Fossil Fuel Free In Ten Years

And what boggles my mind are the nuts who think we can tell how much oil is there, or how long it will last.

Since the TURN OF THE CENTURY the same tired argument has been out there. Oil is limited, we only have enough for 30 more years, there isn't enough to bother with, etc. and so on and so forth.

It's all just hysterical and hopeful theorizing on the part of negativity junkies who just can't bring themselves to believe that we are capable of doing anything for ourselves.

There is no limit to the Sun and the wind.
Sure that's the reason the Democrats are blocking the vote on a Republican bill that pushes new drilling, alternative energy sources and a plan to make us oil independent altogether.....

Yes, the Republicans are well know for pushing alternative energy.

Oh, you mean like nuclear energy? Seems to me the libs ruled that out when we wanted it 20 years ago.

And yes, there are limits to the sun and wind, as anyone who has any understanding of solar and wind power will tell you. There are huge problems with availability, and the harnessing of such energy sources. Not to mention the vast tracts of land required to set up wind farms.
Oh, you mean like nuclear energy? Seems to me the libs ruled that out when we wanted it 20 years ago.

And yes, there are limits to the sun and wind, as anyone who has any understanding of solar and wind power will tell you. There are huge problems with availability, and the harnessing of such energy sources. Not to mention the vast tracts of land required to set up wind farms.

Bullsh*t. Every home in America should have solar shingles and a small wind turbine.

We should all pitch in just like the "victory gardens" in WWII.
You fucking idiot. Talk to somebody who has tried to live off the energy grid and see what they have to say about the "efficiency" of solar energy.

And I live in the middle of wind farm country. The things are a joke. The over-generate power and blow out their computers, or they under-generate and don't get anything at all accomplished. All told, they provide a miniscule amount of energy. But hey, they provide a fairly steady stream of jobs for young guys at the rate of about 2 a year....that's about how many die a year here trying to make the stupid things work.
You fucking idiot. Talk to somebody who has tried to live off the energy grid and see what they have to say about the "efficiency" of solar energy.

And I live in the middle of wind farm country. The things are a joke. The over-generate power and blow out their computers, or they under-generate and don't get anything at all accomplished. All told, they provide a miniscule amount of energy. But hey, they provide a fairly steady stream of jobs for young guys at the rate of about 2 a year....that's about how many die a year here trying to make the stupid things work.

The Danes get 20% of their energy from wind power. The Israelis are building one solar energy plant that will supply 5% of their energy needs. It can be done.
The DANES for pete's sakes. How many are there? Not many. France is pretty much run on nuclear energy.

My point is, you guys claim you want alternative energy, and you snickered like an idiot as though it's the fault of the Republicans that we don't have it now...when you guys are the ones who put the brakes on the one source of energy that could really make a difference, and which is the cleanest energy option out there....NUCLEAR ENERGY. If libs hadn't shut that down, we wouldn't be in the mess we're in now.

Which is pretty much the story across the board where libs are concerned. Short sighted, stupid, and apparently ignorant of your own history where the energy crisis is concerned.
The DANES for pete's sakes. How many are there? Not many. France is pretty much run on nuclear energy.

My point is, you guys claim you want alternative energy, and you snickered like an idiot as though it's the fault of the Republicans that we don't have it now...when you guys are the ones who put the brakes on the one source of energy that could really make a difference, and which is the cleanest energy option out there....NUCLEAR ENERGY. If libs hadn't shut that down, we wouldn't be in the mess we're in now.

Which is pretty much the story across the board where libs are concerned. Short sighted, stupid, and apparently ignorant of your own history where the energy crisis is concerned.

Nuclear energy is unnecessary. It creates too much radioactive waste.

Clean energy is all around us. We just need to harvest it.

We waste an enormous amount of energy. Energy conservation is easy. It is the direction the people are going, and where the people go, the pols will follow.
nuclear power if far more expensive than wind, creates extremely dangerous waste which will remain dangerous for a longer time than anything ever built by humans has lasted and will be controlled only by multi national corporations.

