Former election commissioner: Cohen and Trump didn't violate campaign finance law

Whoops! Another snowflake scheme to get Trump gets shot out of the saddle.

Former election commissioner: Cohen and Trump didn't violate campaign finance law

Trump-haters hoping the president’s former personal attorney, Michael Cohen, will provide the evidence needed to impeach the president and perhaps even “lock him up” are likely headed for a bitter disappointment. The Cohen guilty pleas are likely irrelevant to the fate of President Trump.

That’s because in my judgment – as someone who served for two years as a member of the Federal Election Commission – the campaign finance law violations Cohen pleaded guilty to committing, allegedly at Donald Trump’s direction, aren’t really violations.

If I’m right – that is, if Cohen didn’t really violate campaign finance law, despite his ill-advised guilty plea – then it would be impossible for Trump to have violated campaign finance law by directing Cohen to take a perfectly legal action.

Confused? That’s understandable, because the media lump all the charges Cohen pleaded guilty to together when explaining this complex case. But in reality, Cohen was sentenced Wednesday in U.S. District Court in New York City on several separate and unrelated charges.

Cohen was sentenced to three years in prison by a federal judge and was also ordered to pay almost $2 million in fines, restitution and forfeitures after earlier pleading guilty to multiple counts of business and tax fraud. Those crimes have absolutely nothing to do with Trump, but rather involve Cohen’s own business dealings.

In addition, Cohen was sentenced on his guilty pleas to violating campaign finance law on Trump’s behalf – an action that, as I will explain, I believe was not really a crime at all.
I bet if Hillary did the exact same thing you wouldn't be saying that.

You know who's really good at calling you guys out for being liars? Kelly Ann's husband

George Conway Appears To Fact-Check Wife Kellyanne Conway After Bonkers CNN Interview | HuffPost

The pair sparred over multiple topics, with Conway denying that President Donald Trump had lied about what he knew regarding hush-money payments to women who allegedly had affairs with him.

However, a twist occurred after the conclusion of the show when Conway’s husband, George Conway posted this tweet:

George Conway@gtconway3d

Given that Trump has repeatedly lied about the Daniels and McDougal payments—and given that he lies about virtually everything else, to the point that his own former personal lawyer described him as a “f****ing liar”—why should we take his word over that of federal prosecutors?

Hilary did worse you dolt....she took 145 million dollars from Russia for our the sitting Secretary of State....she committed multiple felony violations of the records act and destroyed evidence that was under federal subpoena......
Then go after her too. Don’t cherry pick
Whoops! Another snowflake scheme to get Trump gets shot out of the saddle.

Former election commissioner: Cohen and Trump didn't violate campaign finance law

Trump-haters hoping the president’s former personal attorney, Michael Cohen, will provide the evidence needed to impeach the president and perhaps even “lock him up” are likely headed for a bitter disappointment. The Cohen guilty pleas are likely irrelevant to the fate of President Trump.

That’s because in my judgment – as someone who served for two years as a member of the Federal Election Commission – the campaign finance law violations Cohen pleaded guilty to committing, allegedly at Donald Trump’s direction, aren’t really violations.

If I’m right – that is, if Cohen didn’t really violate campaign finance law, despite his ill-advised guilty plea – then it would be impossible for Trump to have violated campaign finance law by directing Cohen to take a perfectly legal action.

Confused? That’s understandable, because the media lump all the charges Cohen pleaded guilty to together when explaining this complex case. But in reality, Cohen was sentenced Wednesday in U.S. District Court in New York City on several separate and unrelated charges.

Cohen was sentenced to three years in prison by a federal judge and was also ordered to pay almost $2 million in fines, restitution and forfeitures after earlier pleading guilty to multiple counts of business and tax fraud. Those crimes have absolutely nothing to do with Trump, but rather involve Cohen’s own business dealings.

In addition, Cohen was sentenced on his guilty pleas to violating campaign finance law on Trump’s behalf – an action that, as I will explain, I believe was not really a crime at all.

