Former military warns - DHS preping /war on citizens

For all of you gun owners that were saying that if they ever tried taking guns away from the citizens, you would step up and stop them...well, now's your chance.

California Begins Confiscating Legally-Purchased Guns -

Speaking for myself California gets what Cali deserves. I have no empathy for anyone in that state. We're talking about a total, Federal attack on the 2nd or Martial law. Either of those 2 scenarios will set the lone wolves on a federal blood letting. Unless you're a postal worker, your are marked.

the national guard went through New Orleans taking legal guns away from citizens who had them legally. No one did anything to stop it and by the time it becomes a full scale attack, not enough people will still have them to do anything to stop it.

Those who claim they are waiting are just fooling themselves.

I can't speak for them, only myself. The people in the big easy couldn't exactly run shoot and run away easily. They were trapped.
If anything like this ever happens it will be the left that gets it first, somehow I just don't see the patriot/libertarian set getting upset at all about protesters getting gunned down in the streets, probably cheer them on. That is why the left correctly calls them fascists.
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This video only has 29 views. It is relatively new and at the end of the video you will view military tanks on a train being shuttled to a secret location.. I counted almost 60 tanks in the part of video although I may have lost count. There is a far more disturbing video out there and I cannot find it. It is of Dutch and Russian troops.. One top ranking military official is asked where he is from and he says Holland - they are here on American soil doing home invasion / neighborhood invasion type drills and they are mostly Dutch and Russian troops. Many not speaking Engish. The American neighborhoods and civilians who comment in the video I cannot find are quite revealing. I will have to keep looking. I saw it yesterday and am wondering if it was removed.

My God you fringe right wingers are idiots.


You mean the same was US troops are on OTHER people's soil training, like in Germany, Japan, S Korea, Africa, Australia, England.......well, just insert a nation or region, and we're probably there.

The DHS isn't going to war against Americans. If it did, it would lose badly. There are 3,000,000 members of the active military. There are 1,000,000 members of active police forces in America. That's 4,000,000 ACTIVE. Probably another 20,000,000 former military or police. Men trained with weapons, who have families on US soil. They aren't letting DHS do shit. And DHS doesn't want to do shit.

DHS is buying all that stuff because we have a surplus after 13 years of war. We can destroy the surplus, or sell it off. DHS and other agencies buy it. Police departments buy it. 99% chance they'll never need it. But, they MIGHT. Check out the Pittsburgh SWAT shootout, where an armored vehicle saved lives. Armored vehicles can also be used to shield innocent people being in a school shooting, or when some nut is holed up in a house with a rifle and the SWAT teams need to evacuate neighbors.

My God, how did society rot to this level is idiocy?
This video only has 29 views. It is relatively new and at the end of the video you will view military tanks on a train being shuttled to a secret location.. I counted almost 60 tanks in the part of video although I may have lost count. There is a far more disturbing video out there and I cannot find it. It is of Dutch and Russian troops.. One top ranking military official is asked where he is from and he says Holland - they are here on American soil doing home invasion / neighborhood invasion type drills and they are mostly Dutch and Russian troops. Many not speaking Engish. The American neighborhoods and civilians who comment in the video I cannot find are quite revealing. I will have to keep looking. I saw it yesterday and am wondering if it was removed.

My God you fringe right wingers are idiots.


You mean the same was US troops are on OTHER people's soil training, like in Germany, Japan, S Korea, Africa, Australia, England.......well, just insert a nation or region, and we're probably there.

The DHS isn't going to war against Americans. If it did, it would lose badly. There are 3,000,000 members of the active military. There are 1,000,000 members of active police forces in America. That's 4,000,000 ACTIVE. Probably another 20,000,000 former military or police. Men trained with weapons, who have families on US soil. They aren't letting DHS do shit. And DHS doesn't want to do shit.

DHS is buying all that stuff because we have a surplus after 13 years of war. We can destroy the surplus, or sell it off. DHS and other agencies buy it. Police departments buy it. 99% chance they'll never need it. But, they MIGHT. Check out the Pittsburgh SWAT shootout, where an armored vehicle saved lives. Armored vehicles can also be used to shield innocent people being in a school shooting, or when some nut is holed up in a house with a rifle and the SWAT teams need to evacuate neighbors.

My God, how did society rot to this level is idiocy?

I blame the internet, free access to information also means free access to misinformation.
To date, DHS has been unwilling to provide to you, the elected representatives of the People, justification for recent purchases of almost 3,000 mine-resistant ambush-protected (MRAP) armored personnel carriers, 1.6 billion rounds of ammunition (with associated weapons), and other weapons systems, when, in fact, the DHS has no war mission or war making authority within the limits of the United States of America.

