Former prosecutors say Mueller statement violated American Bar Association rule

Who wrote that for him? He needs to be brought under oath to answer for his part in the Failed Coup including this seditious "report"
Watch all the leftwing douchebags in this forum defend Mueller's behavior, which the ABA code specifically prohibits:

Former prosecutors say Mueller statement violated American Bar Association rule

His final report and a statement on May 29 by Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller surrounded a key finding of “no Trump-Moscow conspiracy” with innuendo and loaded language, news analysts and prosecutors said.

Rule 3.8(f) of the American Bar Association’s rules of professional conduct states: “The prosecutor in a criminal case shall … refrain from making extrajudicial comments that have a substantial likelihood of heightening public condemnation of the accused.”

Prosecutors and pundits alike said Robert Mueller shredded that rule at his May 29 press conference.

“I’d have been crucified under this rule for a ‘not innocent’ comment about an uncharged party,” a former federal prosecutor told The Federalist. “I literally cannot fathom holding a press conference to say that an uncharged person was not innocent.”

The Federalist reported that “multiple federal agents and prosecutors” expressed dismay at the former FBI director’s statement.
Oh look...donnie's deplorables caring about the law. :haha:
So says the Stalinist Mueller apologist
And now...CRCs are calling Mueller a Stalinist....this is getting better and better and better. :71:
good lord.

we can't even agree on if a law was broken or not anymore yet people are pushing for globilazation?
Watch all the leftwing douchebags in this forum defend Mueller's behavior, which the ABA code specifically prohibits:

Former prosecutors say Mueller statement violated American Bar Association rule

His final report and a statement on May 29 by Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller surrounded a key finding of “no Trump-Moscow conspiracy” with innuendo and loaded language, news analysts and prosecutors said.

Rule 3.8(f) of the American Bar Association’s rules of professional conduct states: “The prosecutor in a criminal case shall … refrain from making extrajudicial comments that have a substantial likelihood of heightening public condemnation of the accused.”

Prosecutors and pundits alike said Robert Mueller shredded that rule at his May 29 press conference.

“I’d have been crucified under this rule for a ‘not innocent’ comment about an uncharged party,” a former federal prosecutor told The Federalist. “I literally cannot fathom holding a press conference to say that an uncharged person was not innocent.”

The Federalist reported that “multiple federal agents and prosecutors” expressed dismay at the former FBI director’s statement.

Hey fuckwad...Mueller is mot a prosecutor.

He's a private citizen

So he was a Special Private Citizen in this case? I thought his title was Special PROSECUTOR!
No...he was a Special Counsel....that was his title from the very beginning...and yes, they are different.
The Mueller 'report' is in shambles today. It was discovered that it intentionally and deceitfully EDITED OUT parts of testimony in order to spin it as obstruction and negative against the president. The entire report is now in question.

When was this reported?
Link please.

Devin Nunes calls 'fraud,' citing difference between Mueller report, Dowd transcript
Nunes calling fraud is a joke That POS sat on his hand in congress kissing trumps ass for 2 years
ROFL! Spare us. There's no bigger fraud in Congress than Schiff for Brains.

It's astounding how almost every single thing you post is a lie.
Watch all the leftwing douchebags in this forum defend Mueller's behavior, which the ABA code specifically prohibits:

Former prosecutors say Mueller statement violated American Bar Association rule

His final report and a statement on May 29 by Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller surrounded a key finding of “no Trump-Moscow conspiracy” with innuendo and loaded language, news analysts and prosecutors said.

Rule 3.8(f) of the American Bar Association’s rules of professional conduct states: “The prosecutor in a criminal case shall … refrain from making extrajudicial comments that have a substantial likelihood of heightening public condemnation of the accused.”

Prosecutors and pundits alike said Robert Mueller shredded that rule at his May 29 press conference.

“I’d have been crucified under this rule for a ‘not innocent’ comment about an uncharged party,” a former federal prosecutor told The Federalist. “I literally cannot fathom holding a press conference to say that an uncharged person was not innocent.”

The Federalist reported that “multiple federal agents and prosecutors” expressed dismay at the former FBI director’s statement.
Oh look...donnie's deplorables caring about the law. :haha:
So says the Stalinist Mueller apologist
And now...CRCs are calling Mueller a Stalinist....this is getting better and better and better. :71:
Mueller believes in guilty until proven innocent. Isn't that what Stalinists believe?
The Mueller 'report' is in shambles today. It was discovered that it intentionally and deceitfully EDITED OUT parts of testimony in order to spin it as obstruction and negative against the president. The entire report is now in question.

