Former Senator B. Frank has the best idea for Health insurance....if only the Jew Joe had listened!!


Gold Member
Mar 17, 2015
Barney Frank on the Bill Maher show last week commented on a plan the democrats had back in 2009 to really help shape a health care plan everyone would have liked. But the judas, Joe Liberman voted it down....

Imagine, having folks at 55 able to buy into medicare, leaving not just the young and healthy breathing room, but those with pre-existing conditions on the federal gov's payroll instead, which is mostly the older people?
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Barney the Fag never was a senator, you ignorant slut.
Oh, yeah, I forgot...thanks for correcting me....listen, calling me a slut is so yesterday, I'd rather be called a master butt pleaser instead..just to give you a hard on, faggot
Medicare is more than a trillion dollars in the red.

Unfortunately, the R's have failed in explaining what is wrong with O'Care, and allowed Leftists and the Leftist Media to define the situation to the John Q. Public.

The solutions are simple (if not easy). Get back to INSURANCE. Have health insurance cover a possible catastrophic illness or injury ONLY; have people pay their own routine medical expenses, as they do with home insurance and auto insurance.


Tort reform. Interstate competition. Provide for those with the dreaded Pre-Existing Provisions through a separate, subsidized program.

But a major problem, as always, is that the Left wants socialized medicine, without anyone having to (a) lose their job, or (b) pay for it, and that just won't wash.

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