Fossil Fuel's War to Delay Action on Global Warming

Do you and other alarmists honestly believe solar, wind, and batteries are going to save you from your self believing impending dilemma?
Dilemma ? You deniers are the dilemma. You can’t even vote for the party that saves your Medicare and social security no more than you can vote for the party that saves your jobs. Now you call the one party that actually uses science, idiots…..your ignorance is astounding. ,
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Not at all. And you can’t name any that came from the scientific community…post it.
Actually they all came from the climate alarmists , who work for the renewable industry , posing as 'scientists' Dag

Dilemma ? You deniers are the dilemma. You can’t even vote for the party that saves your Medicare and social security no more than you can vote for the party that saves your jobs. Now you call the one party that actually uses science, idiots…..your ignorance is astounding. ,
Alarmists are the Achilles Heal to a healthy society.

I don't have Medicare, I have the NHS, your ignorance is outstanding.
The reason no sane person trust the AGWCult "science" is that somehow we survive 40F increases every day, but an imaginary, Bernie Madoff accounting fiction 1F over 150 years will end life on Earth unless the USA spends $100 Trillion, while China and India, the world's largest emitters of CO2 build 2 new coal plants a week.
who have blown every prediction in the last 1/2 century........~S~
Have CO2 levels continued to rise? Yes
Have temperatures continued to rise? Yes
Has the ocean's heat content continued to increase? Yes
Has sea level continued to rise? Yes
Have the world's oceans become more acidic? Yes
Have the world's glaciers been melting? Yes
Has the world's sea ice been disappearing? Yes
Has severe weather increased in frequency and intensity? Yes

Every prediction that actual climate science made has come to pass you ignorant fool.
You post shit like this because it's all you've got. THAT should tell you something but you're just too fucking stupid to see it.
You're contributing to the problem/dilemma that you perceive. It's called, "Thickism".
While deniers have produced ZERO evidence that AGW is actually the result of a grand conspiracy or the greed of scientists or misanthropy or a hunger for power among intellectuals and elites, the evidence supporting AGW AND the evidence supporting the scheme by Exxon and other fossil fuel corporations to delay action on global warming is replete.

What exactly did Exxon do?
So you are a socialist….or is that the Nebraska Human Society and you’re just slow.,
Me? I ain't no socialist, you're thinking of Tommy Tithead. Nebraska? Where's that in the UK? You think I'm slow, but stationary objects overtake you!

Dagosa, life is hard. It's harder if you're stupid. You must find life really, really, really, really, really hard.

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