When was this reported?
Link please.

Devin Nunes calls 'fraud,' citing difference between Mueller report, Dowd transcript
Nunes calling fraud is a joke That POS sat on his hand in congress kissing trumps ass for 2 years
ROFL! Spare us. There's no bigger fraud in Congress than Schiff for Brains.

It's astounding how almost every single thing you post is a lie.
You are really sounding desperate and shrill now. I wonder why that is.
The Mueller 'report' is in shambles today. It was discovered that it intentionally and deceitfully EDITED OUT parts of testimony in order to spin it as obstruction and negative against the president. The entire report is now in question.

When was this reported?
Link please.

Devin Nunes calls 'fraud,' citing difference between Mueller report, Dowd transcript
Nunes calling fraud is a joke That POS sat on his hand in congress kissing trumps ass for 2 years
ROFL! Spare us. There's no bigger fraud in Congress than Schiff for Brains.

It's astounding how almost every single thing you post is a lie.
You are really sounding desperate and shrill now. I wonder why that is.
Because dog shit is more intelligent than the stuff between your ears?

Only a leftwing moron would advance the idea that a Republican is supposed to participate in the leftwing assault on the presidency.
Last edited:
Nunes calling fraud is a joke That POS sat on his hand in congress kissing trumps ass for 2 years
ROFL! Spare us. There's no bigger fraud in Congress than Schiff for Brains.

It's astounding how almost every single thing you post is a lie.
You are really sounding desperate and shrill now. I wonder why that is.
Because dog shit is more intelligent than the stuff between your ears?

Only a leftwing moron would advance the idea that a Republican is supposed to participate on the leftwing assault on the presidency.
We're talking about the friend of the enemy that wants us gone , who believes putin before our agencies. You think the weasel trump is above the law?
“Read the report” nood nicks, read the damn ABA Requirements.
But he is not prosecuting Trump.

The prosecutor in a criminal case shall:

(f) except for statements that are necessary to inform the public of the nature and extent of the prosecutor's action and that serve a legitimate law enforcement purpose, refrain from making extrajudicial comments that have a substantial likelihood of heightening public condemnation of the accused and exercise reasonable care to prevent investigators, law enforcement personnel, employees or other persons assisting or associated with the prosecutor in a criminal case from making an extrajudicial statement that the prosecutor would be prohibited from making under Rule 3.6 or this Rule.

Rule 3.8: Special Responsibilities of a Prosecutor

His "could not exonerate" comment would qualify under this rule. I don't think you're stupid, quit acting like it.


No it wouldn't. It's a factual statement about his investigation finding. The ABA rule that's being complained about by the OP isn't about making simple factual statements. It's about adding commentary to stoke the flames.

Allowed: "The accused committed all four murders of these children, based on our evidence."

Not allowed: "These were the must terrible crimes I've ever seen! What kind of sick, deranged person does this to children!?! It shouldn't be surprising that it was this person, though. This guy is a known faggot who slept with over 100 men in the past four years. Oh, and many of them were black men. He's a sick, interracial pervert and we're going to throw the book at him!"

A special prosecutor is not supposed to "hint" at a crime like Mueller did. Either there was a crime or there wasn't.

There was absolutely no reason to call for a press announcement unless you were going to change something from what you said before. While he didn't change the basic words, what he did do is frame it differently to imply guilt.

Proper way: I could not conclude Obstruction one way or the other. That will be the job of the attorney general.

Improper way: I could not find enough evidence to say that the President didn't commit Obstruction.

It's an extremely bias comment.
Actually, he shouldn't even have said that. He shouldn't have even filed the report if there were no indictments.

Agreed. Just trying to show Stormy how biased his address was. He might as well have said "I hate Trump, but I couldn't get him on anything. You try!"
Exactly. Trump is a dick who would not give me the job I wanted so I dragged him and the country through a 2 year shit show witch hunt and now my feelings are soothed.
Nunes calling fraud is a joke That POS sat on his hand in congress kissing trumps ass for 2 years
ROFL! Spare us. There's no bigger fraud in Congress than Schiff for Brains.

