Fossil Fuel's War to Delay Action on Global Warming

They have evidence. No one has ever asked them your (not "our") questions because they're as stupid as stupid can be.

This is precisely the point I was making. Why would every scientist on the planet suddenly get greedy enough over this question to toss out all their morals and put their careers and perhaps even their personal freedom (as in risk going to jail)? They wouldn't. Some might, but most assuredly not all and for what you're claiming to be the case, it would have to be ALL. Your claim BADLY fails the sanity test.

Money for nothing, chicks for free.
No shit. So all 30,000 universities, all govts of the world and all MAJOR and related corporations are collectively….scamming you ? Would you feel better if scientists were fish ?
For one thing, you idiots keep mistaking what AGW is about. It’s not just about the climate changing long have you been this ignorant ? Every chart you put out there about temperature and CO2 changes you claim supports you, supports AGW….you’re too ignorant in math to read them aren’t you ?
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Nice job taking my quote out of context. they are human and susceptible to greed, pride, and other human faults.

and yes, they are scamming us. why is that hard for you to understand?
No it is not. There are people like you who make up shit and call it science, when it isn’t. You are the frauds. Science is set up so it’s neither right or wrong. That you don’t get it means you’re full of shit.

You are ignorant of science, science's history, and history in general. Science SHOULD be set up so that it's neither right or wrong, but historically, that has not been the case.
We have been. You are not.

They are different things. Global warming is part of climate change. global warming is a very strong majority of the factors causing current climate change.

The rate at which it is changing has varied all over the place inlcuding very close to zero. Right now, however, it is taking place at an almost completely unprecedented rate. There is a reason for that.

Where the fuck did you get that idea? You're not the only one to make the claim which makes me think there's a source to it. But the claim is nonsense. Do you really think 98% of the world's climate scientists; thousands and thousands of PhD researchers would accept a theory for which there was no evidence? And you've heard the evidence here, over and over again.

We are the cause of global warming. We know precisely how we did it. We know precisely how to undo it. It won't be easy. It won't be cheap. It won't be quick. But we CAN do it.

No. For what you and yours claim to be the case, they would have to be a special breed of monster. They are not. I'm sure some of them are greedy and some of them are not. Some of them are conservatives and some of them are liberals. They ARE human and they are using a system - the scientific method - that enforces impartiality and resists bias. It has served the human race for several hundred years. The denier claim that it has suddenly failed because - for this topic and this topic only - scientists have become amoral greedy and dishonest when their is NO history of science failing in the past they way you all claim that it is failing now.

Really? Rife? Tell us about it.

REALLY? Please tell us about that as well. And I'd really like to know what expert told you that. Let's have some links. Some names.

There is so much wrong with your post that I don't know where to start. 1st off, the claim that 98% of the world's climate scientists agree has been debunked. Secondly that they agree is irrelevant since there's no proof at all that man is causing it. there are only guesses, theories, and computer models (garbage in garbage out).

CO2 is necessary for life on this planet.

The physical gas laws will tell you that the warmer a gas is, the more molecules can be suspended in it. CO2 FOLLOWS warming, not causes it.
Science SHOULD be set up so that it's neither right or wrong, but historically, that has not been the case.
Wrong….The science has always been what it’s suppose to be…or it’s not science. It’s the politics in deciding which science developed products to use, and which not to. That’s politics.

Science already is neither right or wrong. That has always been the case. Case in point, the Manhattan project which took billions and and tens of thousands of peoples to bring an A “bomb” to fruition. You only get to that point with science.
It’s the decision of politics, not scientists to decide how to use atomic energy. Freedom to make decisions based upon science is the ONLY way to legitimately advance man kind. We can decide which and how to use each product of science , but the science is steadfast,
There is so much wrong with your post that I don't know where to start. 1st off, the claim that 98% of the world's climate scientists agree has been debunked. Secondly that they agree is irrelevant since there's no proof at all that man is causing it. there are only guesses, theories, and computer models (garbage in garbage out).

CO2 is necessary for life on this planet.

The physical gas laws will tell you that the warmer a gas is, the more molecules can be suspended in it. CO2 FOLLOWS warming, not causes it.
Wrong. Its simple. There are no climate research facilities in the world that agree with you. Just because you can bribe a few individual scientists to ferment doubt, just means you’re FOS. The entire science community at large has coalesced around the support of AGW. Just because you have a few outliers that you want to support, makes you completely oblivious to the scientific method…

You‘re science illiterate in the way you talk about CO2 for example. You don’t even know what a pollutant is as defined in science….look it up before you continue to make foolish posts. But you won’t. You’re a minion.
They have evidence. No one has ever asked them your (not "our") questions because they're as stupid as stupid can be.

This is precisely the point I was making. Why would every scientist on the planet suddenly get greedy enough over this question to toss out all their morals and put their careers and perhaps even their personal freedom (as in risk going to jail)? They wouldn't. Some might, but most assuredly not all and for what you're claiming to be the case, it would have to be ALL. Your claim BADLY fails the sanity test.
yup, but don’t forget to pay homage to..

the deep state, or the donations accrued in Hunter Biden’s lap top that’s used to pay off every science related institution in the world.
Wrong….The science has always been what it’s suppose to be…or it’s not science. It’s the politics in deciding which science developed products to use, and which not to. That’s politics.

