CDZ For what reason are kids having to learn about slavery ??

For what reason are kids having to learn about slavery ??

Because it's part of our history.
Nazism and Hitler is part of German History, but it is illegal to utter Hitler's name in public, and to openly speak of the Nazi's in Germany. So when History is so bad, then it is that it should be responsibly told in historical context, and in the proper settings.

Exposing young children to horrendous acts or events in history, and at to young of an age is the ultimate hight of irresponsibility, and it should stop immediately.

It is agenda driven, and it serves a purpose that is far more sinister than the intent that is given by those who are in up to their eyeballs in the bullcrap.

Nah, not teaching history is promoting ignorance and some weird dainty political correctness as I see it.

Maybe we'll have to disagree on this one. But hey, how about them ex Rams quarterbacks in the NFC!
Huh! Excellent thread topic. Why indeed do they hammer on and on and on about something that after all --- isn't happening? Black slavery.

I would think they might educate children about all the slavery that IS going on --- Arabs taking thousands of black slaves and treating Bangladeshis as slaves when they bring them over to Saudi Arabia.

Or more importantly, the huge number of sex slaves trafficked in the millions, mostly women and children, all over the world, bought and sold, addicted to drugs quickly so they won't escape.

Instead they focus obsessively on something that isn't happening anymore. It's to saddle whites with guilt and blame and keep us constantly accused, of course. I'd say we should put a stop to this and teach our children to ignore it and to understand the malign purposes going on.

Slavery is a huge part of our history- so deserves to be taught as part of our history. If you want to feel 'guilty' about slavery- well I can't stop you- but as a white man I am not guilty because our country had slavery 150 years ago. Slavery was a stain on our country- we can't pretend it didn't happen- we should acknowledge it and acknowledge the people who worked to end slavery.

Slavery in the world today is not U.S. history- but certainly deserves to be taught at a high school level. Personally I am not for teaching our elementary school kids about sexual slaves and prostitution.
For what reason are kids having to learn about slavery ??

Because it's part of our history.
Nazism and Hitler is part of German History, but it is illegal to utter Hitler's name in public, and to openly speak of the Nazi's in Germany. So when History is so bad, then it is that it should be responsibly told in historical context, and in the proper settings.

Exposing young children to horrendous acts or events in history, and at to young of an age is the ultimate hight of irresponsibility, and it should stop immediately.

It is agenda driven, and it serves a purpose that is far more sinister than the intent that is given by those who are in up to their eyeballs in the bullcrap.
From where do you come up with this stuff. Denying the Holocaust is a crime in Germany. Nazi Germany and Hitler’s rise to power are taught in schools there...

Teaching Nazi Past to German Youth
. Yes, and it's taught in Germany in ways to teach the future generations of Germans that Hitler and the Nazi's were purdy much devil's, so I ask is this the same result desired in America against white people ??
Wasn’t slavery “just bad?” What other perspective of it should be taught?

It was not considered immoral by a large part of the population at the time. Understanding that gives us perspective into how morality can be relative and how human beings can abandon their moral code.
For what reason are kids having to learn about slavery ??

Because it's part of our history.
Nazism and Hitler is part of German History, but it is illegal to utter Hitler's name in public, and to openly speak of the Nazi's in Germany. So when History is so bad, then it is that it should be responsibly told in historical context, and in the proper settings.

Exposing young children to horrendous acts or events in history, and at to young of an age is the ultimate hight of irresponsibility, and it should stop immediately.

It is agenda driven, and it serves a purpose that is far more sinister than the intent that is given by those who are in up to their eyeballs in the bullcrap.
From where do you come up with this stuff. Denying the Holocaust is a crime in Germany. Nazi Germany and Hitler’s rise to power are taught in schools there...

Teaching Nazi Past to German Youth
. Yes, and it's taught in Germany in ways to teach the future generations of Germans that Hitler and the Nazi's were purdy much devil's, so I ask is this the same result desired in America against white people ??

Do you have any disagreement that Germans should be taught that Hitler and the Nazi's were evil?

Which textbook is telling your kids that white people are evil?

Oh wait- you are using a false equivalent. What you are really complaining about is that school children are being told that slavery was evil. And therefore its not that 'whites' are evil- but that those who promoted slavery were evil- like Nazi's.

Tell me how those who promoted slavery were not evil?
For what reason are kids having to learn about slavery ??

Because it's part of our history.
Nazism and Hitler is part of German History, but it is illegal to utter Hitler's name in public, and to openly speak of the Nazi's in Germany. So when History is so bad, then it is that it should be responsibly told in historical context, and in the proper settings.

Exposing young children to horrendous acts or events in history, and at to young of an age is the ultimate hight of irresponsibility, and it should stop immediately.

