CDZ For what reason are kids having to learn about slavery ??

Can history be weaponized just like our Intel, IRS etc was weaponized to attempt to destroy or hold other groups down in America ?????
For what reason are kids having to learn about slavery ??

Because it's part of our history.

Exposing young children to horrendous acts or events in history, and at to young of an age is the ultimate hight of irresponsibility, and it should stop immediately..

So you think that:
a) German kids shouldn't be taught about Nazi's and World War 2 and
b) American kids shouldn't be taught about slavery and....World War 2, or World War 1, or the Civil War.....and what else do you want to ensure our children never learn about?
. No, not sure what goes on in German schools, but if it is taught then I gave my opinion on why. Then I ask is the same reasoning behind the teaching that goes on here ??? Are whites looked upon like the Nazi's and Hitler by certain groups, and when these groups have power then they try to take vengence out on the whites here through every means available, including weaponizing history ??

Who are you asking this question of? You started this thread.

Who do you imagine is teaching the kids to consider all whites today- in the same way that most rational people look at the Nazi's of World War 2?

American children are being taught about slavery- just like I was decades ago. I was taught perhaps a somewhat more rosy image of slavery than kids are taught today. And yes, kids today are not being taught to venerate Confederate generals are demi-gods.

That doesn't mean that anyone is being taught to hate me because I am white.
Nazism and Hitler is part of German History, but it is illegal to utter Hitler's name in public, and to openly speak of the Nazi's in Germany. So when History is so bad, then it is that it should be responsibly told in historical context, and in the proper settings.

Exposing young children to horrendous acts or events in history, and at to young of an age is the ultimate hight of irresponsibility, and it should stop immediately.

It is agenda driven, and it serves a purpose that is far more sinister than the intent that is given by those who are in up to their eyeballs in the bullcrap.
From where do you come up with this stuff. Denying the Holocaust is a crime in Germany. Nazi Germany and Hitler’s rise to power are taught in schools there...

Teaching Nazi Past to German Youth
. Yes, and it's taught in Germany in ways to teach the future generations of Germans that Hitler and the Nazi's were purdy much devil's, so I ask is this the same result desired in America against white people ??
But you said it was a crime to talk about it. I guess this means you were wrong. So being wrong, you merely shift your position to complaining how they talk about it.

Slavery is part of our history. A big part. You offer no reasonable explanation for why it should be scrubbed from America’s memory.
. Sorry, but I should have placed (if it is), taught in the schools going by what the poster said, then I gave my opinion on why it was being taught, and then I want to know if this is the desired results of people here against the whites ??
The desired result is to educate our youth. Ignoring past mistakes can only serve to increase the chances of repeating those mistakes.
. Are yours the main desires out there or do you only have limited influence on those who desire another effect to remain in it all ?? Can you speak for those who are schemer's and evil doers that want power to destroy and fundementally change something to their ideological ways of thinking ?
For what reason are kids having to learn about slavery ??

Because it's part of our history.
Nazism and Hitler is part of German History, but it is illegal to utter Hitler's name in public, and to openly speak of the Nazi's in Germany. So when History is so bad, then it is that it should be responsibly told in historical context, and in the proper settings.

Exposing young children to horrendous acts or events in history, and at to young of an age is the ultimate hight of irresponsibility, and it should stop immediately.

It is agenda driven, and it serves a purpose that is far more sinister than the intent that is given by those who are in up to their eyeballs in the bullcrap.
From where do you come up with this stuff. Denying the Holocaust is a crime in Germany. Nazi Germany and Hitler’s rise to power are taught in schools there...

Teaching Nazi Past to German Youth
. Yes, and it's taught in Germany in ways to teach the future generations of Germans that Hitler and the Nazi's were purdy much devil's, so I ask is this the same result desired in America against white people ??
Were those who owned other human beings as beasts of burden Devils?
Can history be weaponized just like our Intel, ?

You remind me of Trump's lackey's talking about 'alternative facts'.

Sure history can be used a propaganda tool- frankly that is what happened in the United States regarding slavery and the Confederacy for about 90-100 years.

Starting around 1890-1900, there was a concerted effort to paint the Confederacy as a heroic stand for state's rights and to ignore the issue of slavery. There were heart warming stories of kind masters and the slaves that adored them, as they sang their slave songs in the fields.