So exactly why do you think it would be a good idea?
" If libs hadn't shut that down, we wouldn't be in the mess we're in now."

You're right, we'd be in a bigger mess, a nulcear waste mess.
nuclear power if far more expensive than wind, creates extremely dangerous waste which will remain dangerous for a longer time than anything ever built by humans has lasted and will be controlled only by multi national corporations.

So exactly why do you think it would be a good idea?

Because it can provide electricity 100% of the time. Not 50% or 70% or whatever.

Solar can and will be great for blunting the power used by air conditioners (which is considerable). Sun comes out, a/c kicks in, next-gen solar shingles deliver power, while easing the load on the electric grid. Cool. But not for providing the backbone of heavy industry.

Nuke plants produce negligible amounts of waste and don't suffer from supply costs the way coal and natural gas plants do. Nuke plants can provide the vast majority of a modern economy's power, and France has proved it. 80% of their power is nuclear after all. Let me know when Denmark reaches 80% wind power, without having to buy power from France when the wind quits blowing.

Nuclear power is good enough for France and good enough for the founder of Greenpeace. If those aren't good enough liberal credentials, I don't know what is.
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Yes, the Republicans are well know for pushing alternative energy.


Maybe you need to see this link again....
John Boehner - 8th District of Ohio

House Republicans have introduced a comprehensive energy reform bill we call the American Energy Act. The American Energy Act calls for “all of the above” when it comes to the reforms needed to lower gas prices and liberate America from its dependence on foreign oil: more conservation, more alternative and renewable energy, and more production of American-made energy. It would accelerate the development and implementation of clean, renewable fuels; create new incentives for conservation and development of alternative energy sources; and lift the government ban on drilling in the frozen North Slope of Alaska and deepwater ocean energy zones far off the U.S. coast. We need to make use of these untapped American resources for affordable energy in the short-term as we work to develop and implement new, cleaner energy sources for the 21st Century.
Yes, the Republicans are well know for pushing alternative energy.


Yes actually they are, Obama voted for Bush's energy plan....But Mccain actually voted against it because it contained too many kickbacks for the oil companies.....Check the "Bush" Energy Policy of 2005....
Because it can provide electricity 100% of the time. Not 50% or 70% or whatever.

Solar can and will be great for blunting the power used by air conditioners (which is considerable). Sun comes out, a/c kicks in, next-gen solar shingles deliver power, while easing the load on the electric grid. Cool. But not for providing the backbone of heavy industry.

Nuke plants produce negligible amounts of waste and don't suffer from supply costs the way coal and natural gas plants do. Nuke plants can provide the vast majority of a modern economy's power, and France has proved it. 80% of their power is nuclear after all. Let me know when Denmark reaches 80% wind power, without having to buy power from France when the wind quits blowing.

Nuclear power is good enough for France and good enough for the founder of Greenpeace. If those aren't good enough liberal credentials, I don't know what is.

Radioactive waste - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

House Republicans have introduced a comprehensive energy reform bill we call the American Energy Act. The American Energy Act calls for “all of the above” when it comes to the reforms needed to lower gas prices and liberate America from its dependence on foreign oil: more conservation, more alternative and renewable energy, and more production of American-made energy. It would accelerate the development and implementation of clean, renewable fuels; create new incentives for conservation and development of alternative energy sources; and lift the government ban on drilling in the frozen North Slope of Alaska and deepwater ocean energy zones far off the U.S. coast. We need to make use of these untapped American resources for affordable energy in the short-term as we work to develop and implement new, cleaner energy sources for the 21st Century.

John Boehner - 8th District of Ohio
What I love is the fact we can not produce enough electricity NOW for some areas, but we are magically going to be able to provide massive amounts of NEW electricity for 300 million cars and trucks.

Ohh and tel me when we get an 18 wheeler running on electric. Or Heavy Farm equipment, or hevay construction equipment , so and so on.

Top that off with the simple fact MOST of our Electrical power comes from Fossil fuels and we see we are just trading gasoline cars for gasoline power plants.

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