CDZ For what reason are kids having to learn about slavery ??

We are all debt slaves with no allodial rights to property. The 13th amendment ( not the original 13th amendment that disappeared off the books that banned those with titles of nobility to hold office) didn't free the slaves, it simply made everyone voluntary slaves to all that fell under the jurisdiction of USA.INC. Involuntary servitude = bad........voluntary servitude? Well, that's fine..........
how is that poison? I asked a question. Roe v Wade is law and an embryo ISN'T a baby. you seem to be getting overly emotional. your religious beliefs really shouldn't be imposed on anyone else.

I'll also remind you that YOU'RE the one who put this thread into the CDZ to keep people from responding to you appropriately. So you might want to live by the rules of the place where you posted.

It is poison as it allows people like yourself to accept people as being less than humans.
My granddaughter who goes to school with Blacks, Asians, Mexicans, whites (her color), etc just said to me "PaPa we're learning about slavery"... My heart sank knowing what the poor child was being exposed to, and how she will next be basically looked at by her black classmates in a different way, and this after they being themselves exposed to the events surrounding this time period in which waxes hot amongst so many Americans to this very day.

Blacks are running around trying all they can to erase history (destroying statues), etc. Yet they want the white children to be exposed to a government version of events in which will cause generations after generations of naive children to be saddled with white Guilt.

Then we have the upcoming "black history month", where the same results can also take place in this program just as well. What's wrong with changing the month to "AMERICAN HISTORY MONTH" instead ?????? In American History Month the children would be able to pick out their favorite person in American history to write an essay on.

What's wrong, scared a black child might pick a white person to write about or think highly of ??? Jessie Jackson, and old Al Sharpton along with Maxine Waters would have a cow wouldn't they ?

When are we truly gonna get beyond this bullcrap ??

so you think slavery isn't a huge part of our history?

they should learn about slavery.

they should learn about Jim Crow

they should learn about Martin Luther King and civil rights movement.

wtf is your problem, nutter?

no one is trying to erase history. well, except for your apparently but nor should people who committed treason in order to keep owning other human beings be honored.

if you want to know what painful is, have your six year old be assigned the Diary of Anne Frank and learn that people like him were mass murdered for their religion .... which is his religion.
. Alot of fear and accusations in your post. And yes this street has been paved with one sided education in which promotes in our children white guilt, and that needs to end. We don't teach racism in our family, nor do we promote it in our family. Now who you think that you should teach my grandkids what we don't teach them is very interesting indeed. It's as if you have to have this stuff placed in my kids minds, and sadly in the minds of the little innocent black children is amazing.

Then we have blacks running around attempting to erase one version of history, but cherry pick the portion they want to keep, but for what reason do you want to poison my kids minds ???

there is no fear or accusation in my post.

there is nothing sad about children learning history. should your kids be taught that it was ok to own people? or should we just pretend that slavery, reconstruction, Jim Crow and the civil rights era never happened?

it does however seem you're afraid to have the children learn to be decent and empathetic and aware that racism is a pretty dark and dangerous thing.

or do you think they should be lied to and told the civil war was the war of northern aggression?

shouldn't they know that young black students had to be escorted by armed federal officers into southern schools?
They shouldn't have to learn any of these things at all if we don't teach racism or discrimination in our family or home. The reason the government left wants this to go on is for nefarious purposes, and it is to promote white guilt down through the generations. Your stance is that you don't trust that our family will do the right thing in regards to raising the children. Well who made you some kind of monitor of me and my family through government force ?? This stuff has got to end.
My granddaughter who goes to school with Blacks, Asians, Mexicans, whites (her color), etc just said to me "PaPa we're learning about slavery"... My heart sank knowing what the poor child was being exposed to, and how she will next be basically looked at by her black classmates in a different way, and this after they being themselves exposed to the events surrounding this time period in which waxes hot amongst so many Americans to this very day.

Blacks are running around trying all they can to erase history (destroying statues), etc. Yet they want the white children to be exposed to a government version of events in which will cause generations after generations of naive children to be saddled with white Guilt.

Then we have the upcoming "black history month", where the same results can also take place in this program just as well. What's wrong with changing the month to "AMERICAN HISTORY MONTH" instead ?????? In American History Month the children would be able to pick out their favorite person in American history to write an essay on.