DHS has not bought 1.6 billion rounds of ammo. The O-3 is drinking the piss.
This video only has 29 views. It is relatively new and at the end of the video you will view military tanks on a train being shuttled to a secret location.. I counted almost 60 tanks in the part of video although I may have lost count. There is a far more disturbing video out there and I cannot find it. It is of Dutch and Russian troops.. One top ranking military official is asked where he is from and he says Holland - they are here on American soil doing home invasion / neighborhood invasion type drills and they are mostly Dutch and Russian troops. Many not speaking Engish. The American neighborhoods and civilians who comment in the video I cannot find are quite revealing. I will have to keep looking. I saw it yesterday and am wondering if it was removed.

There's a far more disturbing video out there of an alien autopsy. ZOMG!!!
This video only has 29 views. It is relatively new and at the end of the video you will view military tanks on a train being shuttled to a secret location.. I counted almost 60 tanks in the part of video although I may have lost count. There is a far more disturbing video out there and I cannot find it. It is of Dutch and Russian troops.. One top ranking military official is asked where he is from and he says Holland - they are here on American soil doing home invasion / neighborhood invasion type drills and they are mostly Dutch and Russian troops. Many not speaking Engish. The American neighborhoods and civilians who comment in the video I cannot find are quite revealing. I will have to keep looking. I saw it yesterday and am wondering if it was removed.

My God you fringe right wingers are idiots.


You mean the same was US troops are on OTHER people's soil training, like in Germany, Japan, S Korea, Africa, Australia, England.......well, just insert a nation or region, and we're probably there.

The DHS isn't going to war against Americans. If it did, it would lose badly. There are 3,000,000 members of the active military. There are 1,000,000 members of active police forces in America. That's 4,000,000 ACTIVE. Probably another 20,000,000 former military or police. Men trained with weapons, who have families on US soil. They aren't letting DHS do shit. And DHS doesn't want to do shit.

DHS is buying all that stuff because we have a surplus after 13 years of war. We can destroy the surplus, or sell it off. DHS and other agencies buy it. Police departments buy it. 99% chance they'll never need it. But, they MIGHT. Check out the Pittsburgh SWAT shootout, where an armored vehicle saved lives. Armored vehicles can also be used to shield innocent people being in a school shooting, or when some nut is holed up in a house with a rifle and the SWAT teams need to evacuate neighbors.

My God, how did society rot to this level is idiocy?

I blame the internet, free access to information also means free access to misinformation.
But if it is on the internet, it is true!

I blame the internet, free access to information also means free access to misinformation.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, and freedom for stupid people to post stupid stuff.

As for the Army officer who posted the original letter; I support the military. But, like all groups filled with lots of humans, they'll have their share of nuts and whacks too. This guy sounds like one.

If he thinks DHS would attack our own people, and HIS Army would stand by and do nothing? Whats that say about the Army.

If he thinks DHS would do it, and BEAT the Army? Whats that say about the military?

If he thinks DHS would do it, and the Army would HELP DHS? Whats that say about how we need to treat military funding from now on.

This Army officer sounds like a guy who did his 20 years, is now out, and is a political far right winger who is gonna spend his retirement stirring bullshit up with his "Retired Army Captain" label to give conspiracy nonsense some sort of legitimacy.
I just hope it happens while I'm still young enough to participate. I don't run around the woods with the M-14 or ARs plus 30 lbs of body armor for a paramilitary exercise video.

Well I am 41 and I am willing to go to battle. In truth I would much rather be settling down with a family. I finally found a woman who thinks like I do and I don't want to leave her a single mother. However even she understands we can't let things stay the way they are either.

These are truly times that tries mens and womens souls.

You found a crazy woman and don't want to leave her in order to fight in a battle for our very souls? What are you, some kind of pussy?

By the way, that last sentence is just fanfuckingtastic. I means yous gots to haves some smarts to writes good like that. Bravos!
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If the Globalists bring in their mercenaries we all will have a chance to take a stand.

They are in a corner now... either they $#!t or get off the pot !!!!

We know their strategy...

26 Tenets of the New World Order:

1) Men are inclined to evil rather than good.

2) Preach Liberalism.

3) Use ideals of freedom to bring about class wars.

4) Any and all means necessary should be used to reach their goals as they are justified.

5) Believe their rights lie in force.

6) The power of their resources must remain invisible until the very moment that they have gained the strength so that no group or force can undermine it.

7) Advocates a mob psychology to obtain control of the masses

8 ) Promotes the use of alcohol, drugs, moral corruption, and all forms of vice to systematically corrupt the youth of the nation.

9) Seize citizens’ private property by any means necessary.

10) The use of slogans such as equity, liberty, and fraternity are used on the masses as psychological warfare.

11) War should be directed so that the nations on both sides are placed further in debt and peace conferences are designed so that neither combatant retain territory rights.

