Former Bush Official: Fox News Is Hurting Republicans

FoxNews does a great job of keeping Republicans in check

Any Republican strays from the fold, tries to compromise or God forbid is a moderate gets instantly and viciously attacked

Fox News is the most popular and trusted name in news but still far from perfect, I'm fairly sure most Republicans are aware of this. The thing about Fox news is that they expose issues that the liberal news :)lmao:) outlets refuse or are just not allowed to report on.
Fox has a political angle on every story...that is there downfall. They don;t report news, they editorialize. (Like MSNBC).

But, as much as hate to admit it, MSNBC has the best breaking News coverage.

I don't know where you perceive downfall considering their success but as an occasional viewer I'm pretty sure I can separate the fiction from the facts, the political motivations from what I should actually be concerned with. News has an entertainment factor, it's unavoidable.

You have your perspectives, I have mine and the talking heads have theirs, we know this, where's the surprise?
Fox News tells you the truth of technicality but not truth of reality. Try to analyze what they are broadcasting while they steer you to what they want you to hear.
I'm new on this site but there's been several discussions about Fox for awhile.
I don't need Bartlet to tell me Fox is bad. Middle of last month I replied to several post regarding Fox. As I said, There will be repercussions for all these Fox bs.
Welcome to the USMB .. now, Go away...:laugh:

I gave my opinion, you didn't quite understand it but what the heck, we can still have some fun..
It has been independently proven time and again...Fox viewers are less informed than people that watch no news at all!

It's just can't argue with science.

However, the study concludes that media sources have a significant impact on the number of questions that people were able to answer correctly. The largest effect is that of Fox News: all else being equal, someone who watched only Fox News would be expected to answer just 1.04 domestic questions correctly — a figure which is significantly worse than if they had reported watching no media at all. On the other hand, if they listened only to NPR, they would be expected to answer 1.51 questions correctly; viewers of Sunday morning talk shows fare similarly well. And people watching only The Daily Show with Jon Stewart could answer about 1.42 questions correctly.
Results for questions about international current events were similar. People who didn’t have any reported exposure to news sources were expected to answer 1.28 questions correctly, a figure which rose to 1.97 for people just listening to NPR, to 1.60 for people just watching The Daily Show or listening to talk radio, and 1.52 for Fairleigh Dickinson University’s PublicMind Fairleigh Dickinson University’s PublicMind Poll TM home 2 people watching Sunday morning shows. By contrast, people who reported watching just Fox News were expected to answer just 1.08 questions correctly.
What you know depends on what you watch People learn most from NPR Sunday Morning Shows The Daily Show least from MSNBC Fox News
FoxNews does a great job of keeping Republicans in check

Any Republican strays from the fold, tries to compromise or God forbid is a moderate gets instantly and viciously attacked

Fox News is the most popular and trusted name in news but still far from perfect, I'm fairly sure most Republicans are aware of this. The thing about Fox news is that they expose issues that the liberal news :)lmao:) outlets refuse or are just not allowed to report on.
Fox has a political angle on every story...that is there downfall. They don;t report news, they editorialize. (Like MSNBC).

But, as much as hate to admit it, MSNBC has the best breaking News coverage.
MSNBC is now owned totally by NBC. Until ABC recently started challenging NBC, NBC had the most watched news broadcast on American television. The evening news averages about eight million viewers every night.
In the end...can you really fault FNC? They found a winning formula - Lemonade flavored Kool-Aid. Lemmings love it.
It's true, a good percentage of Democratic Party lemmings switched to Fox News for the free lemonade.

FoxNews does a great job of keeping Republicans in check

Any Republican strays from the fold, tries to compromise or God forbid is a moderate gets instantly and viciously attacked

Fox News is the most popular and trusted name in news but still far from perfect, I'm fairly sure most Republicans are aware of this. The thing about Fox news is that they expose issues that the liberal news :)lmao:) outlets refuse or are just not allowed to report on.
Fox has a political angle on every story...that is there downfall. They don;t report news, they editorialize. (Like MSNBC).

But, as much as hate to admit it, MSNBC has the best breaking News coverage.

I don't know where you perceive downfall considering their success but as an occasional viewer I'm pretty sure I can separate the fiction from the facts, the political motivations from what I should actually be concerned with. News has an entertainment factor, it's unavoidable.

You have your perspectives, I have mine and the talking heads have theirs, we know this, where's the surprise?
But it is supposed to be NEWS...not commentary...right? I DO watch FNC... enjoy the spon (when it makes sense)...but lately, FNC has gone cuckoo!

As for succes...Discovery Channel is successful too. Do you believe all of their 'reality' shows?
The label says news but even you could figure out it's commentary about the news.

