Forget Happy Meals - Now They're After Your Irish Coffee

you're right.. we should ignore the fact that kids are getting hold of Four-Loko and are dying.

it's their right and all...

perhaps Irish coffee, is better left at really *being* Irish coffee instead of drinks with caffein equal to about five cups?

Ban adding caffeine to alcoholic drinks because some "kids" (are we talking about 21 year olds?) are stupid? That makes as much sense as saying we should ban pain medication because "kids" abuse them too.

Except that no one has "banned adding caffeine to alcoholic drinks". One specific drink has been banned, nothing more.

Not true. It took action against four companies this time based on the premise that caffeine is not a safe additive.

“FDA does not find support for the claim that the addition of caffeine to these alcoholic beverages is ‘generally recognized as safe,’ which is the legal standard,” said Dr. Joshua M. Sharfstein, Principal Deputy Commissioner. “To the contrary, there is evidence that the combinations of caffeine and alcohol in these products pose a public health concern.”

FDA Warning Letters issued to four makers of caffeinated alcoholic beverages

This is a government body that regulates what we can put in our bodies. Show me where it's now not legal to make a Jack & Coke.
Christ libs.......Just stay the hell out of our lives!

And for anybody up here that ISN'T liberal and lives in San Francisco. Take your kids to Micky D's, buy 'em a happy meal and, explain that it is the LIBERALS who took their toys away.....After they are done eating, take 'em to Toys Are Us!
Ban adding caffeine to alcoholic drinks because some "kids" (are we talking about 21 year olds?) are stupid? That makes as much sense as saying we should ban pain medication because "kids" abuse them too.

Except that no one has "banned adding caffeine to alcoholic drinks". One specific drink has been banned, nothing more.

Not true. It took action against four companies this time based on the premise that caffeine is not a safe additive.

“FDA does not find support for the claim that the addition of caffeine to these alcoholic beverages is ‘generally recognized as safe,’ which is the legal standard,” said Dr. Joshua M. Sharfstein, Principal Deputy Commissioner. “To the contrary, there is evidence that the combinations of caffeine and alcohol in these products pose a public health concern.”

FDA Warning Letters issued to four makers of caffeinated alcoholic beverages

This is a government body that regulates what we can put in our bodies. Show me where it's now not legal to make a Jack & Coke.

No, this is the government body that regulates what can be sold.

Go to your neighborhood bar, and order a Jack and Coke. You'll get one.

There is no law against mixing alcohol and caffeine. Therefore, it has not been banned.
No one "enjoys" Four Loko.

Ah, then the brewery will stop making it, and this "issue" will just go quietly into the night.

I don't think you understood what I was saying..

No one "enjoys" it. They buy it because it's 2.50 and has as much alcohol as 5 cans of Budwiser.

It tastes worse than you can possibly imagine.

If it tastes that bad, then nobody will drink it, and the brewery will stop production. Just because you don't like it doesn't mean that everyone doesn't.

I don't like scotch. I think it tastes like spar varnish mixed with paint thinner. But others like it, so it's still being made.
Ban adding caffeine to alcoholic drinks because some "kids" (are we talking about 21 year olds?) are stupid? That makes as much sense as saying we should ban pain medication because "kids" abuse them too.

Except that no one has "banned adding caffeine to alcoholic drinks". One specific drink has been banned, nothing more.

And how does that stop them when they decide to do more? What stops or controls them? Who are they accountable to?

Ah, the famous "slippery slope" argument.

Hate to break it to you, but alcohol has been heavily regulated already for the last hundred years or so. Any "slippery slope" we're on, we've already been sliding down for a long time.

"Four Loko" and similar beverages have been banned in a number of places already because KIDS drink it. KIDS don't have any political power, aside from as pawns.
Ah, then the brewery will stop making it, and this "issue" will just go quietly into the night.

I don't think you understood what I was saying..

No one "enjoys" it. They buy it because it's 2.50 and has as much alcohol as 5 cans of Budwiser.

It tastes worse than you can possibly imagine.

If it tastes that bad, then nobody will drink it, and the brewery will stop production. Just because you don't like it doesn't mean that everyone doesn't.

I don't like scotch. I think it tastes like spar varnish mixed with paint thinner. But others like it, so it's still being made.

I think you're still missing my point. Nevermind.
Okay, I'm lost. What's the difference between mixing and adding? It's the same end result isn't it. If I add a coke to some Makers, if I mix makers and's the same isn't it.
Except that no one has "banned adding caffeine to alcoholic drinks". One specific drink has been banned, nothing more.

Not true. It took action against four companies this time based on the premise that caffeine is not a safe additive.

“FDA does not find support for the claim that the addition of caffeine to these alcoholic beverages is ‘generally recognized as safe,’ which is the legal standard,” said Dr. Joshua M. Sharfstein, Principal Deputy Commissioner. “To the contrary, there is evidence that the combinations of caffeine and alcohol in these products pose a public health concern.”

FDA Warning Letters issued to four makers of caffeinated alcoholic beverages

This is a government body that regulates what we can put in our bodies. Show me where it's now not legal to make a Jack & Coke.

No, this is the government body that regulates what can be sold.

Go to your neighborhood bar, and order a Jack and Coke. You'll get one.

There is no law against mixing alcohol and caffeine. Therefore, it has not been banned.