It is agenda driven, and it serves a purpose that is far more sinister than the intent that is given by those who are in up to their eyeballs in the bullcrap.
From where do you come up with this stuff. Denying the Holocaust is a crime in Germany. Nazi Germany and Hitler’s rise to power are taught in schools there...

Teaching Nazi Past to German Youth
. Yes, and it's taught in Germany in ways to teach the future generations of Germans that Hitler and the Nazi's were purdy much devil's, so I ask is this the same result desired in America against white people ??
But you said it was a crime to talk about it. I guess this means you were wrong. So being wrong, you merely shift your position to complaining how they talk about it.

Slavery is part of our history. A big part. You offer no reasonable explanation for why it should be scrubbed from America’s memory.
Huh! Excellent thread topic. Why indeed do they hammer on and on and on about something that after all --- isn't happening? Black slavery.

I would think they might educate children about all the slavery that IS going on --- Arabs taking thousands of black slaves and treating Bangladeshis as slaves when they bring them over to Saudi Arabia.

Or more importantly, the huge number of sex slaves trafficked in the millions, mostly women and children, all over the world, bought and sold, addicted to drugs quickly so they won't escape.

Instead they focus obsessively on something that isn't happening anymore. It's to saddle whites with guilt and blame and keep us constantly accused, of course. I'd say we should put a stop to this and teach our children to ignore it and to understand the malign purposes going on.

Slavery is a huge part of our history- so deserves to be taught as part of our history. If you want to feel 'guilty' about slavery- well I can't stop you- but as a white man I am not guilty because our country had slavery 150 years ago. Slavery was a stain on our country- we can't pretend it didn't happen- we should acknowledge it and acknowledge the people who worked to end slavery.

Slavery in the world today is not U.S. history- but certainly deserves to be taught at a high school level. Personally I am not for teaching our elementary school kids about sexual slaves and prostitution.
. That's just it, at what age is it appropriate to begin teaching students about these things, and is it right to be saddling our elementary kids with adult content be it history, sex, and politics ?? When you see this going on, then it is agenda driven.
Wasn’t slavery “just bad?” What other perspective of it should be taught?

It was not considered immoral by a large part of the population at the time. Understanding that gives us perspective into how morality can be relative and how human beings can abandon their moral code.

But it was considered immoral by a large portion of the population at the time.

If children are taught the issues leading up to the Civil War that should all come out- the perspective. How slavery was part of the founding of the United States- and how eventually the issue of slavery almost destroyed the United States.
For what reason are kids having to learn about slavery ??

Because it's part of our history.

I wonder what other parts of our history we should not teach?

The Revolutionary War? The Great Depression? World War 2? The Space Race?
Slavery was a product of the times and not considered bad at all. .

If it wasn't considered 'bad at all'- why were there millions of abolitionists in America?

And why did Great Britain make it illegal?

Well, some people thought it was O.K. Obviously they were wrong and to ignore that is to not teach historical fact.
For what reason are kids having to learn about slavery ??

Because it's part of our history.

Exposing young children to horrendous acts or events in history, and at to young of an age is the ultimate hight of irresponsibility, and it should stop immediately..

So you think that:
a) German kids shouldn't be taught about Nazi's and World War 2 and
b) American kids shouldn't be taught about slavery and....World War 2, or World War 1, or the Civil War.....and what else do you want to ensure our children never learn about?
Wasn’t slavery “just bad?” What other perspective of it should be taught?

It was not considered immoral by a large part of the population at the time. Understanding that gives us perspective into how morality can be relative and how human beings can abandon their moral code.
We’re not in that time and we’ve grown up since then.
For what reason are kids having to learn about slavery ??

Because it's part of our history.
Nazism and Hitler is part of German History, but it is illegal to utter Hitler's name in public, and to openly speak of the Nazi's in Germany. So when History is so bad, then it is that it should be responsibly told in historical context, and in the proper settings.

Exposing young children to horrendous acts or events in history, and at to young of an age is the ultimate hight of irresponsibility, and it should stop immediately.

It is agenda driven, and it serves a purpose that is far more sinister than the intent that is given by those who are in up to their eyeballs in the bullcrap.
From where do you come up with this stuff. Denying the Holocaust is a crime in Germany. Nazi Germany and Hitler’s rise to power are taught in schools there...

Teaching Nazi Past to German Youth
. Yes, and it's taught in Germany in ways to teach the future generations of Germans that Hitler and the Nazi's were purdy much devil's, so I ask is this the same result desired in America against white people ??
But you said it was a crime to talk about it. I guess this means you were wrong. So being wrong, you merely shift your position to complaining how they talk about it.

Slavery is part of our history. A big part. You offer no reasonable explanation for why it should be scrubbed from America’s memory.
. Sorry, but I should have placed (if it is), taught in the schools going by what the poster said, then I gave my opinion on why it was being taught, and then I want to know if this is the desired results of people here against the whites ??
Slavery was a product of the times and not considered bad at all. .

