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Apr 1, 2020
From the link;

"Found: White America’s Lost Moral Authority.
How to counter the Marxist left in a way that inspires conservatives and independents across the country.

Bradford H.B.
December 14, 2020

Speaking on a podcast last month, English commentator Douglas Murray expressed exasperation with the conservative establishment for how it treats the moral claims of the left. “The left is running rampant with resentment and the right is not playing something back with equal depth,” Murray told his interviewer. When the left exploits inequality to win popular support, Murray argues, conservatives leaders think “they can respond by talking about zoning regulations or a specific tax issue.” This hasn’t worked and will continue to fail, he said. Many, including myself, agree.

It’s hard to see how conservatives messaging about hard-work, personal goals, etc., could find much resonance among people who feel oppressed.
Calls for a re-orientation of how leading conservative thinkers respond to America’s alienated millennials and the Marxist left who exploit them have been bubbling up following the May/June riots. Conservative scholar and commentator Paul Gottfried, for instance, recently penned a piece lamenting the right’s long-time failure in realizing that leftists do indeed see themselves as fighting a moral fight, and are anything but nihilistic relativists. “It is unimaginable that the more fervent and more activist side in our culture wars is not driven by its own morality, which expresses itself in rage,” Gottfried writes.
Similarly, in a recent and widely shared essay, Yoram Hazony wrote that the Marxist left sees itself involved in a moral battle against oppression and injustice, one that’s quite literally between good and evil. All Marxists, he says, see “unfreedom and inequality in society” as evidence of oppression, and “that a revolutionary reconstitution of society is necessary to eliminate the oppression,” one that includes “bloodshed.” With that kind of dichotomous worldview, Hazony argues, appeals to abstract ideas like “equality before the law” or “freedom from coercion” (that ‘chilliest of virtues,’ as Isaiah Berlin wrote) simply won’t cut it.

Minneapolis Black Lives Matter riots.

Minneapolis Black Lives Matter riots.

One can now witness express “Europhobia,” anti-white animus, or “whitenessphobia” (as Daniel Greenberg calls it) pouring from nearly every major U.S. institution on a regular basis): major media outlets, places of work, governing bodies (federal and local), and schools at all levels. It would seem hard to argue that there’s little cause for alarm when professors at prestigious universities are sharing white-shaming memes or declaring things like “white lives don’t matter.” Or, when posters mocking white racial stereotypes are appearing in residential neighborhoods and storefronts have to advertise their non-white ownership in order to stave off arson attacks.

The toxic ideas borne out of Whiteness Studies and CRT programs have been shown to reduce the level of sympathy that white liberals have for the white working-class. Perhaps unsurprisingly then, increasing rates of white suicide (of both men and women) and drug abuse is being ignored. Political scientist Professor Matthew Goodwin told a parliamentary panel in the UK recently that the educational development among the white lower-classes is likely being stunted by blame-casting and race-shaming ideas such as “white privilege.” Addressing MPs, Goodwin argued that white-working class communities face a ‘status deficit’ amid a national conversation ‘much more consumed’ with other groups in society.
“If we are now going to start teaching them in school that not only do they have to overcome the various economic and social barriers within their community, but they also need to now start apologizing for simply belonging to a wider group which also strips away their individual agency, then I think we’re just going to compound many of these problems.”

Largely because of the left’s decades-long project of putting racism at the center of every arena of U.S. policy and culture, to be racist today (or deemed as such), as political scientist Eric Kaufmann has put it, is to “transgress the social norms which define good and evil.” When the charge is levied against the left (including self-loathing whites), they can be forced onto the defensive, just as conservatives so routinely are.

While Democrats and many among the left exploit black Americans, it’s simply not accurate to say they have animus towards them. Who they do have animus towards, however, is whites.
Failing to call out expressions of anti-white bigotry in conservative media or in Congress, however, signals that the left is off the hook for their own racism. They’re not, and nor should they be. Demanding an end to the left’s bigotry will also go far in energizing the conservative rank-and-file—a cohort long targeted by the hard-left’s moral intimidation and long denied by their Beltway leaders an effective vocabulary to counter them.

Say anything...... anything at all...... in defense of white people and you will be labeled a racist.

Why do we tolerate this shit?

