Forum based gender bias?

I have assumed the gender of poster without obvious evidence

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    Votes: 6 35.3%
  • Sometimes

    Votes: 6 35.3%
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  • I just like to vote, it validates my existence

    Votes: 5 29.4%

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I'm going to assume that OldLady is a 20 year old male named Trevor.
I'm not THAT bad at guessing, Aaron. LOL

Was I close. Does your name start with a T?
I also assume G is a guy, based on his military service back in the day -- which is wrong to assume, I know. But also his aggressive approach and some of the things he says he's done, like punching a few nazi's in the face. A woman could definitely be/do all those things, so I shouldn't have assumed. Can we ask him? (See, I'm still assuming.)
When I was new here, I got all bent out of shape at Dale the conspiracy nut for implying he was going to stick his _____ in Pogo's vagina. Then Pogo came on and told me he's a guy; Dale explained it was just a sexual slur calling Pogo a "pussy."
I've guessed wrong lots of times. If it's a racist asshole, I assume it's a guy. That is totally unfounded. LOL

Our language needs a gender neutral pronoun, not just for transexuals, but for anonymous message boards.
Good gawd you are a misandrist how do you live with yourself?
I don't know what a misandrist is; is it fun?
Prejudice against males.
I like males, but yeah, certain behaviors equate to "unladylike" with me, being ancient and all.
I assume most misogynists arent queers..
WTF are you talking about, TN? It's Friday afternoon. Use little words and quit making big leaps in your logic train.
Good gawd you are a misandrist how do you live with yourself?
I don't know what a misandrist is; is it fun?
Prejudice against males.
I like males, but yeah, certain behaviors equate to "unladylike" with me, being ancient and all.
I assume most misogynists arent queers..
WTF are you talking about, TN? It's Friday afternoon. Use little words and quit making big leaps in your logic train.
You said "i like males" I have to assume misogynists arent gay, either, OL. Try and put 2 and 2 together, ok?
I myself have done it with no worries. However thinking g5000 is smart? You need to think some more.

The inclusion of that subjective assessment in this post was no accident. In fact, it was that very link that initially caught me up short. Was it my preception of g5000 as an intelligent poster that informed my assumption that he was male?

The answer is...probably not. As OldLady reminded my in her insightful post...I did know about g5000's military service, and semi-aggressive posting style.

But it never hurts to do some personal introspection on motivations and perceptions.
I am a six foot, blonde haired, heterosexual white male, retired military working in the private sector.

Basically, an Aryan's wet dream. :D
I don't know what a misandrist is; is it fun?
Prejudice against males.
I like males, but yeah, certain behaviors equate to "unladylike" with me, being ancient and all.
I assume most misogynists arent queers..
WTF are you talking about, TN? It's Friday afternoon. Use little words and quit making big leaps in your logic train.
You said "i like males" I have to assume misogynists arent gay, either, OL. Try and put 2 and 2 together, ok?
Oh. Are you pestering me because I said "I like males" instead of "I like males except for misogynists and racists and terrorists?"
Haven't you got something to barbecue?
Prejudice against males.
I like males, but yeah, certain behaviors equate to "unladylike" with me, being ancient and all.
I assume most misogynists arent queers..
WTF are you talking about, TN? It's Friday afternoon. Use little words and quit making big leaps in your logic train.
You said "i like males" I have to assume misogynists arent gay, either, OL. Try and put 2 and 2 together, ok?
Oh. Are you pestering me because I said "I like males" instead of "I like males except for misogynists and racists and terrorists?"
Haven't you got something to barbecue?
OMG lol
Have a good weekend!
I like males, but yeah, certain behaviors equate to "unladylike" with me, being ancient and all.
I assume most misogynists arent queers..
WTF are you talking about, TN? It's Friday afternoon. Use little words and quit making big leaps in your logic train.
You said "i like males" I have to assume misogynists arent gay, either, OL. Try and put 2 and 2 together, ok?
Oh. Are you pestering me because I said "I like males" instead of "I like males except for misogynists and racists and terrorists?"
Haven't you got something to barbecue?
OMG lol
Have a good weekend!
You too.
I like males, but yeah, certain behaviors equate to "unladylike" with me, being ancient and all.

We have a word for that out here that covers both genders. It seems to have fallen from favor in other parts of the country.

I myself have done it with no worries. However thinking g5000 is smart? You need to think some more.

The inclusion of that subjective assessment in this post was no accident. In fact, it was that very link that initially caught me up short. Was it my preception of g5000 as an intelligent poster that informed my assumption that he was male?

The answer is...probably not. As OldLady reminded my in her insightful post...I did know about g5000's military service, and semi-aggressive posting style.

But it never hurts to do some personal introspection on motivations and perceptions.
I am a six foot, blonde haired, heterosexual white male, retired military working in the private sector.

Basically, an Aryan's wet dream. :D

Thanks. Sorry for drawing you in as an exemplar. Appreciate the good humor. :thup:
yep, guilty as charged........but then others have wrongly assumed I was a I guess it makes us even
yep, guilty as charged........but then others have wrongly assumed I was a I guess it makes us even
I consider it like a fat woman that you ask how along in the pregnancy are you, I stay away from it as it doesn't relate to why I am here or why I do what I dood...And I dood it.
Do you assume a persons gender on the forum?

I ask this because...I was replying to a post by g5000 ...and I started to say I knew he was a smart guy...then had to stop. Is g5000 a guy? I don't know. I assumed so. Why did I assume so?

Now, I've been around the forum for a while, and g5000 and I have interacted on many occasions, so perhaps I picked up social cues, writing styles, or perhaps he/she/they came out and stated their gender which I processed on an unconscious level. But it did grab my attention.

So, here's my you assume the gender of posters? Have you every been wrong? Have you been surprised? Have youbeen surprised by the reasons you made certain assumptions?

I assume to a degree from the "voice" in the writing style. The problem with that is it is easier for a feminized male to write like a girl than for a masculinized female to write like a man.

But, in the end I don't care. I will never meet any of you. :laugh:
Do you assume a persons gender on the forum?

I ask this because...I was replying to a post by g5000 ...and I started to say I knew he was a smart guy...then had to stop. Is g5000 a guy? I don't know. I assumed so. Why did I assume so?

Now, I've been around the forum for a while, and g5000 and I have interacted on many occasions, so perhaps I picked up social cues, writing styles, or perhaps he/she/they came out and stated their gender which I processed on an unconscious level. But it did grab my attention.

So, here's my you assume the gender of posters? Have you every been wrong? Have you been surprised? Have youbeen surprised by the reasons you made certain assumptions?
he's a morphadike.

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