12) Members must use their wealth to have candidates chosen to public office who would be obedient to their demands, and would be used as pawns in the game by the men behind the scenes. The advisors will have been bred, reared, and trained from childhood to rule the affairs of the world.

13) Control the press, and hence most of the information the public receives.

14) Agents and provocateurs will come forward after creating traumatic situations, and appear to be the saviors of the masses, when they are actually interested in just the opposite, the reduction of the population.

15) Create industrial depression and financial panic, unemployment, hunger, shortage of food, use these events to control the masses and mobs, and use them to wipe out those who stand in the way.

16) Infiltrate Freemasonry which is to be used to conceal and further objectives.

17) Expound the value of systematic deception, use high sounding slogans and phrases, advocate lavish sounding promises to the masses even though they can’t be kept.

18) The art of street fighting is necessary to bring the population into subjection.

19) Use agents as provocateurs and advisers behind the scenes, and after wars use secret diplomacy talks to gain control.

20) Establish huge monopolies towards world government control.

21) Use high taxes and unfair competition to bring about economic ruin by controlling raw materials, organized agitation among the workers, and subsidizing competitors.

22) Build up armaments with police and soldiers who can protect and further the New World Order's interests.

23) Members and leaders of the one world government will be appointed by the director of the New World Order.

24) Infiltrate into all classes and levels of society and government for the purpose of teaching the youth in the schools theories and principles known to be false.

25) Create and use national and international laws to destroy civilization.

26) Use estrogens & femicals to drive males gay and the female population insane thereby insuring the destruction of the family, hence more governmental dependency.

and we know their Endgame Plans.


Co-incidence ? I think not !!!!!

:tank: :tank: :tank: :tank:

For all of you gun owners that were saying that if they ever tried taking guns away from the citizens, you would step up and stop them...well, now's your chance.

California Begins Confiscating Legally-Purchased Guns -

If the Globalists bring in their mercenaries we all will have a chance to take a stand.

They are in a corner now... either they $#!t or get off the pot !!!!

We know their strategy...

26 Tenets of the New World Order:

1) Men are inclined to evil rather than good.

2) Preach Liberalism.

3) Use ideals of freedom to bring about class wars.

4) Any and all means necessary should be used to reach their goals as they are justified.

5) Believe their rights lie in force.

6) The power of their resources must remain invisible until the very moment that they have gained the strength so that no group or force can undermine it.

7) Advocates a mob psychology to obtain control of the masses

8 ) Promotes the use of alcohol, drugs, moral corruption, and all forms of vice to systematically corrupt the youth of the nation.

9) Seize citizens’ private property by any means necessary.

10) The use of slogans such as equity, liberty, and fraternity are used on the masses as psychological warfare.

11) War should be directed so that the nations on both sides are placed further in debt and peace conferences are designed so that neither combatant retain territory rights.

12) Members must use their wealth to have candidates chosen to public office who would be obedient to their demands, and would be used as pawns in the game by the men behind the scenes. The advisors will have been bred, reared, and trained from childhood to rule the affairs of the world.

13) Control the press, and hence most of the information the public receives.

14) Agents and provocateurs will come forward after creating traumatic situations, and appear to be the saviors of the masses, when they are actually interested in just the opposite, the reduction of the population.

15) Create industrial depression and financial panic, unemployment, hunger, shortage of food, use these events to control the masses and mobs, and use them to wipe out those who stand in the way.

16) Infiltrate Freemasonry which is to be used to conceal and further objectives.

17) Expound the value of systematic deception, use high sounding slogans and phrases, advocate lavish sounding promises to the masses even though they can’t be kept.

18) The art of street fighting is necessary to bring the population into subjection.

19) Use agents as provocateurs and advisers behind the scenes, and after wars use secret diplomacy talks to gain control.

20) Establish huge monopolies towards world government control.

21) Use high taxes and unfair competition to bring about economic ruin by controlling raw materials, organized agitation among the workers, and subsidizing competitors.

22) Build up armaments with police and soldiers who can protect and further the New World Order's interests.

23) Members and leaders of the one world government will be appointed by the director of the New World Order.

24) Infiltrate into all classes and levels of society and government for the purpose of teaching the youth in the schools theories and principles known to be false.

25) Create and use national and international laws to destroy civilization.

26) Use estrogens & femicals to drive males gay and the female population insane thereby insuring the destruction of the family, hence more governmental dependency.

You were leaked Rev A.

Rev B. includes 27) Chemtrails.

Goddam it! Who leaked the End Game? FUCK!

Get me the red phone NOW!!!
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RUBE 1: Give me all the ammo you have!

GUN SHOP CLERK: Here you go.

[five minutes later...]

RUBE 2: Give me all the ammo you have!

