Forensic Analysis: Planned Parenthood Videos Are Severely Manipulated

AHAHAHAHA I knew they would do this. Planned Parenthood gets smacked around again

CMP Fires Back At Planned Parenthood, Releases FULL UNCUT FOOTAGE 8th Video

Today, the Center for Medical Progress released the full, uncut video of the conversation between undercover investigators form CMP and top officials with StemExpress, which buys aborted babies and their body parts from Planned Parenthood. The full footage is of a shorter video that summarized the meetings earlier this week.

The release of the full, unedited video also comes one day after Planned Parenthood released a new report claiming the eight videos released exposing it were “altered.” The abortion giant says the videos were manipulated and therefore not eligible for serious inquiry by Congress, which has launched two joint investigations of the abortion corporation. Still, Planned Parenthood’s own paid for experts admitted that there was no evidence of any manipulation of the audio in any of the eight shocking videos.

The full two-hour-long video appears below:

Read more at CMP Fires Back At Planned Parenthood, Releases FULL UNCUT FOOTAGE 8th Video

Read more at CMP Fires Back At Planned Parenthood, Releases FULL UNCUT FOOTAGE 8th Video
The Baby Killing, Satan Worshiping Left is in full meltdown mode over these videos.

Tell us: Which part of "Stick the knife in its face so you can save the brain." is manipulated? None of it!

You Lefties who support this shit are subhuman scum.
The outfit hired by PP is “Fusion GPS. Here’s a quote from the Weekly Standard yesterday:

“Just who, exactly, is behind Fusion GPS? Turns out it’s an opposition research firm with ties to the Democratic party and has a history of harassing socially conservative Republican donors, possibly on behalf of the Obama campaign”

Of course, these folks are just your everyday “independent experts”.
I mean if 51% is due to faulty birth control something needs to be done, some condom or BC pill manufacturers need to be monitored closer or the person using the contraceptive needs to use it properly. I can't believe that no.

The Guttmacher Institute is probably the best source of non partisan information there is out there.

Yes, some of those findings are revealing. There was a study in Colorado, if I recall correctly, where at risk teens were provided with long acting contraceptives that have better results at preventing pregnancies. The incidence of pregnancies in that test dropped by 80%!

Two problems. One is that those methods of contraception are more expensive so poor women can't afford them. (Around about $1000 or so to have the procedure) and the funding for that program ran out so they cancelled it.

But let's just do the math for ourselves. Right now there are about 1 million abortions a year so if 50% are because of the failure of birth control those could be reduced by 80% using these long acting contraceptives.

So for a cost of a mere half a billion dollars a year it would be possible to reduce abortions by 40%.

That would mean 400,000 fewer abortions each and every year for what is mere petty cash to the federal budget, and no, that money is not spent providing abortions but preventing them instead.

Why isn't this a no brainer for Congress to pass?


So these women are not wearing condoms which in most cases are free?

did someone say "condoms are free and women should be wearing them?" --------do the martians have computers?
I mean if 51% is due to faulty birth control something needs to be done, some condom or BC pill manufacturers need to be monitored closer or the person using the contraceptive needs to use it properly. I can't believe that no.

The Guttmacher Institute is probably the best source of non partisan information there is out there.

Yes, some of those findings are revealing. There was a study in Colorado, if I recall correctly, where at risk teens were provided with long acting contraceptives that have better results at preventing pregnancies. The incidence of pregnancies in that test dropped by 80%!

Two problems. One is that those methods of contraception are more expensive so poor women can't afford them. (Around about $1000 or so to have the procedure) and the funding for that program ran out so they cancelled it.

But let's just do the math for ourselves. Right now there are about 1 million abortions a year so if 50% are because of the failure of birth control those could be reduced by 80% using these long acting contraceptives.

So for a cost of a mere half a billion dollars a year it would be possible to reduce abortions by 40%.

That would mean 400,000 fewer abortions each and every year for what is mere petty cash to the federal budget, and no, that money is not spent providing abortions but preventing them instead.

Why isn't this a no brainer for Congress to pass?


So these women are not wearing condoms which in most cases are free?

did someone say "condoms are free and women should be wearing them?" --------do the martians have computers?

