Forced to deny my Christian faith to enter a Christian website? What?

I have told you that I have laid all before Jesus and accepted Him as my Savior.

Yet you tell me I am a liar?

If you actually believe that, then you are not in Jesus' service.

The issue is this: you can't be told you are wrong. That was the standard of Lucifer, and you have picked it up.

Emily, I had hoped you were right about Parture, but by his own words you can see he is the hands and employ of The Deceiver.

Same here. But I see that he is in Hell and just wants to try to drag the rest of us down with him.
Nobody is in Hell yet.
I watched about 5 seconds of your goofy video and it really, really gave me the creeps. I now know the hell that is Parture's frightened tortured existence.
I have told you that I have laid all before Jesus and accepted Him as my Savior.

Yet you tell me I am a liar?

If you actually believe that, then you are not in Jesus' service.

The issue is this: you can't be told you are wrong. That was the standard of Lucifer, and you have picked it up.
You've been arguing against a great many things,
No, I have not, but you have been struggling with your brothers and sisters, attempting to assume unrighteous dominion over them.

I assure you that you are not the Lord's Anointed and you have no power over Christian brothers and sisters.
I have told you that I have laid all before Jesus and accepted Him as my Savior.

Yet you tell me I am a liar?

If you actually believe that, then you are not in Jesus' service.

The issue is this: you can't be told you are wrong. That was the standard of Lucifer, and you have picked it up.

Emily, I had hoped you were right about Parture, but by his own words you can see he is the hands and employ of The Deceiver.
This is how I know you are not a Christian for you accuse Christians of being deceivers.
No, you are being told that you are a Deceiver, you are not the Lord's anointed. Your own words condemn you, Parture.
Parture refuses to tell us when he was saved and will not confess that Jesus Christ is his lord and savior. Therefore he is going to Hell.

He also keeps breaking the rules here.
This is how I know teddy is not a Christian because he keeps asking me if Jesus is my Lord and Savior when all I have been doing is defending Jesus as Lord and Savior. What Christian would behave that way towards a Christian? To behave that way is just bizarre and weird. teddy is being a weirdo.
Teddy clearly is acting as a Christian towards one who not confess he is a Christian. Parture is acting bizarre and weird.
Parture will be like those who tell the Lord "but I acted your name" and the Lord will know them not.

Parture will be as the demons who know the Lord and tremble at his name.
Parture acting as a supposedly a fellow Christian posts scripture to defend his sin. Nothing new.

Parture, if he is truly Christian, will ask forgiveness of his fellow Christians for his condemnation of those who are trying to establish fellowship with him.
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For Parture, with my sincere blessing you seek reconciliation with your fellow Christians whom you condemn.

"In Matthew 18:15-17, Jesus established a procedure to be followed in the event that a brother would commit a sin or offense against another Christian. Many Christian scholars believe that this is one of the most neglected teachings of the entire Bible. It's been said that if all believers would simply obey scripture, to go and confront their offenders in the manner Jesus gave, it would solve over half of all problems which exist in the church.

How to deal with the trespasser: The following scripture is how Jesus taught for Christians to confront those brethren who have wronged them."

Matthew 18:15 "Moreover if your brother sins against you, go and tell him his fault between you and him alone. If he hears you, you have gained your brother.
18:16 But if he will not hear you, take with you one or two more, that by the mouth of two or three witnesses every word may be established.
18:17 And if he refuses to hear them, tell it to the church. But if he refuses even to hear the church, let him be to you like a heathen and a tax collector."

How should disputes and offenses be dealt with between believers in the churchfellowship
No matter how many times you confess Jesus as Lord and Savior, the false Christian will never accept it.

Finally, Parture has confessed that he is a false Christian. That is why he does not accept any of us and keeps condemning us to Hell.
Parture condemned himself when he wrote, "No matter how many times you confess Jesus as Lord and Savior, the false Christianwill never accept it."

We have all confessed Jesus as Lord and Savior, and you, as a false Christian, has refused to accept it.

Do you love Jesus more than your false pride, Parture?
I don't consider you a Christian for what Christian would be so hostile?

And what do you call condemning everyone with whom you have come into contact here on this board in every single thread you have participated in to Hell? A showing of God's love and forgiveness?

Nope. I say it's hostile.
No matter how many times you confess Jesus as Lord and Savior, the false Christian will never accept it.

Finally, Parture has confessed that he is a false Christian. That is why he does not accept any of us and keeps condemning us to Hell.
How can a Christian accept someone so hostile as a brother in Christ?


You are hostile, Parture, while we are trying to work with you in your false pride.
Parture, you learned nothing by your vacation from here did you? Repeating the same post over and over again is against the rules here, as are many other things. Enjoy your brief time here.
I don't consider you a Christian for what Christian would be so hostile?

