Former Head of State-run Chinese Newspaper Claims 'High Probability’ of War With U.S.


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2016
Former Head of State-run Chinese Newspaper Claims 'High Probability’ of War With U.S.

Following last Thursday’s visit to Taipei, the capital of Taiwan, by U.S. senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) and six other U.S. officials, Hu Xijin, the former editor-in-chief of the Global Times, was compelled to declare the politicians’ junket as, “‘The most serious provocation by Washington to China on the Taiwan question since the island's then regional leader Lee Teng-hui visited the US in 1996.’ Included in his declaration, ‘As the situation in the Taiwan Strait deteriorates, we must prepare for a military struggle.’”

Why does anyone in China believe it would take starting a shooting war with the United States to annex Taiwan?

The Chinese leader(s) must realize they can bring the United States to it knees by simply holding back all of the products manufactured in China on which the U.S. consumer driven economy relies.

In just a few short weeks, U.S. officials would eagerly hand Taiwan over and, pay for the public celebrations in China’s major cities commemorating the return of the island state to the fold.

In the United States’ government, principles are extremely flexible when it comes to corporate profits over people’s (any people’s) well-being, except that of U.S. billionaires. Every conservative and moderate politician in Washington D.C. would gladly fellatiate the Chinese communist leaders, and give them Taiwan, to protect the wealth of the 724 U.S. billionaires.

Hu Xijin has no concept of the depths Washington’s congressional conservative and moderate politicians will sink to insure consistent growth in the wealth of their billionaire masters. So, any “military struggle” between the United States and China over Taiwan’s annexation is totally unnecessary.

Former Head of State-run Chinese Newspaper Claims 'High Probability’ of War With U.S.

Following last Thursday’s visit to Taipei, the capital of Taiwan, by U.S. senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) and six other U.S. officials, Hu Xijin, the former editor-in-chief of the Global Times, was compelled to declare the politicians’ junket as, “‘The most serious provocation by Washington to China on the Taiwan question since the island's then regional leader Lee Teng-hui visited the US in 1996.’ Included in his declaration, ‘As the situation in the Taiwan Strait deteriorates, we must prepare for a military struggle.’”

Why does anyone in China believe it would take starting a shooting war with the United States to annex Taiwan?

The Chinese leader(s) must realize they can bring the United States to it knees by simply holding back all of the products manufactured in China on which the U.S. consumer driven economy relies.

In just a few short weeks, U.S. officials would eagerly hand Taiwan over and, pay for the public celebrations in China’s major cities commemorating the return of the island state to the fold.

In the United States’ government, principles are extremely flexible when it comes to corporate profits over people’s (any people’s) well-being, except that of U.S. billionaires. Every conservative and moderate politician in Washington D.C. would gladly fellatiate the Chinese communist leaders, and give them Taiwan, to protect the wealth of the 724 U.S. billionaires.

Hu Xijin has no concept of the depths Washington’s congressional conservative and moderate politicians will sink to insure consistent growth in the wealth of their billionaire masters. So, any “military struggle” between the United States and China over Taiwan’s annexation is totally unnecessary.

Xi owns Biden. Xi can collect Taiwan with just one phone call
The Chinese leader(s) must realize they can bring the United States to it knees by simply holding back all of the products manufactured in China on which the U.S. consumer driven economy relies.

the Chinese also realize that no exports mean no money.
Xi owns Biden. Xi can collect Taiwan with just one phone call
Biden hasn't the power to give Taiwan to China unilaterally. However, he is one of the D.C. moderates who, like the conservatives, have vowed to protect the 724 billionaires' profits and serves only his super-rich benefactors.

the Chinese also realize that no exports mean no money.
They could hold out for the short period of time needed to break the will of the Washington establishment. The Chinese understand their halt of exports would be temporary, and much less expensive than a war.
They could hold out for the short period of time needed to break the will of the Washington establishment. The Chinese understand their halt of exports would be temporary, and much less expensive than a war.
Then the consumers can get a taste of what consumers had to deal with in 1941-1945 in the US.
Then the consumers can get a taste of what consumers had to deal with in 1941-1945 in the US.
They can also thank Reagan and the other politicians beholden to Big Business and the billionaires for moving most manufacturing to China.

The voters electing moderates and conservatives can also look in the mirror and curse their own stupidity.

They can also thank Reagan and the other politicians beholden to Big Business and the billionaires for moving most manufacturing to China.

The voters electing moderates and conservatives can also look in the mirror and curse their own stupidity.

I made the mistake of voting for Raygun in 1980 but never again and I refused to vote for Dems and NAFTA of any sale out of Mainstreet both those leaders for the profit margin of the capitalist.
Former Head of State-run Chinese Newspaper Claims 'High Probability’ of War With U.S.

Following last Thursday’s visit to Taipei, the capital of Taiwan, by U.S. senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) and six other U.S. officials, Hu Xijin, the former editor-in-chief of the Global Times, was compelled to declare the politicians’ junket as, “‘The most serious provocation by Washington to China on the Taiwan question since the island's then regional leader Lee Teng-hui visited the US in 1996.’ Included in his declaration, ‘As the situation in the Taiwan Strait deteriorates, we must prepare for a military struggle.’”

Why does anyone in China believe it would take starting a shooting war with the United States to annex Taiwan?

The Chinese leader(s) must realize they can bring the United States to it knees by simply holding back all of the products manufactured in China on which the U.S. consumer driven economy relies.

In just a few short weeks, U.S. officials would eagerly hand Taiwan over and, pay for the public celebrations in China’s major cities commemorating the return of the island state to the fold.

In the United States’ government, principles are extremely flexible when it comes to corporate profits over people’s (any people’s) well-being, except that of U.S. billionaires. Every conservative and moderate politician in Washington D.C. would gladly fellatiate the Chinese communist leaders, and give them Taiwan, to protect the wealth of the 724 U.S. billionaires.

Hu Xijin has no concept of the depths Washington’s congressional conservative and moderate politicians will sink to insure consistent growth in the wealth of their billionaire masters. So, any “military struggle” between the United States and China over Taiwan’s annexation is totally unnecessary.

Well, except it's the American leftwingers and their corporate marionettes who would gladly sell their souls to the Chinese. They already have.
the Chinese also realize that no exports mean no money.
Yes, but watching the chinese shutting down their own city for COVID to get their middle class in line is proof that they are willing to forgo the money short term---in order to achieve more power.

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