Former Army Ranger-FBI Hero Slaps Republican Buffoons Silly

A former US Army Ranger and a current FBI Agent made complete fools and buffoons out of many of the top Republican leaders of the House of Representatives while being attacked unmercifully during a Hearing.

In a comical display of ignorance and show of support for the corrupt Presidents of both America and Russia, the traitorous Republican hacks bombarded the Army Veteran and FBI Agent with every sleazy tactic imaginable trying to give conspiracy theories and outright lies some sort of validity. As it turned out, the agent, with a significant amount of help from Democrats attending the hearing, was able to bitch slap the Republican buffoons silly.

A clear message of how President Trump had been helped in his election to the Presidency by Russian meddling was the only real major accomplishment of the backfired Republican-inspired hearing. Perhaps a lesson that hero Army Ranger veterans who become warriors in the wars against terrorism, drug cartels and organized crime syndicates may not be good targets for the political hack Republican House members to go after was also learned.
is this your fictional short story?? no links/etc
I can make up all kinds of crap also
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A former US Army Ranger and a current FBI Agent made complete fools and buffoons out of many of the top Republican leaders of the House of Representatives while being attacked unmercifully during a Hearing.

In a comical display of ignorance and show of support for the corrupt Presidents of both America and Russia, the traitorous Republican hacks bombarded the Army Veteran and FBI Agent with every sleazy tactic imaginable trying to give conspiracy theories and outright lies some sort of validity. As it turned out, the agent, with a significant amount of help from Democrats attending the hearing, was able to bitch slap the Republican buffoons silly.

A clear message of how President Trump had been helped in his election to the Presidency by Russian meddling was the only real major accomplishment of the backfired Republican-inspired hearing. Perhaps a lesson that hero Army Ranger veterans who become warriors in the wars against terrorism, drug cartels and organized crime syndicates may not be good targets for the political hack Republican House members to go after was also learned.
I dídnt know they let fags into the Rangers back then.
A former US Army Ranger and a current FBI Agent made complete fools and buffoons out of many of the top Republican leaders of the House of Representatives while being attacked unmercifully during a Hearing.

In a comical display of ignorance and show of support for the corrupt Presidents of both America and Russia, the traitorous Republican hacks bombarded the Army Veteran and FBI Agent with every sleazy tactic imaginable trying to give conspiracy theories and outright lies some sort of validity. As it turned out, the agent, with a significant amount of help from Democrats attending the hearing, was able to bitch slap the Republican buffoons silly.

A clear message of how President Trump had been helped in his election to the Presidency by Russian meddling was the only real major accomplishment of the backfired Republican-inspired hearing. Perhaps a lesson that hero Army Ranger veterans who become warriors in the wars against terrorism, drug cartels and organized crime syndicates may not be good targets for the political hack Republican House members to go after was also learned.

Mr. Strzok has no credibility, his life is built upon lies. His failure to address the Modern Day Eisenhower's , former Army officer Louis Gohmert, objections about his Gross marital infidelity was a disgrace. If Strzok had no problem lying to his old lady- who he supposedly loves- why would he have any problem lying to his country who he hates and wants to fundamentally transform?

You do realize that Trump has cheated on all three of his wives, right?
Dems have made that irrelevant
A former US Army Ranger and a current FBI Agent made complete fools and buffoons out of many of the top Republican leaders of the House of Representatives while being attacked unmercifully during a Hearing.

In a comical display of ignorance and show of support for the corrupt Presidents of both America and Russia, the traitorous Republican hacks bombarded the Army Veteran and FBI Agent with every sleazy tactic imaginable trying to give conspiracy theories and outright lies some sort of validity. As it turned out, the agent, with a significant amount of help from Democrats attending the hearing, was able to bitch slap the Republican buffoons silly.

A clear message of how President Trump had been helped in his election to the Presidency by Russian meddling was the only real major accomplishment of the backfired Republican-inspired hearing. Perhaps a lesson that hero Army Ranger veterans who become warriors in the wars against terrorism, drug cartels and organized crime syndicates may not be good targets for the political hack Republican House members to go after was also learned.

