Former NFL Lineman Uche Nwaneri Demanded People Take the Jab- Died of Heart Attack Days Ago

Your profile moron--the same place the proof of all of my other TRUE statements reside. If you don't want your lies to come back on you, you shouldn't make them.

Link to me claiming I was working from home due to a healthcare professional telling me to do so.

I am happy to wait while you do so.
I am not changing anything. These studies do not show how many have been killed or injured by the Vax. They show some of the potential dangers.

I have never seen a COVID shot ad put out by the companies making it. All I have seen is public announcement type ads

Omg, so your 'studies' aren't related to covid vaccine injury or death impacts at all, but you're using them (without even linking any) to support your position? lmao

Of course you haven't, why is that? They advertise to death every other drug they have on the market.

So what exactly is your position on this, you just keep going in circles. Your claim that anyone dying from vaccine related injury is pure conspiracy? No one has died from the covid shots? No one has been injured?
Omg, so your 'studies' aren't related to covid vaccine injury or death impacts at all, but you're using them (without even linking any) to support your position? lmao

My position is that there is no data showing an increase in the deaths of young people as is the claim.

Of course you haven't, why is that? They advertise to death every other drug they have on the market.

Why would they waste the money doing so when they have the Govt pushing it for them?
So you think Trump produced a poison...and you still support him?

Multiple times Trump was standing behind Fauci in press conferences or statements and looked uncomfortable. You can see it in videos. Trump was damned one way or the other. Joe, well he is a sadist and does not care about life at all.
My position is that there is no data showing an increase in the deaths of young people as is the claim.

Why would they waste the money doing so when they have the Govt pushing it for them?

So, you claim no injuries or deaths due to the covid shots?

Yeah, isn't that convenient? Not costing them a dime, and they're exempt from listing any known side effects. Apparently there aren't any at all, right?
Navy Seals and other uniformed personal would say so

Air Force pilots for instance

And not allowing civilians to fly without the jab

Or making it difficult

Not just government

Civilian libs were adamant that everyone submit

Military is government smart guy. Civilian orgs are private orgs, they can do what they want.
No, I claim there is not the massive number we are told by some members on this forum.

Yep it sure it. Who gave them that exemption?

What 'massive numbers' are being claimed? How many is too many, you and your ilk deny every single time that anything is related to the covid shots, you heckle it all as 'conspiracy'. What has been the threshold for pulling drugs from the market in the past due to injuries or deaths? Why can't you give me a number for covid shot injuries or deaths, where are the stats?

The same people that are withholding and denying any injuries or deaths from the covid shots, our government.
What 'massive numbers' are being claimed? How many is too many, you and your ilk deny every single time that anything is related to the covid shots, you heckle it all as 'conspiracy'. What has been the threshold for pulling drugs from the market in the past due to injuries or deaths? Why can't you give me a number for covid shot injuries or deaths, where are the stats?

The same people that are withholding and denying any injuries or deaths from the covid shots, our government.
This guy contradicts everything he posts. Two years ago he was pushing lockdowns and vaxxes on the advice of a VA nurse. Now he disavows ever making those claims. Diogenes reincarnate. Which ever way the wind is blowing today.
How many is too many, you and your ilk deny every single time that anything is related to the covid shots, you heckle it all as 'conspiracy'.

Yep, every time one of these is attritub4ed to the vaccine with no evidence it was, I add it to the conspiracy.

You and your ilk cry wolf over every death and it just makes your claims more and more meaningless when you do.

What has been the threshold for pulling drugs from the market in the past due to injuries or deaths? Why can't you give me a number for covid shot injuries or deaths, where are the stats?

I do not know. I know that in the US more than 260,000,000 people have gotten the vaccine.

The problem with stats for covid shot injuries or deaths is that there is not a good way to know if the shot caused it. Take this guy for example, the claim is it was from the shot.

A better way would be to compare the number of these things happening to how many were happening in the few years prior to the advent of the COVID vaccine.

But instead those pushing the "vaccines are evil" narrative compare them to 20 year old numbers.
Yep, every time one of these is attritub4ed to the vaccine with no evidence it was, I add it to the conspiracy.

You and your ilk cry wolf over every death and it just makes your claims more and more meaningless when you do.

I do not know. I know that in the US more than 260,000,000 people have gotten the vaccine.

The problem with stats for covid shot injuries or deaths is that there is not a good way to know if the shot caused it. Take this guy for example, the claim is it was from the shot.

A better way would be to compare the number of these things happening to how many were happening in the few years prior to the advent of the COVID vaccine.

But instead those pushing the "vaccines are evil" narrative compare them to 20 year old numbers.

What evidence are you looking for? You stated right underneath that claim that there isn't any evidence to determine if it was the covid shot or not?

How do you not know the threshold for pulling a drug when you're claiming that these shots are safe and effective?

Are you seriously claiming there is no way to determine if someone was injured or died from those shots?
What evidence are you looking for? You stated right underneath that claim that there isn't any evidence to determine if it was the covid shot or not?

A better way would be to compare the number of these things happening to how many were happening in the few years prior to the advent of the COVID vaccine.

How do you not know the threshold for pulling a drug when you're claiming that these shots are safe and effective?

Did I claim that?

Are you seriously claiming there is no way to determine if someone was injured or died from those shots?

In some cases it is easy, in others not so much. Take the guy in the OP for instance. Did he die due to getting the shot?
A better way would be to compare the number of these things happening to how many were happening in the few years prior to the advent of the COVID vaccine.

Did I claim that?

In some cases it is easy, in others not so much. Take the guy in the OP for instance. Did he die due to getting the shot?

Thanks for the laugh, even if someone reported that deaths were up, you wouldn't believe any of it. If you did you'd attribute it to covid, not the shots.

How much you want to bet there will be no studies done on covid shot injuries and deaths? Millions of people took and continue to take those shots, but you won't find any research on it, but nothing unusual about that. lol Never question what the government, big tech, and 'science' are telling you, they only want the best for you.
Thanks for the laugh, even if someone reported that deaths were up, you wouldn't believe any of it. If you did you'd attribute it to covid, not the shots.

How much you want to bet there will be no studies done on covid shot injuries and deaths? Millions of people took and continue to take those shots, but you won't find any research on it, but nothing unusual about that. lol Never question what the government, big tech, and 'science' are telling you, they only want the best for you.

So, did the guy in the OP die due to the shot or not?

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