Formula For Recidivism


Gold Member
Apr 5, 2009
But if David Vitter gets his way, no formula for children.

“During Wednesday’s debate on the Farm Bill, the Senate unanimously agreed to ban certain ex-convicts from receiving food assistance for life. Sen. David Vitter (R-LA) claimed his amendment would prevent “murderers, rapists, and pedophiles”from ever receiving food stamps through the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP). Under this amendment, anyone convicted for a violent crime or sexual assault will be shut out of the program for life, even if they served their time or committed the crime long ago. Their families will also suffer, as their share of SNAP benefits will exclude the convicted family member."

Deuteronomy, chapter 24-16: Parents shall not be put to death for their children, nor shall children be put to death for their parents; only for one’s own crime shall a person be put to death.​
When did Christianity in the United States become the religion of perpetual punishment?

My memories of Bible School and civics in the 1950s indicated fair punishment for bad behavior and that the US was the nation of second chances.

What happened?
When did vengeance become the core of the Christian religion and an overarching mission of United States law?
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When did Christianity in the United States become the religion of perpetual punishment?

My memories of Bible School and civics in the 1950s indicated fair punishment for bad behavior and that the US was the nation of second chances.

What happened?
When did vengeance become the core of the Christian religion and an overarching mission of United States law?

What does this have to do with Christianity?
Not receiving a benefit is not a punishment.

With all due respect, relationship laws like laws of cause and effect don't change because of one's feelings.

When codes or regulations are changed to connect a criminal record to denial of benefits one is otherwise entitled to and may even have earned, then by definition that is additional punishment. Federal examples are all too rare and include the Duke Cunningham Act.
Simple, no one is entitled to benefits. They may receive benefits, but they are not entitled to benefits.
But if David Vitter gets his way, no formula for children.

“During Wednesday’s debate on the Farm Bill, the Senate unanimously agreed to ban certain ex-convicts from receiving food assistance for life. Sen. David Vitter (R-LA) claimed his amendment would prevent “murderers, rapists, and pedophiles”from ever receiving food stamps through the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP). Under this amendment, anyone convicted for a violent crime or sexual assault will be shut out of the program for life, even if they served their time or committed the crime long ago. Their families will also suffer, as their share of SNAP benefits will exclude the convicted family member."

Deuteronomy, chapter 24-16: Parents shall not be put to death for their children, nor shall children be put to death for their parents; only for one’s own crime shall a person be put to death.​

I actually agree with a bed wetter.

Of course if I had my way there wouldn't be all these welfare programs in the first place, but shutting people out of society after they've served time isn't promoting a reformed character.

Some sociopaths aren't ever going to be reformed, they just need to be put down.

Some people just fuck up, for whatever reason, and find themselves never able to rise above it.

That's wrong. We incarcerate more people than the goddam Chinese. Yet we let scumbags who shouldn't be stealing our oxygen out of prison, and throw people in prison who just need to be slapped across the face and straightened out.

We need some serious criminal justice reform.

Not a law that further alienates people who've made mistakes they should be able to find redemption from.
Not sure why not paying a pedophile benefits hurts his family.

But lets say this, do we limit the benefits at all?

Should illegal aliens get food stamps?

I work an make what I think is good money, why can't I have food stamps? I mean we are giving them to people who don't work 50-60 hours a week why not me? OK it only makes sense to give them to whom can't afford to buy food. So we have made a condition for receive a BENEFIT from the rest of the people in society. This is no difference. These people need to KNOW for a fact if they engage in this behavior society is NOT going to reward them. They are on their own.

Is it too much to make a stand that if you want to sodomize children they guess what, because of your freewill choice we are not going to let you live off the rest of us who don't think that behavior is acceptable.
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When did Christianity in the United States become the religion of perpetual punishment?

My memories of Bible School and civics in the 1950s indicated fair punishment for bad behavior and that the US was the nation of second chances.

What happened?
When did vengeance become the core of the Christian religion and an overarching mission of United States law?

What does this have to do with Christianity?

In the "mind" of a bed wetter, everything wrong with the world can either be blamed on Christianity, or Bush.
Is it too much to make a stand that if you want to sodomize children they guess what, because of your freewill choice we are not going to let you live off the rest of us who don't think that behavior is acceptable.

If it were up to me, people who are convicted of multiple sex crimes with kids would be snuffed out.

Is it too much to make a stand that if you want to sodomize children they guess what, because of your freewill choice we are not going to let you live off the rest of us who don't think that behavior is acceptable.

If it were up to me, people who are convicted of multiple sex crimes with kids would be snuffed out.


Exactly. But the additional legal penalties are in fact additional penalties and are not in fact limited to pedophiles and include custodial parents, which was my point with Katz.

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