Yeah, it was funny as hell alright, like when Gomert bitch slapped your boy on his honesty and fidelity to his wife. Now the child expects everyone to just take his word he wasn't biased, how'd that work for his wife?


Gomert lost it, and anyone who loses it as did he is several bricks shy of a load.
How does Trumps despicable behavior of cheating on his wife change the fact that Strzok is a liar? Does Trumps past sins somehow rehabilitate Strzoks credibility? This line of reasoning is absurd
Strzok's credibility is only in question to his opponents. You seem to think your opinion is universally accepted and it is not. His opponents have far more difficulty in the credibility department than he does. You think guys like Gowdy have credibility? Most of the Republicans seen yesterday are viewed as trump ass kissers, fakes, hypocrites and frauds. FBI guy was believable and seen as a badass hero.
So why did Mueller fire him from the investigation?

Perception of what? You can't say it.
A former US Army Ranger and a current FBI Agent made complete fools and buffoons out of many of the top Republican leaders of the House of Representatives while being attacked unmercifully during a Hearing.

In a comical display of ignorance and show of support for the corrupt Presidents of both America and Russia, the traitorous Republican hacks bombarded the Army Veteran and FBI Agent with every sleazy tactic imaginable trying to give conspiracy theories and outright lies some sort of validity. As it turned out, the agent, with a significant amount of help from Democrats attending the hearing, was able to bitch slap the Republican buffoons silly.

A clear message of how President Trump had been helped in his election to the Presidency by Russian meddling was the only real major accomplishment of the backfired Republican-inspired hearing. Perhaps a lesson that hero Army Ranger veterans who become warriors in the wars against terrorism, drug cartels and organized crime syndicates may not be good targets for the political hack Republican House members to go after was also learned.

Yeah, it was funny as hell alright, like when Gomert bitch slapped your boy on his honesty and fidelity to his wife. Now the child expects everyone to just take his word he wasn't biased, how'd that work for his wife?

OK, did you see the movie, "A Few Good Men"? The scene in the bar where Kevin Bacon tells Tom Cruise he can't bring a credible case, and Cruise is so frustrated, but he can't answer, and in his fury he just HAS to say something, so he yells at the departing Bacon..."You're a lousy baseball player, Jack!"

That's what Gohmert did. He had no credible comment and he HAS to vent, so he brings up something unrelated to to the subject just to hurt Strzok.
A former US Army Ranger and a current FBI Agent made complete fools and buffoons out of many of the top Republican leaders of the House of Representatives while being attacked unmercifully during a Hearing.

In a comical display of ignorance and show of support for the corrupt Presidents of both America and Russia, the traitorous Republican hacks bombarded the Army Veteran and FBI Agent with every sleazy tactic imaginable trying to give conspiracy theories and outright lies some sort of validity. As it turned out, the agent, with a significant amount of help from Democrats attending the hearing, was able to bitch slap the Republican buffoons silly.

A clear message of how President Trump had been helped in his election to the Presidency by Russian meddling was the only real major accomplishment of the backfired Republican-inspired hearing. Perhaps a lesson that hero Army Ranger veterans who become warriors in the wars against terrorism, drug cartels and organized crime syndicates may not be good targets for the political hack Republican House members to go after was also learned.

Yeah, it was funny as hell alright, like when Gomert bitch slapped your boy on his honesty and fidelity to his wife. Now the child expects everyone to just take his word he wasn't biased, how'd that work for his wife?

OK, did you see the movie, "A Few Good Men"? The scene in the bar where Kevin Bacon tells Tom Cruise he can't bring a credible case, and Cruise is so frustrated, but he can't answer, and in his fury he just HAS to say something, so he yells at the departing Bacon..."You're a lousy baseball player, Jack!"

That's what Gohmert did. He had no credible comment and he HAS to vent, so he brings up something unrelated to to the subject just to hurt Strzok.

It goes directly to Strozk's credibility. Of course you knew that already.

A former US Army Ranger and a current FBI Agent made complete fools and buffoons out of many of the top Republican leaders of the House of Representatives while being attacked unmercifully during a Hearing.

