Former Gitmo..."Gentle Sheep herder" is recruiting terrorists....of course he is...


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Yes, we all know that all the prisoners in Gitmo are just gentle sheep herders who were simply tending their flocks when they were scooped up by maniacal U.S. jack booted thugs so they could amuse themselves by torturing the "gentle sheep herder"....right?

So....of course, when the nature of the "gentle sheep herder" was discovered, and he was released...of course the first thing he did....was go back to recruiting terrorists....just one of the many "gentle sheep herders" who went back to killing innocent people....

Madrid s Largest Mosque was Used for Jihadi Recruitment Run by Former Gitmo Prisoner

Spanish law enforcement arrested fifteen men accused of recruiting fighters for the Islamic State in June, including Moroccan national Lahcen Ikassrien, who had arrived in Spain after spending time under arrest at Guantánamo Bay. Spanish newspaper El Pais reports that now, as the High Court releases details of their investigation before the trial, it has become clear that Ikassrien was running an Islamist sub-organization working in tandem with the Islamic State from within the largest mosque in Madrid.

Ikassrien is described as the "charismatic leader" of the Al-Andalus Brigade, thus named from the formerly Muslim southern Spanish region of Andalucía. The operation used the Mezquita de la M-30, the largest mosque in the capital, as a recruitment facility, slowly introducing potential recruits to the tenets of radical Islam and convincing them to join the Islamic State. Ikassrien is described as using the cafeteria as a social center to identify and target recruits.

A number of family members of men who traveled to Syria and Iraq to join the Islamic State, or remained in Spain but became radicalized, told authorities that their relatives or friends had clearly taken up a more intense understanding of Sharia law since meeting and interacting with Ikassrien. El Pais notes that Ikassrien was free to organize the Islamist group after being acquitted by a Spanish court in 2006, and had even sued the Spanish government for damages after his initial post-Guantánamo arrest. He hadinitially been arrested in Afghanistan fighting alongside the Taliban and placed in Guantánamo.

Sadly....he didn't go back to the actual least if he did, some of our soldiers could have just killed him in combat....and spared us this joke of allowing a monster back out to help kill innocent men, women and children...

Thanks libs for being so stupid.......the dead really appreciate your help....
Keep in mind stupid libs....this guy is recruiting for the same people who just cut off the heads of 4 children.....that we know of....odds are, they are spilling blood by the tanker truck load over there...and this former Gitmo "sheep herder" was sending them help...

You stupid f******g have no clue about reality, the truth or facts...and you have no moral compass....please...let the grown ups handle this......

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