise as if it can't ever be healed never ??

Children have learned about slavery for 150 years

Why are today's children so sensitive ?
. It's the way in which it is being taught, and who benefits from it today once the results have been engrained into the very being of the next set of guinea pig's (generations saddled with the guilt), who had to drink from the poisonous hands in which were feeding them these things at to young an age for a desired effect to take place in the future. It is that these chains will not be held around the necks of our children forever, and it will be that future generations of black youth won't think that they have got to work their way out from under the weight of it all forever.
What is wrong with the way it is taught?
Slavery happened

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