Fort Worth Mayor Apologizes For Police Shooting; Officer Resigns

Funny how they are not paranoid with the other 50% that whites are committing.
that isn't exactly what he said, but hey, you're an ignorant leftist that can't figure out how to tie your own shoes. He was discussing paranoid cops. And whites have no issues with cops. we actually respect them, thank them for their services. It takes a special kind of person to volunteer to put themselves in harms way

Oh that's what it is, so you hear a noise in your backyard at 2am and you see someone with a flash light tipping around you should just think that is the police and take them out a glass of milk.
nope, I never said any such thing. you should read what I posted from yesterday. I would have done exactly what the lady did. it wasn't her fault. But it wasn't the cop's fault either based on the call he and his partner responded to. I said, it is tragic and the circumstances were started by a neighbor call. The cop was doing his job. the lady didn't know the cops were called. It's an accident and that's all.

They weren't responding to a 911 call, so what call were they responding to?
QUOTE="jc456, post: 23315263, member: 46512"]
That law applies to defending yourself from an attack. Trespassers are most likely just people lost are not caring they are trespassers. I have dealt with many trespassers and was only prepared to shoot one of them before he decided to run away.
I believe a citizen is allowed to protect their home and family. Period. Whatever means that is. This scenario is tragic. It happened because of a set of circumstances one just couldn't control. Front door left open, neighbor sees front door open, rightfully let's the police know of the open door, the dispatch calls it an open structure call, that implies intruder, the cops show up and begin to walk around the house to ensure no shooter outside, she sees them walking around and thinks intruder herself, and now feels obligated to protect her home and family and bang. No one was at fault. no one. she didn't call it in so she didn't know the cops were coming. tragic accident. but only an accident.
I still wonder why he didn't just knock on the door on a welfare check.
because he didn't go on a welfare check, he went out on an open structure call. again, read the facts dude.
I thought the original story stated that it was a welfare call.

Texas police officer fatally shoots woman in her home after welfare check
QUOTE="jc456, post: 23308364, member: 46512"]Fort Worth police chief: 'No excuse' for Aaron Dean to shoot Atatiana Jefferson in her home

Kraus said the gun found in the room "made sense" if Jefferson was alarmed to hear someone walking around outside her bedroom window. He said the officers apparently believed they were responding to an "open structure" call – which could have meant the home was broken into – rather than a "welfare call" in which they check to make sure people in the home are safe.

Officers plural.


Why would "Open Structure" mean broken into.
Quick question for all of you on this thread. If you heard noises in your backyard at 2:00 am, as well as saw someone running around with a flashlight, who did not identify themselves, would you grab your gun if you had one?
Another question.

What the hell kind of "adult" is playing video games with an 8 year old at 2:23 am?????
Lots of adults do that with their kids if they can't sleep........I love how this innocent victim is being judged and judged and judged. I wonder why................................:eusa_think:
where? you're confused or in the wrong thread with that comment.
that isn't exactly what he said, but hey, you're an ignorant leftist that can't figure out how to tie your own shoes. He was discussing paranoid cops. And whites have no issues with cops. we actually respect them, thank them for their services. It takes a special kind of person to volunteer to put themselves in harms way

Oh that's what it is, so you hear a noise in your backyard at 2am and you see someone with a flash light tipping around you should just think that is the police and take them out a glass of milk.
nope, I never said any such thing. you should read what I posted from yesterday. I would have done exactly what the lady did. it wasn't her fault. But it wasn't the cop's fault either based on the call he and his partner responded to. I said, it is tragic and the circumstances were started by a neighbor call. The cop was doing his job. the lady didn't know the cops were called. It's an accident and that's all.

