Former Green Beret / GOP Candidate Who Refused To Be J6 Informant Still A Political Prisoner In DC Gitmo After 2 YEARS

No, you're just continuing to destroy your credibility by making up shit again and attempting to gaslight.

Go away, troll.

Laughing....just like you never claimed that if Trump lost, it was because of Election Fraud?

Just like you never blamed J6 on Antifa?

And you know we can look up you spewing your insane conspiracy about Ray Epps, right?

"Ray Epps is the key to uncovering what happened before and during 6 Jan. He has a lot more that needs to be said, exposed.

He has the stench of FBI crime / corruption all over him, as we know the FBI already confessed to having teams on-scene and involved."

Laughing....but you didn't say any of that, huh?

You live on a diet of nothing but batshit, Easy.
Green Beret and former Republican congressional candidate Jeremy Brown attended the Stop the Steal protests in Washington DC on January 6, 2021. Jeremy joined the Oath Keepers in November of 2020 following the controversial election and went to Washington DC to provide security at the many protests and rallies that were planned in DC that week.

In March of 2021, Jeremy Brown started speaking out about how the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and FBI Joint Terrorism Task Force (JTTF) contacted him and attempted to recruit him to spy on patriots and everyday Americans on January 6th.

Brown refused the FBI's attempt to be recruited as one of at least 8 admitted FBI imbedded informants within the Oath Keepers and spoke out against the FBI, exposing their operation against the group.

Despite not entering the US Capitol on J6 the FBI sent armed agents in 20 (twenty) FBI vehicles to raid Brown's home and to arrest Brown for 'TRESPASSING' on J6.


The FBI then added additional bogus charges, using them and the threat of a long prison sentence to attempt to pressure him into confessing guilt and taking a plea deal.

So, the FBI has violated his Constitutional right to a speedy trial, holding him for over 2 YEARS, under the threat of a (longer) prolonged punitive prison sentence unless he admits 'guilt' and takes a plea deal...

...for refusing to become an FBI J6 informant ... and 'trespassing'.

Welcome to Democrats' United States of Amerika, where the government targets US citizens with 3rd World abuse of power IOT silence, intimidate, subjugate, and punish its citizens ... and for refusing to aid the government in its efforts to do so.

Let him rot with his choices.
You can actually look up all the crimes the terrorists committed right here:

I've shown it to the MAGA tards on this forum countless times, but they remain willfully blind and stupid to this day.
Yeah, I know about it. The issue I was discussing was the complaints about those who are still being held because of what the poster says are "minor" crimes. They seldom mention the inmate's name because its easy to look them up and see the felonies they are accused of doing.
FBI are police. Additionally many of the "agents" you see are local police seconded to the FBI in that area.

Why do you want to murder cops?
If you're trying to trip me into something, then forgot it. I have to go and do some some major plotting.
FBI are police. Additionally many of the "agents" you see are local police seconded to the FBI in that area.

Why do you want to murder cops?

Its a valid point. If ever you hear of conservatives talking about civil war, what they're talking about is killing cops.

The ACTUAL civil war was lead by the States. MAGA civil war is a homegrown insurrection targetting law enforcement.....where they would go after the FBI and anyone who got in their way.

"In the days prior to Thursday's attack, the Truth Social account described leading an "insurrection against the people who usurped our government," and made a "call to arms" to other Trump supporters. "I am proposing war," read one post. "Kill the FBI on sight.""
Its a valid point. If ever you hear of conservatives talking about civil war, what they're talking about is killing cops.

The ACTUAL civil war was lead by the States. MAGA civil war is a homegrown insurrection targetting law enforcement.....where they would go after the FBI and anyone who got in their way.

"In the days prior to Thursday's attack, the Truth Social account described leading an "insurrection against the people who usurped our government," and made a "call to arms" to other Trump supporters. "I am proposing war," read one post. "Kill the FBI on sight.""
Did Truth Social even exist then? Where's the evidence?

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