I should of said have them and if they want to screw around Make the men put one on. Glad you caught that. Now Bruce Jenner is a woman, so he says, and I think he has his ding dong, so in that case she should wear one.
I mean if 51% is due to faulty birth control something needs to be done, some condom or BC pill manufacturers need to be monitored closer or the person using the contraceptive needs to use it properly. I can't believe that no.

The Guttmacher Institute is probably the best source of non partisan information there is out there.

Yes, some of those findings are revealing. There was a study in Colorado, if I recall correctly, where at risk teens were provided with long acting contraceptives that have better results at preventing pregnancies. The incidence of pregnancies in that test dropped by 80%!

Two problems. One is that those methods of contraception are more expensive so poor women can't afford them. (Around about $1000 or so to have the procedure) and the funding for that program ran out so they cancelled it.

But let's just do the math for ourselves. Right now there are about 1 million abortions a year so if 50% are because of the failure of birth control those could be reduced by 80% using these long acting contraceptives.

So for a cost of a mere half a billion dollars a year it would be possible to reduce abortions by 40%.

That would mean 400,000 fewer abortions each and every year for what is mere petty cash to the federal budget, and no, that money is not spent providing abortions but preventing them instead.

Why isn't this a no brainer for Congress to pass?


So these women are not wearing condoms which in most cases are free?

did someone say "condoms are free and women should be wearing them?" --------do the martians have computers?

I should of said have them and if they want to screw around Make the men put one on. Glad you caught that. Now Bruce Jenner is a woman, so he says, and I think he has his ding dong, so in that case she should wear one.

Bruce Jenner IS a ding dong
It was patently obvious from the outset that those videos were nothing more than an illegal attempt to libel PP.

Unfortunately most people can't spot the editing and the MSM failed to do it's job and research them first.

Of course FauxNoise wasn't going to do that anyway because they have been a proponent of using this kind of vile distortion all along.

But the rest of the media should have known better.

Now I hope that they will be honest enough to promote the truth.

PP should sue their butts.

It's blatant slander and they shouldn't be able to get away with it over and over again.

Sue them so badly that they don't have two pennies to rub together and show anyone who thinks that it's a good idea to slander PP that if you do, you will pay and your organization will be bankrupt.

Actually PP should sue everyone who donated to CMP and was in anyway affiliated with it.

And yes, the perps who created those falsified videos should be charged with deceiving the IRS.

Let the 2 minute hate commence.

They exposed some uncomfortable concepts, so of course they have to be destroyed. You can't counter the message without sounding like a ghoul, so you have to attack the messengers.

Denying the evidence that they falsified the videos and deceived the IRS says volumes about your complete and utter lack of any shred of honesty and integrity.

Lol, so people editing documentaries is 'falsifying evidence'? roflmao you just cant make this kind of shit up.

I mean if 51% is due to faulty birth control something needs to be done, some condom or BC pill manufacturers need to be monitored closer or the person using the contraceptive needs to use it properly. I can't believe that no.

The Guttmacher Institute is probably the best source of non partisan information there is out there.

Yes, some of those findings are revealing. There was a study in Colorado, if I recall correctly, where at risk teens were provided with long acting contraceptives that have better results at preventing pregnancies. The incidence of pregnancies in that test dropped by 80%!

Two problems. One is that those methods of contraception are more expensive so poor women can't afford them. (Around about $1000 or so to have the procedure) and the funding for that program ran out so they cancelled it.

But let's just do the math for ourselves. Right now there are about 1 million abortions a year so if 50% are because of the failure of birth control those could be reduced by 80% using these long acting contraceptives.

So for a cost of a mere half a billion dollars a year it would be possible to reduce abortions by 40%.

That would mean 400,000 fewer abortions each and every year for what is mere petty cash to the federal budget, and no, that money is not spent providing abortions but preventing them instead.

Why isn't this a no brainer for Congress to pass?


So these women are not wearing condoms which in most cases are free?

did someone say "condoms are free and women should be wearing them?" --------do the martians have computers?
I mean if 51% is due to faulty birth control something needs to be done, some condom or BC pill manufacturers need to be monitored closer or the person using the contraceptive needs to use it properly. I can't believe that no.