They weren't responding to a 911 call, so what call were they responding to?
QUOTE="jc456, post: 23315263, member: 46512"]
I believe a citizen is allowed to protect their home and family. Period. Whatever means that is. This scenario is tragic. It happened because of a set of circumstances one just couldn't control. Front door left open, neighbor sees front door open, rightfully let's the police know of the open door, the dispatch calls it an open structure call, that implies intruder, the cops show up and begin to walk around the house to ensure no shooter outside, she sees them walking around and thinks intruder herself, and now feels obligated to protect her home and family and bang. No one was at fault. no one. she didn't call it in so she didn't know the cops were coming. tragic accident. but only an accident.
I still wonder why he didn't just knock on the door on a welfare check.
because he didn't go on a welfare check, he went out on an open structure call. again, read the facts dude.
I thought the original story stated that it was a welfare call.

Texas police officer fatally shoots woman in her home after welfare check
QUOTE="jc456, post: 23308364, member: 46512"]Fort Worth police chief: 'No excuse' for Aaron Dean to shoot Atatiana Jefferson in her home

Kraus said the gun found in the room "made sense" if Jefferson was alarmed to hear someone walking around outside her bedroom window. He said the officers apparently believed they were responding to an "open structure" call – which could have meant the home was broken into – rather than a "welfare call" in which they check to make sure people in the home are safe.

Officers plural.


Why would "Open Structure" mean broken into.
ask the cops. Not my definition. It's theirs. their training.


without cops - most of whom are white - policing the ghetto black-on-black deaths would dwarf white-cop-on-black inappropriate shootings

Are you saying all black neighborhoods are the ghetto, just trying to make sure I am following the right wing, racism. It's amazing how Progressive Hunter disappears when all the right wing, racist diatribes are being spewed.
democratic run inner cities, yes. want to see the stats you refuse to look at? I'll be happy to go get em. but you won't read them so I'm not going to waste my time. you ignore the 7 deaths most every weekend in Chicago.

Are all black neighborhoods in inner cities? Was this young lady living in a inner city neighborhood?
all inner cities are black neighborhoods.

So all black neighborhoods in the inner city are crime infested.
Quick question for all of you on this thread. If you heard noises in your backyard at 2:00 am, as well as saw someone running around with a flashlight, who did not identify themselves, would you grab your gun if you had one?
Another question.

What the hell kind of "adult" is playing video games with an 8 year old at 2:23 am?????
What are the charges Mr. Prosecuter?
Your honor, she was playing video games at 2 am.
Lock her up.
Oh that's what it is, so you hear a noise in your backyard at 2am and you see someone with a flash light tipping around you should just think that is the police and take them out a glass of milk.
nope, I never said any such thing. you should read what I posted from yesterday. I would have done exactly what the lady did. it wasn't her fault. But it wasn't the cop's fault either based on the call he and his partner responded to. I said, it is tragic and the circumstances were started by a neighbor call. The cop was doing his job. the lady didn't know the cops were called. It's an accident and that's all.

They weren't responding to a 911 call, so what call were they responding to?
QUOTE="jc456, post: 23315263, member: 46512"]
I still wonder why he didn't just knock on the door on a welfare check.
because he didn't go on a welfare check, he went out on an open structure call. again, read the facts dude.
I thought the original story stated that it was a welfare call.

Texas police officer fatally shoots woman in her home after welfare check
QUOTE="jc456, post: 23308364, member: 46512"]Fort Worth police chief: 'No excuse' for Aaron Dean to shoot Atatiana Jefferson in her home

Kraus said the gun found in the room "made sense" if Jefferson was alarmed to hear someone walking around outside her bedroom window. He said the officers apparently believed they were responding to an "open structure" call – which could have meant the home was broken into – rather than a "welfare call" in which they check to make sure people in the home are safe.

Officers plural.


Why would "Open Structure" mean broken into.
ask the cops. Not my definition. It's theirs. their training.

You posted it.
Apparently they're fine with being killed by black people, and only seem to snivel when a white cop is involved, so obviously it makes little sense for any cops to set themselves up for lawsuits and criminal charges every time some hood rat wins a Darwin Award, and also makes no sense for city governments to let themselves get looted by the latest hood rat industry, baiting cops and getting rich. In an atmosphere where a major political Party is supporting 'racial replacement agendas and advocating assassinations of police officers, just don't expect much in the way those Super Cops Hollywood shows on TV are full of to rush to join police forces. They make their own beds, let them wallow in them. The black middle class doesn't give a shit, they just use hood rats as hostages to extort bennies for themselves, so they've been devastating themselves for decades.