Now that was propaganda. There was nothing endearing about slavery. The Confederacy came into existence because of slavery and to protect the rights of States to have legal slavery.
For what reason are kids having to learn about slavery ??

Because it's part of our history.
Nazism and Hitler is part of German History, but it is illegal to utter Hitler's name in public, and to openly speak of the Nazi's in Germany. So when History is so bad, then it is that it should be responsibly told in historical context, and in the proper settings.

Exposing young children to horrendous acts or events in history, and at to young of an age is the ultimate hight of irresponsibility, and it should stop immediately.

It is agenda driven, and it serves a purpose that is far more sinister than the intent that is given by those who are in up to their eyeballs in the bullcrap.
From where do you come up with this stuff. Denying the Holocaust is a crime in Germany. Nazi Germany and Hitler’s rise to power are taught in schools there...

Teaching Nazi Past to German Youth
. Yes, and it's taught in Germany in ways to teach the future generations of Germans that Hitler and the Nazi's were purdy much devil's, so I ask is this the same result desired in America against white people ??
But you said it was a crime to talk about it. I guess this means you were wrong. So being wrong, you merely shift your position to complaining how they talk about it.

Slavery is part of our history. A big part. You offer no reasonable explanation for why it should be scrubbed from America’s memory.
. Sorry, but I should have placed (if it is), taught in the schools going by what the poster said, then I gave my opinion on why it was being taught, and then I want to know if this is the desired results of people here against the whites ??
Should third graders only be taught about rainbows and unicorns?
From where do you come up with this stuff. Denying the Holocaust is a crime in Germany. Nazi Germany and Hitler’s rise to power are taught in schools there...

Teaching Nazi Past to German Youth
. Yes, and it's taught in Germany in ways to teach the future generations of Germans that Hitler and the Nazi's were purdy much devil's, so I ask is this the same result desired in America against white people ??
But you said it was a crime to talk about it. I guess this means you were wrong. So being wrong, you merely shift your position to complaining how they talk about it.

Slavery is part of our history. A big part. You offer no reasonable explanation for why it should be scrubbed from America’s memory.
. Sorry, but I should have placed (if it is), taught in the schools going by what the poster said, then I gave my opinion on why it was being taught, and then I want to know if this is the desired results of people here against the whites ??
The desired result is to educate our youth. Ignoring past mistakes can only serve to increase the chances of repeating those mistakes.
. Are yours the main desires out there or do you only have limited influence on those who desire another effect to remain in it all ?? Can you speak for those who are schemer's and evil doers that want power to destroy and fundementally change something to their ideological ways of thinking ?
Well I’ve not seen any other reason for educating our youth of our past.
I think the OP's main 'reasoning' is that teaching kids about slavery will somehow be teaching kids that all whites today are evil and the same as Nazi's were in WW2.

And that frankly is crazy.

Our kids should be taught age appropriate content. And it is always age appropriate to teach that slavery is wrong- and that at one time in our history we had slavery.

Anyone who has read any of the kids history books- as I have- knows that they provide for the most part- context- though god why can't they write those history books to be more enjoyable to read. As a history buff, school history books make learning history about like getting teeth pulled.
For what reason are kids having to learn about slavery ??

Because it's part of our history.

Exposing young children to horrendous acts or events in history, and at to young of an age is the ultimate hight of irresponsibility, and it should stop immediately..

So you think that:
a) German kids shouldn't be taught about Nazi's and World War 2 and
b) American kids shouldn't be taught about slavery and....World War 2, or World War 1, or the Civil War.....and what else do you want to ensure our children never learn about?
. No, not sure what goes on in German schools, but if it is taught then I gave my opinion on why. Then I ask is the same reasoning behind the teaching that goes on here ??? Are whites looked upon like the Nazi's and Hitler by certain groups, and when these groups have power then they try to take vengence out on the whites here through every means available, including weaponizing history ??

Who are you asking this question of? You started this thread.

Who do you imagine is teaching the kids to consider all whites today- in the same way that most rational people look at the Nazi's of World War 2?