That's how we lose our liberties though. Though I neither drink alcohol nor smoke, this offends me because it is one more little chink in the armor that allows us to be a free people and decide for ourselves how to live our lives. Little intrusions become license for larger intrusions. It's easy to shrug them off as no big deal until the morning we wake up and find out that we are no longer in control. Big Brother is. And by then it is often too late.

I still miss the incredibly delicious popcorn we once got in the movies before the government decided the coconut oil that made it so good was not good for us. So that once a week treat is no longer available.

At some point we need to sit up, pay attention, and just say no more. Give us whatever information you think we should have, but let us choose for ourselves.
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Okay, I'm lost. What's the difference between mixing and adding? It's the same end result isn't it. If I add a coke to some Makers, if I mix makers and's the same isn't it.

The FDA doesn't regulate what you do at home, it regulates products that can be sold in stores. The difference between "mixing" and "adding" is that one is done at home, whereas the other is done before its sold.
Poor little kids can't even have a little toy with their meal. Thanks, libs.
They're friggin' nuts!

And they are becoming outta control.....It's time to start telling 'em to go to hell!.....And if that don't work, a lil' civil war action may become necessary........Lock and load your thirty round magazine!

Not true. It took action against four companies this time based on the premise that caffeine is not a safe additive.

FDA Warning Letters issued to four makers of caffeinated alcoholic beverages

This is a government body that regulates what we can put in our bodies. Show me where it's now not legal to make a Jack & Coke.

No, this is the government body that regulates what can be sold.

Go to your neighborhood bar, and order a Jack and Coke. You'll get one.

There is no law against mixing alcohol and caffeine. Therefore, it has not been banned.

That's how we lose our liberties though. Though I neither drink alcohol nor smoke, this offends me because it is one more little chink in the armor that allows us to be a free people and decide for ourselves how to live our lives. Little intrusions become license for larger intrusions. It's easy to shrug them off as no big deal until the morning we wake up and find out that we are no longer in control. Big Brother is. And by then it is often too late.

I agree with you completely. I'm a smoker and a drinker, and these laws drive me crazy.

But what I don't like is people blowing shit out of proportion, or just plain making shit up. This law will only affect bums and high school students.
Okay, I'm lost. What's the difference between mixing and adding? It's the same end result isn't it. If I add a coke to some Makers, if I mix makers and's the same isn't it.

The FDA doesn't regulate what you do at home, it regulates products that can be sold in stores. The difference between "mixing" and "adding" is that one is done at home, whereas the other is done before its sold.

Then clear the friggin' shelves until there is noting available. Anything can be abused.

It's a matter of individual responsibility. Government needs to get out of this period.
Okay, I'm lost. What's the difference between mixing and adding? It's the same end result isn't it. If I add a coke to some Makers, if I mix makers and's the same isn't it.

The FDA doesn't regulate what you do at home, it regulates products that can be sold in stores. The difference between "mixing" and "adding" is that one is done at home, whereas the other is done before its sold.

Then clear the friggin' shelves until there is noting available. Anything can be abused.

It's a matter of individual responsibility. Government needs to get out of this period.

Shockingly enough, I agree with you. Government does need to get out of this.

But there's no need to blow it out of proportion, or make shit up.
Okay, I'm lost. What's the difference between mixing and adding? It's the same end result isn't it. If I add a coke to some Makers, if I mix makers and's the same isn't it.

The FDA doesn't regulate what you do at home, it regulates products that can be sold in stores. The difference between "mixing" and "adding" is that one is done at home, whereas the other is done before its sold.

They make it right here in San Antonio. How many were the kids drinking? I haven't kept abreast of this story since I don't drink this crap.
Okay, I'm lost. What's the difference between mixing and adding? It's the same end result isn't it. If I add a coke to some Makers, if I mix makers and's the same isn't it.

The FDA doesn't regulate what you do at home, it regulates products that can be sold in stores. The difference between "mixing" and "adding" is that one is done at home, whereas the other is done before its sold.

They make it right here in San Antonio. How many were the kids drinking? I haven't kept abreast of this story since I don't drink this crap.

Think about it this way. 2 cans of Four Loko (48 ounces of liquid) contains the alcohol of 9-10 cans of beer, and the caffeine of 10-12 cups of coffee.

It wouldn't take much to cause a heart attack...
Seriously people....Sit down with your kids when they are of an age to fully understand. Explain to them what modern day liberalism is all about. Explain to them the scourge that is modern day liberalism. Explain to them the Constitution and Bill Of Rights. Explain to them the Revolutionary War, and what it was really all about......And last, but certainly not least, teach them what PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY IS ALL ABOUT!

Teach your children well......It's one of the best things you can do for your child. And one of the best things you can do for the future of this great country.
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Ah, then the brewery will stop making it, and this "issue" will just go quietly into the night.

I don't think you understood what I was saying..

No one "enjoys" it. They buy it because it's 2.50 and has as much alcohol as 5 cans of Budwiser.

It tastes worse than you can possibly imagine.

If it tastes that bad, then nobody will drink it, and the brewery will stop production. Just because you don't like it doesn't mean that everyone doesn't.

I don't like scotch. I think it tastes like spar varnish mixed with paint thinner. But others like it, so it's still being made.

Them's fightin word's. Leave my Scotch alone too!!! :eek::evil::lol:

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