Who leaves the front doors wide open at 2 a.m. in a thug infested shithole? Why didn't her neighbors check it out themselves first? Lots of questions here, but creating a charged atmosphere that is the main contributor here; blame the scum running around wearing 'Kill The Pigs' socks and hiring BLM scum to teach college classes advocating killing cops. Why do people assume cops should assume black women aren't armed criminals? That is particularly stupid.

Who said it was a thug infested shithole or is that just the usual right wing bullshit. Is there a law that says when you can open your door? The main contributor here is the incompetent police officer who murdered an innocent woman, but that doesn't matter in right wing, racist world does it.

Racist white right winger chiming in. Even though black people are a scourge on this nation I still don't think its ok for a cop to go and shoot a lady minding her own business in her own home.

Thxs racist, right winger, here is a tidbit for you. Racist, right wingers are a scourge on this nation and always have been.

If black people would knock it the fuck off with their 50% of all violent crime bullshit, we wouldn't have paranoid cops.

Funny how they are not paranoid with the other 50% that whites are committing.

That other 50% the crime is diffused throughout a much larger segment of the population throughout the nation, by various ethnicity and not centered in big cities.

without cops - most of whom are white - policing the ghetto black-on-black deaths would dwarf white-cop-on-black inappropriate shootings

Are you saying all black neighborhoods are the ghetto, just trying to make sure I am following the right wing, racism. It's amazing how Progressive Hunter disappears when all the right wing, racist diatribes are being spewed.
democratic run inner cities, yes. want to see the stats you refuse to look at? I'll be happy to go get em. but you won't read them so I'm not going to waste my time. you ignore the 7 deaths most every weekend in Chicago.

Are all black neighborhoods in inner cities? Was this young lady living in a inner city neighborhood?
all inner cities are black neighborhoods.

So all black neighborhoods in the inner city are crime infested.
yep. you obviously don't read much eh?
nope, I never said any such thing. you should read what I posted from yesterday. I would have done exactly what the lady did. it wasn't her fault. But it wasn't the cop's fault either based on the call he and his partner responded to. I said, it is tragic and the circumstances were started by a neighbor call. The cop was doing his job. the lady didn't know the cops were called. It's an accident and that's all.

They weren't responding to a 911 call, so what call were they responding to?
QUOTE="jc456, post: 23315263, member: 46512"]
because he didn't go on a welfare check, he went out on an open structure call. again, read the facts dude.
I thought the original story stated that it was a welfare call.

Texas police officer fatally shoots woman in her home after welfare check
QUOTE="jc456, post: 23308364, member: 46512"]Fort Worth police chief: 'No excuse' for Aaron Dean to shoot Atatiana Jefferson in her home

Kraus said the gun found in the room "made sense" if Jefferson was alarmed to hear someone walking around outside her bedroom window. He said the officers apparently believed they were responding to an "open structure" call – which could have meant the home was broken into – rather than a "welfare call" in which they check to make sure people in the home are safe.

Officers plural.


Why would "Open Structure" mean broken into.
ask the cops. Not my definition. It's theirs. their training.

You posted it.
I did, good job.
Who said it was a thug infested shithole or is that just the usual right wing bullshit.

Look up the violent crime rates for the area, and also just ask people who have been there, dumbass.

Is there a law that says when you can open your door? The main contributor here is the incompetent police officer who murdered an innocent woman, but that doesn't matter in right wing, racist world does it.

This is just your usual left wing black racist bullshit.
yep, he won't comment on the inner city weekly killing stats. he won't discuss it because he'd prefer they all kill themselves. his kkk mentality and all.

It's all really just the typical plea for help; these racist know they can't wipe their own asses without Whitey and they crave our attention; their own attempts at self-rule in the cities and neighborhoods are miserable failures, and they're convinced if they can just get white people to throw trillions at them it will all work out. They're all about money, and aren't bright enough to change their culture and hatred of themselves. Super here is a prime example of that bigotry.
The more of these details I'm learning were omitted by the MSM, the more reasonable this shooting appears.