The Guttmacher Institute is probably the best source of non partisan information there is out there.

Yes, some of those findings are revealing. There was a study in Colorado, if I recall correctly, where at risk teens were provided with long acting contraceptives that have better results at preventing pregnancies. The incidence of pregnancies in that test dropped by 80%!

Two problems. One is that those methods of contraception are more expensive so poor women can't afford them. (Around about $1000 or so to have the procedure) and the funding for that program ran out so they cancelled it.

But let's just do the math for ourselves. Right now there are about 1 million abortions a year so if 50% are because of the failure of birth control those could be reduced by 80% using these long acting contraceptives.

So for a cost of a mere half a billion dollars a year it would be possible to reduce abortions by 40%.

That would mean 400,000 fewer abortions each and every year for what is mere petty cash to the federal budget, and no, that money is not spent providing abortions but preventing them instead.

Why isn't this a no brainer for Congress to pass?


So these women are not wearing condoms which in most cases are free?

did someone say "condoms are free and women should be wearing them?" --------do the martians have computers?

I should of said have them and if they want to screw around Make the men put one on. Glad you caught that. Now Bruce Jenner is a woman, so he says, and I think he has his ding dong, so in that case she should wear one.

good save---penny----will "she" get them free? ------are you sure she still has her phallus? for sex change the surgeons can create a cleft to replace that which you (as a heath care worker) have named "dingdong". Is that the current term in the brothel of your
I'm all for PP. Each year tens of thousands of negro and American indian babies won't have to live in fucking shitholes all their short lives and suck of the 'Maker's teat and be able to claim the only time they had anything to eat they didn't fucking rob was when they were in prison.

Only 3% of what they do is abortions, and well they can't do an abortion without a woman wanting one. What gets me is why are these women needing abortions, Unprotected SEX, which leads to HIV, Cervical CA and other VD's.
And abortions lead to a higher risk of breast cancer.

Another lie.

Why do you people keep lying? It doesn't make sense. The lies are easily exposed and you look like you don't know what you're talking about. Which you don't.

You do realize that intelligent people who actually go to reputable sources and find you're lying don't pay much attention to whatever it is you're saying don't you? If not you're really in your own fantasy world.

Abortion, Miscarriage, and Breast Cancer Risk - National Cancer Institute

The correlation between abortion and breast cancer is long established though also long denied by the abortion murder industry, similar to the cigarette manufactures denial of smokings linkage to cancer for decades.

IMO one does not simply lethally abort a naturally occurring process in ones body without there being major risks. We did not evolve for such behavior and evolution would seem to suggest it wouldn't be healthy if not actually harmful to the mother.

But then again, that is what liberalism is all about; telling women to act like men and thus destroying femininity itself and its most significant ability men can never have; giving life to another human being.
It was patently obvious from the outset that those videos were nothing more than an illegal attempt to libel PP.

Unfortunately most people can't spot the editing and the MSM failed to do it's job and research them first.

Of course FauxNoise wasn't going to do that anyway because they have been a proponent of using this kind of vile distortion all along.

But the rest of the media should have known better.

Now I hope that they will be honest enough to promote the truth.

PP should sue their butts.

It's blatant slander and they shouldn't be able to get away with it over and over again.

Sue them so badly that they don't have two pennies to rub together and show anyone who thinks that it's a good idea to slander PP that if you do, you will pay and your organization will be bankrupt.

Actually PP should sue everyone who donated to CMP and was in anyway affiliated with it.

And yes, the perps who created those falsified videos should be charged with deceiving the IRS.

Let the 2 minute hate commence.

They exposed some uncomfortable concepts, so of course they have to be destroyed. You can't counter the message without sounding like a ghoul, so you have to attack the messengers.

Denying the evidence that they falsified the videos and deceived the IRS says volumes about your complete and utter lack of any shred of honesty and integrity.

Lol, so people editing documentaries is 'falsifying evidence'? roflmao you just cant make this kind of shit up.