In a comical display of ignorance and show of support for the corrupt Presidents of both America and Russia, the traitorous Republican hacks bombarded the Army Veteran and FBI Agent with every sleazy tactic imaginable trying to give conspiracy theories and outright lies some sort of validity. As it turned out, the agent, with a significant amount of help from Democrats attending the hearing, was able to bitch slap the Republican buffoons silly.

A clear message of how President Trump had been helped in his election to the Presidency by Russian meddling was the only real major accomplishment of the backfired Republican-inspired hearing. Perhaps a lesson that hero Army Ranger veterans who become warriors in the wars against terrorism, drug cartels and organized crime syndicates may not be good targets for the political hack Republican House members to go after was also learned.

Yeah, it was funny as hell alright, like when Gomert bitch slapped your boy on his honesty and fidelity to his wife. Now the child expects everyone to just take his word he wasn't biased, how'd that work for his wife?


Gomert lost it, and anyone who loses it as did he is several bricks shy of a load.

Gomert got a belly full of Strozk's holier than thou attitude and decided to cut him down a bit. I loved it when the commiecrats went crazy. LMAO

A former US Army Ranger and a current FBI Agent made complete fools and buffoons out of many of the top Republican leaders of the House of Representatives while being attacked unmercifully during a Hearing.

In a comical display of ignorance and show of support for the corrupt Presidents of both America and Russia, the traitorous Republican hacks bombarded the Army Veteran and FBI Agent with every sleazy tactic imaginable trying to give conspiracy theories and outright lies some sort of validity. As it turned out, the agent, with a significant amount of help from Democrats attending the hearing, was able to bitch slap the Republican buffoons silly.

A clear message of how President Trump had been helped in his election to the Presidency by Russian meddling was the only real major accomplishment of the backfired Republican-inspired hearing. Perhaps a lesson that hero Army Ranger veterans who become warriors in the wars against terrorism, drug cartels and organized crime syndicates may not be good targets for the political hack Republican House members to go after was also learned.

Yeah, it was funny as hell alright, like when Gomert bitch slapped your boy on his honesty and fidelity to his wife. Now the child expects everyone to just take his word he wasn't biased, how'd that work for his wife?

OK, did you see the movie, "A Few Good Men"? The scene in the bar where Kevin Bacon tells Tom Cruise he can't bring a credible case, and Cruise is so frustrated, but he can't answer, and in his fury he just HAS to say something, so he yells at the departing Bacon..."You're a lousy baseball player, Jack!"

That's what Gohmert did. He had no credible comment and he HAS to vent, so he brings up something unrelated to to the subject just to hurt Strzok.
It was uncalled for(which he has admitted btw), but it was not totally unrelated.
A former US Army Ranger and a current FBI Agent made complete fools and buffoons out of many of the top Republican leaders of the House of Representatives while being attacked unmercifully during a Hearing.

In a comical display of ignorance and show of support for the corrupt Presidents of both America and Russia, the traitorous Republican hacks bombarded the Army Veteran and FBI Agent with every sleazy tactic imaginable trying to give conspiracy theories and outright lies some sort of validity. As it turned out, the agent, with a significant amount of help from Democrats attending the hearing, was able to bitch slap the Republican buffoons silly.

A clear message of how President Trump had been helped in his election to the Presidency by Russian meddling was the only real major accomplishment of the backfired Republican-inspired hearing. Perhaps a lesson that hero Army Ranger veterans who become warriors in the wars against terrorism, drug cartels and organized crime syndicates may not be good targets for the political hack Republican House members to go after was also learned.
I dídnt know they let fags into the Rangers back then.
Fascinating...your gaydar is beeping?
A former US Army Ranger and a current FBI Agent made complete fools and buffoons out of many of the top Republican leaders of the House of Representatives while being attacked unmercifully during a Hearing.

In a comical display of ignorance and show of support for the corrupt Presidents of both America and Russia, the traitorous Republican hacks bombarded the Army Veteran and FBI Agent with every sleazy tactic imaginable trying to give conspiracy theories and outright lies some sort of validity. As it turned out, the agent, with a significant amount of help from Democrats attending the hearing, was able to bitch slap the Republican buffoons silly.