What's wrong, scared a black child might pick a white person to write about or think highly of ??? Jessie Jackson, and old Al Sharpton along with Maxine Waters would have a cow wouldn't they ?

When are we truly gonna get beyond this bullcrap ??
All children should be taught about slavery, communism, nazism, as well as every genocide of the 20th century in great detail. In addition they should know the development of a fetus at every stage of development.

Knowledge is strength.

how about knowing that religion isn't science? and how about them being taught that an embryo isn't a baby.

THAT knowledge is strength too.
More poison you want taught when it comes to the life of a baby, and how it can just be snuffed out, but do stay on topic please.

how is that poison? I asked a question. Roe v Wade is law and an embryo ISN'T a baby. you seem to be getting overly emotional. your religious beliefs really shouldn't be imposed on anyone else.

I'll also remind you that YOU'RE the one who put this thread into the CDZ to keep people from responding to you appropriately. So you might want to live by the rules of the place where you posted.
Yeah, an embryo is a baby.
My granddaughter who goes to school with Blacks, Asians, Mexicans, whites (her color), etc just said to me "PaPa we're learning about slavery"... My heart sank knowing what the poor child was being exposed to, and how she will next be basically looked at by her black classmates in a different way, and this after they being themselves exposed to the events surrounding this time period in which waxes hot amongst so many Americans to this very day.

Blacks are running around trying all they can to erase history (destroying statues), etc. Yet they want the white children to be exposed to a government version of events in which will cause generations after generations of naive children to be saddled with white Guilt.

Then we have the upcoming "black history month", where the same results can also take place in this program just as well. What's wrong with changing the month to "AMERICAN HISTORY MONTH" instead ?????? In American History Month the children would be able to pick out their favorite person in American history to write an essay on.

What's wrong, scared a black child might pick a white person to write about or think highly of ??? Jessie Jackson, and old Al Sharpton along with Maxine Waters would have a cow wouldn't they ?

When are we truly gonna get beyond this bullcrap ??

so you think slavery isn't a huge part of our history?

they should learn about slavery.

they should learn about Jim Crow

they should learn about Martin Luther King and civil rights movement.

wtf is your problem, nutter?

no one is trying to erase history. well, except for your apparently but nor should people who committed treason in order to keep owning other human beings be honored.

if you want to know what painful is, have your six year old be assigned the Diary of Anne Frank and learn that people like him were mass murdered for their religion .... which is his religion.
. Alot of fear and accusations in your post. And yes this street has been paved with one sided education in which promotes in our children white guilt, and that needs to end. We don't teach racism in our family, nor do we promote it in our family. Now who you think that you should teach my grandkids what we don't teach them is very interesting indeed. It's as if you have to have this stuff placed in my kids minds, and sadly in the minds of the little innocent black children is amazing.

Then we have blacks running around attempting to erase one version of history, but cherry pick the portion they want to keep, but for what reason do you want to poison my kids minds ???

there is no fear or accusation in my post.

there is nothing sad about children learning history. should your kids be taught that it was ok to own people? or should we just pretend that slavery, reconstruction, Jim Crow and the civil rights era never happened?

it does however seem you're afraid to have the children learn to be decent and empathetic and aware that racism is a pretty dark and dangerous thing.

or do you think they should be lied to and told the civil war was the war of northern aggression?

shouldn't they know that young black students had to be escorted by armed federal officers into southern schools?
They shouldn't have to learn any of these things at all if we don't teach racism or discrimination in our family or home. The reason the government left wants this to go on is for nefarious purposes, and it is to promote white guilt down through the generations. Your stance is that you don't trust that our family will do the right thing in regards to raising the children. Well who made you some kind of monitor of me and my family through government force ?? This stuff has got to end.

it isn't about "your" family.

why would you want the children to be ignorant of the country's history?

My granddaughter who goes to school with Blacks, Asians, Mexicans, whites (her color), etc just said to me "PaPa we're learning about slavery"... My heart sank knowing what the poor child was being exposed to, and how she will next be basically looked at by her black classmates in a different way, and this after they being themselves exposed to the events surrounding this time period in which waxes hot amongst so many Americans to this very day.

Blacks are running around trying all they can to erase history (destroying statues), etc. Yet they want the white children to be exposed to a government version of events in which will cause generations after generations of naive children to be saddled with white Guilt.

