Fossil Fuel's War to Delay Action on Global Warming

Omitted what ? It’s repetitious calling you a buffoon all the time. It’s hilarious when you keep using ”lol”, like you have to announce you’re trying to be funny….
There are silly little people like you that snippet quotes so as to try and be clever. Epic fail.

Alarmism is a mental illness, and they think fossil fuels are gonna disappear.
And you have no evidence that every climate science institute in the world, is scamming you. That includes every accredited university in the world. You’re now saying that every climate science related degree dished out by all of them, is bogus. Gee……amazing..

Look at the way they argue it. Depending on the need, they will either talk about global warming or Climate Change. two different things. I believe in climate change, the climate has been changing ever since the planet formed. there is ZERO evidence that man is causing it or that anything we do can stop it or even slow it down.

Scientists are human, they are suscept to the same foibles and temptations that others are. History is rife with scientific fraud, corruption and influence. historically, science and scientists have been wrong more than right.
Scientists are human,
No shit. So all 30,000 universities, all govts of the world and all MAJOR and related corporations are collectively….scamming you ? Would you feel better if scientists were fish ?
For one thing, you idiots keep mistaking what AGW is about. It’s not just about the climate changing long have you been this ignorant ? Every chart you put out there about temperature and CO2 changes you claim supports you, supports AGW….you’re too ignorant in math to read them aren’t you ?
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Depending on the need, they will either talk about global warming or Climate Change. two different things.
Nope, wrong again bubba. You don’t know enough to argue the point. You have to have a clue first…you don’t.
History is rife with scientific fraud,
No it is not. There are people like you who make up shit and call it science, when it isn’t. You are the frauds. Science is set up so it’s neither right or wrong. That you don’t get it means you’re full of shit.
Have temperatures continued to rise? Yes
Has the ocean's heat content continued to increase? Yes
Has sea level continued to rise? Yes
Have the world's oceans become more acidic? Yes
Have the world's glaciers been melting? Yes
Don't all of those things occur in every interglacial period?
No shit. So all 30,000 universities, all govts of the world and all MAJOR and related corporations are collectively….scamming you ? Would you feel better if scientists were fish ?
For one thing, you idiots keep mistaking what AGW is about. It’s not just about the climate changing long have you been this ignorant ? Every chart you put out there about temperature and CO2 changes you claim supports you, supports AGW….you’re too ignorant in math to read them aren’t you ?
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So if the oceans are "warming" why is the record decade for canes still the 1940s???

If the oceans are rising, why can't you show us a PHOTO of that??

If Antarctica is "melting" why is there NO LIQUID WATER THERE?

It takes an ABSOLUTE MORON to fall for the Co2 FRAUD.
Look at the way they argue it.
We have been. You are not.
Depending on the need, they will either talk about global warming or Climate Change. two different things.
They are different things. Global warming is part of climate change. global warming is a very strong majority of the factors causing current climate change.
I believe in climate change, the climate has been changing ever since the planet formed.
The rate at which it is changing has varied all over the place inlcuding very close to zero. Right now, however, it is taking place at an almost completely unprecedented rate. There is a reason for that.
there is ZERO evidence that man is causing it
Where the fuck did you get that idea? You're not the only one to make the claim which makes me think there's a source to it. But the claim is nonsense. Do you really think 98% of the world's climate scientists; thousands and thousands of PhD researchers would accept a theory for which there was no evidence? And you've heard the evidence here, over and over again.
or that anything we do can stop it or even slow it down.
We are the cause of global warming. We know precisely how we did it. We know precisely how to undo it. It won't be easy. It won't be cheap. It won't be quick. But we CAN do it.
Scientists are human, they are suscept to the same foibles and temptations that others are.
No. For what you and yours claim to be the case, they would have to be a special breed of monster. They are not. I'm sure some of them are greedy and some of them are not. Some of them are conservatives and some of them are liberals. They ARE human and they are using a system - the scientific method - that enforces impartiality and resists bias. It has served the human race for several hundred years. The denier claim that it has suddenly failed because - for this topic and this topic only - scientists have become amoral greedy and dishonest when their is NO history of science failing in the past they way you all claim that it is failing now.
History is rife with scientific fraud, corruption and influence.
Really? Rife? Tell us about it.
historically, science and scientists have been wrong more than right.
REALLY? Please tell us about that as well. And I'd really like to know what expert told you that. Let's have some links. Some names.
Do you really think 98% of the world's climate scientists; thousands and thousands of PhD researchers would accept a theory for which there was no evidence?

Well, if they had actual evidence, then they could answer our questions....

What would motivate them to lie???

So if the oceans are "warming" why is the record decade for canes still the 1940s???

If the oceans are rising, why can't you show us a PHOTO of that??

If Antarctica is "melting" why is there NO LIQUID WATER THERE?

It takes an ABSOLUTE MORON to fall for the Co2 FRAUD.
You are a simpleton aren’t you ? These are the questions of an 8 year old. Did you ever make it out grade school ?
Ever notice that the politicians who are popping off about global warming are the same assholes dropping bombs all over the world and setting it on fire?

But, curiously, they never say anything about that.
Ever notice that the politicians who are popping off about global warming are the same assholes dropping bombs all over the world and setting it on fire?

But, curiously, they never say anything about that.
Ever notice that those deniers of AGW global warming are really stupid,
The rate at which it is changing has varied all over the place inlcuding very close to zero. Right now, however, it is taking place at an almost completely unprecedented rate. There is a reason for that.
You guys say that a lot but you never back it up with data. Probably because the data doesn't support it, huh?

rate of warming is not unprecedented.jpg
Where the fuck did you get that idea? You're not the only one to make the claim which makes me think there's a source to it. But the claim is nonsense. Do you really think 98% of the world's climate scientists; thousands and thousands of PhD researchers would accept a theory for which there was no evidence? And you've heard the evidence here, over and over again.
The geologic record is littered with warming and cooling trends that were not caused by CO2 or orbital forcing. The is a normal warming trend in an interglacial period that is still warming back up to its pre-glacial temperature like it has been doing for the past 3 million years. This isn't a claim. It is a fact.
Well, if they had actual evidence, then they could answer our questions....
They have evidence. No one has ever asked them your (not "our") questions because they're as stupid as stupid can be.
What would motivate them to lie???

This is precisely the point I was making. Why would every scientist on the planet suddenly get greedy enough over this question to toss out all their morals and put their careers and perhaps even their personal freedom (as in risk going to jail)? They wouldn't. Some might, but most assuredly not all and for what you're claiming to be the case, it would have to be ALL. Your claim BADLY fails the sanity test.

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