Former DNC Chair Howard Dean: "Don't Call Paris Shooters 'Muslim Terrorists'"

I would think if they are claiming this for insulting Mohamed, Allah and Islam

I'd call them Muslim extremist/terrorist. the Democrats think we are all suppose to bow down to them I guess. Now if they had been Christian. they'd be calling them Christian right wing, tea party terrorist/extremist
The more Progressives (politicians, media type, etc...) actually share what they think... the more you realize how (*)(*)(*)(*)ed up in the head they truly are.

Howard Dean Don t Call Paris Shooters Muslim Terrorists

Except your own link says that's not what he said. He said "I stopped calling these people Muslim terrorists. They're about as Muslim as I am. I mean, they have no respect for anybody else's life, that's not what the Koran says. Europe has an enormous radical problem. I think ISIS is a cult. Not an Islamic cult. I think it's a cult."

You understand the difference between "(you understood) stop" -- an imperative command, and "I stopped" -- a first person recounting?
Probably not. You don't even understand the bogus quotes in your own sigline.

Your own link. The video in it says the same thing.

That's what you get for using Brent Bozo as a "news" source.

By the way the same video, where he says "I don't think we should accord these people any religious respect" he also notes that France's strict gun laws couldn't stop it.

Your own link dood.

Actually I have an email subscription to Brent Bozo's stuff. For exactly the same reason some people subscribe to a "Joke of the Day".

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