Four days and the NRA has not said a word

Why should they?

They just sit back and quietly laugh. The NRA knows the routine. They know their Congress will do nothing to upset them. They just have to lay low and let the public and media rage on about banning bump stocks. They will allow Congressmen to say....We need to look into this and "thoughts and prayers"

After about a week, the furor will die down and it will be business as usual

Until the next shooting
/—-/ You claim the NRA has said nothing but in the next sentence you claim to know they are laughing quietly. Are you hiding in the NRA headquarters easedropping on their whispers ?

FalseWinger hears voices in her head.......and believes them!
Of course I'm calling for a restriction. I don't need unlimited access to firearms, just like you don't. Just like this maniac in Vegas didn't need. Yet he had it.

Uh huh.

What else do you want the government to tell you you don't need?

The government isn't telling me, common sense is. I am telling the government, who refuse to listen because they are bought and paid for by the NRA.

Which brings us back to the original point.

Common sense tell me that not every single person in the country is responsible for the crimes of a few.

1) Do you say the same thing when it comes to muslims?
2) I never blamed every person. I don't want to take away guns. I am blaming the NRA for actively spending millions on lobbyists to ensure that sensible gun law discussions never have even a chance in our government.

I have no problem with Muslims.

and we already have thousands of gun laws on the books maybe we should try enforcing them for a change no?

And yes I think it is beyond stupid to ban a semiautomatic rifle because it has plastic doodads on it (AKA the AR 15 and similar rifles) but the people who want the ban also know it's beyond stupid and the so called "assault rifle" bans are nothing but the first step in the long term strategy to ban all semiautomatic weapons.

So what gun laws do we already have that you feel aren't being enforced that should be and would make a difference?
You are literally everything that is wrong with this country. Be proud of yourself.


You're right. Because I want to cut down on the number of people murdered senselessly by guns in this country, I am "what is wrong with this country".

Solid analysis Billy Ray.

Wanna know how I know you are an idiot?
You actually think gun confiscation would end gun crime.
2/3 of ALL gun related deaths are suicide so spare me your self righteous bullshit.

You want to know how I know you didn't graduate high school?

I never once said anything about confiscation.
I never once said anything about ending gun crime.

Yet you went off on your little tangent because you're a brainwashed lap dog of the NRA and can't have an adult conversation without resorting to what you THINK I said instead of actually reading what I did in fact say.

Rollover boy, good boy.

Gun control laws don't stop criminals from getting guns or even make it harder. All it does is disarm good people.

You're right, gun control laws don't work.....Except in every single other 1st world nation in the world.
Why should they?

They just sit back and quietly laugh. The NRA knows the routine. They know their Congress will do nothing to upset them. They just have to lay low and let the public and media rage on about banning bump stocks. They will allow Congressmen to say....We need to look into this and "thoughts and prayers"

After about a week, the furor will die down and it will be business as usual

Until the next shooting
/----/ Guess who approved the bump stock. The Obama ATF. Bwhahahahaha Bwhahahaha
No the only person with blood on his hands is the killer

Get it?

Like I said...good lap dog. You serve your masters well.
Like I said not a member of the NRA

But you're the one calling for a restriction of your own rights so what does that make you?

Of course I'm calling for a restriction. I don't need unlimited access to firearms, just like you don't. Just like this maniac in Vegas didn't need. Yet he had it.

Uh huh.

What else do you want the government to tell you you don't need?

The government isn't telling me, common sense is. I am telling the government, who refuse to listen because they are bought and paid for by the NRA.

Which brings us back to the original point.
I heard a legislator from Oklahoma yesterday or the day before who made a good point. 4 million people in OK and over 8 million guns. The NRA is a private organization that represents the interests of its members. Its members, the gun owners of OK, are the people the senator represents. So yes, the NRA has a certain stance but it is the stance of its members and the voters.
Make sense? NRA is voicing the will of its members. If only we had such a well financed and run organization fighting willy nilly gun ownership. But the opposition is too fragmented. Too many different positions and ideas for how to solve the problem
Uh huh.

What else do you want the government to tell you you don't need?

The government isn't telling me, common sense is. I am telling the government, who refuse to listen because they are bought and paid for by the NRA.

Which brings us back to the original point.

Common sense tell me that not every single person in the country is responsible for the crimes of a few.

1) Do you say the same thing when it comes to muslims?
2) I never blamed every person. I don't want to take away guns. I am blaming the NRA for actively spending millions on lobbyists to ensure that sensible gun law discussions never have even a chance in our government.

I have no problem with Muslims.

and we already have thousands of gun laws on the books maybe we should try enforcing them for a change no?

And yes I think it is beyond stupid to ban a semiautomatic rifle because it has plastic doodads on it (AKA the AR 15 and similar rifles) but the people who want the ban also know it's beyond stupid and the so called "assault rifle" bans are nothing but the first step in the long term strategy to ban all semiautomatic weapons.

So what gun laws do we already have that you feel aren't being enforced that should be and would make a difference?

OMFG really?

How about in Baltimore where 70% of gun charges are dropped before trial?

How about the fact that violent criminals serve on average less than 5 years for their crimes?

You want to cut down gun crimes?
Then you impose harsh mandatory sentences to be served without parole for anyone committing any crime while in possession of a firearm no plea bargaining no dropping gun charges

you actually target the people committing the crimes instead of the people won't

You're right. Because I want to cut down on the number of people murdered senselessly by guns in this country, I am "what is wrong with this country".

Solid analysis Billy Ray.

