Ford picks Mexico for $2.5-billion engine investment



Bammy bailed them out with our money and now he is letting them take jobs out of the country.

Ford received no bailout money...

They took TARP money, they took Tax Payer money sorry.
So...Did it come with strings attached?

It's cute how you lefty's NEED to defend Obama no matter what he does.
Tomorrow you will once again be screaming about jobs leaving the country and forget all about Ford.
The jobs that left during Boosh, ok.....

Tarp started under Bush and disagreed with it, it's called consistency.

Try some.
"Ford said Friday it will invest $2.5 billion to build two new plants in Mexico so it can build small engines and new transmissions, underscoring a trend towards major automotive investments in Mexico."

Mexico snags big Ford engine investment as auto industry migrates south

But....why would CEO Obama allow this?

I knew it, I knew it, I knew.....somehow someway, Obama is gonna be blamed for never ends with you people, ever. Someday, and I hope its soon, someday you morons on the right will realize the only people selling this country down the drain are the very corporations you fools champion at the drop of a hat. As long as your 401k and pensions and investments stay solvent, you lunatics are okay.....but make no mistake.....those profits you enjoy are making this country bend at the knees and sooner or later, we're all gonna fall.
Mexico? NO Obamacare NO unions.
America? Obama and NO jobs!

Bammy bailed them out with our money and now he is letting them take jobs out of the country.

Hey Moron, Ford didn't take a dime and and and everyone, including the banks not only have PAID back the money, I think we tax payers got a good profit off the loan!! Now take your whinney ass somewhere else and cry!!
Mexico? NO Obamacare NO unions.
America? Obama and NO jobs!

Bammy bailed them out with our money and now he is letting them take jobs out of the country.

Hey Moron, Ford didn't take a dime and and and everyone, including the banks not only have PAID back the money, I think we tax payers got a good profit off the loan!! Now take your whinney ass somewhere else and cry!!

Whew're uninformed.

Ford took 5.9 billion in federal backed loans. As of June 2013 those loans had not been repaid

The taxpayers took a loss of 10.6 billion on the GM bailout.
Mexico? NO Obamacare NO unions.
America? Obama and NO jobs!

Bammy bailed them out with our money and now he is letting them take jobs out of the country.

Hey Moron, Ford didn't take a dime and and and everyone, including the banks not only have PAID back the money, I think we tax payers got a good profit off the loan!! Now take your whinney ass somewhere else and cry!!

Whew're uninformed.

Ford took 5.9 billion in federal backed loans. As of June 2013 those loans had not been repaid

The taxpayers took a loss of 10.6 billion on the GM bailout.

Ford just got a line of credit, but its the same as a bailout, I stand corrected. however the banks have paid a large portion of the money back. I'm starting to feel ill now, because I got stressed like a mf when I was late on my little taxes.
Thanks Union idiots. Your leaders have golden parachutes while the skilled jobs go to unskilled workers in freaking Mexico.
Thanks Union idiots. Your leaders have golden parachutes while the skilled jobs go to unskilled workers in freaking Mexico.

Isn't that kind of like blaming a rape victim for her short dress.

So let me get this straight. American workers and consumers demand decent wages, and factories that don't pollute the air and the water, which are pretty sensible demands.

And a few greedy corporate assholes decide that, meh, fuck that, we are moving our factory down to some third world shithole where the people work for a dollar a day and their government shoots them if they complain about their kids getting cancer from the shit we are dumping into their water table.

And you blame the workers and not the greedy corporate assholes?

Conservatism is a form of Stockholm Syndrome.
Thanks Union idiots. Your leaders have golden parachutes while the skilled jobs go to unskilled workers in freaking Mexico.
How much do you think American workers should make? $26 dollars a day?
Thanks Union idiots. Your leaders have golden parachutes while the skilled jobs go to unskilled workers in freaking Mexico.
Why would you think they are unskilled in Mexico? It's Republicans who believe education is both unnecessary and something for snobs. You will never hear that from Mexicans. In fact, why do you think business wants Immigrants to come to Red States?
"Ford said Friday it will invest $2.5 billion to build two new plants in Mexico so it can build small engines and new transmissions, underscoring a trend towards major automotive investments in Mexico."

Mexico snags big Ford engine investment as auto industry migrates south

But....why would CEO Obama allow this?

This news will make Obama very happy. Any country that puts Americans out of work will come as good news to Obama. His goal of destroying America through the destruction of her economy is working. His weapon is a lethal one and has served him well for 6 years.

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