Science already is neither right or wrong. That has always been the case. Case in point, the Manhattan project which took billions and and tens of thousands of peoples to bring an A “bomb” to fruition. You only get to that point with science.
It’s the decision of politics, not scientists to decide how to use atomic energy. Freedom to make decisions based upon science is the ONLY way to legitimately advance man kind. We can decide which and how to use each product of science , but the science is steadfast,

You need an education.
There is so much wrong with your post that I don't know where to start. 1st off, the claim that 98% of the world's climate scientists agree has been debunked.
It has not been debunked because it is true and supported by multiple studies covering thousands of scientists and thousands of published papers.
Secondly that they agree is irrelevant since there's no proof at all that man is causing it.
There are no proofs in the natural sciences, there is only evidence. And there are mountains of evidence that humans are the primary cause of global warming.
there are only guesses, theories, and computer models (garbage in garbage out).
Thermometers do not take guesses. Gas chromatographs do not take guesses. Spectral radiometers do not take guesses. That human GHG emissions are responsible for global warming is not the result of computer modeling. You simply don't know what the fuck you're talking about.
CO2 is necessary for life on this planet.
So what? No one is suggesting getting rid of it altogether. Are you actually that stupid?
The physical gas laws will tell you that the warmer a gas is, the more molecules can be suspended in it. CO2 FOLLOWS warming, not causes it.
Oi vey... The more molecules can be suspended in a gas? Everyone here - you included - know that you don't have the faintest fuck of an idea what you're talking about. Go get a fucking education.
While deniers have produced ZERO evidence that AGW is actually the result of a grand conspiracy or the greed of scientists or misanthropy or a hunger for power among intellectuals and elites, the evidence supporting AGW AND the evidence supporting the scheme by Exxon and other fossil fuel corporations to delay action on global warming is replete.

What SPECIFIC actions does your cabal demand of China and India, the worlds largest emitters of CO2 and increasing annually?
It has not been debunked because it is true and supported by multiple studies covering thousands of scientists and thousands of published papers.

There are no proofs in the natural sciences, there is only evidence. And there are mountains of evidence that humans are the primary cause of global warming.

Thermometers do not take guesses. Gas chromatographs do not take guesses. Spectral radiometers do not take guesses. That human GHG emissions are responsible for global warming is not the result of computer modeling. You simply don't know what the fuck you're talking about.

So what? No one is suggesting getting rid of it altogether. Are you actually that stupid?

Oi vey... The more molecules can be suspended in a gas? Everyone here - you included - know that you don't have the faintest fuck of an idea what you're talking about. Go get a fucking education.
You‘d think after being corrected a zillion times these trurd head deniers would stop making up shit about the science real people use…nope, they persist on being the “idiots of the fly“
Liquid water ? What other kind is there ?

Well, H2O can be a gas (steam), a liquid (water), or a solid (ice).

If you had passed a single high school science course, you would have discovered that...
Wrong. Its simple. There are no climate research facilities in the world that agree with you. Just because you can bribe a few individual scientists to ferment doubt, just means you’re FOS. The entire science community at large has coalesced around the support of AGW. Just because you have a few outliers that you want to support, makes you completely oblivious to the scientific method…

You‘re science illiterate in the way you talk about CO2 for example. You don’t even know what a pollutant is as defined in science….look it up before you continue to make foolish posts. But you won’t. You’re a minion.

To the science invalid left wing moron like DAG, the only thing that matters is parroting.

DAG cannot answer any of EMH's questions, since DAG is a complete moron and intellectual coward.

The definition of "climate scientist" is YOU ARE PART OF THE Co2 FRAUD.

To expose that, all we need is to ask THE "CLIMATE SCIENTISTS" the questions EMH posted to DAG, since THE "CLIMATE SCIENTISTS" cannot answer those questions without revealing that Co2 is not only not the cause of Earth climate change, but also that Co2 does ABSOLUTELY NOTHING...
China and India are the world's largest emitters of the imaginary planet killing CO2 molecule, but the AGWCult leaves them alone and instead goes after European farmers and American businesses?

Sounds like a scam, a Cult, a CCP devised and funded plot
They have evidence. No one has ever asked them your (not "our") questions because they're as stupid as stupid can be.


"Stupid questions" the "climate scientists" cannot answer...

Why does one Earth polar circle have 9+ times the other?

Why is there ice age glacier south of Arctic Circle on Greenland but no such glacier north of Arctic Circle on Alaska?

How STUPID is one who cannot even answer "STUPID" QUESTIONS????

every scientist on the planet

The "climate scientists" are NOT SCIENTISTS, they are politicized fudgebaking treasonous liars and intellectual cowards who are 100% WRONG about Co2 and they know it....

The most recent REAL SCIENTIST to win the Nobel Prize came right out and said


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