Ford picks Mexico for $2.5-billion engine investment

I find it odd, that none of these assholes teapers that are so upset that Ford s gong to Mexco had the same feelings hen Burger King announced they were going to fuckng canada. No calls for a boycott...NO a matter of fact, the lousy anti-American teapers PRAISED BK for the move because it gave Obama a blacker eye and didn't give opportunity to wetbacks. What a bunch of racist hypocrites.
Why don't we just put a 1000% tariff on any engine (or automobile equipped with such an engine) resulting from this choice?

That should drag the engine-building jobs back to this side of the border.
NAFTA. SWe tried to put tariffs on softwood lumber from canada...they cried and whined and took the US to court over it. Fucking guys are worried about motors in Mexico...but could give a shit about how we support the canadian economy by just giving them trade. Fuckng pathetc...teaper hate for the wetback is anti-American.
Canada has similar EPA standards and higher wages there................Tis not the same as Mexico.............

They are just kicking our ass in some areas regarding Trade.
canada isn't kicking our ass in anything except looking their gift horse in the mojuth. Fucking canadians...louser than a teaper.
Maybe so and maybe not in the ass kicking situation..............My post stands as they have similar policies on the EPA, labor costs, and taxation of business......................

Fair Trade versus Free.............If the circumstances of production are similar to both sides then the competition is FAIR if both sides are competing for trade in either country............

In Mexico, the standards, the labor costs, etc............are more favorable to Mexico than the United States...........Which is not in the best interest of the United States.............which is why tariffs should be in place...............Which is why businesses are MOVING THERE.............This is nothing new as this has been going on for a long time now...............and our jobs having been leaving here for a long time as well to cut costs and increase profits.................Tariffs are the only real way to EQUAL THE PLAYING FIELD.

Your rants against the Tea Party are amusing at best.

Mixed feelings on this. On one hand, not good to see money going out of the country, and this won't be the last of it. On the other, anything that might serve to make Mexico a little less of a shit hole is a positive. We wouldn't have an illegal immigration (am I still allowed to use that term without "consequences"?) problem if the place were not such a fucking disaster.

Mexico? NO Obamacare NO unions.
America? Obama and NO jobs!
So again republicans are happy good paying jobs are gone to Mexico because god forbid workers here unite together and are not willing to be slaves....we need a strong president to put a stop to this shit.Republicans will spite America to piss off 1 man....aka republicans hate America.
True...but teapers are the ones who hate America and give true conservatives a bad name. It is teapers that ill bury America just to piss off a President of a darker hue. Teapers have destroyed the GOP and now they are destroying America. Worst than ISIS in every way.
Wait till we make you get JOBS! And we want you to PAY TAXES.
Oh and you get to raise your OWN DAMN KIDS!
Oh the Boogie man Oh the Boogie man! LMAO!
Who is you?

Fucking pathetic teaper. There are teapers that refuse to pay taxes, hide income and do everything they can to avoid everything you claim you ant. How fucking pathetic.

The Clintons Have A History Of Problems With Their Taxes

The Clintons Have A History Of Problems With Their Taxes - America Rising

"Ford said Friday it will invest $2.5 billion to build two new plants in Mexico so it can build small engines and new transmissions, underscoring a trend towards major automotive investments in Mexico."

Mexico snags big Ford engine investment as auto industry migrates south

But....why would CEO Obama allow this?
Oblama is not the CEO, sorry it doesn't fit your narrative...

IF ANY company takes Tax Payer dollars, and Ford did they should be beholden the Tax Payer.
"Ford said Friday it will invest $2.5 billion to build two new plants in Mexico so it can build small engines and new transmissions, underscoring a trend towards major automotive investments in Mexico."

Mexico snags big Ford engine investment as auto industry migrates south

But....why would CEO Obama allow this?
Oblama is not the CEO, sorry it doesn't fit your narrative...

IF ANY company takes Tax Payer dollars, and Ford did they should be beholden the Tax Payer.
Well I am sorry that Reagan didn't make Chrysler do that when he bailed them out...
Mexico? NO Obamacare NO unions.
America? Obama and NO jobs!
So again republicans are happy good paying jobs are gone to Mexico because god forbid workers here unite together and are not willing to be slaves....we need a strong president to put a stop to this shit.Republicans will spite America to piss off 1 man....aka republicans hate America.
True...but teapers are the ones who hate America and give true conservatives a bad name. It is teapers that ill bury America just to piss off a President of a darker hue. Teapers have destroyed the GOP and now they are destroying America. Worst than ISIS in every way.
Wait till we make you get JOBS! And we want you to PAY TAXES.
Oh and you get to raise your OWN DAMN KIDS!
Oh the Boogie man Oh the Boogie man! LMAO!
Who is you?

Fucking pathetic teaper. There are teapers that refuse to pay taxes, hide income and do everything they can to avoid everything you claim you ant. How fucking pathetic.
Al Sharpton is a tp?
Mexico? NO Obamacare NO unions.
America? Obama and NO jobs!

Bammy bailed them out with our money and now he is letting them take jobs out of the country.

Ford received no bailout money...

They took TARP money, they took Tax Payer money sorry.
So...Did it come with strings attached?

It's cute how you lefty's NEED to defend Obama no matter what he does.
Tomorrow you will once again be screaming about jobs leaving the country and forget all about Ford.

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