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Want to know how to be a conservative without being branded a racist? When you feel compelled to defend murdering cops and goosestepping dickheads, don't. It's just that easy.
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Want to know how to be a conservative without being branded a racist? When you feel compelled to defend murdering cops and goosestepping dickheads, don't. It's just that easy.
Are you implying I do that?
Specifically, he had obtained the “power to shame, silence, and muscle concessions from the larger society on the basis of past victimization.”

Does that sound like a particular, religious ethnicity we're familiar with?

Recently, groups like the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) have pledged their support for organizations like black lives matter, partly due to their own membership base’s liberal inclinations and also to establish their fictional bona fides as honorable gentlemen and ladies seeking to take steps that are good for American democracy as they see it. They have stated that “We mourn for George Floyd, who was horrifically murdered by a police officer in Minneapolis. There are many marching in the streets across the country and around the world chanting, ‘I can’t breathe’ in tribute to his memory and to demand justice. We mourn for Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor, Tony McDade and Rayshard Brooks among countless others whose lives were cut short as a result of systemic racism in policing. As an organization committed to fighting all forms of hate, ADL knows that these brutal deaths follow an explosion of racist murders and hate crimes across the U.S. Systemic racism, injustice, and inequality call for systemic change… Join us in combatting the bigotry, racism and discrimination that targets marginalized communities today.”

As a side benefit to all that hail-fellow-well-met conviviality, there is, of course, also a tactical consideration, which is that if Jewish groups can demonstrate such marvelous fellowship with poor downtrodden black folk in the United States, perhaps no one will notice how they look the other way while their co-religionists in Israel practice genocide on the Palestinian Arabs.

The hysteria on the part of some Jewish groups to identify with the grievances of black Americans is quite amazing to behold. It now includes memorials to the martyred George Floyd of Minneapolis, whose death triggered last spring and summer’s rioting, in so-called holocaust remembrance sites. The first such George Floyd exhibit has opened within the Holocaust Memorial Resource & Education Center in Orlando, Florida. The intention of the exhibitors is not completely clear, but the identification of Jewish suffering with the black counterpart is intended to suck in the inevitable critics who can conveniently be described as racists, putting both Israel/Jews and American blacks on the side of the angels even though the two have functionally nothing at all to do with each other. So, anyone who might want to argue that the Floyd-holocaust joint commemoration is both ridiculous and a political contrivance might just as well button his or her lip and in so doing avoid the sanctimonious backlash that would be generated from the Jewish managed media no matter how one spins it.

Sorry, don't mean to hi jack your thread, but, I keep saying- follow the money, see the agenda- and trust me, the so-called conservatives, in the District of Criminals (and town halls around the country) know which side their bread is buttered from. It ain't we the stinky tourist who actually pay their wages for under performance of their sworn duty, with the exception of a few well resourced people- but, where did they get their resources and how?

I'd love to see the authors of articles like the OT address the obvious- until the root of any problem is acknowledged the problem will persist- currently, it is tagged in "race"- if not that, then what?
Want to know how to be a conservative without being branded a racist? When you feel compelled to defend murdering cops and goosestepping dickheads, don't. It's just that easy.
Are you implying I do that?
Well yeah. Don't side with assholes and haters and suddenly people don't accuse you of being a bad person.
You're a bigot, plain and simple.
Anything good said about white people leads to you immediately, and without hesitation, implying racism.

You are exactly what you claim to be against.
Want to know how to be a conservative without being branded a racist? When you feel compelled to defend murdering cops and goosestepping dickheads, don't. It's just that easy.
The first thing is the timing of all of this power to the people build up that just happened to be an election year. Most of those cities have been blue controlled for many decades. And they are deep blue. Police reforms were there to be made. Which brings us to the second thing. The manipulation of people to protest/riot. The ironic thing is that Progressive Socialist doctrines in history are not nice when fully implemented and the condensing of power occurs as the leadership whittles down competitors. Without incentive, you really do not expect people to give quality work do you? There are layers of employment where that is not excellent as it is. Trump did not harass the citizens. Progs will and do.
Want to know how to be a conservative without being branded a racist? When you feel compelled to defend murdering cops and goosestepping dickheads, don't. It's just that easy.
Are you implying I do that?
Well yeah. Don't side with assholes and haters and suddenly people don't accuse you of being a bad person.
You're a bigot, plain and simple.
Anything good said about white people leads to you immediately, and without hesitation, implying racism.