If it wasn't considered 'bad at all'- why were there millions of abolitionists in America?

And why did Great Britain make it illegal?

Well, some people thought it was O.K. Obviously they were wrong and to ignore that is to not teach historical fact.
Slave owners thought it was ok. How much respect do you want to give them.
Slavery was a product of the times and not considered bad at all. .

If it wasn't considered 'bad at all'- why were there millions of abolitionists in America?

And why did Great Britain make it illegal?

Well, some people thought it was O.K. Obviously they were wrong and to ignore that is to not teach historical fact.

Who is saying we should ignore them? Hell Thomas Jefferson thought it was okay, so did George Washington- though neither completely were comfortable with it.

Slavery was an issue that divided our country- but our kids should never be told that at the time no one considered it bad at all.
For what reason are kids having to learn about slavery ??

Because it's part of our history.
Nazism and Hitler is part of German History, but it is illegal to utter Hitler's name in public, and to openly speak of the Nazi's in Germany. So when History is so bad, then it is that it should be responsibly told in historical context, and in the proper settings.

Exposing young children to horrendous acts or events in history, and at to young of an age is the ultimate hight of irresponsibility, and it should stop immediately.

It is agenda driven, and it serves a purpose that is far more sinister than the intent that is given by those who are in up to their eyeballs in the bullcrap.
From where do you come up with this stuff. Denying the Holocaust is a crime in Germany. Nazi Germany and Hitler’s rise to power are taught in schools there...

Teaching Nazi Past to German Youth
. Yes, and it's taught in Germany in ways to teach the future generations of Germans that Hitler and the Nazi's were purdy much devil's, so I ask is this the same result desired in America against white people ??
But you said it was a crime to talk about it. I guess this means you were wrong. So being wrong, you merely shift your position to complaining how they talk about it.

Slavery is part of our history. A big part. You offer no reasonable explanation for why it should be scrubbed from America’s memory.
. Sorry, but I should have placed (if it is), taught in the schools going by what the poster said, then I gave my opinion on why it was being taught, and then I want to know if this is the desired results of people here against the whites ??

Against what whites? The Nazi's were white- do you think the Germans are teaching their kids to be against whites?
For what reason are kids having to learn about slavery ??

Because it's part of our history.

Exposing young children to horrendous acts or events in history, and at to young of an age is the ultimate hight of irresponsibility, and it should stop immediately..

So you think that:
a) German kids shouldn't be taught about Nazi's and World War 2 and
b) American kids shouldn't be taught about slavery and....World War 2, or World War 1, or the Civil War.....and what else do you want to ensure our children never learn about?
. No, not sure what goes on in German schools, but if it is taught then I gave my opinion on why. Then I ask is the same reasoning behind the teaching that goes on here ??? Are whites looked upon like the Nazi's and Hitler by certain groups, and when these groups have power then they try to take vengence out on the whites here through every means available, including weaponizing history ??
Yes, and it's taught in Germany in ways to teach the future generations of Germans that Hitler and the Nazi's were purdy much devil's, so I ask is this the same result desired in America against white people ??

But you are missing a whole block of history where Hitler was considered a savior of Germany after the Treaty of Versailles that pretty much caused already inflated German currency to be pretty much worthless. Understanding how such a tyrant could amass that much power is important IMO.
For what reason are kids having to learn about slavery ??

Because it's part of our history.
Nazism and Hitler is part of German History, but it is illegal to utter Hitler's name in public, and to openly speak of the Nazi's in Germany. So when History is so bad, then it is that it should be responsibly told in historical context, and in the proper settings.

Exposing young children to horrendous acts or events in history, and at to young of an age is the ultimate hight of irresponsibility, and it should stop immediately.

It is agenda driven, and it serves a purpose that is far more sinister than the intent that is given by those who are in up to their eyeballs in the bullcrap.
From where do you come up with this stuff. Denying the Holocaust is a crime in Germany. Nazi Germany and Hitler’s rise to power are taught in schools there...

Teaching Nazi Past to German Youth
. Yes, and it's taught in Germany in ways to teach the future generations of Germans that Hitler and the Nazi's were purdy much devil's, so I ask is this the same result desired in America against white people ??
But you said it was a crime to talk about it. I guess this means you were wrong. So being wrong, you merely shift your position to complaining how they talk about it.

Slavery is part of our history. A big part. You offer no reasonable explanation for why it should be scrubbed from America’s memory.
. Sorry, but I should have placed (if it is), taught in the schools going by what the poster said, then I gave my opinion on why it was being taught, and then I want to know if this is the desired results of people here against the whites ??
The desired result is to educate our youth. Ignoring past mistakes can only serve to increase the chances of repeating those mistakes.

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