Former Bush Aides Slam Perry’s Bernanke Comments: ‘Inappropriate And Unpresidential,’


Jun 1, 2011
Former aides to President George W. Bush are suggesting Texas Gov. Rick Perry is not presidential material in the wake of his comments yesterday that Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke may be guilty of “treason” and would be treated “pretty ugly down in Texas.”
Former Bush Deputy Press Secretary Tony Fratto spoke out against Perry’s comments just moments after ThinkProgress first reported them, writing on Twitter that the they were “inappropriate and unpresidential.”
This morning, Nicolle Wallace, who served as White House Communications Director in Bush’s second term, said on MSNBC’s Morning Joe that “someone who wants to be the next president probably shouldn’t use these words” and agreed that Republicans should “lay off of some of this some personal stuff and keep it ideological.” “Not only is it going to maybe turn off some people in the middle, but these aren’t fights that are going to serve Perry well politically,” she added.
Key Bush aide Karl Rove appeared on Fox News later in the morning, where he called Perry’s comments “very unfortunate” and not “presidential“:
It’s his first time on the national stage, and it was a very unfortunate comment. You don’t accuse the chairman of the federal reserve of being a traitor to his country and being guilty of treason and suggesting that we treat him pretty ugly in Texas — that’s not, again, a presidential statement. [...] Governor Perry is going to have to fight the impression that he’s a cowboy from Texas, this simply added to it.
Former Bush Aides Slam Perry’s Bernanke Comments: ‘Inappropriate And Unpresidential,’ Too ‘Cowboy’ | ThinkProgress

The video of Morning Joe can be found here Morning Joe

The video of Karl Rove calling Perry not 'presidential' can be found here. Karl Rove Calls Rick Perry's Bernanke Comments 'Unpresidential' - Politics - The Atlantic Wire
Karl Rove is exactly right. It's really bush league. Perry is a douchebag for saying that.
Perry won't make it, the question is who will wind up the republican nominee?
Ron Paul as the nominee will guarantee an Obama win.

Romney? At this point in time that is how I would call it.
Karl Rove is exactly right. It's really bush league. Perry is a douchebag for saying that.

After repeatedly being called racists, terrorists ETC.

Free pass.

If this is how he's going to act on the campaign trail, he ain't getting elected President.

He's got more baggage then Romney..I tell you what..

Snowballs in hell have better chances then Perry.
Karl Rove is exactly right. It's really bush league. Perry is a douchebag for saying that.

After repeatedly being called racists, terrorists ETC.

Free pass.

If this is how he's going to act on the campaign trail, he ain't getting elected President.

That would be true. But I prefer an in your face guy to counter the absolute BS we have now.

Play nice............Be civil...................... you terrorists.
After repeatedly being called racists, terrorists ETC.

Free pass.

If this is how he's going to act on the campaign trail, he ain't getting elected President.

That would be true. But I prefer an in your face guy to counter the absolute BS we have now.

Play nice............Be civil...................... you terrorists.

Obama doesn't act Presidential either at times.

Just what is acting presidential?

And does it vary depending on who/which party is president and your political affiliation.

For instance use of teleprompters.
Obama is ridiculed for it by the same folks that worship Reagan.

I personally know one of Reagan's teleprompter operators.
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Karl Rove is exactly right. It's really bush league. Perry is a douchebag for saying that.

After repeatedly being called racists, terrorists ETC.

Free pass.

If this is how he's going to act on the campaign trail, he ain't getting elected President.

You really think there is a "pro-Bernanke" caucus out there somewhere? Really?

Instead of all the umbrage about his choice of words (could have been better) how about the point he was making? The Fed is printing money like it's 1920's Germany, mostly to create the illusion that things aren't as bad as they are.
Former aides to President George W. Bush are suggesting Texas Gov. Rick Perry is not presidential material in the wake of his comments yesterday that Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke may be guilty of “treason” and would be treated “pretty ugly down in Texas.”

Where does a secessionist get off saying something like that?
[ame=]Glenn Beck: Rick Perry calls out The Fed for treason - YouTube[/ame]

Some people think Perry told the truth. And describing someone as "almost treasonous if someone does something like printing money for political gain" is hardly a flap.
Perry won't make it, the question is who will wind up the republican nominee?
Ron Paul as the nominee will guarantee an Obama win.

Romney? At this point in time that is how I would call it.
Will the GOP fall back on "it's Romney's turn", like they did with McCain and several others?

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