Former FBI agent: Messages sent to Hutchinson are witness tampering

And the Election was stolen.

Conspiracy Theories we once uncommon and mostly laughed at by ALL.

Now, under KKKult leader trump, everything is a conspiracy theory and well supported by the KKKult members.
See Examples Below.
LESSEE: So far we know:
  1. Mark Zuckerbeg donated 413 million dollars to finance the fraud.
  2. Democrats spent a year setting up election rule changes to steal the election when they saw their bogus impeachments weren't working.
  3. Thousands were paid big bucks to create fake ballots and drop them off at 4AM.
  4. Time Magazine did a comprehensive expose on how the steal went down.
  5. There were about 50 secretive leftwing organizations in on the steal.
  6. Nancy set up the J6 protest to turned it into a riot to blame Trump and to cover it all up.
  7. Now they are doing this bogus "J6 hearings" as a further deflection to keep the fact that Joe Biden is a total ass wrecking the nation out of the headlines.
  8. The real president of the United States sits down at Mar-A-Lago, deposed by a corrupt, global oligarchy who has invaded our government behind this coup.
Did I miss anything?
Did you miss anything?

1). Jewish Space Lasers.
Which doesn't change a thing regarding her testimony.

She lied. End of story. You folks need to grow up, like it or not like Hitlery and Rump is part of the elite class. They don't submit to the same laws as you and I do.
She lied. End of story. You folks need to grow up, like it or not like Hitlery and Rump is part of the elite class. They don't submit to the same laws as you and I do.
You don't know that she lied.

No need to go drama queen over such a little thing.
That's what you want.

Every Prog makes the same mistake. You live a binary world therefore you think everyone does. Tell Nancy and the Cheney whore to subpoena them, all taken care of. They won't and we both know why.
Cant testify to something you never witnessed. Thats lying under oath not telling the truth do you Dimmers not know the difference?
In a court of law it's hearsay...this is not a court of law. Plus, those who she claims said these things are welcome to testify under oath that they didn't say those things. I look forward to their testimony.
Every Prog makes the same mistake. You live a binary world therefore you think everyone does. Tell Nancy and the Cheney whore to subpoena them, all taken care of. They won't and we both know why.
Such Irony from the cult. :heehee: Binary as in..."you are completely loyal to the fat former guy or else you are a traitor"
Every Prog makes the same mistake. You live a binary world therefore you think everyone does. Tell Nancy and the Cheney whore to subpoena them, all taken care of. They won't and we both know why.
Now you want someone else to do something.
Every Prog makes the same mistake. You live a binary world therefore you think everyone does. Tell Nancy and the Cheney whore to subpoena them, all taken care of. They won't and we both know why.
Did you learn a new word, "binary" in class. You should are captivated with it?

So are the trump loyal secret service agents still gonna deny trump tried to grab the wheel now? Maybe they have another job lined up?

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