It's astounding how almost every single thing you post is a lie.
You are really sounding desperate and shrill now. I wonder why that is.
Because dog shit is more intelligent than the stuff between your ears?

Only a leftwing moron would advance the idea that a Republican is supposed to participate on the leftwing assault on the presidency.
We're talking about the friend of the enemy that wants us gone , who believes putin before our agencies. You think the weasel trump is above the law? least Trump didn't send pallets of cash to Putin like your guy did with the Iranians.
Nunes calling fraud is a joke That POS sat on his hand in congress kissing trumps ass for 2 years
ROFL! Spare us. There's no bigger fraud in Congress than Schiff for Brains.

It's astounding how almost every single thing you post is a lie.
You are really sounding desperate and shrill now. I wonder why that is.
Because dog shit is more intelligent than the stuff between your ears?

Only a leftwing moron would advance the idea that a Republican is supposed to participate on the leftwing assault on the presidency.
We're talking about the friend of the enemy that wants us gone , who believes putin before our agencies. You think the weasel trump is above the law? least Trump didn't send pallets of cash to Putin like your guy did with the Iranians.
And now they're free to build nukes And those pallets were their's
Nunes calling fraud is a joke That POS sat on his hand in congress kissing trumps ass for 2 years
ROFL! Spare us. There's no bigger fraud in Congress than Schiff for Brains.

It's astounding how almost every single thing you post is a lie.
You are really sounding desperate and shrill now. I wonder why that is.
Because dog shit is more intelligent than the stuff between your ears?

Only a leftwing moron would advance the idea that a Republican is supposed to participate on the leftwing assault on the presidency.
We're talking about the friend of the enemy that wants us gone , who believes putin before our agencies. You think the weasel trump is above the law?

Why would anyone believe the likes of that commie traitor Brennan, Clapper or Comey? They are proven liars who tried to stage a coup against a lawfully elected president. Putin is far more credible than any of the scum that you defend.
ROFL! Spare us. There's no bigger fraud in Congress than Schiff for Brains.

It's astounding how almost every single thing you post is a lie.
You are really sounding desperate and shrill now. I wonder why that is.
Because dog shit is more intelligent than the stuff between your ears?

Only a leftwing moron would advance the idea that a Republican is supposed to participate on the leftwing assault on the presidency.
We're talking about the friend of the enemy that wants us gone , who believes putin before our agencies. You think the weasel trump is above the law? least Trump didn't send pallets of cash to Putin like your guy did with the Iranians.
And now they're free to build nukes And those pallets were their's
Wrong and wrong.
Nunes calling fraud is a joke That POS sat on his hand in congress kissing trumps ass for 2 years
ROFL! Spare us. There's no bigger fraud in Congress than Schiff for Brains.

It's astounding how almost every single thing you post is a lie.
You are really sounding desperate and shrill now. I wonder why that is.
Because dog shit is more intelligent than the stuff between your ears?

Only a leftwing moron would advance the idea that a Republican is supposed to participate on the leftwing assault on the presidency.
We're talking about the friend of the enemy that wants us gone , who believes putin before our agencies. You think the weasel trump is above the law?

Why would anyone believe the likes of that commie traitor Brennan, Clapper or Comey? They are proven liars who tried to stage a coup against a lawfully elected president. Putin is far more credible than any of the scum that you defend.
You're still #1 and folks like you fortify my desire to stay a dem forever All the 3 you mention are patriots enemies of the worst president ever D Trump
ROFL! Spare us. There's no bigger fraud in Congress than Schiff for Brains.

It's astounding how almost every single thing you post is a lie.
You are really sounding desperate and shrill now. I wonder why that is.
Because dog shit is more intelligent than the stuff between your ears?

Only a leftwing moron would advance the idea that a Republican is supposed to participate on the leftwing assault on the presidency.
We're talking about the friend of the enemy that wants us gone , who believes putin before our agencies. You think the weasel trump is above the law?

Why would anyone believe the likes of that commie traitor Brennan, Clapper or Comey? They are proven liars who tried to stage a coup against a lawfully elected president. Putin is far more credible than any of the scum that you defend.
You're still #1 and folks like you fortify my desire to stay a dem forever All the 3 you mention are patriots enemies of the worst president ever D Trump
Thanks for self identifying as an enemy of truth, justice and America.

Your heroes are all going to prison.

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