Former FBI agent: Messages sent to Hutchinson are witness tampering

The DOJ has so far shown itself to be partisan and unwilling to investigate ANYTHING other than Donald Trump or somebody associated with him or some other prominent Republican. It has been party to this dishonest and 100% partisan sham of a J6 hearing and I would not trust anything it said about anybody, Republican or Democrat.
Because trump is the one who tried to overturn the 2020 election.....simpleton.
Because trump is the one who tried to overturn the 2020 election.....simpleton.
That's the company line assigned to the left I know. He did not do that, but oh well. You are required to say it I suppose.
And each time she said it, it was always with the phrase 'something to the effect of' as a safeguard against a perjury charge. She was so rehearsed and coached anybody could see it. And ANY honorable honest investigation would not have allowed such hearsay evidence with zero challenge and without any opportunity to introduce rebuttal or exculpatory evidence.
That's how you spell "inadmissible"
You folks really do seem to think that this part of the testimony is a big deal. It was a small, second-hand anecdote. She made it clear that it was something she was told. I'd put it at the bottom of the pile of her overall testimony.

I don't get it. Maybe you think this discredits every word she uttered under oath. Okay. You run with it if it makes you feel better. Weird.

Meanwhile, "men" are doing everything they can to avoid testifying under oath.
That's how you spell "inadmissible"

Fifteen sources ― including former government officials, aides and law enforcement officers ― offered their insight in a Washington Post report published Friday. Several said Trump had brought up the idea of marching to the Capitol alongside his supporters several times after he lost the election, but they assumed he’d made the remarks in a “joking manner.”
You folks really do seem to think that this part of the testimony is a big deal. It was a small, second-hand anecdote. She made it clear that it was something she was told. I'd put it at the bottom of the pile of her overall testimony.

I don't get it. Maybe you think this discredits every word she uttered under oath. Okay. You run with it if it makes you feel better. Weird.

Meanwhile, "men" are doing everything they can to avoid testifying under oath.
The point is she had nothing--repeat NOTHING--to say other than what she had been told. What somebody else tells her is considered hearsay evidence in any court in the land and is unadmissable as evidence because hearsay evidence is too often unreliable, suspect, or blatantly false. You can quote what somebody said under oath, but not just stuff you heard or was told. And the fact that she testified in a way that was almost certainly coached and memorized further makes her testimony suspect.

When Schiff pulled this kind of crap in the collusion hearings, there were competent cross examiners on the panel who got every single witness to admit they saw or heard nothing specific that was illegal in any way.

Schiff didn't make that mistake this time. They made sure there was NOBODY allowed on the commission that would challenge these witnesses in any way as well as making sure no witnesses would be allowed to testify that wouldn't trash Trump and no exculpatory evidence is allowed. They're using selectively edited video, quotes taken out of context, and manipulated testimony that should appall every honorable American.
The point is she had nothing--repeat NOTHING--to say other than what she had been told. What somebody else tells her is considered hearsay evidence in any court in the land and is unadmissable as evidence because hearsay evidence is almost always unreliable, suspect, or blatantly false. You can quote what somebody said under oath, but not just stuff you heard or was told. And the fact that she testified in a way that was almost certainly coached and memorized further makes her testimony suspect.

When Schiff pulled this kind of crap in the collusion hearings, there were competent cross examiners on the panel who got every single witness to admit they saw or heard nothing specific that was illegal in any way.

Schiff didn't make that mistake this time. They made sure there was NOBODY allowed on the commission that would challenge these witnesses in any way as well as making sure no witnesses that wouldn't trash Trump would be called and no exculpatory evidence is allowed. They're using edited video, quotes taken out of context, and manipulated testimony that should appall every honorable American.
Liar...she heard him say the most damning statement trump made. "They are not here to hurt me." He knew what they were there for and he did not care. Even after his advisors said, "They are chanting to hang Mike Pence."...he sent out a Tweet criticizing Pence, encouraging the mob. trump is a POS.

Liar...she heard him say the most damning statement trump made. "They are not here to hurt me." He knew what they were there for and he did not care. Even after his advisors said, "They are chanting to hang Mike Pence."...he sent out a Tweet criticizing Pence, encouraging the mob. trump is a POS.

Sorry but she wasn't there. She could not have heard him say it.
Sorry but she wasn't there. She could not have heard him say it.
What she said, she said under oath. All of it. Every word.

Meanwhile, a group of "men" are hiding like scared little bunnies, afraid to testify under oath.

That's okay. This is just a hearing. If there's a trial, we'll hear much more, from both sides. If they have the balls.
What she said, she said under oath. All of it. Every word.

Meanwhile, a group of "men" are hiding like scared little bunnies, afraid to testify under oath.