A clear message of how President Trump had been helped in his election to the Presidency by Russian meddling was the only real major accomplishment of the backfired Republican-inspired hearing. Perhaps a lesson that hero Army Ranger veterans who become warriors in the wars against terrorism, drug cartels and organized crime syndicates may not be good targets for the political hack Republican House members to go after was also learned.

Yeah, it was funny as hell alright, like when Gomert bitch slapped your boy on his honesty and fidelity to his wife. Now the child expects everyone to just take his word he wasn't biased, how'd that work for his wife?

OK, did you see the movie, "A Few Good Men"? The scene in the bar where Kevin Bacon tells Tom Cruise he can't bring a credible case, and Cruise is so frustrated, but he can't answer, and in his fury he just HAS to say something, so he yells at the departing Bacon..."You're a lousy baseball player, Jack!"

That's what Gohmert did. He had no credible comment and he HAS to vent, so he brings up something unrelated to to the subject just to hurt Strzok.

It goes directly to Strozk's credibility. Of course you knew that already.


So you're saying an affair means you have no credibility?
A former US Army Ranger and a current FBI Agent made complete fools and buffoons out of many of the top Republican leaders of the House of Representatives while being attacked unmercifully during a Hearing.

In a comical display of ignorance and show of support for the corrupt Presidents of both America and Russia, the traitorous Republican hacks bombarded the Army Veteran and FBI Agent with every sleazy tactic imaginable trying to give conspiracy theories and outright lies some sort of validity. As it turned out, the agent, with a significant amount of help from Democrats attending the hearing, was able to bitch slap the Republican buffoons silly.

A clear message of how President Trump had been helped in his election to the Presidency by Russian meddling was the only real major accomplishment of the backfired Republican-inspired hearing. Perhaps a lesson that hero Army Ranger veterans who become warriors in the wars against terrorism, drug cartels and organized crime syndicates may not be good targets for the political hack Republican House members to go after was also learned.

Yeah, it was funny as hell alright, like when Gomert bitch slapped your boy on his honesty and fidelity to his wife. Now the child expects everyone to just take his word he wasn't biased, how'd that work for his wife?

OK, did you see the movie, "A Few Good Men"? The scene in the bar where Kevin Bacon tells Tom Cruise he can't bring a credible case, and Cruise is so frustrated, but he can't answer, and in his fury he just HAS to say something, so he yells at the departing Bacon..."You're a lousy baseball player, Jack!"

That's what Gohmert did. He had no credible comment and he HAS to vent, so he brings up something unrelated to to the subject just to hurt Strzok.

It goes directly to Strozk's credibility. Of course you knew that already.


So you're saying an affair means you have no credibility?

Hidden affairs in that dudes business can cost him his clearance and his job, it leaves him open to blackmail. It was ongoing while all the texts were flying, he got outed by the IG.

A former US Army Ranger and a current FBI Agent made complete fools and buffoons out of many of the top Republican leaders of the House of Representatives while being attacked unmercifully during a Hearing.

In a comical display of ignorance and show of support for the corrupt Presidents of both America and Russia, the traitorous Republican hacks bombarded the Army Veteran and FBI Agent with every sleazy tactic imaginable trying to give conspiracy theories and outright lies some sort of validity. As it turned out, the agent, with a significant amount of help from Democrats attending the hearing, was able to bitch slap the Republican buffoons silly.

A clear message of how President Trump had been helped in his election to the Presidency was the only real major accomplishment of the backfired Republican-inspired hearing. Perhaps a lesson that hero Army Ranger veterans who become warriors in the wars against terrorism, drug cartels and organized crime syndicates may not be good targets for the political hack Republican House members to go after was also learned.