It was a bad occurance, but it was not MURDER.

Of course; it takes a few days for facts to come out. But Super B and the other racist tards aren't interested in facts, no money in it for them.
Who said it was a thug infested shithole or is that just the usual right wing bullshit.

Look up the violent crime rates for the area, and also just ask people who have been there, dumbass.

Is there a law that says when you can open your door? The main contributor here is the incompetent police officer who murdered an innocent woman, but that doesn't matter in right wing, racist world does it.

This is just your usual left wing black racist bullshit.
yep, he won't comment on the inner city weekly killing stats. he won't discuss it because he'd prefer they all kill themselves. his kkk mentality and all.

It's all really just the typical plea for help; these racist know they can't wipe their own asses without Whitey and they crave our attention; their own attempts at self-rule in the cities and neighborhoods are miserable failures, and they're convinced if they can just get white people to throw trillions at them it will all work out. They're all about money, and aren't bright enough to change their culture and hatred of themselves. Super here is a prime example of that bigotry.

They need to believe that white people are out to get them, it's basically an article of religious faith at this point. Any black person who says maybe some of our problems are our own fault gets kicked out of the brotherhood.
Who said it was a thug infested shithole or is that just the usual right wing bullshit.

Look up the violent crime rates for the area, and also just ask people who have been there, dumbass.

I bet your dumbass hasn't been there, you are just running that DS. Idiots like you believe because black folks live there it's a bad neighborhood, but it just shows how ignorant and racist your ass is.

Is there a law that says when you can open your door? The main contributor here is the incompetent police officer who murdered an innocent woman, but that doesn't matter in right wing, racist world does it.

[QuoteThis is just your usual left wing black racist bullshit.

Your dumbass post proves that it's nothing more than right wing, racist rhetoric.
and yet the left owns the kkk. so you're projecting.

......and yet many of today's Republicans have the mindset of the sheetwearers.
naw, you're confused, see dems own the sheets. look it up.
In the past....but now, own it trumpanzee. Own it.
The more of these details I'm learning were omitted by the MSM, the more reasonable this shooting appears.

It was a bad occurance, but it was not MURDER.

Of course; it takes a few days for facts to come out. But Super B and the other racist tards aren't interested in facts, no money in it for them.
no it doesn't ask a leftist. if they say so, it is so. no matter what the facts are. they are almighty and knowing. ask them
that isn't exactly what he said, but hey, you're an ignorant leftist that can't figure out how to tie your own shoes. He was discussing paranoid cops. And whites have no issues with cops. we actually respect them, thank them for their services. It takes a special kind of person to volunteer to put themselves in harms way

Oh that's what it is, so you hear a noise in your backyard at 2am and you see someone with a flash light tipping around you should just think that is the police and take them out a glass of milk.
nope, I never said any such thing. you should read what I posted from yesterday. I would have done exactly what the lady did. it wasn't her fault. But it wasn't the cop's fault either based on the call he and his partner responded to. I said, it is tragic and the circumstances were started by a neighbor call. The cop was doing his job. the lady didn't know the cops were called. It's an accident and that's all.

They weren't responding to a 911 call, so what call were they responding to?
QUOTE="jc456, post: 23315263, member: 46512"]
I believe a citizen is allowed to protect their home and family. Period. Whatever means that is. This scenario is tragic. It happened because of a set of circumstances one just couldn't control. Front door left open, neighbor sees front door open, rightfully let's the police know of the open door, the dispatch calls it an open structure call, that implies intruder, the cops show up and begin to walk around the house to ensure no shooter outside, she sees them walking around and thinks intruder herself, and now feels obligated to protect her home and family and bang. No one was at fault. no one. she didn't call it in so she didn't know the cops were coming. tragic accident. but only an accident.
I still wonder why he didn't just knock on the door on a welfare check.
because he didn't go on a welfare check, he went out on an open structure call. again, read the facts dude.
I thought the original story stated that it was a welfare call.

