Forget Mexico......Let's make taxpayers pay for the wall

Lets talk about real Obamacare. Pre Obamacare, 700 a month. 2012, 1400 a month, 2016 1900 dollars a month, more than the mortgage. No govt copaying. There are way more than 20 million WORKING Americans that have had their healthcare snatched away from them or severely curtailed because of obama. That is a big reason trump won. A whole lot of money and nothing to show for it. Chop the head off the snake and start over.
Lets talk about real Obamacare. Pre Obamacare, 700 a month. 2012, 1400 a month, 2016 1900 dollars a month, more than the mortgage. No govt copaying. There are way more than 20 million WORKING Americans that have had their healthcare snatched away from them or severely curtailed because of obama. That is a big reason trump won. A whole lot of money and nothing to show for it. Chop the head off the snake and start over.
The biggest scam in US history.
I kept my plan

Mexico won't pay one peso for the Great Wall of Trump

i didn't. If I wanted to keep my plan I would have had to pay almost double for it.

You have insurance through your employer or Medicaid?


So let me get this straight

Your employer fucked you over on your health insurance and you blame Obama

They fucked me over due to circumstances created by Obamacare. I used to have a low deductible PPO. more than likely that would end up a "Cadillac Plan" in 2018, so the company decided to make PPO's less attractive, and High deductible plans more attractive. They did this via rate increase on the PPO, wellness plan requirements to even qualify for them, and other coersions.

Hell, the HSA concept is DESIGNED to get people into High deductible plans, and discourage PPO's, because You can't get an HSA with a PPO, only an FSA, and with an FSA you lose your money if you don't use it.

Obamacare created the need for my company to "fuck me over". Democrats created Obamacare, they own the effects.

Take it up with your employer.....not my problem he is a cheap SOB
Obama didn't take your plan.....Your boss did
i didn't. If I wanted to keep my plan I would have had to pay almost double for it.

You have insurance through your employer or Medicaid?


So let me get this straight

Your employer fucked you over on your health insurance and you blame Obama

They fucked me over due to circumstances created by Obamacare. I used to have a low deductible PPO. more than likely that would end up a "Cadillac Plan" in 2018, so the company decided to make PPO's less attractive, and High deductible plans more attractive. They did this via rate increase on the PPO, wellness plan requirements to even qualify for them, and other coersions.

Hell, the HSA concept is DESIGNED to get people into High deductible plans, and discourage PPO's, because You can't get an HSA with a PPO, only an FSA, and with an FSA you lose your money if you don't use it.

Obamacare created the need for my company to "fuck me over". Democrats created Obamacare, they own the effects.

Take it up with your employer.....not my problem he is a cheap SOB
Obama didn't take your plan.....Your boss did

They did it because of the law, and Obama and the democrats passed the law. They own it.

I liked, my plan, I wasn't able to keep my plan. Obama Lied.
i didn't. If I wanted to keep my plan I would have had to pay almost double for it.

You have insurance through your employer or Medicaid?


So let me get this straight

Your employer fucked you over on your health insurance and you blame Obama

They fucked me over due to circumstances created by Obamacare. I used to have a low deductible PPO. more than likely that would end up a "Cadillac Plan" in 2018, so the company decided to make PPO's less attractive, and High deductible plans more attractive. They did this via rate increase on the PPO, wellness plan requirements to even qualify for them, and other coersions.

Hell, the HSA concept is DESIGNED to get people into High deductible plans, and discourage PPO's, because You can't get an HSA with a PPO, only an FSA, and with an FSA you lose your money if you don't use it.

Obamacare created the need for my company to "fuck me over". Democrats created Obamacare, they own the effects.

Take it up with your employer.....not my problem he is a cheap SOB
Obama didn't take your plan.....Your boss did
Obamacare did....idiot...
This wall was promised to Americans DECADES AGO...several exchange for 'concessions': 'If you let us do THIS, THEN we will build the wall this time for sure...'

Trump has not 'lied' to the American people yet, but he has moved the proverbial goalpost. He still says Mexico will pay for the wall, that it will take time and effort to make them do it - but they will, and in the meantime we will pay to begin the process, that Mexico will pay us back.

Again, the 'lie' has not been completed - the goalpost has been moved. I have the sense, though, that this is the beginning of the slow death of the promise.

Do I believe Trump wants to build a wall? YES
Do I think Trump MEANT his promise? YES
Did I ever think he could do it alone? NO

As I said from the start, it is not that we do not have the power / options to get it done. The problem from the start has always been the POLITICAL WILL. We put a friggin' man on the moon because we had not only the ability to do it but we also had the will to do so. Again, we have been promised by politicians on both ides that they would build a wall and secure our borders - for DECADES! It's still not built...because of the lack of WILL to do so.