I saw a man who continued to lie about his bias and conveniently not recall important details time after time, Camp! I saw a man admitting that it was he who changed the language in the FBI report on Hillary Clinton's emails! I saw a man who couldn't explain why he sat on Anthony Weiner's laptop emails for three weeks before informing Director Comey about them. Strzok is an embarrassment to the FBI.
Naturally, some folks will see it the way you see it and some folks will see it the way I see it. These are subjective opinions. There is no wrong or right. Now, only time will tell which opinion gets the most support and what the final effect will be.

Except that (typical of most left wingers) you reported your OP opinion as if it actually happened.

Mr. Hero was cheating on his wife.

Fuck you.
I saw a man admitting that it was he who changed the language in the FBI report on Hillary Clinton's emails!

WOW! You were not paying attention!
What came out, is that an entire team of more than 5 additional people, including FBI lawyers, sat in Strzok's office, BECAUSE it was the largest office out of all of them, to review and go over comey's summary. Yes, Strzok sat at his computer and made the changes the whole GROUP decided were needed to the draft.

Strzok did not come up with or decide to change the words from negligent to careless, the FBI lawyer recommended they be changed because the words gross negligence or grossly negligent had a specific legal and statutory meaning that clearly Comey and the FBI team and the Prosecutors they worked with, did NOT agree with the legal meaning of the term, and changed it to match their conclusion of not meeting the standard to prosecute.... in the summary investigation draft document....which is what they all knew was the FBI's/prosecutor's conclusion in the investigation.

They (and the IG) said she did not meet the legal standard, to prosecute her for gross they took out grossly negligent and put in extremely careless, which had the same meaning, but would not confuse people with the legal use of the term, which Comey/the FBI was not using.

The IG report says such, they talked to the people in the meeting and they all collaborated the same story.... grossly negligent was never meant in the legal term sense.

LOL...let me get this don't think Peter Strzok was running that meeting? Even though it was held in his office (News flash...the reason his office is the biggest is because he's one of the guys IN CHARGE!!!) and the changes were made on his computer? There has been a palpable stench emanating from the FBI in how this entire case was handled. It's patently obvious that not only did Hillary Clinton knowingly violate established rules about how to handle classified's also obvious that she hid information from Congress and then destroyed it when Congressional investigators discovered her two private servers she'd hidden in her bathroom back in Westchester!
I saw a man admitting that it was he who changed the language in the FBI report on Hillary Clinton's emails!

WOW! You were not paying attention!
What came out, is that an entire team of more than 5 additional people, including FBI lawyers, sat in Strzok's office, BECAUSE it was the largest office out of all of them, to review and go over comey's summary. Yes, Strzok sat at his computer and made the changes the whole GROUP decided were needed to the draft.

Strzok did not come up with or decide to change the words from negligent to careless, the FBI lawyer recommended they be changed because the words gross negligence or grossly negligent had a specific legal and statutory meaning that clearly Comey and the FBI team and the Prosecutors they worked with, did NOT agree with the legal meaning of the term, and changed it to match their conclusion of not meeting the standard to prosecute.... in the summary investigation draft document....which is what they all knew was the FBI's/prosecutor's conclusion in the investigation.

They (and the IG) said she did not meet the legal standard, to prosecute her for gross they took out grossly negligent and put in extremely careless, which had the same meaning, but would not confuse people with the legal use of the term, which Comey/the FBI was not using.

The IG report says such, they talked to the people in the meeting and they all collaborated the same story.... grossly negligent was never meant in the legal term sense.

LOL...let me get this don't think Peter Strzok was running that meeting? Even though it was held in his office (News flash...the reason his office is the biggest is because he's one of the guys IN CHARGE!!!) and the changes were made on his computer? There has been a palpable stench emanating from the FBI in how this entire case was handled. It's patently obvious that not only did Hillary Clinton knowingly violate established rules about how to handle classified's also obvious that she hid information from Congress and then destroyed it when Congressional investigators discovered her two private servers she'd hidden in her bathroom back in Westchester!
A former US Army Ranger and a current FBI Agent made complete fools and buffoons out of many of the top Republican leaders of the House of Representatives while being attacked unmercifully during a Hearing.