I have a good mind to report you for cruel and unusual punishment, for attempting to derail a perfectly good snowflake alternative reality with FACTS!
It sure does appear to cause them pain. They've been wailing and crying about it for 260 posts already.
I'm done arguing with someone who is immune to facts and logic.
You just described the average liberal / democrat / snowflake voter, the ones whose stupidity Gruber repeatedly declared the DNC counts on to get away with all that they do......
On top of that...even if he did use campaign funds and failed to report it.... he would just pay a obama did for the 2 million dollars he didn't report.......
Cohen did more than use campaign funds and fail to report it. He falsified statements to a financial institution to deliberately hide the payment under false pretenses, just like Republican pedophile Denny Hastert did.

In fact, Cohen used his own money to pay off Trump's hooker. That's the "illegal contribution".

All at the direction of Trump.

And that is why Cohen and Hastert went directly to jail.
They weren't campaign funds, dumbass. You just admitted they were his own funds. In reality they were Trump's funds.

What "statement" did he falsify?
When you give money to someone's campaign, that is a donation. I'm not the the tard who said Cohen used campaign funds to pay off Daniels. That was 2Aguy.

I've made it very clear that Cohen paid off Daniels with his own money at the direction of Trump to get him elected President. That makes it a campaign contribution. An illegal one.

NOW are you FINALLY all caught up?!?
I'm done arguing with someone who is immune to facts and logic.

You're claim is horseshit. If it was prosecutable, Mueller would have done it already.
The authorities have prosecuted. Cohen is off to jail, dipshit. Seriously, you are way behind and need to catch up.
Do you suppose you could post something original? You're boring me to tears.
The Trumpkins are panicking now.

Mueller has been bagging Individual 1's co-conspirators left and right, and he's gaining momentum.

He's not done yet.

I'd rather not see Trump impeached for paying off a porn star, though it would be poetic justice for the Republicans impeaching Clinton for a blowjob.

I'd rather wait for all the facts which Mueller uncovers, and if it turns out Trump has been laundering money for Russian mobsters, he should not only be impeached, he should be imprisoned at hard labor for the rest of his life.
Cohen did more than use campaign funds and fail to report it. He falsified statements to a financial institution to deliberately hide the payment under false pretenses, just like Republican pedophile Denny Hastert did.

In fact, Cohen used his own money to pay off Trump's hooker. That's the "illegal contribution".

All at the direction of Trump.

And that is why Cohen and Hastert went directly to jail.
They weren't campaign funds, dumbass. You just admitted they were his own funds. In reality they were Trump's funds.

What "statement" did he falsify?
When you give money to someone's campaign, that is a donation. I'm not the the tard who said Cohen used campaign funds to pay off Daniels. That was 2Aguy.

I've made it very clear that Cohen paid off Daniels with his own money at the direction of Trump to get him elected President. That makes it a campaign contribution. An illegal one.

NOW are you FINALLY all caught up?!?
I'm done arguing with someone who is immune to facts and logic.

You're claim is horseshit. If it was prosecutable, Mueller would have done it already.
The authorities have prosecuted. Cohen is off to jail, dipshit. Seriously, you are way behind and need to catch up.
Do you suppose you could post something original? You're boring me to tears.
It seems you require reality and facts to be pounded into your head.

Have you finally caught up? Or do you wish to keep being pounded?
So sick of every time trump breaks the law or lies republicans bring up clinton
I am so sick of every time snowflakes claim Trump broke the law without any real, undeniable, hard evidence yet continues to accuse others of what Democrats have done / evidence shows.

And if you do not like the thread conversation - which includes the 2016 DNC 2-Time Loser - then you should NOT step in and / or you can leave any time you want.
They weren't campaign funds, dumbass. You just admitted they were his own funds. In reality they were Trump's funds.

What "statement" did he falsify?
When you give money to someone's campaign, that is a donation. I'm not the the tard who said Cohen used campaign funds to pay off Daniels. That was 2Aguy.

I've made it very clear that Cohen paid off Daniels with his own money at the direction of Trump to get him elected President. That makes it a campaign contribution. An illegal one.

NOW are you FINALLY all caught up?!?
I'm done arguing with someone who is immune to facts and logic.

