Former seat of Confederacy takes down last monument

I understand that you think your opinion is more credible than my life experiences and historical facts, but the war started out for one thing and ended about another. The Derad Scott decison was a factor, but tensions over taraffis, politics and expansion were the key factors leading up to the war.
“You free-soil agitators are not interested in slavery….not at all…It is so that you may have an opportunity of cheating us that you want to limit slave territory. You desire to weaken the political power of the Southern states. And why? Because you want, by an unjust system of legislation, to promote the industry of the North-East states, at the expense of the people of the South and their industry.” - Jefferson Davis 1850s

Except all those factors were directly related TO SLAVERY.

The only reason why the South wanted to expand slave states was to keep their political power to keep slavery legal.
The reason why they wanted to end tariffs was because slavery made trade with Europe profitable for the wealthy.
I had relatives fighting from Pennsylvania, Texas and Louisiana in the conflict. I visited where one died at Shiloh. But thats the past, just like their fights against the British, British (yep two wars), Prussians, Comanches, Russians, Koreans, Chinese, Japanese, and Nazis. I don't hold gruff against their former enemies, and don't have an emotional dog defending them.

YOu might have a point here, except that the South continues to insist it was in the right, something the Germans or Japanese don't do anymore.
There were Republicans and Democrats in both the North and South. I find it so sad how people still think they can make any actual political point today over what happened 150 plus years ago.
As you say it was 150 years ago

I’m not bashing repubs today cause I are one myself

But republicans back then were different animals
the government did not TAKE the property, the deed was transferred from the Lee family to the USA. it was a gift, not a sale or confiscation. The US government then and now, does not TAKE private property from the owners. Imminent domain is not confiscation, the owners are compensated (before you bring that up).
The land was taken not gifted

You are just blowing stuff out your ass without evidence to back it up

Very few Americans on either side died to free black people

Or keep them enslaved

The war was about treasonous war criminals who sought to destroy America in defense of slavery.

To engage in lawless rebellion against the United States is treason.

Capturing freedmen and returning them to slavery is a war crime.

Fighting to keep enslaved Americans in bondage is to defend the institution of slavery.

The war was about treasonous war criminals who sought to destroy America in defense of slavery.

To engage in lawless rebellion against the United States is treason.

Capturing freedmen and returning them to slavery is a war crime.

Fighting to keep enslaved Americans in bondage is to defend the institution of slavery.
It was not lawless

The South claimed the right to independence from the United States just as the United States had done to England in 1776
Excuse it any way you wish

Its hallowed ground via one of the greatest men in American history

Robert E Lee.
Not via Lee. Via the Union general in charge. Your traitor boy toy dream was the one sending the bodies there.
YOu might have a point here, except that the South continues to insist it was in the right, something the Germans or Japanese don't do anymore.
Incorrect. Just some cracker racists on boards like this, usually in leftover areas that haven't advanced since 1950.
"It is a shame that America wasn't broken apart then. Because it means we have to do it now."
Yeah, yeah, Warrior Queen. Go get 'em. Sic' em'!

I don't mean this disrespectfully ECB, but.....but your avatar is sounding an awful lot like the RWNJ QLoons who post about 'lock'n' they can go get some BLM'rs. Or "take back America'. Yadda, Yadda, yadda.

You really do know it is loon-stuff.
But feels good for you to have some sort of emotional keyboard enema about 'breaking apart America now;. (insert 'roll-eyes' emoji here)

It is loonery.
And I know you really do know that.
Yeah, yeah, Warrior Queen. Go get 'em. Sic' em'!

I don't mean this disrespectfully ECB, but.....but your avatar is sounding an awful lot like the RWNJ QLoons who post about 'lock'n' they can go get some BLM'rs. Or "take back America'. Yadda, Yadda, yadda.

You really do know it is loon-stuff.
But feels good for you to have some sort of emotional keyboard enema about 'breaking apart America now;. (insert 'roll-eyes' emoji here)

It is loonery.
And I know you really do know that.
It's going to happen whether you want it or not, or whether I want it or not. The nation is filled with hate and barely suppressed fury. The tens of thousands, if not millions of illegals coming here will only put pressure on the boil. Surely you have to recognize that all the kumbaya in the world isn't going to change what's coming.
The presence of these statues is offensive to most people. That was why they were put up.
Most people haven't a clue what things around them means what. Take today's generation, they haven't a clue about anything, unless it's X Factor, BBGT, I'm a Celebrity Get Me Out of Here.

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