Texas police officer fatally shoots woman in her home after welfare check
QUOTE="jc456, post: 23308364, member: 46512"]Fort Worth police chief: 'No excuse' for Aaron Dean to shoot Atatiana Jefferson in her home

Kraus said the gun found in the room "made sense" if Jefferson was alarmed to hear someone walking around outside her bedroom window. He said the officers apparently believed they were responding to an "open structure" call – which could have meant the home was broken into – rather than a "welfare call" in which they check to make sure people in the home are safe.

Officers plural.


Why would "Open Structure" mean broken into.

lol why was she standing there with a gun in her hand with her front doors wide open for at least several minutes, long enough for others to feel a need to call police and for the police to arrive, if she was so afraid of prowlers? lol you make no sense at all, as usual. It's just as likely to look like a set up to murder some cops, actually.
I bet your dumbass hasn't been there, you are just running that DS. Idiots like you believe because black folks live there it's a bad neighborhood, but it just shows how ignorant and racist your ass is.

[QuoteThis is just your usual left wing black racist bullshit.

Your dumbass post proves that it's nothing more than right wing, racist rhetoric.
and yet the left owns the kkk. so you're projecting.

......and yet many of today's Republicans have the mindset of the sheetwearers.
naw, you're confused, see dems own the sheets. look it up.
In the past....but now, own it trumpanzee. Own it.
stop pushing your kkk shit my way, it isn't welcomed here. you own it tubss. look it up. I tell you what, find me one link that backs your statement.
Oh that's what it is, so you hear a noise in your backyard at 2am and you see someone with a flash light tipping around you should just think that is the police and take them out a glass of milk.
nope, I never said any such thing. you should read what I posted from yesterday. I would have done exactly what the lady did. it wasn't her fault. But it wasn't the cop's fault either based on the call he and his partner responded to. I said, it is tragic and the circumstances were started by a neighbor call. The cop was doing his job. the lady didn't know the cops were called. It's an accident and that's all.

They weren't responding to a 911 call, so what call were they responding to?
QUOTE="jc456, post: 23315263, member: 46512"]
I still wonder why he didn't just knock on the door on a welfare check.
because he didn't go on a welfare check, he went out on an open structure call. again, read the facts dude.
I thought the original story stated that it was a welfare call.

Texas police officer fatally shoots woman in her home after welfare check
QUOTE="jc456, post: 23308364, member: 46512"]Fort Worth police chief: 'No excuse' for Aaron Dean to shoot Atatiana Jefferson in her home

Kraus said the gun found in the room "made sense" if Jefferson was alarmed to hear someone walking around outside her bedroom window. He said the officers apparently believed they were responding to an "open structure" call – which could have meant the home was broken into – rather than a "welfare call" in which they check to make sure people in the home are safe.

Officers plural.


Why would "Open Structure" mean broken into.

lol why was she standing there with a gun in her hand with her front doors wide open for at least several minutes, long enough for others to feel a need to call police and for the police to arrive, if she was so afraid of prowlers? lol you make no sense at all, as usual. It's just as likely to look like a set up to murder some cops, actually.
hmmmm that thought never occurred to me.
Who said it was a thug infested shithole or is that just the usual right wing bullshit.

Look up the violent crime rates for the area, and also just ask people who have been there, dumbass.

Is there a law that says when you can open your door? The main contributor here is the incompetent police officer who murdered an innocent woman, but that doesn't matter in right wing, racist world does it.

This is just your usual left wing black racist bullshit.
yep, he won't comment on the inner city weekly killing stats. he won't discuss it because he'd prefer they all kill themselves. his kkk mentality and all.

It's all really just the typical plea for help; these racist know they can't wipe their own asses without Whitey and they crave our attention; their own attempts at self-rule in the cities and neighborhoods are miserable failures, and they're convinced if they can just get white people to throw trillions at them it will all work out. They're all about money, and aren't bright enough to change their culture and hatred of themselves. Super here is a prime example of that bigotry.

They need to believe that white people are out to get them, it's basically an article of religious faith at this point. Any black person who says maybe some of our problems are our own fault gets kicked out of the brotherhood.