It's the repletion that bugs me, 2 hours a week is quite enough generally.
FoxNews does a great job of keeping Republicans in check

Any Republican strays from the fold, tries to compromise or God forbid is a moderate gets instantly and viciously attacked

Fox News is the most popular and trusted name in news but still far from perfect, I'm fairly sure most Republicans are aware of this. The thing about Fox news is that they expose issues that the liberal news :)lmao:) outlets refuse or are just not allowed to report on.
Fox has a political angle on every story...that is there downfall. They don;t report news, they editorialize. (Like MSNBC).

But, as much as hate to admit it, MSNBC has the best breaking News coverage.
MSNBC is now owned totally by NBC. Until ABC recently started challenging NBC, NBC had the most watched news broadcast on American television. The evening news averages about eight million viewers every night.
Report ABC spent 105 million on George Stephanopoulos Fox News
FoxNews does a great job of keeping Republicans in check

Any Republican strays from the fold, tries to compromise or God forbid is a moderate gets instantly and viciously attacked

Fox News is the most popular and trusted name in news but still far from perfect, I'm fairly sure most Republicans are aware of this. The thing about Fox news is that they expose issues that the liberal news :)lmao:) outlets refuse or are just not allowed to report on.
Fox has a political angle on every story...that is there downfall. They don;t report news, they editorialize. (Like MSNBC).

But, as much as hate to admit it, MSNBC has the best breaking News coverage.

I don't know where you perceive downfall considering their success but as an occasional viewer I'm pretty sure I can separate the fiction from the facts, the political motivations from what I should actually be concerned with. News has an entertainment factor, it's unavoidable.

You have your perspectives, I have mine and the talking heads have theirs, we know this, where's the surprise?
But it is supposed to be NEWS...not commentary...right? I DO watch FNC... enjoy the spon (when it makes sense)...but lately, FNC has gone cuckoo!

As for succes...Discovery Channel is successful too. Do you believe all of their 'reality' shows?
The label says news but even you could figure out it's commentary about the news.

It's the repletion that bugs me, 2 hours a week is quite enough generally.
All news channels repeat themselves...that is the formula...because people usually only watch news for 15 minutes at a least that is how he ratings are figured. Fox learned to beat that formula in prime time and core news hours with editorial shows...people think they are watching news..but they are only watching opinion. This is why CNN has all of these 'specials' now...they are trying to compete without making the stupid British guy mistake again (can't remember the idiots name). .
I do like that Fox News exposes the Democratic Party and their submissive media outlets to their hypocrisies and substandard news reporting. It's nice that now there's that opposing view but alas it certainly doesn't stop the left wing media from lying and whining, that would be impossible I suppose.
I do like that Fox News exposes the Democratic Party and their submissive media outlets to their hypocrisies and substandard news reporting. It's nice that now there's that opposing view but alas it certainly doesn't stop the left wing media from lying and whining, that would be impossible I suppose.
Well..substandard reporting if you believe Benghazi should be reported 22 out of 24 hours a day. It goes both ways. Substandard f you hold a 30 minute newscast to the same standards as a 24 hour newscast.
"He's not a real republican...he's a RINO"

Bleets the sheep, unable to understand why someone would criticize another republican the sheep believes that they cannot be republican at all. Which is much easier than actually thinking.

What...he wasn't vetted by Fox News?
Fox News is hurting the Republican Party, according to a study conducted by a top official in the first Bush administration.

The study, authored by Bruce Bartlett, who worked in the Treasury Department under George H. W. Bush and was also a domestic policy adviser to Ronald Reagan, found that Fox viewers tended to be less informed about current affairs than people who watch mainstream news -- and even people who don't watch the news at all.

"Republican voters get so much of their news from Fox, which cheerleads whatever their candidates are doing or saying, that they suffer from wishful thinking and fail to see that they may not be doing as well as they imagine, or that their ideas are not connecting outside the narrow party base," Bartlett said.

Citing a host of other studies, Bartlett found that Fox News viewers tended to have misguided beliefs about the Iraq War, the Affordable Care Act and other major issues. He also noted that Fox's audience tended to hold a bias against Muslims.

"It appears that right-wing bias, including inaccurate reporting, became commonplace on Fox," Bartlett said.

This is especially problematic, he said, because "many conservatives now refuse to even listen to any news or opinion not vetted through Fox, and to believe whatever appears on it as the gospel truth."

More: Fox News Is Hurting Republicans, Former Bush Official Says

How Fox News Is Still Hurting the Republicans - The Atlantic

Amen! It is so refreshing to hear a sane Republican speak the truth. We need more of it.

Thank you. But it didn't need a study.

Fox News isn't even Made in the USA.
To be fair, Fox isn't 'news,' it's entertainment for conservatives.

To be even more fair..
Fox NEWS calls itself News. MSNBC never attempted this approach. I don't watch MSNBC, but I know this because it's basic information.

Some on the Right sell Fox News as "Entertainment". Until they meet someone so mixed up in the soap opera they think it's real life.

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