You are exactly what you claim to be against.
You only think I am implying racism because you identify with the fringe scumbags who truly deserve the label of racist. Those assholes do not speak for me. If they want to defend a race then maybe they should start with the human race.
  • Thanks
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Want to know how to be a conservative without being branded a racist? When you feel compelled to defend murdering cops and goosestepping dickheads, don't. It's just that easy.
Are you implying I do that?
Well yeah. Don't side with assholes and haters and suddenly people don't accuse you of being a bad person.
You're a bigot, plain and simple.
Anything good said about white people leads to you immediately, and without hesitation, implying racism.

You are exactly what you claim to be against.
You only think I am implying racism because you identify with the fringe scumbags who truly deserve the label of racist. Those assholes do not speak for me. If they want to defend a race then maybe they should start with the human race.
I asked you if you were implying that, and you said you were...... what part of this did I get wrong, and how?

Want to know how to be a conservative without being branded a racist? When you feel compelled to defend murdering cops and goosestepping dickheads, don't. It's just that easy.
Are you implying I do that?
Well yeah. Don't side with assholes and haters and suddenly people don't accuse you of being a bad person.
You're a bigot, plain and simple.
Anything good said about white people leads to you immediately, and without hesitation, implying racism.

You are exactly what you claim to be against.
You only think I am implying racism because you identify with the fringe scumbags who truly deserve the label of racist. Those assholes do not speak for me. If they want to defend a race then maybe they should start with the human race.
I asked you if you were implying that, and you said you were...... what part of this did I get wrong, and how?

I'm a white guy and you think I am being racist against white people If I condemn a scumbag goose stepper or crappy cop? Fuck those assholes. If anything they make white people look bad. Screw implying. I was telling you to quit feeling personally insulted if someone says something about bad white people. Are you a bad white person? I'm not. I don't treat people like garbage and I don't act like I deserve anything just because of my skin.
Want to know how to be a conservative without being branded a racist? When you feel compelled to defend murdering cops and goosestepping dickheads, don't. It's just that easy.
Are you implying I do that?
Well yeah. Don't side with assholes and haters and suddenly people don't accuse you of being a bad person.
You're a bigot, plain and simple.
Anything good said about white people leads to you immediately, and without hesitation, implying racism.

You are exactly what you claim to be against.
You only think I am implying racism because you identify with the fringe scumbags who truly deserve the label of racist. Those assholes do not speak for me. If they want to defend a race then maybe they should start with the human race.
I asked you if you were implying that, and you said you were...... what part of this did I get wrong, and how?

I'm a white guy and you think I am being racist against white people If I condemn a scumbag goose stepper or crappy cop? Fuck those assholes. If anything they make white people look bad. Screw implying. I was telling you to quit feeling personally insulted if someone says something about bad white people. Are you a bad white person? I'm not. I don't treat people like garbage and I don't act like I deserve anything just because of my skin.
Way to backpedal
Want to know how to be a conservative without being branded a racist? When you feel compelled to defend murdering cops and goosestepping dickheads, don't. It's just that easy.
Are you implying I do that?
Well yeah. Don't side with assholes and haters and suddenly people don't accuse you of being a bad person.
You're a bigot, plain and simple.
Anything good said about white people leads to you immediately, and without hesitation, implying racism.

You are exactly what you claim to be against.
You only think I am implying racism because you identify with the fringe scumbags who truly deserve the label of racist. Those assholes do not speak for me. If they want to defend a race then maybe they should start with the human race.
I asked you if you were implying that, and you said you were...... what part of this did I get wrong, and how?

I'm a white guy and you think I am being racist against white people If I condemn a scumbag goose stepper or crappy cop? Fuck those assholes. If anything they make white people look bad. Screw implying. I was telling you to quit feeling personally insulted if someone says something about bad white people. Are you a bad white person? I'm not. I don't treat people like garbage and I don't act like I deserve anything just because of my skin.
And I'm a pretty bad person period, lol.
Whites who are racists being held accountable for that racism is not anti white. Accurate teaching of history is not anti white. White racism is anti white. Whites who oppose white racism are the true defenders of the white race. Whites who oppose white racism are pro white as it gets. You are not entitled to a belief in your superiority nor are you entitled to enforce it upon others.
1. I did not read the whole OP slowly, but as I skimmed it, one idea kept coming to mind: The situation is intractable.

