Forget WI...

The only thing "problematic" is the Obama regime.

That will be voted out in November, so fucking relax, asswipe.
The only thing "problematic" is the Obama regime.

That will be voted out in November, so fucking relax, asswipe.

I am relaxed. The Reps sealed the deal for Obama yesterday. :clap2:
what a fool. Obama doesn't even have "equal" pay for the females working for him.
... the Senate solidified the "gender gap" yesterday, making Romney's election even more problematic.

Senate GOP blocks Democrats' equal pay bill - BusinessWeek

I want to see Romney beat down like a runaway sister-wife worse than anyone here, but, ehhhhh, I doubt it.

I don't think this is a winning issue for the Democrats.

"Equal Pay" is a unicorn that most people can't get their arms around. Everyone thinks that if they are getting more than the other guy... or gal... it's because they truly deserve it. If they aren't, it's because the boss is an asshole or the other guy is a suckup or they aren't recognizing their merit.

Not to mention most companies treat what they pay their employees like the Colonel's Secret Recipe- a trade secret.

I think the problem is that a law like this would be a litigative nightmare for employers. How do you determine "equal pay". Do you pay everyone exactly the same? Regardless of experience, productivity, etc.

A better idea. Complete wage transparency. If you work a job for a company, you are told exactly what everyone else in that company gets paid for doing the same job. Then you can make a determination as to whether you are being treated fairly or not.
People are not a dumb as democrats think

Equal Pay Act of 1963 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

It's already a law, the dems just wasted more of our money, again.

A law that isn't effective is just as bad as not having a law.

The fact is, most people don't know if they are being discriminated against because they don't know what their co-workers are being paid.

At most companies, telling your co-workers what you make is a firing offense.
... the Senate solidified the "gender gap" yesterday, making Romney's election even more problematic.

Senate GOP blocks Democrats' equal pay bill - BusinessWeek

The polarization of the nation remains a concern; Bush split the country, Obama has not brought us together. If Romney picks a MODERATE running mate, it might be best to see him win. The question is, will the extreme right fade away & lose their fury against America?
People are not a dumb as democrats think

Equal Pay Act of 1963 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

It's already a law, the dems just wasted more of our money, again.

If it's already the law, why did the Reps vote against it? If you're talking politically, THEY were dumb for that reason and because it will only widen the "gender gap". Who remembers a 1963 law? Many will remember and be reminded constantly of yesterday's vote. :cool:
Must forget Wisconsin... Must forget Wisconsin.
Konrad has the political IQ of a small soap dish Warrior..............

This story might get some interest for about 24 hours...........until the next news cycle when Romney comes in and drops a that Obama spent 90 billion for green jobs and all of 16,000 were created.:D

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