Forget Russia - OBAMA Hacked the US Elections...or TRIED To!


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
EXCLUSIVE: IG Investigating Obama Admin Cyber Attacks On Georgia Election System

"Feds have launched an investigation into why the Department of Homeland Security hacked into the Georgia state governmental network, including its election system...

John Roth, inspector general for DHS, wants to know why the agency broke protocol on its way to 10 unprecedented attacks on the system overseen by Georgia Secretary of State Brian Kemp — who is also one of the most vocal critics about the Obama administration’s attempt to designate local and state election machinery as part of federal “critical infrastructure.

A Jan. 17
letter from Roth notified Kemp his office was officially “investigating a series of ten alleged scanning events of the Georgia Secretary of State’s network that may have originated from DHS-affiliated IP addresses.” A firewall in Georgia’s system thwarted each attempt.

Former DHS Secretary Jeh Johnson and Kemp have clashed over a federal government designation of election systems as “critical infrastructure.” Kemp called it “political power play to federalize elections.”

It seems like the Obama administration sought to hack the Georgia election system in an attempt to embarrass Ga Secretary of State Brian Kemp, their biggest critic of a federal govt take-over of US elections, and prove the federal govt needed to do just that by showing the US election system was vulnerable to hacking. If the hacking was successful it would have been the basis for the argument of how the US elections systems needed to be listed as 'critical infrastructure', placing it (all state elections) under federal government control.

Not only did their plan FAIL, as the Ga system's firewall BLOCKED all 10 hacking attempts by the Obama administration, but now their - the Obama administration's - efforts have been exposed!

It was Barry's (illegal) attempt to extend the federal government's control over states / citizens.

(Thank you Georgia Elections System's firewall!)
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Those who yell "Catch the thief!" the most loud, usually are thieves. (a Russian saying)
Everyone involved in that one should be fired at a minimum and probably be checking security inside a Georgia State Prison.
I believe a couple weeks ago DHS said it was normal or something. Lol yea right.
If the hacking was successful it would have been the basis for the argument of how the US elections systems needed to be listed as 'critical infrastructure', placing it (all state elections) under federal government control.

Not only did their plan FAIL, as the Ga system's firewall BLOCKED all 10 hacking attempts by the Obama administration, but now their - the Obama administration's - efforts have been exposed!

It was Barry's (illegal) attempt to extend the federal government's control over states / citizens.

(Thank you Georgia Elections System's firewall!)

hmmm...if true, it really does paint out the Obama administration as one of the most overreaching in power in recent memory. If a central federal agency controlled election results, it doesn't take much imagination from there to see a Kim Jung Un equivalent seizing control of all of us "for the good of the country"...
hmmm...if true, it really does paint out the Obama administration as one of the most overreaching in power in recent memory. If a central federal agency controlled election results, it doesn't take much imagination from there to see a Kim Jung Un equivalent seizing control of all of us "for the good of the country"...

So WHERE is the outrage from the Liberals over how Obama illegally attempted to execute a massive power grab, attempting a federal take-over of US election systems?

Seems they pitch a fit when Russia steals a bunch of Liberal DNC e-mails but don't mind when the Ukraine and Hillary work together to defeat Trump. They don't mind when Obama interferes with elections / governances in Egypt, Libya, Syria, and Libya. Now, Obama is busted trying to hack US election systems in Georgia to conduct a federal take-over of the US election process..... CRICKETS!
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Those responsible should not simply be FIRED - they should be held to the full extent of the law if illegal activity can be proven!
The TRULY pathetic thing is that THE #1, HAND-PICKED representative of the Democratic Party, Hillary Clinton declared that opposing the election results is an attempt to undermine the pillars on which our democracy rests.

Contesting the election undermining our democracy PALES IN COMPARISON to what Obama just tried to do - take over / federalize all US election processes in the US!
Not surprising. It's the 'Chicago Way.' It's like his targeting of Conservatives with IRS attacks. But he got away with it all. Barack Obama got a complete free pass as President. But why? I guess i'll have to let y'all come up with your own answers to that question.
Send all involved to Gitmo.

Feds have launched an investigation into why the Department of Homeland Security hacked into the Georgia state governmental network, including its election system, The Daily Caller News Foundation’s Investigative Group has learned.

John Roth, inspector general for DHS, wants to know why the agency broke protocol on its way to 10 unprecedented attacks on the system overseen by Georgia Secretary of State Brian Kemp — who is also one of the most vocal critics about the Obama administration’s attempt to designate local and state election machinery as part of federal “critical infrastructure.”

A Jan. 17 letter from Roth notified Kemp his office was officially “investigating a series of ten alleged scanning events of the Georgia Secretary of State’s network that may have originated from DHS-affiliated IP addresses.” A firewall in Georgia’s system thwarted each attempt.

Keep reading…
Congressmen Demand Investigation into Department of Homeland Security Hacking Georgia’s Election Systems

"Reps. Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah) and Jody Hice (R-Ga.) sent a letter to Department of Homeland Security Inspector General John Roth on Thursday demanding an official investigation into alleged attempts by DHS to hack Georgia’s firewall.

“We request you investigate Secretary Kemp’s allegations that the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) conducted unauthorized scans of his office’s computer network,” the letter states.

Specifically, Chaffetz and Hice want Roth to investigate whether or not DHS “conduct[ed] an unauthorized scan of the Georgia Secretary of State’s computer network(s)? If so, who authorized the scan(s)? Has the Department conducted an unauthorized scan(s) of any other state’s systems?” and “if so, which states did DHS scan without authorization?”
Snowflakes wouldn't have to worry about 'historic, record-setting' election losses anymore if they controlled all the State Elections, now would they? :p Hmmmmmm...........
The uncovering of the most secret administration in history is now underway.
Obama better have that villa ready in Venezuela.

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