In a comical display of ignorance and show of support for the corrupt Presidents of both America and Russia, the traitorous Republican hacks bombarded the Army Veteran and FBI Agent with every sleazy tactic imaginable trying to give conspiracy theories and outright lies some sort of validity. As it turned out, the agent, with a significant amount of help from Democrats attending the hearing, was able to bitch slap the Republican buffoons silly.

A clear message of how President Trump had been helped in his election to the Presidency by Russian meddling was the only real major accomplishment of the backfired Republican-inspired hearing. Perhaps a lesson that hero Army Ranger veterans who become warriors in the wars against terrorism, drug cartels and organized crime syndicates may not be good targets for the political hack Republican House members to go after was also learned.

Yeah, it was funny as hell alright, like when Gomert bitch slapped your boy on his honesty and fidelity to his wife. Now the child expects everyone to just take his word he wasn't biased, how'd that work for his wife?


Gomert lost it, and anyone who loses it as did he is several bricks shy of a load.

Gomert got a belly full of Strozk's holier than thou attitude and decided to cut him down a bit. I loved it when the commiecrats went crazy. LMAO

OK, what a card you are! You point to Strozk as "holier than thou" as he is berated by, of all people... Gohmert? LOL! Then you cite Strozk's infidelity as confirmation of his lack of credibility? Stop! Yer killin' me!
I saw a man admitting that it was he who changed the language in the FBI report on Hillary Clinton's emails!

WOW! You were not paying attention!
What came out, is that an entire team of more than 5 additional people, including FBI lawyers, sat in Strzok's office, BECAUSE it was the largest office out of all of them, to review and go over comey's summary. Yes, Strzok sat at his computer and made the changes the whole GROUP decided were needed to the draft.

Strzok did not come up with or decide to change the words from negligent to careless, the FBI lawyer recommended they be changed because the words gross negligence or grossly negligent had a specific legal and statutory meaning that clearly Comey and the FBI team and the Prosecutors they worked with, did NOT agree with the legal meaning of the term, and changed it to match their conclusion of not meeting the standard to prosecute.... in the summary investigation draft document....which is what they all knew was the FBI's/prosecutor's conclusion in the investigation.

They (and the IG) said she did not meet the legal standard, to prosecute her for gross they took out grossly negligent and put in extremely careless, which had the same meaning, but would not confuse people with the legal use of the term, which Comey/the FBI was not using.

The IG report says such, they talked to the people in the meeting and they all collaborated the same story.... grossly negligent was never meant in the legal term sense.

LOL...let me get this don't think Peter Strzok was running that meeting? Even though it was held in his office (News flash...the reason his office is the biggest is because he's one of the guys IN CHARGE!!!) and the changes were made on his computer? There has been a palpable stench emanating from the FBI in how this entire case was handled. It's patently obvious that not only did Hillary Clinton knowingly violate established rules about how to handle classified's also obvious that she hid information from Congress and then destroyed it when Congressional investigators discovered her two private servers she'd hidden in her bathroom back in Westchester!
A former US Army Ranger and a current FBI Agent made complete fools and buffoons out of many of the top Republican leaders of the House of Representatives while being attacked unmercifully during a Hearing.

In a comical display of ignorance and show of support for the corrupt Presidents of both America and Russia, the traitorous Republican hacks bombarded the Army Veteran and FBI Agent with every sleazy tactic imaginable trying to give conspiracy theories and outright lies some sort of validity. As it turned out, the agent, with a significant amount of help from Democrats attending the hearing, was able to bitch slap the Republican buffoons silly.

A clear message of how President Trump had been helped in his election to the Presidency by Russian meddling was the only real major accomplishment of the backfired Republican-inspired hearing. Perhaps a lesson that hero Army Ranger veterans who become warriors in the wars against terrorism, drug cartels and organized crime syndicates may not be good targets for the political hack Republican House members to go after was also learned.

Yeah, it was funny as hell alright, like when Gomert bitch slapped your boy on his honesty and fidelity to his wife. Now the child expects everyone to just take his word he wasn't biased, how'd that work for his wife?


Gomert lost it, and anyone who loses it as did he is several bricks shy of a load.

