Forensic Analysis: Planned Parenthood Videos Are Severely Manipulated

An independent company. Has anyone examined the videos and determined they have not been edited?

What independent company? One that does regular work for the libtard disinformation system?

Does it?

No thank you. The reaction of the libtards tells me it is entirely legit or they wouldn't waste their money on bribing judges to order the videos withheld from the public.

Do you have evidence any judges were bribed or is this just another typical retardican lie?

Yeah, Kelo is rational mind could spit out that bullshit unless they got paid off.

Translation: I got no evidence.

Translation; you are a stupid shit.

No so, I posted evidence in a post that shows that the videos are edited.

So.............. >>Translation; you are a stupid shit.<<
It's my personal property, not yours.

The baby is not your property.

If it's an unwanted tenant, it can be evicted.

No, it cant as the mother gave permission for the sperm to enter in like 98% of the cases. Too late if you change you mind, heartless bastards.

Of course it can.

My uterus is my property and no one elses. You can, of course, take it in yourself if you feel it to be so important but you can not force me to keep it in residence against my will.

No, your uterus being your 'property' does not allow you to do whatever the hell you want, like selling it, for example.

And no, cannot kill that baby without being a heartless shit-stain.

My uterus is not anyone's property. It's *me* - my body. You don't own it. You don't control it. No one does but me. You can not force a woman to terminate a pregnancy against her will. Neither can your force her to carry a pregnancy against her will. No one can forceably implant a fetus in your abdoman either.

And, yes...legally I can "sell it" - or, rent it - for surrogacy if I should choose to.
So videos with the employees of PP talking about doing this horrid stuff is not evidence in your view?

With a conscience like that you must sleep well at night.

It has nothing to do with conscience, but with ascertaining the truth. If the evidence points towards the videos being significantly edited, then I can't take them seriously.
Oh blow off. You could be standing in the room while the taping of the interview went on and you'd be in here claiming it's all edit. You limbs have no credibility.

So...evidence points to videos being edited. You: **** the evidence!

What evidence points to the videos being edited?
Unspinning the Planned Parenthood Video
Media Calls Out Deceptively Edited Video Claiming To Show Planned Parenthood "Selling Aborted Baby Parts"
Forensic Analysis Shows the Real Planned Parenthood Scandal Is the Videos Themselves

Lol, wow, the New York Times, The guardian and the Huffington Post, all really neutral and objective NOT.

Nothing in that whole pile of shit I just read mentions anything that would be any different from any other documentary on a controversial topic.

roflmao, I don't mean to be rude to you, but if that's all you got, you don't really have anything.
What independent company? One that does regular work for the libtard disinformation system?

Does it?

No thank you. The reaction of the libtards tells me it is entirely legit or they wouldn't waste their money on bribing judges to order the videos withheld from the public.

Do you have evidence any judges were bribed or is this just another typical retardican lie?

Yeah, Kelo is rational mind could spit out that bullshit unless they got paid off.

Translation: I got no evidence.

Translation; you are a stupid shit.

No so, I posted evidence in a post that shows that the videos are edited.

So.............. >>Translation; you are a stupid shit.<<

You posted links to news articles that claim the videos are edited in an unfair or misleading way, but there were no unusual edits that any documentary wouldn't have had. They left out a section where the PP employee claims that they don't sell what of course they maintain that façade at all times, I am sure. But when they get down to haggling over money, they are very plainly selling baby parts, regardless of their fig leaf fiction.

So when did libtards stop thinking for themselves?

I have not met a rational independent minded liberal in years now.
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It has nothing to do with conscience, but with ascertaining the truth. If the evidence points towards the videos being significantly edited, then I can't take them seriously.
Oh blow off. You could be standing in the room while the taping of the interview went on and you'd be in here claiming it's all edit. You limbs have no credibility.

So...evidence points to videos being edited. You: **** the evidence!

What evidence points to the videos being edited?
Unspinning the Planned Parenthood Video
Media Calls Out Deceptively Edited Video Claiming To Show Planned Parenthood "Selling Aborted Baby Parts"
Forensic Analysis Shows the Real Planned Parenthood Scandal Is the Videos Themselves

Lol, wow, the New York Times, The guardian and the Huffington Post, all really neutral and objective NOT.

Nothing in that whole pile of shit I just read mentions anything that would be any different from any other documentary on a controversial topic.

roflmao, I don't mean to be rude to you, but if that's all you got, you don't really have anything.

So what "neutral and objective sources" do you have supporting your claims?
Oh blow off. You could be standing in the room while the taping of the interview went on and you'd be in here claiming it's all edit. You limbs have no credibility.