American children are being taught about slavery- just like I was decades ago. I was taught perhaps a somewhat more rosy image of slavery than kids are taught today. And yes, kids today are not being taught to venerate Confederate generals are demi-gods.

That doesn't mean that anyone is being taught to hate me because I am white.
. Oh yeah... Well as long as you stay in your place, then you won't experience the hate that others are experiencing in life, and maybe you won't be affected by the power of guilt in which those who are vengeful in life will want to lay upon you..... After carrying the torch from the past, and after they have relayed it to the future generations for whom are taught to have vengence in their hearts, then it will never end. Whites have got to finally say enough is enough, and change the future forever in this country away from learning hate to now learning peace, love, and hope instead.
I think the OP's main 'reasoning' is that teaching kids about slavery will somehow be teaching kids that all whites today are evil and the same as Nazi's were in WW2.

And that frankly is crazy.

Our kids should be taught age appropriate content. And it is always age appropriate to teach that slavery is wrong- and that at one time in our history we had slavery.

Anyone who has read any of the kids history books- as I have- knows that they provide for the most part- context- though god why can't they write those history books to be more enjoyable to read. As a history buff, school history books make learning history about like getting teeth pulled.
Hmm, maybe. I get the sense he doesn’t want it taught because it will piss off blacks. As though hiding it wouldn’t.
For what reason are kids having to learn about slavery ??

Because it's part of our history.
Nazism and Hitler is part of German History, but it is illegal to utter Hitler's name in public, and to openly speak of the Nazi's in Germany. So when History is so bad, then it is that it should be responsibly told in historical context, and in the proper settings.

Exposing young children to horrendous acts or events in history, and at to young of an age is the ultimate hight of irresponsibility, and it should stop immediately.

It is agenda driven, and it serves a purpose that is far more sinister than the intent that is given by those who are in up to their eyeballs in the bullcrap.
From where do you come up with this stuff. Denying the Holocaust is a crime in Germany. Nazi Germany and Hitler’s rise to power are taught in schools there...

Teaching Nazi Past to German Youth
. Yes, and it's taught in Germany in ways to teach the future generations of Germans that Hitler and the Nazi's were purdy much devil's, so I ask is this the same result desired in America against white people ??
Were those who owned other human beings as beasts of burden Devils?
. Their character at the time was, and unfortunately they were white for the most part in the American history books, but to cast that burden upon the white youth of today is just as evil as it was to slave a man back then.
I think the OP's main 'reasoning' is that teaching kids about slavery will somehow be teaching kids that all whites today are evil and the same as Nazi's were in WW2.

And that frankly is crazy.

Our kids should be taught age appropriate content. And it is always age appropriate to teach that slavery is wrong- and that at one time in our history we had slavery.

Anyone who has read any of the kids history books- as I have- knows that they provide for the most part- context- though god why can't they write those history books to be more enjoyable to read. As a history buff, school history books make learning history about like getting teeth pulled.
Hmm, maybe. I get the sense he doesn’t want it taught because it will piss off blacks. As though hiding it wouldn’t.
. And your insinuation in such a statement is meant to accomplish what in this thread ? So now you're race baiting ?
Nazism and Hitler is part of German History, but it is illegal to utter Hitler's name in public, and to openly speak of the Nazi's in Germany. So when History is so bad, then it is that it should be responsibly told in historical context, and in the proper settings.

Exposing young children to horrendous acts or events in history, and at to young of an age is the ultimate hight of irresponsibility, and it should stop immediately.

It is agenda driven, and it serves a purpose that is far more sinister than the intent that is given by those who are in up to their eyeballs in the bullcrap.
From where do you come up with this stuff. Denying the Holocaust is a crime in Germany. Nazi Germany and Hitler’s rise to power are taught in schools there...

Teaching Nazi Past to German Youth
. Yes, and it's taught in Germany in ways to teach the future generations of Germans that Hitler and the Nazi's were purdy much devil's, so I ask is this the same result desired in America against white people ??
But you said it was a crime to talk about it. I guess this means you were wrong. So being wrong, you merely shift your position to complaining how they talk about it.