Barry is a prime example of the mentality and opposition Trump faces: Armed with his own agenda, not only has Obama not pushed for a wall / a more secure border, he has refused to enforce the law, has protected sanctuary cities, has protected human trafficking, engaged in human trafficking, etc....

Congress is not going to get behind the building of this wall, as the last several decades have proven. If it is to be built it will take the pressure on our politicians from those who rallied around Trump on this issue and got Trump elected....otherwise it's going to die from lack of 'POLITICAL WILL'!
I hear the wall will get started the first week.....exciting stuff....

QUESTION---------> Are American citizens America? If they are, then are Mexican citizens Mexico?

Then the answer is quite simple------------>when Trump cuts off funds to all these states with sanc cities because they have Mexican Citizens known as Illegal aliens being protected, we use the money for the wall. Walla, MEXICO paid for the wall!

That is my story, and I am sticking to it, lolol! Sounds logical to me, and if the sanc cities funds are cut off, watch the REAL American citizens start throwing those illegals out-)
I hear the wall will get started the first week.....exciting stuff....

QUESTION---------> Are American citizens America? If they are, then are Mexican citizens Mexico?

Then the answer is quite simple------------>when Trump cuts off funds to all these states with sanc cities because they have Mexican Citizens known as Illegal aliens being protected, we use the money for the wall. Walla, MEXICO paid for the wall!

That is my story, and I am sticking to it, lolol! Sounds logical to me, and if the sanc cities funds are cut off, watch the REAL American citizens start throwing those illegals out-)
I agree....I'm fine fronting Mexico a short term bridge loan until we get their payment plan set up.....
I hear the wall will get started the first week.....exciting stuff....

QUESTION---------> Are American citizens America? If they are, then are Mexican citizens Mexico?

Then the answer is quite simple------------>when Trump cuts off funds to all these states with sanc cities because they have Mexican Citizens known as Illegal aliens being protected, we use the money for the wall. Walla, MEXICO paid for the wall!

That is my story, and I am sticking to it, lolol! Sounds logical to me, and if the sanc cities funds are cut off, watch the REAL American citizens start throwing those illegals out-)
I agree....I'm fine fronting Mexico a short term bridge loan until we get their payment plan set up.....

The left has to create bad things to talk about, don't they, lol. Has a thread been made yet about Trump starting to bring pressure on Toyota yet? Honestly, the left has become so predictable and laughable, it just doesn't seem fair anymore, lol!
Mexico will reimburse us for the wall. Maybe slap a yuge Fake News tax on Carlos Slim
You have insurance through your employer or Medicaid?


So let me get this straight

Your employer fucked you over on your health insurance and you blame Obama

They fucked me over due to circumstances created by Obamacare. I used to have a low deductible PPO. more than likely that would end up a "Cadillac Plan" in 2018, so the company decided to make PPO's less attractive, and High deductible plans more attractive. They did this via rate increase on the PPO, wellness plan requirements to even qualify for them, and other coersions.

Hell, the HSA concept is DESIGNED to get people into High deductible plans, and discourage PPO's, because You can't get an HSA with a PPO, only an FSA, and with an FSA you lose your money if you don't use it.

Obamacare created the need for my company to "fuck me over". Democrats created Obamacare, they own the effects.

Take it up with your employer.....not my problem he is a cheap SOB
Obama didn't take your plan.....Your boss did

They did it because of the law, and Obama and the democrats passed the law. They own it.

I liked, my plan, I wasn't able to keep my plan. Obama Lied.

Sorry pal

There was no "law" that your employer had to cut corners on healthcare and stick it to you

Don't like your employer making your healthcare decisions? You should support single payer

So let me get this straight

Your employer fucked you over on your health insurance and you blame Obama

They fucked me over due to circumstances created by Obamacare. I used to have a low deductible PPO. more than likely that would end up a "Cadillac Plan" in 2018, so the company decided to make PPO's less attractive, and High deductible plans more attractive. They did this via rate increase on the PPO, wellness plan requirements to even qualify for them, and other coersions.

Hell, the HSA concept is DESIGNED to get people into High deductible plans, and discourage PPO's, because You can't get an HSA with a PPO, only an FSA, and with an FSA you lose your money if you don't use it.

Obamacare created the need for my company to "fuck me over". Democrats created Obamacare, they own the effects.

Take it up with your employer.....not my problem he is a cheap SOB
Obama didn't take your plan.....Your boss did

They did it because of the law, and Obama and the democrats passed the law. They own it.

I liked, my plan, I wasn't able to keep my plan. Obama Lied.