Then we have the upcoming "black history month", where the same results can also take place in this program just as well. What's wrong with changing the month to "AMERICAN HISTORY MONTH" instead ?????? In American History Month the children would be able to pick out their favorite person in American history to write an essay on.

What's wrong, scared a black child might pick a white person to write about or think highly of ??? Jessie Jackson, and old Al Sharpton along with Maxine Waters would have a cow wouldn't they ?

When are we truly gonna get beyond this bullcrap ??
All children should be taught about slavery, communism, nazism, as well as every genocide of the 20th century in great detail. In addition they should know the development of a fetus at every stage of development.

Knowledge is strength.

how about knowing that religion isn't science? and how about them being taught that an embryo isn't a baby.

THAT knowledge is strength too.
More poison you want taught when it comes to the life of a baby, and how it can just be snuffed out, but do stay on topic please.

how is that poison? I asked a question. Roe v Wade is law and an embryo ISN'T a baby. you seem to be getting overly emotional. your religious beliefs really shouldn't be imposed on anyone else.

I'll also remind you that YOU'RE the one who put this thread into the CDZ to keep people from responding to you appropriately. So you might want to live by the rules of the place where you posted.
Yeah, an embryo is a baby.

My granddaughter who goes to school with Blacks, Asians, Mexicans, whites (her color), etc just said to me "PaPa we're learning about slavery"... My heart sank knowing what the poor child was being exposed to, and how she will next be basically looked at by her black classmates in a different way, and this after they being themselves exposed to the events surrounding this time period in which waxes hot amongst so many Americans to this very day.

Blacks are running around trying all they can to erase history (destroying statues), etc. Yet they want the white children to be exposed to a government version of events in which will cause generations after generations of naive children to be saddled with white Guilt.

Then we have the upcoming "black history month", where the same results can also take place in this program just as well. What's wrong with changing the month to "AMERICAN HISTORY MONTH" instead ?????? In American History Month the children would be able to pick out their favorite person in American history to write an essay on.

What's wrong, scared a black child might pick a white person to write about or think highly of ??? Jessie Jackson, and old Al Sharpton along with Maxine Waters would have a cow wouldn't they ?

When are we truly gonna get beyond this bullcrap ??
All children should be taught about slavery, communism, nazism, as well as every genocide of the 20th century in great detail. In addition they should know the development of a fetus at every stage of development.

Knowledge is strength.
We're talking third graders here..
My granddaughter who goes to school with Blacks, Asians, Mexicans, whites (her color), etc just said to me "PaPa we're learning about slavery"... My heart sank knowing what the poor child was being exposed to, and how she will next be basically looked at by her black classmates in a different way, and this after they being themselves exposed to the events surrounding this time period in which waxes hot amongst so many Americans to this very day.

Blacks are running around trying all they can to erase history (destroying statues), etc. Yet they want the white children to be exposed to a government version of events in which will cause generations after generations of naive children to be saddled with white Guilt.

Then we have the upcoming "black history month", where the same results can also take place in this program just as well. What's wrong with changing the month to "AMERICAN HISTORY MONTH" instead ?????? In American History Month the children would be able to pick out their favorite person in American history to write an essay on.

What's wrong, scared a black child might pick a white person to write about or think highly of ??? Jessie Jackson, and old Al Sharpton along with Maxine Waters would have a cow wouldn't they ?

When are we truly gonna get beyond this bullcrap ??
All children should be taught about slavery, communism, nazism, as well as every genocide of the 20th century in great detail. In addition they should know the development of a fetus at every stage of development.

Knowledge is strength.
We're talking third graders here..

no. you aren't. you just don't like the responses you're getting.

reminder.... YOU chose the CDZ. behave
My granddaughter who goes to school with Blacks, Asians, Mexicans, whites (her color), etc just said to me "PaPa we're learning about slavery"... My heart sank knowing what the poor child was being exposed to, and how she will next be basically looked at by her black classmates in a different way, and this after they being themselves exposed to the events surrounding this time period in which waxes hot amongst so many Americans to this very day.

Blacks are running around trying all they can to erase history (destroying statues), etc. Yet they want the white children to be exposed to a government version of events in which will cause generations after generations of naive children to be saddled with white Guilt.

