Former seat of Confederacy takes down last monument

Surely you have to recognize that all the kumbaya in the world isn't going to change what's coming.
And all the RWNJ QLoons ain't gonna be the ones to break apart the United States. Hell, those losers and ne'er-do-wells couldn't even successfully take over the Capitol with thousands and thousands of MAGAQ-Loons doing the attacking.

That can't surprise anyone. After all these MAGA-Q's marinate in their sense of grievance and being ridiculed. Duh!! Of course they do, they couldn't successfully create a good life for themselves and their family and now they cast about looking for someone else to blame for their failures. And they and their echo-chamber of RWNutjobbery media keep stoking themselves up over.....whatever the next phony bloody-shirt being waved ---MS-13, Thousand Mile Long Caravans, Critical Race Theory, Geoge Floyd, BMA, White Replacement, yadda, yadda, yadda.

A bunch of hysterical Chicken Littles getting high on Alex Jones and Gateway Pundit.

And all the RWNJ QLoons ain't gonna be the ones to break apart the United States. Hell, those losers and ne'er-do-wells couldn't even successfully take over the Capitol with thousands and thousands of MAGAQ-Loons doing the attacking.

That can't surprise anyone. After all these MAGA-Q's marinate in their sense of grievance and being ridiculed. Duh!! Of course they do, they couldn't successfully create a good life for themselves and their family and now they cast about looking for someone else to blame for their failures. And they and their echo-chamber of RWNutjobbery media keep stoking themselves up over.....whatever the next phony bloody-shirt being waved ---MS-13, Thousand Mile Long Caravans, Critical Race Theory, Geoge Floyd, BMA, White Replacement, yadda, yadda, yadda.

A bunch of hysterical Chicken Littles getting high on Alex Jones and Gateway Pundit.

the truth scares the shit out of you doesn't it?
"...the truth scares the shit out of you doesn't it?"

And you would be the....ummm....'Truth Teller' whose message we should be afeered of?

Sure, you go with that, amigo. ;)

And you would be the....ummm....'Truth Teller' whose message we should be afeered of?

Sure, you go with that, amigo. ;)
Its not MY truth, its THE truth. your brainwashing has blocked your truth receptors.

And you would be the....ummm....'Truth Teller' whose message we should be afeered of?

Sure, you go with that, amigo. ;)
you fear the truth because the truth is that your left wing ideology is a loser in every way, your leaders are corrupt liars and traitors and that is all coming out. Accept it and move to real America.
Its not MY truth, its THE truth.

Got it.
We be cool.
But.......umm, good poster Redfish, shouldn't you be out at the range tuning up your Yiddish Space Lazer and kitting out in Kevlar to go fight the Lizard People?

I love this bar!
We've got winners.
We've got ___________.
Got it.
We be cool.
But.......umm, good poster Redfish, shouldn't you be out at the range tuning up your Yiddish Space Lazer and kitting out in Kevlar to go fight the Lizard People?

I love this bar!
We've got winners.
We've got ___________.
are you 12 years old? you post like a mentally deficient juvenile.
my credibility is just fine, you have none and are the joke of USMB, no one takes any of your BS seriously, go away find a far left board where you can mutually masterbate with your left wing idiot buddies.
But America tends to agree with me. These statues are offensive and your defence of them is riddled with lies.
Sucks to be you.
But America tends to agree with me. These statues are offensive and your defence of them is riddled with lies.
Sucks to be you.
NO, most of america does not agree with you. the majority don't give a shit either way. Fear of a statue is a form of mental illness.
are you 12 years old? you post like a mentally deficient juvenile.

Ummm, good poster need to quit standing in front of the muzzle of your Hebrew Space Lazer.
You are getting, ah......well, you are getting singed a bit.

Don't do that.
Trust me.

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