Sorry pal

There was no "law" that your employer had to cut corners on healthcare and stick it to you

Don't like your employer making your healthcare decisions? You should support single payer

Which was your goal all along, you conniving fucktards. Yes, lets make going for healthcare the same as going to the fucking DMV. great idea.

Just like progressives blame the gun and not the shooter, you want to blame the company and not the law/lawmakers that made the company do the action in question. Sorry, but it doesn't work that way, twat.
i didn't. If I wanted to keep my plan I would have had to pay almost double for it.

You have insurance through your employer or Medicaid?


So let me get this straight

Your employer fucked you over on your health insurance and you blame Obama

They fucked me over due to circumstances created by Obamacare. I used to have a low deductible PPO. more than likely that would end up a "Cadillac Plan" in 2018, so the company decided to make PPO's less attractive, and High deductible plans more attractive. They did this via rate increase on the PPO, wellness plan requirements to even qualify for them, and other coersions.

Hell, the HSA concept is DESIGNED to get people into High deductible plans, and discourage PPO's, because You can't get an HSA with a PPO, only an FSA, and with an FSA you lose your money if you don't use it.

Obamacare created the need for my company to "fuck me over". Democrats created Obamacare, they own the effects.

Take it up with your employer.....not my problem he is a cheap SOB
Obama didn't take your plan.....Your boss did
Not your problem, right? So much for libs being so "inclusive".
Mexico will reimburse us for the wall. Maybe slap a yuge Fake News tax on Carlos Slim

So let me get this straight

Your employer fucked you over on your health insurance and you blame Obama

They fucked me over due to circumstances created by Obamacare. I used to have a low deductible PPO. more than likely that would end up a "Cadillac Plan" in 2018, so the company decided to make PPO's less attractive, and High deductible plans more attractive. They did this via rate increase on the PPO, wellness plan requirements to even qualify for them, and other coersions.

Hell, the HSA concept is DESIGNED to get people into High deductible plans, and discourage PPO's, because You can't get an HSA with a PPO, only an FSA, and with an FSA you lose your money if you don't use it.

Obamacare created the need for my company to "fuck me over". Democrats created Obamacare, they own the effects.

Take it up with your employer.....not my problem he is a cheap SOB
Obama didn't take your plan.....Your boss did

They did it because of the law, and Obama and the democrats passed the law. They own it.

I liked, my plan, I wasn't able to keep my plan. Obama Lied.

Sorry pal

There was no "law" that your employer had to cut corners on healthcare and stick it to you

Don't like your employer making your healthcare decisions? You should support single payer

Which was your goal all along, you conniving fucktards. Yes, lets make going for healthcare the same as going to the fucking DMV. great idea.

Just like progressives blame the gun and not the shooter, you want to blame the company and not the law/lawmakers that made the company do the action in question. Sorry, but it doesn't work that way, twat.

You have insurance through your employer or Medicaid?


So let me get this straight

Your employer fucked you over on your health insurance and you blame Obama

They fucked me over due to circumstances created by Obamacare. I used to have a low deductible PPO. more than likely that would end up a "Cadillac Plan" in 2018, so the company decided to make PPO's less attractive, and High deductible plans more attractive. They did this via rate increase on the PPO, wellness plan requirements to even qualify for them, and other coersions.

Hell, the HSA concept is DESIGNED to get people into High deductible plans, and discourage PPO's, because You can't get an HSA with a PPO, only an FSA, and with an FSA you lose your money if you don't use it.

Obamacare created the need for my company to "fuck me over". Democrats created Obamacare, they own the effects.

Take it up with your employer.....not my problem he is a cheap SOB
Obama didn't take your plan.....Your boss did
Not your problem, right? So much for libs being so "inclusive".

Oh cmon fellas, have a little compassion! If 30 to 40% of your voting block was illegal aliens from South of the border, you would try and drum up controversy over this fake news story too!
Who didn't see this coming

Sources: Trump will ask Congress, not Mexico, to pay for border wall -

President-elect Donald Trump's transition team has signaled to congressional Republican leaders that the President-elect's preference is to fund the border wall through the appropriations process as soon as April, according to House Republican officials.

The move would break a key campaign promise when Trump repeatedly said he would force Mexico to pay for the construction of the wall along the border, though in October, Trump suggested for the first time that Mexico would reimburse the US for the cost of the wall.


Asswipe......Trump tweeted Mexico is still paying for the wall.....he is going to get the wall know...he is going to start building the wall and then get the money from moron....

So the bad fucking news for you......he wants to get the wall built right away.....the good news for the country...he wants to get the wall built right away.....moron.

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