Then we have the upcoming "black history month", where the same results can also take place in this program just as well. What's wrong with changing the month to "AMERICAN HISTORY MONTH" instead ?????? In American History Month the children would be able to pick out their favorite person in American history to write an essay on.

What's wrong, scared a black child might pick a white person to write about or think highly of ??? Jessie Jackson, and old Al Sharpton along with Maxine Waters would have a cow wouldn't they ?

When are we truly gonna get beyond this bullcrap ??
Students need to learn the truth and facts about our Nation’s history, not the lies, racism, fear, ignorance, bigotry, and hate most conservatives attempt to propagate - this thread's premise being one of many examples.

Nothing about the OP was a lie or racist, or fear or ignorance, or bigotry or hate.

Your claim that it was, is just the type of shit that the OP was talking about.

The lib education establishment isn't about learning about what really happened, but about pushing lefty propaganda.
My granddaughter who goes to school with Blacks, Asians, Mexicans, whites (her color), etc just said to me "PaPa we're learning about slavery"... My heart sank knowing what the poor child was being exposed to, and how she will next be basically looked at by her black classmates in a different way, and this after they being themselves exposed to the events surrounding this time period in which waxes hot amongst so many Americans to this very day.

Blacks are running around trying all they can to erase history (destroying statues), etc. Yet they want the white children to be exposed to a government version of events in which will cause generations after generations of naive children to be saddled with white Guilt.

Then we have the upcoming "black history month", where the same results can also take place in this program just as well. What's wrong with changing the month to "AMERICAN HISTORY MONTH" instead ?????? In American History Month the children would be able to pick out their favorite person in American history to write an essay on.

What's wrong, scared a black child might pick a white person to write about or think highly of ??? Jessie Jackson, and old Al Sharpton along with Maxine Waters would have a cow wouldn't they ?

When are we truly gonna get beyond this bullcrap ??

so you think slavery isn't a huge part of our history?

they should learn about slavery.

they should learn about Jim Crow

they should learn about Martin Luther King and civil rights movement.

wtf is your problem, nutter?

no one is trying to erase history. well, except for your apparently but nor should people who committed treason in order to keep owning other human beings be honored.

if you want to know what painful is, have your six year old be assigned the Diary of Anne Frank and learn that people like him were mass murdered for their religion .... which is his religion.
. Alot of fear and accusations in your post. And yes this street has been paved with one sided education in which promotes in our children white guilt, and that needs to end. We don't teach racism in our family, nor do we promote it in our family. Now who you think that you should teach my grandkids what we don't teach them is very interesting indeed. It's as if you have to have this stuff placed in my kids minds, and sadly in the minds of the little innocent black children is amazing.

Then we have blacks running around attempting to erase one version of history, but cherry pick the portion they want to keep, but for what reason do you want to poison my kids minds ???

there is no fear or accusation in my post.

there is nothing sad about children learning history. should your kids be taught that it was ok to own people? or should we just pretend that slavery, reconstruction, Jim Crow and the civil rights era never happened?

it does however seem you're afraid to have the children learn to be decent and empathetic and aware that racism is a pretty dark and dangerous thing.

or do you think they should be lied to and told the civil war was the war of northern aggression?

shouldn't they know that young black students had to be escorted by armed federal officers into southern schools?
They shouldn't have to learn any of these things at all if we don't teach racism or discrimination in our family or home. The reason the government left wants this to go on is for nefarious purposes, and it is to promote white guilt down through the generations. Your stance is that you don't trust that our family will do the right thing in regards to raising the children. Well who made you some kind of monitor of me and my family through government force ?? This stuff has got to end.

it isn't about "your" family.

why would you want the children to be ignorant of the country's history?


HOLY shit! How ironic is that since you and most have NO real clue about the REAL history of this country?
Slavery happened because Whites thought Blacks were a monkey kind of people when they first saw them

And the Blacks thought the Whites were Gods
. So your trying to derail the thread here ???
shouldn't they know that young black students had to be escorted by armed federal officers into southern schools?
Yes, but they should also be taught that Whites taught Blacks what a school is

why would we teach them lies?
Whats the lie?

pretty much everything you've posted here since 2009, but specifically this nonsense that whites showed blacks what schools were.

have you been to school?

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