GUN SHOP CLERK: We are all out of ammo.

RUBE 2: I knew it! The government is buying up all the ammo! DHS is cumming for us!!!
I found the video! This video is alarming to me for several reasons. One is that these foreign troops are Russians, Dutch, other nations - who have already boasted privately about a future invasion of America - their job is to do what American soldiers won't do - murder US citizens.. another alarming sight was their being dressed in American soldier uniforms - if you are doing a drill representing your own nation - why dress in US soldier garments? Isn't that being deceptive? You decide. Watch this:

MARTIAL LAW- Russians train to DIsarm U.S Citizens on U.S soil - YouTube

I believe I made it clear I do not know the details of what the UN is doing only that in order to accomplish the agenda of a one world govt., America cannot remain as it is now nor could the borders that currently separate nations, etc. remain. I believe there is an international agenda underway and yes I believe they believe that Americans who hold fast to our sovereignty as a nation, the Constitution, to our 2nd amendment rights, etc stand in the way of those who consider "Progress" to be a One world Order, One world religion, etc. There is a reason this is happening - the reason hasn't been explained to us but we do know there is a pattern of our top military being retired early. Something is going on. Americans are not naive. I do find it odd that people didn't like my posting the video ( the response is quite "vociferous" )
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22) Build up armaments with police and soldiers who can protect and further the New World Order's interests

^^That will never happen. 99% of cops and military members would never turn on their own people (cue the idiots who will keep posting a few rare examples of bad apple cops).

BUT, GOD DAMMIT, they're on to us.

Hey boys, I have the sharks with laser beams attached to their heads if you guys will bring the DHS armored vehicles, and we'll get the Obama re-education camps started.
For all of you gun owners that were saying that if they ever tried taking guns away from the citizens, you would step up and stop them...well, now's your chance.

California Begins Confiscating Legally-Purchased Guns -

If the Globalists bring in their mercenaries we all will have a chance to take a stand.

They are in a corner now... either they $#!t or get off the pot !!!!

We know their strategy...

26 Tenets of the New World Order:

1) Men are inclined to evil rather than good.

2) Preach Liberalism.

3) Use ideals of freedom to bring about class wars.

4) Any and all means necessary should be used to reach their goals as they are justified.

5) Believe their rights lie in force.

6) The power of their resources must remain invisible until the very moment that they have gained the strength so that no group or force can undermine it.

7) Advocates a mob psychology to obtain control of the masses

8 ) Promotes the use of alcohol, drugs, moral corruption, and all forms of vice to systematically corrupt the youth of the nation.

9) Seize citizens’ private property by any means necessary.

10) The use of slogans such as equity, liberty, and fraternity are used on the masses as psychological warfare.

11) War should be directed so that the nations on both sides are placed further in debt and peace conferences are designed so that neither combatant retain territory rights.

12) Members must use their wealth to have candidates chosen to public office who would be obedient to their demands, and would be used as pawns in the game by the men behind the scenes. The advisors will have been bred, reared, and trained from childhood to rule the affairs of the world.

13) Control the press, and hence most of the information the public receives.

14) Agents and provocateurs will come forward after creating traumatic situations, and appear to be the saviors of the masses, when they are actually interested in just the opposite, the reduction of the population.

15) Create industrial depression and financial panic, unemployment, hunger, shortage of food, use these events to control the masses and mobs, and use them to wipe out those who stand in the way.

16) Infiltrate Freemasonry which is to be used to conceal and further objectives.

17) Expound the value of systematic deception, use high sounding slogans and phrases, advocate lavish sounding promises to the masses even though they can’t be kept.

18) The art of street fighting is necessary to bring the population into subjection.

19) Use agents as provocateurs and advisers behind the scenes, and after wars use secret diplomacy talks to gain control.

20) Establish huge monopolies towards world government control.

21) Use high taxes and unfair competition to bring about economic ruin by controlling raw materials, organized agitation among the workers, and subsidizing competitors.

22) Build up armaments with police and soldiers who can protect and further the New World Order's interests.

23) Members and leaders of the one world government will be appointed by the director of the New World Order.

24) Infiltrate into all classes and levels of society and government for the purpose of teaching the youth in the schools theories and principles known to be false.

25) Create and use national and international laws to destroy civilization.

26) Use estrogens & femicals to drive males gay and the female population insane thereby insuring the destruction of the family, hence more governmental dependency.

and we know their Endgame Plans.


[ame=]EndGame HQ full length version - YouTube[/ame]

Prison » Communist Chinese Troops on U.S. Soil for ?Exchange? Mission

Co-incidence ? I think not !!!!!

:tank: :tank: :tank: :tank:

Do some research on gangstalking. The shit is already happening.
They are killing off thousands of Americans.

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