Former Trump aide Kash Patel set to testify in Mar-a-Lago docs probe: report

I thought Kash Patel was testifying in front of a grand jury already?

What your latest you think an indictment will come?
As I said, it depends how long witnesses can delay their subpoenaed testimony before the grand jury.

Look how long Lindsey Graham stalled his testimony. And of course there was Trump in the New York case, was delayed for years.
Because it is obvious that Democrats plan to claim future victory indefinitely. Seven years and counting.
So you think this is just a game?
Like Yahtzee?
Prosecuting Trump is nothing but a "win" for Democrats....and that equals a "loss" for Republicans?
Not quite.
Trump has already made "loosers" of us all.
The whole country dude.
Even you.
You've already lost.
All we can do now is hold him accountable.
As I said, it depends how long witnesses can delay their subpoenaed testimony before the grand jury.
Effectively forever.

One of many reasons that Trump will never be indicted. You are wiser than most of your sister Democrats to understand that.

Look how long Lindsey Graham stalled his testimony. And of course there was Trump in the New York case, was delayed for years.
Trump is no spring chicken. He will finish his second term and be old enough to claim to need twenty-four hour nursing care by the time they quit screwing around, if they ever do.

I think you can picture Trump's nursing staff in your envious minds.

That's if he doesn't chomp one Big Mac too many while rushing to a rally and drop dead.

There are twenty-somethings who have known nothing in their adult lives except hating Trump. What would they do in the case of a pre-election death by Trump?

Can they work up that kind of hatred for DeSantis?

More importantly, when the aging Democrats in the media immediately start spewing the same hate for DeSantis, expecting them to go along with it, will the young folk's eyes finally open?
It will not just be one charge either.
It will be a number of them.
It's a coin toss whether or not Supreme Court Justice Attorney General Merrick Garland has the balls to indict.

I'd be very impressed if he does.

And the schadenfreude would be delicious.
No. It doesn’t. If he confirms that Trump declassified the documents, it clears the way for the DOJ to skulk away.
The classification of the stolen documents is completely immaterial to the case.

The documents are government property. Trump stole them. He denied he had them. He hid them from the National Archives personnel when they came to ask for them to be returned to their rightful owner.

That's what the case is about. Not their classification.

The magical mind of Trump is a red herring.
The president can't issue a pardon without DOJ putting it into correct legal format, and delivering it to the person being pardoned.

Even the presidents absolute pardon power requires he tell his minions to do the paperwork.

One has nothing to do with the other.
Just hide and watch.
Start working on your next explanation/denial.
Watch for an indefinite time, during which you will constantly claim impending victory, and always with a straight face?

Sounds fun, I'll do it!

I hope you won't mind occasional reminders . . .
He will not do that.
He knows it is not a legally tenable position.
Wrong. I presume that the President said what Katel and the former President said he said. And as I noted above, it’s a perfectly tenable position, legally. Your own disbelief isn’t controlling.

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