Slavery is part of our history. A big part. You offer no reasonable explanation for why it should be scrubbed from America’s memory.
. Sorry, but I should have placed (if it is), taught in the schools going by what the poster said, then I gave my opinion on why it was being taught, and then I want to know if this is the desired results of people here against the whites ??
Should third graders only be taught about rainbows and unicorns?
. The problem with liberals is that if you talk to them enough, then they become as petulant children who have nothing to add but stupidity. Yes you went stupid.
For what reason are kids having to learn about slavery ??

Because it's part of our history.
Nazism and Hitler is part of German History, but it is illegal to utter Hitler's name in public, and to openly speak of the Nazi's in Germany. So when History is so bad, then it is that it should be responsibly told in historical context, and in the proper settings.

Exposing young children to horrendous acts or events in history, and at to young of an age is the ultimate hight of irresponsibility, and it should stop immediately.

It is agenda driven, and it serves a purpose that is far more sinister than the intent that is given by those who are in up to their eyeballs in the bullcrap.
From where do you come up with this stuff. Denying the Holocaust is a crime in Germany. Nazi Germany and Hitler’s rise to power are taught in schools there...

Teaching Nazi Past to German Youth
. Yes, and it's taught in Germany in ways to teach the future generations of Germans that Hitler and the Nazi's were purdy much devil's, so I ask is this the same result desired in America against white people ??
Were those who owned other human beings as beasts of burden Devils?
. Their character at the time was, and unfortunately they were white for the most part in the American history books, but to cast that burden upon the white youth of today is just as evil as it was to slave a man back then.
No one is casting any burdens upon anyone by educating our youth about our past involving slavery. How could they? There is no one alive today who participated in that abhorrent practice; so no one today is responsible. Hell, many Americans’ ancestors weren’t even here yet when slavery was legal.

We can’t hide from our past because some find it uncomfortable or embarrassing.
I think the OP's main 'reasoning' is that teaching kids about slavery will somehow be teaching kids that all whites today are evil and the same as Nazi's were in WW2.

And that frankly is crazy.

Our kids should be taught age appropriate content. And it is always age appropriate to teach that slavery is wrong- and that at one time in our history we had slavery.

Anyone who has read any of the kids history books- as I have- knows that they provide for the most part- context- though god why can't they write those history books to be more enjoyable to read. As a history buff, school history books make learning history about like getting teeth pulled.
Hmm, maybe. I get the sense he doesn’t want it taught because it will piss off blacks. As though hiding it wouldn’t.
From where do you come up with this stuff. Denying the Holocaust is a crime in Germany. Nazi Germany and Hitler’s rise to power are taught in schools there...

Teaching Nazi Past to German Youth
. Yes, and it's taught in Germany in ways to teach the future generations of Germans that Hitler and the Nazi's were purdy much devil's, so I ask is this the same result desired in America against white people ??
But you said it was a crime to talk about it. I guess this means you were wrong. So being wrong, you merely shift your position to complaining how they talk about it.

Slavery is part of our history. A big part. You offer no reasonable explanation for why it should be scrubbed from America’s memory.
. Sorry, but I should have placed (if it is), taught in the schools going by what the poster said, then I gave my opinion on why it was being taught, and then I want to know if this is the desired results of people here against the whites ??
Should third graders only be taught about rainbows and unicorns?
. The problem with liberals is that if you talk to them enough, then they become as petulant children who have nothing to add but stupidity. Yes you went stupid.

the problem with ignorant twits is they think everyone should be as ignorant as they are.

still waiting for a legitimate reason to refuse to teach history to kids.

other than the fact that you seem to want white supremacist "history" taught.
Can history be weaponized just like our Intel, ?

You remind me of Trump's lackey's talking about 'alternative facts'.

Sure history can be used a propaganda tool- frankly that is what happened in the United States regarding slavery and the Confederacy for about 90-100 years.

Starting around 1890-1900, there was a concerted effort to paint the Confederacy as a heroic stand for state's rights and to ignore the issue of slavery. There were heart warming stories of kind masters and the slaves that adored them, as they sang their slave songs in the fields.

Now that was propaganda. There was nothing endearing about slavery. The Confederacy came into existence because of slavery and to protect the rights of States to have legal slavery.
. Ok, so did the liberals of today LEARN history, and then they weaponized it for an agenda to gain power by way of this method ?? After watching these politicians, how can anyone draw any other conclusions ??

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