Or......Black folks have trust issues with the police when the police act wildly different in similar situations when the person in question is white rather than black. Take the case of Jerry Waller with the FWPD.

Officer cleared after going to wrong address, shooting innocent grandpa in his garage - Police State USA

Where the police provided *elaborate* quantities of identification and time. With the police identifying themselves as police, giving Mr. Waller a lawful order, giving Mr. Waller time to register the command, giving him time to put the gun on the ground, giving Mr. Waller time to get angry, giving Mr. Waller time to 'freak out', giving Mr. Waller time to reach back down to the ground, giving Mr. Waller time to pick the gun back up, giving Mr. Waller time to time to get into a 'ready' firing stance.

And only THEN do the police shoot him.

Where with Ms. Jefferson, the police never identify themselves. And from the time she was told to put up her hands to the time she was shot to death.....was 0.8 second.

Now how much race played a role in either shooting is certainly open to interpretation and debate. But the stark differences in police reactions in those two situations isn't. So I can wrap my head around why black folks would have difficulty trusting the police. You don't need faith...when you have evidence.

Evidence even the Chief of Police of Fort Worth can recognize.

without cops - most of whom are white - policing the ghetto black-on-black deaths would dwarf white-cop-on-black inappropriate shootings

Are you saying all black neighborhoods are the ghetto, just trying to make sure I am following the right wing, racism. It's amazing how Progressive Hunter disappears when all the right wing, racist diatribes are being spewed.
democratic run inner cities, yes. want to see the stats you refuse to look at? I'll be happy to go get em. but you won't read them so I'm not going to waste my time. you ignore the 7 deaths most every weekend in Chicago.

Are all black neighborhoods in inner cities? Was this young lady living in a inner city neighborhood?
all inner cities are black neighborhoods.

So all black neighborhoods in the inner city are crime infested.

lol even the middle class neighborhoods that are majority black have bars on all their windows and doors, and those aren't there to keep out white burglars, homey; they're there to keep their neighbors out. That's why your racist BS only flies with clueless white lefties who live out in the Burbs and/or in gated communities that are majority white, and why when we hear about a house fire where bodies are found up against barred windows that wouldn't open we know it's in a barrio or a black neighborhood, homey.
Apparently they're fine with being killed by black people, and only seem to snivel when a white cop is involved, so obviously it makes little sense for any cops to set themselves up for lawsuits and criminal charges every time some hood rat wins a Darwin Award, and also makes no sense for city governments to let themselves get looted by the latest hood rat industry, baiting cops and getting rich. In an atmosphere where a major political Party is supporting 'racial replacement agendas and advocating assassinations of police officers, just don't expect much in the way those Super Cops Hollywood shows on TV are full of to rush to join police forces. They make their own beds, let them wallow in them. The black middle class doesn't give a shit, they just use hood rats as hostages to extort bennies for themselves, so they've been devastating themselves for decades.

Who leaves the front doors wide open at 2 a.m. in a thug infested shithole? Why didn't her neighbors check it out themselves first? Lots of questions here, but creating a charged atmosphere that is the main contributor here; blame the scum running around wearing 'Kill The Pigs' socks and hiring BLM scum to teach college classes advocating killing cops. Why do people assume cops should assume black women aren't armed criminals? That is particularly stupid.

Who said it was a thug infested shithole or is that just the usual right wing bullshit. Is there a law that says when you can open your door? The main contributor here is the incompetent police officer who murdered an innocent woman, but that doesn't matter in right wing, racist world does it.

Racist white right winger chiming in. Even though black people are a scourge on this nation I still don't think its ok for a cop to go and shoot a lady minding her own business in her own home.
No one else does either if we can beLieve what the anti white cop liberal news media is telling us

But black radicals are claiming it was murder when it may have been only a mistaken killing or and overreaction by the cop

Mistaken killing or overreaction, do you think if I snuck around your house and shot you through the window it would be called a mistake.
If you were a cop instead of a criminal you would be. you just admitted that you think its ok for cops to sneak around people's homes and shoot them thru windows. Very telling.

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