2. In plain English, the situation is hopeless.

3. Nothing that so-called conservatives can do or say will change the actions or feelings of the so-called left.

4. This situation, of course, will eventually solve itself: Caucasian Americans are simply not having as many babies as other ethnicities. So within 30 years, they are projected to lose their majority status. By the end of the century, it's anyone's guess as to what their percentage of the American population will be.

5. Sometime in the next century, the vast majority of Americans will be non-Caucasian.

6. Will the debate over "racism" then come to an end? If you think that it will, I have a bridge in Brooklyn ...
Whites who are racists being held accountable for that racism is not anti white. Accurate teaching of history is not anti white. White racism is anti white. Whites who oppose white racism are the true defenders of the white race. Whites who oppose white racism are pro white as it gets. You are not entitled to a belief in your superiority nor are you entitled to enforce it upon others.
You're a racist.
Blacks and Jews, who have nothing in common, in any arena, hold onto each other as victims-

Y'all might want to read what I posted above- and, try to deny it legitimately.

There is a "movement" going on within the MSM- who owns/runs it?

This cannot end well.
Specifically, he had obtained the “power to shame, silence, and muscle concessions from the larger society on the basis of past victimization.”

Does that sound like a particular, religious ethnicity we're familiar with?

Recently, groups like the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) have pledged their support for organizations like black lives matter, partly due to their own membership base’s liberal inclinations and also to establish their fictional bona fides as honorable gentlemen and ladies seeking to take steps that are good for American democracy as they see it. They have stated that “We mourn for George Floyd, who was horrifically murdered by a police officer in Minneapolis. There are many marching in the streets across the country and around the world chanting, ‘I can’t breathe’ in tribute to his memory and to demand justice. We mourn for Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor, Tony McDade and Rayshard Brooks among countless others whose lives were cut short as a result of systemic racism in policing. As an organization committed to fighting all forms of hate, ADL knows that these brutal deaths follow an explosion of racist murders and hate crimes across the U.S. Systemic racism, injustice, and inequality call for systemic change… Join us in combatting the bigotry, racism and discrimination that targets marginalized communities today.”

As a side benefit to all that hail-fellow-well-met conviviality, there is, of course, also a tactical consideration, which is that if Jewish groups can demonstrate such marvelous fellowship with poor downtrodden black folk in the United States, perhaps no one will notice how they look the other way while their co-religionists in Israel practice genocide on the Palestinian Arabs.

The hysteria on the part of some Jewish groups to identify with the grievances of black Americans is quite amazing to behold. It now includes memorials to the martyred George Floyd of Minneapolis, whose death triggered last spring and summer’s rioting, in so-called holocaust remembrance sites. The first such George Floyd exhibit has opened within the Holocaust Memorial Resource & Education Center in Orlando, Florida. The intention of the exhibitors is not completely clear, but the identification of Jewish suffering with the black counterpart is intended to suck in the inevitable critics who can conveniently be described as racists, putting both Israel/Jews and American blacks on the side of the angels even though the two have functionally nothing at all to do with each other. So, anyone who might want to argue that the Floyd-holocaust joint commemoration is both ridiculous and a political contrivance might just as well button his or her lip and in so doing avoid the sanctimonious backlash that would be generated from the Jewish managed media no matter how one spins it.

Sorry, don't mean to hi jack your thread, but, I keep saying- follow the money, see the agenda- and trust me, the so-called conservatives, in the District of Criminals (and town halls around the country) know which side their bread is buttered from. It ain't we the stinky tourist who actually pay their wages for under performance of their sworn duty, with the exception of a few well resourced people- but, where did they get their resources and how?

I'd love to see the authors of articles like the OT address the obvious- until the root of any problem is acknowledged the problem will persist- currently, it is tagged in "race"- if not that, then what?

There it goes again. The terrified troll is hiding under the bed again because of DA JOOOOOOOOS! Holy crap how predictable. If dimwit weaklings like this so much as stub their toe, you just know they look around and scream "them damn JOOOOOOS again!"

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