Former Green Beret / GOP Candidate Who Refused To Be J6 Informant Still A Political Prisoner In DC Gitmo After 2 YEARS

Loser with a loser mentally.

Do you cry yourself to sleep?

Seriously. But then this is the guy that blamed Ray Epps (and by extension, the FBI as the batshit goes) for January 6th.

Ray Epps is the purest form of delusion. As there is literally NOTHING to back the conspiracy.

And yet they believe.
Yeah, I know about it. The issue I was discussing was the complaints about those who are still being held because of what the poster says are "minor" crimes. They seldom mention the inmate's name because its easy to look them up and see the felonies they are accused of doing.
It's the belief or nonbelief if they were felonies.
The People.

Which people? I didn't say that. No one I know did.

So far its just you, citing you.

Is this a trans thing, with you referring to yourself in the plural? If so, what are your pronouns?

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