Former NFL Lineman Uche Nwaneri Demanded People Take the Jab- Died of Heart Attack Days Ago

I think he will be happy to take other libs under his wing in a rewrite history to say that they never forced anyone to take the jab

What makes you think that when I was vocally against the mandates?
I think he will be happy to take other libs under his wing in a rewrite history to say that they never forced anyone to take the jab
Many folks blindly believed the CDC report on how effective the vaccine is. Independent minded people decided for themselves.
If the data for 2021 and 2022 is available then so is the data from 2004-2020. But this study left it out.

Do you think maybe it is because it did not fit their narrative of a huge increase?

Like I said, nothing presented would sway your religious fealty, you're simply not capable of open mindedness.
Like I said, nothing presented would sway your religious fealty, you're simply not capable of open mindedness.

Yes, you keep saying that. it is just a weak ass excuse for having no data to support you claims.

But being a weak ass is all you have, at least you wear it well
Because the reputation of liberals is under attack

I know, you deny being a liberal

But nevertheless…

How much lower could their reputation go when it is already in the sewer?
Yes, you keep saying that. it is just a weak ass excuse for having no data to support you claims.

But being a weak ass is all you have, at least you wear it well
Are you still pushing the crap about how dangerous covid is that you have to work from your attic because your health care professional tells you to?
Are you still pushing the crap about how dangerous covid is that you have to work from your attic because your health care professional tells you to?

I have never pushed that at all.

I worked from home because my employer allowed it and it would be fucking stupid to not take advantage of it
Yes, you keep saying that. it is just a weak ass excuse for having no data to support you claims.

But being a weak ass is all you have, at least you wear it well

I didn't make any 'claims' at all? As a matter of fact I agreed that there isn't any data available, which in itself is kind of crazy, where are all the studies on these vaccines and their impacts? Why aren't there advisories of the known side effects of these shots on the millions of ads that are run? Every other drug advertised is required by law to warn about the possible side effects, but not the covid shots? And can't sue anyone if you are injured, all protected by big brother. But you don't give a damn about any of that, just don't question the state, the politicians, or the pharma corporate shills that are making bank from all of this. Keep your mouth shut and follow the party line, right?

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