Gomert got a belly full of Strozk's holier than thou attitude and decided to cut him down a bit. I loved it when the commiecrats went crazy. LMAO

OK, what a card you are! You point to Strozk as "holier than thou" as he is berated by, of all people... Gohmert? LOL! Then you cite Strozk's infidelity as confirmation of his lack of credibility? Stop! Yer killin' me!
I saw a man admitting that it was he who changed the language in the FBI report on Hillary Clinton's emails!

WOW! You were not paying attention!
What came out, is that an entire team of more than 5 additional people, including FBI lawyers, sat in Strzok's office, BECAUSE it was the largest office out of all of them, to review and go over comey's summary. Yes, Strzok sat at his computer and made the changes the whole GROUP decided were needed to the draft.

Strzok did not come up with or decide to change the words from negligent to careless, the FBI lawyer recommended they be changed because the words gross negligence or grossly negligent had a specific legal and statutory meaning that clearly Comey and the FBI team and the Prosecutors they worked with, did NOT agree with the legal meaning of the term, and changed it to match their conclusion of not meeting the standard to prosecute.... in the summary investigation draft document....which is what they all knew was the FBI's/prosecutor's conclusion in the investigation.

They (and the IG) said she did not meet the legal standard, to prosecute her for gross they took out grossly negligent and put in extremely careless, which had the same meaning, but would not confuse people with the legal use of the term, which Comey/the FBI was not using.

The IG report says such, they talked to the people in the meeting and they all collaborated the same story.... grossly negligent was never meant in the legal term sense.

LOL...let me get this don't think Peter Strzok was running that meeting? Even though it was held in his office (News flash...the reason his office is the biggest is because he's one of the guys IN CHARGE!!!) and the changes were made on his computer? There has been a palpable stench emanating from the FBI in how this entire case was handled. It's patently obvious that not only did Hillary Clinton knowingly violate established rules about how to handle classified's also obvious that she hid information from Congress and then destroyed it when Congressional investigators discovered her two private servers she'd hidden in her bathroom back in Westchester!
A former US Army Ranger and a current FBI Agent made complete fools and buffoons out of many of the top Republican leaders of the House of Representatives while being attacked unmercifully during a Hearing.

In a comical display of ignorance and show of support for the corrupt Presidents of both America and Russia, the traitorous Republican hacks bombarded the Army Veteran and FBI Agent with every sleazy tactic imaginable trying to give conspiracy theories and outright lies some sort of validity. As it turned out, the agent, with a significant amount of help from Democrats attending the hearing, was able to bitch slap the Republican buffoons silly.

A clear message of how President Trump had been helped in his election to the Presidency by Russian meddling was the only real major accomplishment of the backfired Republican-inspired hearing. Perhaps a lesson that hero Army Ranger veterans who become warriors in the wars against terrorism, drug cartels and organized crime syndicates may not be good targets for the political hack Republican House members to go after was also learned.

Yeah, it was funny as hell alright, like when Gomert bitch slapped your boy on his honesty and fidelity to his wife. Now the child expects everyone to just take his word he wasn't biased, how'd that work for his wife?


Gomert lost it, and anyone who loses it as did he is several bricks shy of a load.

Gomert got a belly full of Strozk's holier than thou attitude and decided to cut him down a bit. I loved it when the commiecrats went crazy. LMAO

OK, what a card you are! You point to Strozk as "holier than thou" as he is berated by, of all people... Gohmert? LOL! Then you cite Strozk's infidelity as confirmation of his lack of credibility? Stop! Yer killin' me!

First of all...I didn't say any of those things. You've got my posts confused with the posts of someone else. I could care less about Strzok's infidelity. What concerns me is how he used his position at the FBI against Trump and for Clinton. As for his "lack of credibility"? That's on him. Claiming that he wasn't biased is laughable. It's obvious that he was. It's also obvious that high ranking officials at the FBI used their power to attempt to sway an American election. THAT concerns me far more than the Russians trying to sow discord in our elections and it should concern you as well!
I saw a man admitting that it was he who changed the language in the FBI report on Hillary Clinton's emails!