So...evidence points to videos being edited. You: **** the evidence!

What evidence points to the videos being edited?
Unspinning the Planned Parenthood Video
Media Calls Out Deceptively Edited Video Claiming To Show Planned Parenthood "Selling Aborted Baby Parts"
Forensic Analysis Shows the Real Planned Parenthood Scandal Is the Videos Themselves

Lol, wow, the New York Times, The guardian and the Huffington Post, all really neutral and objective NOT.

Nothing in that whole pile of shit I just read mentions anything that would be any different from any other documentary on a controversial topic.

roflmao, I don't mean to be rude to you, but if that's all you got, you don't really have anything.

So what "neutral and objective sources" do you have supporting your claims?

The PP employees that leave and blow the whistle on the murderous bastards.
Does it?

Do you have evidence any judges were bribed or is this just another typical retardican lie?

Yeah, Kelo is rational mind could spit out that bullshit unless they got paid off.

Translation: I got no evidence.

Translation; you are a stupid shit.

No so, I posted evidence in a post that shows that the videos are edited.

So.............. >>Translation; you are a stupid shit.<<

You posted links to news articles that claim the videos are edited in an unfair or misleading way, but there were no unusual edits that any documentary wouldn't have had. They left out a section where the PP employee claims that they don't sell what of course they maintain that façade at all times, I am sure. But when they get down to haggling over money, they are very plainly selling baby parts, regardless of their fig leaf fiction.

So when did libtards stop thinking for themselves?

I have met a rational independent minded liberal in years now.

From 'Sting' Videos Of Planned Parenthood Are Totally Manipulated, Forensic Analysis Finds

Glenn Simpson, a partner at the firm and a former Wall Street Journal reporter, assembled three teams of neutral experts to comb through the tapes using special video software. He said the teams found that all of the videos analyzed -- even the supposedly "full," unedited footage the CMP released -- were missing large sections of time and misleadingly altered so that separate conversations appeared to take place in an uninterrupted take. Moreover, the forensic team found that the transcripts CMS released with the videos were frequently erroneous.
That doesn't sound like typical documentary edits.
My uterus is my property and no one elses.

My uterus is not anyone's property.

Can you libtards ever make your fucking minds up?

And, yes...legally I can "sell it" - or, rent it - for surrogacy if I should choose to.

I said you cant sell it. I have no doubt you rent your body fairly often.

I have no doubt you think you know what you are talking about.

In the meantime, it's my right to evict any unwanted tenants.
It's my personal property, not yours.

The baby is not your property.

If it's an unwanted tenant, it can be evicted.

No, it cant as the mother gave permission for the sperm to enter in like 98% of the cases. Too late if you change you mind, heartless bastards.

Of course it can.

My uterus is my property and no one elses. You can, of course, take it in yourself if you feel it to be so important but you can not force me to keep it in residence against my will.

No, your uterus being your 'property' does not allow you to do whatever the hell you want, like selling it, for example.

And no, cannot kill that baby without being a heartless shit-stain.

You can donate it or any organ, or your whole body if you choose. You can give part or your liver or a kidney to save a life. You can give blood or even donate stem cells and bone marrow.

You donate your womb to the fetus to grow to maturity till birth. You donate your body and time to care for the fetus. Or you can refuse and kill the fetus, or cause its termination. Once it is not viable you have to have it removed before it becomes toxic.

Even the church approved rhythm method has its risk and is responsible for killing off embryos

Is the Rhythm Method – "the only method of birth control condoned by the Catholic Church" – responsible for "massive embryonic death"?

Pope approved condoms back in 2010

Lol, wow, the New York Times, The guardian and the Huffington Post, all really neutral and objective NOT.

Nothing in that whole pile of shit I just read mentions anything that would be any different from any other documentary on a controversial topic.

roflmao, I don't mean to be rude to you, but if that's all you got, you don't really have anything.

So what "neutral and objective sources" do you have supporting your claims?

The PP employees that leave and blow the whistle on the murderous bastards.

Neutral and objective?

You're so cute :lol:
My uterus is my property and no one elses.

My uterus is not anyone's property.

Can you libtards ever make your fucking minds up?

And, yes...legally I can "sell it" - or, rent it - for surrogacy if I should choose to.

I said you cant sell it. I have no doubt you rent your body fairly often.

When you lack valid arguments you resort to insults? How adult and logical

You should have read the articles more carefully instead of dismissing them off hand because of the source.

Testimony before congress has to be sworn to same as courtroom, but you give more credence to actors and manipulation by a group with an agenda instead

how unbias

Even the supposedly unedited "full" footage is misleadingly altered, experts say.