You're claim is horseshit. If it was prosecutable, Mueller would have done it already.
The authorities have prosecuted. Cohen is off to jail, dipshit. Seriously, you are way behind and need to catch up.
Do you suppose you could post something original? You're boring me to tears.
It seems you require reality and facts to be pounded into your head.

Have you finally caught up? Or do you wish to keep being pounded?
She is immune from realizing she's being pounded. (-:
The Trumpkins are panicking now.

Mueller has been bagging Individual 1's co-conspirators left and right, and he's gaining momentum.

He's not done yet.

I'd rather not see Trump impeached for paying off a porn star, though it would be poetic justice for the Republicans impeaching Clinton for a blowjob.

I'd rather wait for all the facts which Mueller uncovers, and if it turns out Trump has been laundering money for Russian mobsters, he should not only be impeached, he should be imprisoned at hard labor for the rest of his life.
Mueller is quickly going down in flames. It now appears the FBI lured Flynn into being interrogated without his lawyer present. He also wasn't informed that he was being interrogated. Flynn's conviction will be thrown out. Mueller and his crew are so crooked and sleazy they make the Nazis look like the Canadian Mounties. Corsi and Stone told Mueller to fuck off. Everything Mueller touches is turning to shit.
Last edited:
The Trumpkins are panicking now.

Mueller has been bagging Individual 1's co-conspirators left and right, and he's gaining momentum.

He's not done yet.

I'd rather not see Trump impeached for paying off a porn star, though it would be poetic justice for the Republicans impeaching Clinton for a blowjob.

I'd rather wait for all the facts which Mueller uncovers, and if it turns out Trump has been laundering money for Russian mobsters, he should not only be impeached, he should be imprisoned at hard labor for the rest of his life.
Mueller is quickly going down in flames. It now appears the FBI lured Flynn into being interrogated with his lawyer present. He also wasn't informed that he was being interrogated. Flynn's conviction will be thrown out. Mueller and his crew are so crooked and sleazy they make the Nazis look like the Canadian Mounties. Corsi and Stone told Mueller to fuck off. Everything Mueller touches is turning to shit.
Hey dumbass...he was asked if he wanted an attorney present.

Go back to your roost in Trump's posterior
Whoops! Another snowflake scheme to get Trump gets shot out of the saddle.

Former election commissioner: Cohen and Trump didn't violate campaign finance law

Trump-haters hoping the president’s former personal attorney, Michael Cohen, will provide the evidence needed to impeach the president and perhaps even “lock him up” are likely headed for a bitter disappointment. The Cohen guilty pleas are likely irrelevant to the fate of President Trump.

That’s because in my judgment – as someone who served for two years as a member of the Federal Election Commission – the campaign finance law violations Cohen pleaded guilty to committing, allegedly at Donald Trump’s direction, aren’t really violations.

If I’m right – that is, if Cohen didn’t really violate campaign finance law, despite his ill-advised guilty plea – then it would be impossible for Trump to have violated campaign finance law by directing Cohen to take a perfectly legal action.

Confused? That’s understandable, because the media lump all the charges Cohen pleaded guilty to together when explaining this complex case. But in reality, Cohen was sentenced Wednesday in U.S. District Court in New York City on several separate and unrelated charges.

Cohen was sentenced to three years in prison by a federal judge and was also ordered to pay almost $2 million in fines, restitution and forfeitures after earlier pleading guilty to multiple counts of business and tax fraud. Those crimes have absolutely nothing to do with Trump, but rather involve Cohen’s own business dealings.

In addition, Cohen was sentenced on his guilty pleas to violating campaign finance law on Trump’s behalf – an action that, as I will explain, I believe was not really a crime at all.
I bet if Hillary did the exact same thing you wouldn't be saying that.

You know who's really good at calling you guys out for being liars? Kelly Ann's husband

George Conway Appears To Fact-Check Wife Kellyanne Conway After Bonkers CNN Interview | HuffPost

The pair sparred over multiple topics, with Conway denying that President Donald Trump had lied about what he knew regarding hush-money payments to women who allegedly had affairs with him.