That's okay. This is just a hearing. If there's a trial, we'll hear much more, from both sides. If they have the balls.
The point is she said nothing other than hearsay. At least the part about an angry Trump in the car has been refuted by those who were actually in the car. And she even qualified the hearsay with the persistent phrase of "something to the effect of" which she almost certainly was coached to say as insurance against perjury. She was coached, rehearsed, and her testimony would not have been allowed at all in any court proceeding.
The point is she said nothing other than hearsay. At least the part about an angry Trump in the car has been refuted by those who were actually in the car. And she even qualified the hearsay with the persistent phrase of "something to the effect of" which she almost certainly was coached to say as insurance against perjury. She was coached, rehearsed, and her testimony would not have been allowed at all in any court proceeding.
Great. So we'll see if court proceedings happen.

I'll bet she testifies happily. Unlike the "men" who are hiding.
Great. So we'll see if court proceedings happen.

I'll bet she testifies happily. Unlike the "men" who are hiding.
Anybody who wants to get the truth out there would be an idiot to go before a 100% one-sided, partisan witch hunt. Not that the Commission would allow them to testify anyway. That's another slimy trick by Schiff. Put them under deposition, and then pluck selective quotes completely out of context to tell the public who will never be allowed to see the quote in context.
What she said, she said under oath. All of it. Every word.

Meanwhile, a group of "men" are hiding like scared little bunnies, afraid to testify under oath.

That's okay. This is just a hearing. If there's a trial, we'll hear much more, from both sides. If they have the balls.
The story went all around the FBI. trump planned the rally where he incited the mob. He knew they were armed with weapons. HE DID NOT CARE. He knew they chanted hang Mike Pence. HE DID NOT CARE. He even tweeted later to encourage the mob.

Anybody who wants to get the truth out there would be an idiot to go before a 100% one-sided, partisan witch hunt. Not that the Commission would allow them to testify anyway. That's another slimy trick by Schiff. Put them under deposition, and then pluck selective quotes completely out of context to tell the public who will never be allowed to see the quote in context.
Great. We'll see what actually happens regarding the courts, if anything.
The story went all around the FBI. trump planned the rally where he incited the mob. He knew they were armed with weapons. HE DID NOT CARE. He knew they chanted hang Mike Pence. HE DID NOT CARE. He even tweeted later to encourage the mob.

He's unwell. We've known that for many years. And yet he has a cult of personality that does everything it can to enable him.

"History doesn't repeat, but it does rhyme".
Great. We'll see what actually happens regarding the courts, if anything.
So far there is no admissible evidence to indict him. No indictment. No court.

Anyway the most stupid of people could see that this was not a hearing to indict him. They know they've got nothing on him. The purpose is to so damage him with the gullible that will believe they're actually showing something illegal so that he can't run in 2024. The thought of that terrifies them, most especially when it would be compared to the massive failures of the Biden Administration so far.

Trump did more good for America in four years than any President of my now very long lifetime. And he would do it again. I don't care about his petulance or sometimes cringeworthy behavior. His heart was in the right place and he produced great results. That's what counts with me.
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GOOD! Then let's get to the bottom then of how the 2020 election was rigged, setting off this whole national crisis!

LESSEE: So far we know:
  1. Mark Zuckerbeg donated 413 million dollars to finance the fraud.
  2. Democrats spent a year setting up election rule changes to steal the election when they saw their bogus impeachments weren't working.
  3. Thousands were paid big bucks to create fake ballots and drop them off at 4AM.
  4. Time Magazine did a comprehensive expose on how the steal went down.
  5. There were about 50 secretive leftwing organizations in on the steal.
  6. Nancy set up the J6 protest to turn it into a riot to blame Trump and to cover it all up.
  7. Now they are doing this bogus "J6 hearings" as a further deflection to keep the fact that Joe Biden is a total ass wrecking the nation out of the headlines.
  8. The real president of the United States sits down at Mar-A-Lago, deposed by a corrupt, global oligarchy who has invaded our government behind this coup.
Did I miss anything?

You folks really do seem to think that this part of the testimony is a big deal. It was a small, second-hand anecdote. She made it clear that it was something she was told. I'd put it at the bottom of the pile of her overall testimony.

I don't get it. Maybe you think this discredits every word she uttered under oath. Okay. You run with it if it makes you feel better. Weird.

Meanwhile, "men" are doing everything they can to avoid testifying under oath.

They're desperate to show she lied about something and they think their best chance is the one piece of heresay she offered. Their desperation is palpable.
So far there is no admissible evidence to indict him. No indictment. No court.

Anyway the most stupid of people could see that this was not a hearing to indict him. They know they've got nothing on him. The purpose is to so damage him with the gullible that will believe they're actually showing something illegal so that he can't run in 2024. The thought of that terrifies them, most especially when it would be compared to the massive failures of the Biden Administration so far.

Trump did more good for America in four years than any President of my now very long lifetime. And he would do it again. I don't care about his petulance or sometimes cringeworthy behavior. His heart was in the right place and he produced great results. That's what counts with me.
Is is still uncertain that a former president, even a rotten ex-president, will be indicted. But at least three of his criminal associates will be indicted. I am looking for Rudy, Clark, and Eastman to be indicted. They may roll over on trump. We will wait and see.

Honestly, if a losing Dem had pulled the crap that trump pulled, the repub party would be asking for him to be crucified.

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