WOW! You were not paying attention!
What came out, is that an entire team of more than 5 additional people, including FBI lawyers, sat in Strzok's office, BECAUSE it was the largest office out of all of them, to review and go over comey's summary. Yes, Strzok sat at his computer and made the changes the whole GROUP decided were needed to the draft.

Strzok did not come up with or decide to change the words from negligent to careless, the FBI lawyer recommended they be changed because the words gross negligence or grossly negligent had a specific legal and statutory meaning that clearly Comey and the FBI team and the Prosecutors they worked with, did NOT agree with the legal meaning of the term, and changed it to match their conclusion of not meeting the standard to prosecute.... in the summary investigation draft document....which is what they all knew was the FBI's/prosecutor's conclusion in the investigation.

They (and the IG) said she did not meet the legal standard, to prosecute her for gross they took out grossly negligent and put in extremely careless, which had the same meaning, but would not confuse people with the legal use of the term, which Comey/the FBI was not using.

The IG report says such, they talked to the people in the meeting and they all collaborated the same story.... grossly negligent was never meant in the legal term sense.

LOL...let me get this don't think Peter Strzok was running that meeting? Even though it was held in his office (News flash...the reason his office is the biggest is because he's one of the guys IN CHARGE!!!) and the changes were made on his computer? There has been a palpable stench emanating from the FBI in how this entire case was handled. It's patently obvious that not only did Hillary Clinton knowingly violate established rules about how to handle classified's also obvious that she hid information from Congress and then destroyed it when Congressional investigators discovered her two private servers she'd hidden in her bathroom back in Westchester!
A former US Army Ranger and a current FBI Agent made complete fools and buffoons out of many of the top Republican leaders of the House of Representatives while being attacked unmercifully during a Hearing.

In a comical display of ignorance and show of support for the corrupt Presidents of both America and Russia, the traitorous Republican hacks bombarded the Army Veteran and FBI Agent with every sleazy tactic imaginable trying to give conspiracy theories and outright lies some sort of validity. As it turned out, the agent, with a significant amount of help from Democrats attending the hearing, was able to bitch slap the Republican buffoons silly.

A clear message of how President Trump had been helped in his election to the Presidency by Russian meddling was the only real major accomplishment of the backfired Republican-inspired hearing. Perhaps a lesson that hero Army Ranger veterans who become warriors in the wars against terrorism, drug cartels and organized crime syndicates may not be good targets for the political hack Republican House members to go after was also learned.

Yeah, it was funny as hell alright, like when Gomert bitch slapped your boy on his honesty and fidelity to his wife. Now the child expects everyone to just take his word he wasn't biased, how'd that work for his wife?


Gomert lost it, and anyone who loses it as did he is several bricks shy of a load.

Gomert got a belly full of Strozk's holier than thou attitude and decided to cut him down a bit. I loved it when the commiecrats went crazy. LMAO

OK, what a card you are! You point to Strozk as "holier than thou" as he is berated by, of all people... Gohmert? LOL! Then you cite Strozk's infidelity as confirmation of his lack of credibility? Stop! Yer killin' me!

First of all...I didn't say any of those things. You've got my posts confused with the posts of someone else. I could care less about Strzok's infidelity. What concerns me is how he used his position at the FBI against Trump and for Clinton. As for his "lack of credibility"? That's on him. Claiming that he wasn't biased is laughable. It's obvious that he was. It's also obvious that high ranking officials at the FBI used their power to attempt to sway an American election. THAT concerns me far more than the Russians trying to sow discord in our elections and it should concern you as well!
By the end of the hearing and day, the accusations and claims you make turned out as fantasies and conspiracies theories. Bias in regards to how the FBI handled the case was not proven or obvious as you claim. Your opinion is just that, an opinion and a partisan one.
You first have to believe Clinton was extremely careless in order to believe Strozk had no bias.
Question is not whether he had a bias or not. Question is whether it affected the investigation. No evidence was provided or shown to have substantiated that claim. Since the Republican mission was to establish that claim and failed to do so, they were in fact, bitch slapped and shamed.

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