The undercover Planned Parenthood videos that spurred a congressional investigation were so severely manipulated that they wouldn't hold up in court, according to an analysis by three teams of forensic experts.

Planned Parenthood hired independent research firm Fusion GPS to investigate the validity of the first five "sting" videos released by the Center for Medical Progress, an anti-abortion group.

Glenn Simpson, a partner at the firm and a former Wall Street Journal reporter, assembled three teams of neutral experts to comb through the tapes using special video software. He said the teams found that all of the videos analyzed -- even the supposedly "full," unedited footage the CMP released -- were missing large sections of time and misleadingly altered so that separate conversations appeared to take place in an uninterrupted take. Moreover, the forensic team found that the transcripts CMS released with the videos were frequently erroneous.

"It appears they commit what I would call 'wishful thinking' about what was said," Simpson told reporters Thursday.

More: 'Sting' Videos Of Planned Parenthood Are Totally Manipulated, Forensic Analysis Finds

Using "doctored" videos to advance the anti-choice agenda is dishonorable and misleading.

Of course, con Repubs are suckers for that kind of stuff.
Instead of any kind of critical thinking, they eat up cherry-picked crap that supports their beliefs.
No wonder there are relatively few esteemed Repub scientists.
Now and then that is true, not sure what the stats are on those, but I'm sure it happens. I mean if the woman does not want the baby, let her get the abortion as soon as she knows. I am not for back street abortions.

Is abortion legal in Iran? I don't mean forced abortion on Jews and Christians, but can a Muslim woman like you get an abortion legally?

Don't be stupid. They don't have forced abortions on anyone. It's illegal in Iran.

Except to save the life of the woman

This may be splitting hairs in the view some, but one could say that the Catholic church also allows for abortion in the case of threat to a mothers life. How it works is that they do what is necessary to save the mother, and if the child dies in the process, it is viewed as unfortunate and the loss of an innocent life, but the procedure is not banned or prevented. If the child can survive whatever they think might kill it when trying to save the mothers life the Catholic church allows.

The church simply refuses to agree to doctors deliberately killing the child from the start, i.e. murdering the child to se the mom.

Yet a pope actually wrote on the methods promoting birth control and abortions in the 1200's

Abortions became taboo because of the black death when half the population was killed off

Bible permits abortion and birth control.

The current pope has come out for condom use

Women have a right to control their own body, and she has to decide if an abortion is the right option for her.
Chapter and Bible verse please of this "permission".
The OP is yet another example of why Liberals love science - especially forensic science in this case. Sadly, some states have defunded Planned Parenthood based on these dishonorable NaziCon lies. The rightwing war on women continues.
The war is on Planned Parenthood. Nobody buys the war on women shit anymore.

When your war involves our uterus' - then it's a war on women.
No harm will come to your uterus.

It's my personal property, not yours.
. A baby's kidneys, heart and arms are its personal property. Planned Parenthood is going down.
My uterus is my property and no one elses.

My uterus is not anyone's property.

Can you libtards ever make your fucking minds up?

And, yes...legally I can "sell it" - or, rent it - for surrogacy if I should choose to.

I said you cant sell it. I have no doubt you rent your body fairly often.

I have no doubt you think you know what you are talking about. I am through with you.

In the meantime, it's my right to evict any unwanted tenants.
. You are a horrible, disgusting person referring to your baby like that. You've gone over the deep end. I'm through with you. You are in a murderous rage over this topic. I feel for any baby growing inside you.
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I mean if 51% is due to faulty birth control something needs to be done, some condom or BC pill manufacturers need to be monitored closer or the person using the contraceptive needs to use it properly. I can't believe that no.

The Guttmacher Institute is probably the best source of non partisan information there is out there.

Yes, some of those findings are revealing. There was a study in Colorado, if I recall correctly, where at risk teens were provided with long acting contraceptives that have better results at preventing pregnancies. The incidence of pregnancies in that test dropped by 80%!

Two problems. One is that those methods of contraception are more expensive so poor women can't afford them. (Around about $1000 or so to have the procedure) and the funding for that program ran out so they cancelled it.

But let's just do the math for ourselves. Right now there are about 1 million abortions a year so if 50% are because of the failure of birth control those could be reduced by 80% using these long acting contraceptives.

So for a cost of a mere half a billion dollars a year it would be possible to reduce abortions by 40%.

That would mean 400,000 fewer abortions each and every year for what is mere petty cash to the federal budget, and no, that money is not spent providing abortions but preventing them instead.

Why isn't this a no brainer for Congress to pass?


So these women are not wearing condoms which in most cases are free?

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