However, a twist occurred after the conclusion of the show when Conway’s husband, George Conway posted this tweet:

George Conway@gtconway3d

Given that Trump has repeatedly lied about the Daniels and McDougal payments—and given that he lies about virtually everything else, to the point that his own former personal lawyer described him as a “f****ing liar”—why should we take his word over that of federal prosecutors?

Hilary did worse you dolt....she took 145 million dollars from Russia for our the sitting Secretary of State....she committed multiple felony violations of the records act and destroyed evidence that was under federal subpoena......
Then go after her too. Don’t cherry pick
Douchebags like you are defending her.
We’ve only been hearing this since before he won LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL
When you are done cackling....a question :

Do you think it's true that the walls are closing in on Trump?
The money the DNC and Hitlery paid Steele should be considered a campaign donation by your reckoning.

You sure are stupid.

Look moron, if the Clinton campaign listed the money it aid the opposition research firm, all is legal.

It would be like your fat assed orange buddy if Clinton paid for it out of her own money & not listed it as a campaign donation.

You people are just plain retarded.

Well according to this neither nor Cohen broke any laws.

A candidate is free to contribute to his or her own campaign. It also is not criminal for a candidate to pay hush money to women whose disclosures might endanger his campaign. So if candidate Trump paid hush money to his two accusers, there would be no violation of any campaign or other laws. To be sure, if he did so for the purpose of helping his campaign, as distinguished from helping his marriage, his campaign would have to disclose any such contribution, and failure to do so might be a violation of a campaign law, but the payments themselves would be entirely lawful.

Did President Trump violate campaign finance laws?

If, on the other hand, Cohen made the payments by himself, without direction from the president, that would constitute an impermissible campaign contribution from a third party. But if Cohen was merely acting as a lawyer for Trump and advancing the payments, with an expectation of repayment, then it would be hard to find a campaign finance crime other than failure to report by the campaign.

Failure to report all campaign contributions is fairly common in political circles.

Obama did the same. Didn't see anyone trying to say he committed a felony.
Dumbfuck, while a candidate is free to contribute as much as he or she wants, by law, they must report it if it’s over a certain dollar amount.
It wasn't a campaign contribution, so no such requirement applies.

On top of that...even if he did use campaign funds and failed to report it.... he would just pay a obama did for the 2 million dollars he didn't report.......

You are oh so right.

Funny how you, I and everyone else who isn't a lefty loon knows this. All they see is a way to get Trump.

Hell from what I've read the FEC won't even look at the case until 2020 and they have some they haven't looked at that are seven years old.

Sucks to be them.
The Trumpkins are panicking now.

Mueller has been bagging Individual 1's co-conspirators left and right, and he's gaining momentum.

He's not done yet.

I'd rather not see Trump impeached for paying off a porn star, though it would be poetic justice for the Republicans impeaching Clinton for a blowjob.

I'd rather wait for all the facts which Mueller uncovers, and if it turns out Trump has been laundering money for Russian mobsters, he should not only be impeached, he should be imprisoned at hard labor for the rest of his life.
Mueller is quickly going down in flames. It now appears the FBI lured Flynn into being interrogated with his lawyer present. He also wasn't informed that he was being interrogated. Flynn's conviction will be thrown out. Mueller and his crew are so crooked and sleazy they make the Nazis look like the Canadian Mounties. Corsi and Stone told Mueller to fuck off. Everything Mueller touches is turning to shit.
Hey dumbass...he was asked if he wanted an attorney present.

Go back to your roost in Trump's posterior
Do you ever stop lying? McCabe told him not to bring his attorney. McCabe, Comey and the rest of the sorry bunch are all going to prison.
The Trumpkins are panicking now.

Mueller has been bagging Individual 1's co-conspirators left and right, and he's gaining momentum.

He's not done yet.

I'd rather not see Trump impeached for paying off a porn star, though it would be poetic justice for the Republicans impeaching Clinton for a blowjob.

I'd rather wait for all the facts which Mueller uncovers, and if it turns out Trump has been laundering money for Russian mobsters, he should not only be impeached, he should be imprisoned at hard labor for the rest of his life.
Mueller is quickly going down in flames.
Yeah, we've been hearing that for 19 months. :lol:

Any day now...any day now...any day now...

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