Former NFL Lineman Uche Nwaneri Demanded People Take the Jab- Died of Heart Attack Days Ago

I didn't make any 'claims' at all? As a matter of fact I agreed that there isn't any data available, which in itself is kind of crazy, where are all the studies on these vaccines and their impacts? Why aren't there advisories of the known side effects of these shots on the millions of ads that are run? Every other drug advertised is required by law to warn about the possible side effects, but not the covid shots? And can't sue anyone if you are injured, all protected by big brother. But you don't give a damn about any of that, just don't question the state, the politicians, or the pharma corporate shills that are making bank from all of this. Keep your mouth shut and follow the party line, right?

But there is data out there. There are studies being done. They just do not support the claims made by many on this forum. Sweet Sue has posted a few that are very informative and there indeed might be a problem with the vaccines.

But crying wolf every time someone dies just turns people off and the real message is being lost in the hysteria
In fairness, it's a casino for those unvaxxed as well. We just don't know enough at this point and won't for many years. I made a personal decision after some contemplation and the biggest selling point was that it didn't make me immune, only lessened symptoms and risks of severe outcomes.

As such, I decided I was probably healthy enough with a very strong immune system to handle it. I believe based on the symptoms I experienced that I've probably had it two different variants, one far worse than the other, though I can't be certain.
I comprehend your decision, right or wrong. Glad to see You got through it all.
However, the immunity from liability for the drug company is, perhaps, the most important piece of evidence along with the drug company patents to make covid in the first place.
I think he will be happy to take other libs under his wing in a rewrite of history to say that they never forced anyone to take the jab
As far as I know they mandated it for certain government employees and they left outs. Would you say they did more than that?
Don't get me wrong, I pray everyone recovers from the damage done by the experimental gene therapy trail rolled out across the world that has gone horribly wrong.
My patience & sympathy for those that demanded the rest of us surrender to their cowardly fear of a bad flu is as low as it can get.
This guy actually called for purebloods to be arrested. F**ck him even if I didn't want him to die for it.

How long till the ever sicker & more vulnerable "vaccinated" sheeple are looking to the rest of us to take care of them as their health deteriorates?
They are stopping these killers around the non-insane world by here they demand more while those that took them will grasp at any flimsy gaslight excuse for why it isn't the clot shots killing people at record paces.

Nwaneri was an advocate of Covid vaccine and Covid passport. He demanded to jail anyone who refused to take the shots.

“Ok so lets get these vaccine mandates and Vaccine passports up and running ASAP,” he wrote.

“We seeing children DIE daily from the unvaccinated selfishness. Pregnant women at risk too. PROTECT LIFE. MANDATE THE VACCINE. Jail anyone who refuses, to protect LIFE,” he continued.

He followed the experts advise and listened to the approved "science "

I mean some days ya just gotta love the elites plans of wiping out a shit load of useless eaters ....I give em two thumbs up for going after the useful idiots of the left

die you useless stupid muddaha fuckas
Link to me doing to then.

Otherwise you are just making this up you cannot support
Now tell me that you don't live in IL, work from home, have a spouse who is a nurse at the VA who told you all about the dangers of covid and the benefits of the vax. Links to all of that? Maybe you should realize that this is the internet--once you say it, it never goes away. It can easily be searched in your profile for anyone who cares and doubts MY veracity. LIAR.
As far as I know they mandated it for certain government employees and they left outs. Would you say they did more than that?
Navy Seals and other uniformed personal would say so

Air Force pilots for instance

And not allowing civilians to fly without the jab

Or making it difficult

Not just government

Civilian libs were adamant that everyone submit

But there is data out there. There are studies being done. They just do not support the claims made by many on this forum. Sweet Sue has posted a few that are very informative and there indeed might be a problem with the vaccines.

But crying wolf every time someone dies just turns people off and the real message is being lost in the hysteria

Okay, now you're changing your story. Based on these studies you're speaking of, how many people have been injured or killed by the shots? What are the side effects, and why aren't they being reported on covid shot ads?
Now tell me that you don't live in IL, work from home, have a spouse who is a nurse at the VA who told you all about the dangers of covid and the benefits of the vax.

Yes, all those things are true with the exception of the Vax. She recommend that I get it due to having COPD and how poorly COPD and COIVD mixed.

So, now link to me working from home due to a healthcare professional telling me to do so.

I will be happy to wait.
Okay, now you're changing your story. Based on these studies you're speaking of, how many people have been injured or killed by the shots? What are the side effects, and why aren't they being reported on covid shot ads?

I am not changing anything. These studies do not show how many have been killed or injured by the Vax. They show some of the potential dangers.

I have never seen a COVID shot ad put out by the companies making it. All I have seen is public announcement type ads
Yes, all those things are true with the exception of the Vax. She recommend that I get it due to having COPD and how poorly COPD and COIVD mixed.

So, now link to me working from home due to a healthcare professional telling me to do so.

I will be happy to wait.
Your profile moron--the same place the proof of all of my other TRUE statements reside. If you don't want your lies to come back on you, you shouldn't make them.

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