And what do you call condemning everyone with whom you have come into contact here on this board in every single thread you have participated in to Hell? A showing of God's love and forgiveness?

Nope. I say it's hostile.
If a person hasn't given their life to Christ then they haven't given their life to Christ as per this list so they most certainly are going to Hell.

This is a good test to see if someone is a Christian..SNIP .

You are failing to confess your sin to your fellow Christians, Parture.

How to deal with the trespasser: The following scripture is how Jesus taught for Christians to confront those brethren who have wronged them.

Matthew 18:15 "Moreover if your brother sins against you, go and tell him his fault between you and him alone. If he hears you, you have gained your brother.
18:16 But if he will not hear you, take with you one or two more, that by the mouth of two or three witnesses every word may be established.
18:17 And if he refuses to hear them, tell it to the church. But if he refuses even to hear the church, let him be to you like a heathen and a tax collector."

How should disputes and offenses be dealt with between believers in the churchfellowship
Parture, you are deliberately spamming and you say you don't care?

:) No, you are not a Martyr, just a pig-headed concrete fool. You were in the special classes, were you not?

See, that is absolute discernment by me.
Parture, you learned nothing by your vacation from here did you? Repeating the same post over and over again is against the rules here, as are many other things. Enjoy your brief time here.
I don't consider you a Christian because you are trying to martyr one.

This is a good test to see if someone is a Christian...

1. Accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior, shedding His precious blood for forgiveness of sins, who died on the cross for the sins of the world;
2. Resurrected Himself the 3rd day to give eternal life to those who receive Him;
3. Gave the Holy Spirit to indwell those who are born-again;
4. Jesus is the 2nd Person of the Trinity who created all things;
5. Jesus is co-equal with the Father and the Spirit;
6. Rejects Calvinists, they are going to Hell, because they refuse to repent and believe in Christ to be regenerated;
7. Rejects Universalists, they are going to Hell, because Jesus said there would be those in Hell for forever;
8. Rejects non-OSASers, they are going to Hell, because salvation is not by works lest anyone should boast in their self-strength and did not give their lives to be kept;
9. Rejects those who claim He is not proven by observing nature, for God does not have us believe in Him blindly;
10. Jesus will return to reign on earth for 1000 years (amillennialism is a heresy) in the 3rd Temple with His overcomers;
11. God predestinates us by foreknowing our free-choice (OSAS Arminian): a conditional election, unlimited atonement, resistible grace, for preservation of the saints;
12. The word of God is 66 books, no more, no less;
13. Apostle are for today (teddy hates the Apostles for today in Eph. 4.11 so he is not a Christian) and women can be Apostles;
14. Mary was born into sin and sinned;
15. The blood and wine are not literally Jesus' blood and body;
16. Biblical tongues are languages not Pentecostalism gibberish babble;
17. Non-overcomer believers go to outer darkness to be disciplined, lose rewards, and do not get to reign on earth for the 1000 years, after which they can enter the New City.
18. New City and the New Earth follow after the Millennial Kingdom and has no need of the sun.

19. You do not need to accept partial rapture to be saved, but you will lose the reward of being first raptured if you reject it. But there is a question of whether you are saved or not, because when you are in the Tribulation, not realizing it, and several million are first raptured, you very well may along with Satan accuse those brethren day and night (Rev. 12.10) which could be because you are, in fact, not born-again, thus going to Hell. Whereas Christians will realize they simply are not ready to be received "before the throne" (Rev. 7.9) in 3rd heaven, before the 1st trumpet (8.7), because they did not keep the word of His patience (3.10), were not watchful (Matt. 24.40-42), and prayerful (Luke 21.36) to escape the hour of trial that is to come upon the whole world.

20. If you don't acknowledge you are a Christian to others, member of the body of Christ, when someone shares the gospel of salvation with you, and don't disclose when you received the new birth and became a new creation of God, why would you not do so? "Whosoever therefore shall be ashamed of me and of my words in this adulterous and sinful generation; of him also shall the Son of man be ashamed, when he cometh in the glory of his Father with the holy angels" (Mark 8.38). I always tell people I was born-again Jan. 2001 because that is when I received what Jesus did on the cross and eternal life (John 17.3), but if they keep asking over and over again after they have already been told, I know they are being deceitful trying to harass you.
Uh oh. Parture has developed CMS (Christian Martyr Syndrome).

Does anyone have his meds?

If not, someone call security, please.
Parture is going to do suicide by Moderator, and then on his website claim he was martyred for the faith.

I invited everyone to his web site to call him out.
Once again, Parture, spamming will get you banned, which is what you want right now.

We had a fellow just like you from North Carolina on USMB was doing what you are doing right now.

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