Former Green Beret / GOP Candidate Who Refused To Be J6 Informant Still A Political Prisoner In DC Gitmo After 2 YEARS

Your argument has devolved into ignoring all of the video evidence of the J6 insurrectionists attacking cops and invading the capital. Folding it all into your conspiracy.'re detached from reality. I feel like an adult kicking a puppy at this point.
Your arguments still ignore the fact that J6 happened because Pelosi, The DC Mayor and FBI did not call out the National Guard, that instead of attempting to protect the Capitol and PREVENT J6 from happening the FBI spent the weeks planning, organizing, recruiting, and executing multiple 'Entrapment Scheme' Operations against US citizens, prior to and on J6.

You continue to defend an FBI proven to have violated the Constitution, violated multiple laws, violated the Patriot Act, defrauded the FISA Court over a dozen times, illegally spied on US citizens and the President, altered documents, put i nocent Anericans in prison, and knowingly, willingly participated in a failed coup attempt to overthrow the US govt by attempting to treasonously remove a sitting President from office.


THIS same FBI chose to conduct 'Entrapment Scheme' operations against US citizens instead of attempting to protect the Capitol and prevent J6 from happening.

Again, J6 happened because Pelosi, the DC Mayor, abmbd tve Sergeants-at-Arms of the House and Senate chose not to call on the National Guard, as Trump was proven to have recommended.

Everything is secondary to those 2 main facts.
You are fucking retarded! I already said Trump lost the election, dumbass.

Go back to the Special Needs Kids' Table.
wait wait wait.

You can man up and admit that Trump lost the election, there was no fraud, and Trump is lying when he says the election was stolen ?!?!

Really !
I don't believe it !
There is got to be some catch here.
Your arguments still ignore the fact that J6 happened because Pelosi, The DC Mayor and FBI did not call out the National Guard, that instead of attempting to protect the Capitol and PREVENT J6 from happening the FBI spent the weeks planning, organizing, recruiting, and executing multiple 'Entrapment Scheme' Operations against US citizens, prior to and on J6.

You continue to defend an FBI proven to have violated the Constitution, violated multiple laws, violated the Patriot Act, defrauded the FISA Court over a dozen times, illegally spied on US citizens and the President, altered documents, put i nocent Anericans in prison, and knowingly, willingly participated in a failed coup attempt to overthrow the US govt by attempting to treasonously remove a sitting President from office.


THIS same FBI chose to conduct 'Entrapment Scheme' operations against US citizens instead of attempting to protect the Capitol and prevent J6 from happening.

Again, J6 happened because Pelosi, the DC Mayor, abmbd tve Sergeants-at-Arms of the House and Senate chose not to call on the National Guard, as Trump was proven to have recommended.

Everything is secondary to those 2 main facts.

Didn't you blame Ray Epps for J6? Or are we supposed ignore that your open advocacy of the 'Big Lie'?

Now you're ranting that the FBI investigated the crimes committed on January 6th, the attack on police, the insurrection, the sedition, the seditious conspiracy, the attack on the capital.....

instead of your latest conspiracy theory....this time about the National Guard?, no.
Sorry buddy....but you've already show us your batshit crazy conspiracy hand:

"If Trump loses, as we have all seen for months, its because of Mail-In Ballot election fraud."

Alas.....Trump lost because he was a terrible candidate and incumbent in the midst of a recession.

None of your Big Lie required. Nor did your scapegoat of Ray Epps have a thing to do with Trump being a garbage candidate.

You're just prone to silly conspiracies.
You keep repeating the same thing IOT distract from the fact that you accused me of believing Trump did not lose the 2020 election, which is te orded fact. You are vatshit crazy and / or a gaslighting troll.

Enough time has veen wasted in you and your attempt to hijack this thread.
wait wait wait.

You can man up and admit that Trump lost the election, there was no fraud, and Trump is lying when he says the election was stolen ?!?!

Really !
I don't believe it !
There is got to be some catch here.

Easy swaps out conspiracies like most folks do underwear.

The fun part is how much he squirms when you point out the Ghost of Dipshit Past.
You keep repeating the same thing IOT distract from the fact that you accused me of believing Trump did not lose the 2020 election, which is te orded fact. You are vatshit crazy and / or a gaslighting troll.

Enough time has veen wasted in you and your attempt to hijack this thread.

Your Big that Trump lost because of election fraud.

Nope! He lost because he was a terrible candidate and incumbent in the middle of a recession.

Now you've got a new conspiracy about the National Guard.....and how the FBI 'shoulda' investigated them, rather than all the crimes committed on January 6th.

This after you abandoned your old conspiracy about Ray Epps, blaming him for J6.

And your Ray Epps nonsense after trying to blame ANTIFA for January 6th.

You're scrambling from one pile of batshit to another. If your claims had merit, you wouldn't need to run.
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Green Beret and former Republican congressional candidate Jeremy Brown attended the Stop the Steal protests in Washington DC on January 6, 2021. Jeremy joined the Oath Keepers in November of 2020 following the controversial election and went to Washington DC to provide security at the many protests and rallies that were planned in DC that week.

In March of 2021, Jeremy Brown started speaking out about how the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and FBI Joint Terrorism Task Force (JTTF) contacted him and attempted to recruit him to spy on patriots and everyday Americans on January 6th.

Brown refused the FBI's attempt to be recruited as one of at least 8 admitted FBI imbedded informants within the Oath Keepers and spoke out against the FBI, exposing their operation against the group.

Despite not entering the US Capitol on J6 the FBI sent armed agents in 20 (twenty) FBI vehicles to raid Brown's home and to arrest Brown for 'TRESPASSING' on J6.


The FBI then added additional bogus charges, using them and the threat of a long prison sentence to attempt to pressure him into confessing guilt and taking a plea deal.

So, the FBI has violated his Constitutional right to a speedy trial, holding him for over 2 YEARS, under the threat of a (longer) prolonged punitive prison sentence unless he admits 'guilt' and takes a plea deal...

...for refusing to become an FBI J6 informant ... and 'trespassing'.

Welcome to Democrats' United States of Amerika, where the government targets US citizens with 3rd World abuse of power IOT silence, intimidate, subjugate, and punish its citizens ... and for refusing to aid the government in its efforts to do so.

gatewaypundit=fake news. The only political prisoner is your brain. It is being held by Trump.
I don't want to murder anybody. If anyone is anti-MAGA that tells me that they hate America and deserve to be executed as traitors. There's a big difference. I come from a family that has fought in every war since the founding. MAGA simply means Make America Great Again and anyone who denies this is a fucking traitor.
Yet you want to murder police. Hence my confusion.

How do you know those pictures you saw on TV were real unless you were there?

FBI is looking forward to talking to you.

Talke plenty of pictures to share with us when they get there. You're good at taking pictures.

So...all that live footage on all the channels and internet was fake?

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