Former seat of Confederacy takes down last monument

defend treason??????????????? How about the Biden treason that is going on right now via Hunter? Selling access to senile joe for millions of which joe (the big guy) gets a cut. The same treason is being played out through the kids of Pelosi, Romney, and Kerry who are also being paid huge sums to sit on a Ukrainian gas company board so Ukraine can blackmail their parents.
Even if Hunter Biden were found supremely guilty on every charge leveled at him, that would not rise to the level of treason. Treason is the only crime defined in the Constitution, and it regards aiding enemies of the USA during wartime. We're not during wartime.

Also, the bit about Pelosi's, Romney's, and Kerry's children working for a Ukrainian gas company is complete fiction. You've been sold a bill of goods.
(Source: Reuters, Least Biased, Very High Factual Reporting.)
R E Lee was a great American. The land that is now Arlington cemetary was given to the USA by Lee. He freed his slaves (which he inherited) before the war. He spoke out against slavery many times. There is no more reason to remove his statues than there is to remove Lincoln's.

You obviously know nothing about this topic and are merely repeating lies that have been implanted in your tiny brain.
IMHO, the poster Redfish is not a serious poster.
Nor a student of the Civil War.
Again, in my opinion he is a gadfly, a silly frivolous man (I presume male?) that offers the forum fabrications, fantasies, and hope-its-true rumors.

I don't mean to pick on poor Redfish as he is just one of a handful of Trump University history students who post their QAnon interpretation of American history.

If it wasn't such snark-bait, so ripe for ridicule, satire, and smirks......well, if it wasn't for that......Redfish and cohorts would be just sad.

Lee and his family owned the property of Arlington Cemetary before the Civil War. After, the land was taken from Lee and established the National Cemetary. You really are a damn liar!!!
the government did not TAKE the property, the deed was transferred from the Lee family to the USA. it was a gift, not a sale or confiscation. The US government then and now, does not TAKE private property from the owners. Imminent domain is not confiscation, the owners are compensated (before you bring that up).
IMHO, the poster Redfish is not a serious poster.
Nor a student of the Civil War.
Again, in my opinion he is a gadfly, a silly frivolous man (I presume male?) that offers the forum fabrications, fantasies, and hope-its-true rumors.

I don't mean to pick on poor Redfish as he is just one of a handful of Trump University history students who post their QAnon interpretation of American history.

If it wasn't such snark-bait, so ripe for ridicule, satire, and smirks......well, if it wasn't for that......Redfish and cohorts would be just sad.

LOL, what a clown you are. My history comes from a time when actual history was taught in the public schools, not the propaganda and indoctrination that you obviously were "taught". Its sad that our educational system no longer teaches facts. The USA is almost over and fools like you are the cause.
The land for the cemetery wasn't given to the USA by Lee; it was ultimately sold to the USA by Lee's son.

He received most, but not all, of his slaves through his father-in-law's will. He released them during the war (not before it), because it was a provision of his father-in-law's will, and only after he unsuccessfully sued to keep them.

And regardless of his own personal slaves, he led an army against the United States, in order to protect the institution from abolition. Lincoln commanded the army that defended the United States. That makes them polar opposites.
that is the version currently taught in our far left schools. you were a victim of the indoctrination of our youth. its quite sad to listen to you morons spout the lies that have been pumped into your little heads.
Tell us more!
Used to be nobody could post a picture like that. When did it change?

Before you blabber I distinctly remember getting a warning over it
the government did not TAKE the property, the deed was transferred from the Lee family to the USA. it was a gift, not a sale or confiscation. The US government then and now, does not TAKE private property from the owners. Imminent domain is not confiscation, the owners are compensated (before you bring that up).
The Arlington National Cemetery exists because of a gift from Robert E. Lee?

I did not know that

And clueless libs on this board call him a traitor?


Lee devoted his entire life to serving his country
The Arlington National Cemetery exists because of a gift from Robert E. Lee?

I did not know that

And clueless libs on this board call him a traitor?


Lee devoted his entire life to serving his country
After research the truth comes out

The land was stolen from the Lee family

Even if Hunter Biden were found supremely guilty on every charge leveled at him, that would not rise to the level of treason. Treason is the only crime defined in the Constitution, and it regards aiding enemies of the USA during wartime. We're not during wartime.

Also, the bit about Pelosi's, Romney's, and Kerry's children working for a Ukrainian gas company is complete fiction. You've been sold a bill of goods.
(Source: Reuters, Least Biased, Very High Factual Reporting.)
If Hunter was taking bribes from burisma and Joe was getting a % then it is in fact treason, selling access to the then vice president of the USA is treason. The stories and witnesses indicate that that happened, so let the investigation either confirm or deny. Why not? congress tried to impeach Trump on allegations which turned out to be lies, aren't we entitled to the truth about this too?
It wasnt gifted

I wish it were because that would be a better fact for me

But it was taken by sour, vindictive republicans

There were Republicans and Democrats in both the North and South. I find it so sad how people still think they can make any actual political point today over what happened 150 plus years ago.
left wing propaganda from a left wing rag. zero value.
“There are unwitting victims of this campaign—those who lack the knowledge to separate history from sentiment. Then there are those whose reverence for Lee relies on replacing the actual Lee with a mythical figure who never truly existed.”

Which are you?

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