Unless of course the left is doing it to frame a conservative organization. Then that rule does not apply. :)
I'm all for PP. Each year tens of thousands of negro and American indian babies won't have to live in fucking shitholes all their short lives and suck of the 'Maker's teat and be able to claim the only time they had anything to eat they didn't fucking rob was when they were in prison.

Only 3% of what they do is abortions, and well they can't do an abortion without a woman wanting one. What gets me is why are these women needing abortions, Unprotected SEX, which leads to HIV, Cervical CA and other VD's.
And abortions lead to a higher risk of breast cancer.

Another lie.

Why do you people keep lying? It doesn't make sense. The lies are easily exposed and you look like you don't know what you're talking about. Which you don't.

You do realize that intelligent people who actually go to reputable sources and find you're lying don't pay much attention to whatever it is you're saying don't you? If not you're really in your own fantasy world.

Abortion, Miscarriage, and Breast Cancer Risk - National Cancer Institute

The correlation between abortion and breast cancer is long established though also long denied by the abortion murder industry, similar to the cigarette manufactures denial of smokings linkage to cancer for decades.

IMO one does not simply lethally abort a naturally occurring process in ones body without there being major risks. We did not evolve for such behavior and evolution would seem to suggest it wouldn't be healthy if not actually harmful to the mother.

But then again, that is what liberalism is all about; telling women to act like men and thus destroying femininity itself and its most significant ability men can never have; giving life to another human being.

No, there is no connection

Abortion, Miscarriage, and Breast Cancer Risk
I'm all for PP. Each year tens of thousands of negro and American indian babies won't have to live in fucking shitholes all their short lives and suck of the 'Maker's teat and be able to claim the only time they had anything to eat they didn't fucking rob was when they were in prison.

Only 3% of what they do is abortions, and well they can't do an abortion without a woman wanting one. What gets me is why are these women needing abortions, Unprotected SEX, which leads to HIV, Cervical CA and other VD's.
And abortions lead to a higher risk of breast cancer.

Another lie.

Why do you people keep lying? It doesn't make sense. The lies are easily exposed and you look like you don't know what you're talking about. Which you don't.

You do realize that intelligent people who actually go to reputable sources and find you're lying don't pay much attention to whatever it is you're saying don't you? If not you're really in your own fantasy world.

Abortion, Miscarriage, and Breast Cancer Risk - National Cancer Institute

The correlation between abortion and breast cancer is long established though also long denied by the abortion murder industry, similar to the cigarette manufactures denial of smokings linkage to cancer for decades.

IMO one does not simply lethally abort a naturally occurring process in ones body without there being major risks. We did not evolve for such behavior and evolution would seem to suggest it wouldn't be healthy if not actually harmful to the mother.

But then again, that is what liberalism is all about; telling women to act like men and thus destroying femininity itself and its most significant ability men can never have; giving life to another human being.

No, there is no connection

Abortion, Miscarriage, and Breast Cancer Risk

No, there is just like there is between smoking and lung cancer but in this case its the baby murder industry that denies the obvious instead of tobacco companies.
I'm all for PP. Each year tens of thousands of negro and American indian babies won't have to live in fucking shitholes all their short lives and suck of the 'Maker's teat and be able to claim the only time they had anything to eat they didn't fucking rob was when they were in prison.

Only 3% of what they do is abortions, and well they can't do an abortion without a woman wanting one. What gets me is why are these women needing abortions, Unprotected SEX, which leads to HIV, Cervical CA and other VD's.
And abortions lead to a higher risk of breast cancer.

That bogus claim has been completed and utterly debunked!

Abortion and Breast Cancer Risk | Susan G. Komen®

Introduction: Research clearly shows abortion (also called induced abortion) does not increase the risk of breast cancer. Since 2003, the National Cancer Institute (NCI) and the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) have agreed the scientific evidence does not support a link between abortion and breast cancer [1-2]. The NCI and ACOG routinely review the evidence on this topic (most recently in 2010 and 2013, respectively) and continue to agree there is no link between abortion and breast cancer [3]. - See more at:

Abortion and Breast Cancer Risk | Susan G. Komen®
Several medical centers disagree with you.

Medical Groups Recognizing Link
The anti-choicers got caught in their web of lies. Why can't they just admit it instead of trying to justify their criminal acts?

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