Wanna know how I know you are an idiot?
You actually think gun confiscation would end gun crime.
2/3 of ALL gun related deaths are suicide so spare me your self righteous bullshit.

You want to know how I know you didn't graduate high school?

I never once said anything about confiscation.
I never once said anything about ending gun crime.

Yet you went off on your little tangent because you're a brainwashed lap dog of the NRA and can't have an adult conversation without resorting to what you THINK I said instead of actually reading what I did in fact say.

Rollover boy, good boy.

Gun control laws don't stop criminals from getting guns or even make it harder. All it does is disarm good people.

You're right, gun control laws don't work.....Except in every single other 1st world nation in the world.

Didn't stop people from shooting up the public in France did they?
Why should they?

They just sit back and quietly laugh. The NRA knows the routine. They know their Congress will do nothing to upset them. They just have to lay low and let the public and media rage on about banning bump stocks. They will allow Congressmen to say....We need to look into this and "thoughts and prayers"

After about a week, the furor will die down and it will be business as usual

Until the next shooting

Earlier this year I was hit by a GMC truck. I never heard from GMC about it.

According to Liberal logic, I should have.

Sent from my SM-J727VPP using mobile app
The government isn't telling me, common sense is. I am telling the government, who refuse to listen because they are bought and paid for by the NRA.

Which brings us back to the original point.

Common sense tell me that not every single person in the country is responsible for the crimes of a few.

1) Do you say the same thing when it comes to muslims?
2) I never blamed every person. I don't want to take away guns. I am blaming the NRA for actively spending millions on lobbyists to ensure that sensible gun law discussions never have even a chance in our government.

I have no problem with Muslims.

and we already have thousands of gun laws on the books maybe we should try enforcing them for a change no?

And yes I think it is beyond stupid to ban a semiautomatic rifle because it has plastic doodads on it (AKA the AR 15 and similar rifles) but the people who want the ban also know it's beyond stupid and the so called "assault rifle" bans are nothing but the first step in the long term strategy to ban all semiautomatic weapons.

So what gun laws do we already have that you feel aren't being enforced that should be and would make a difference?

OMFG really?

How about in Baltimore where 70% of gun charges are dropped before trial?

How about the fact that violent criminals serve on average less than 5 years for their crimes?

You want to cut down gun crimes?
Then you impose harsh mandatory sentences to be served without parole for anyone committing any crime while in possession of a firearm no plea bargaining no dropping gun charges

you actually target the people committing the crimes instead of the people won't

That would be racist!!


You're right. Because I want to cut down on the number of people murdered senselessly by guns in this country, I am "what is wrong with this country".

Solid analysis Billy Ray.

Wanna know how I know you are an idiot?
You actually think gun confiscation would end gun crime.
2/3 of ALL gun related deaths are suicide so spare me your self righteous bullshit.

You want to know how I know you didn't graduate high school?

I never once said anything about confiscation.
I never once said anything about ending gun crime.

Yet you went off on your little tangent because you're a brainwashed lap dog of the NRA and can't have an adult conversation without resorting to what you THINK I said instead of actually reading what I did in fact say.

Rollover boy, good boy.

Gun control laws don't stop criminals from getting guns or even make it harder. All it does is disarm good people.

You're right, gun control laws don't work.....Except in every single other 1st world nation in the world.
/----/ No you gun grabber. Gun laws work very well at taking guns from law abiding citizens. They have no affect on criminals who are called criminals for a reason.
Like I said...good lap dog. You serve your masters well.
Like I said not a member of the NRA

But you're the one calling for a restriction of your own rights so what does that make you?

Of course I'm calling for a restriction. I don't need unlimited access to firearms, just like you don't. Just like this maniac in Vegas didn't need. Yet he had it.

Uh huh.

What else do you want the government to tell you you don't need?

The government isn't telling me, common sense is. I am telling the government, who refuse to listen because they are bought and paid for by the NRA.

Which brings us back to the original point.
I heard a legislator from Oklahoma yesterday or the day before who made a good point. 4 million people in OK and over 8 million guns. The NRA is a private organization that represents the interests of its members. Its members, the gun owners of OK, are the people the senator represents. So yes, the NRA has a certain stance but it is the stance of its members and the voters.
Make sense? NRA is voicing the will of its members. If only we had such a well financed and run organization fighting willy nilly gun ownership. But the opposition is too fragmented. Too many different positions and ideas for how to solve the problem
/----/ We do have a well financed and run organization opposing the NRA. It's called the Democratic Party.
Why should they?

They just sit back and quietly laugh. The NRA knows the routine. They know their Congress will do nothing to upset them. They just have to lay low and let the public and media rage on about banning bump stocks. They will allow Congressmen to say....We need to look into this and "thoughts and prayers"

After about a week, the furor will die down and it will be business as usual

Until the next shooting

I personally, and I think most gun owners, would have no problem seeing bump stocks vanish. The problem lies in crafting a law with language that bans only bump stocks and that won't be easy.

I happen to agree
It needs to cover all such devices

It may be the genie is out of the bottle and there is no way to prevent existing assault rifles from being modified

The problem is that the bump stock is not a weapon nor does it convert a simi-auto weapon into full auto. So how do you ban it without banning useful or desirable accessories? And no, any language that could be used to ban simi-auto weapons is not acceptable.

What useful or desirable functions does a bump stock provide?

Because I would just as soon bump stocks were taken off the market (as I just stated) doesn't in any way mean that there are no useful or desirable accessories. If the language is not very specific it will be opposed and rightly so.
Why should they?

They just sit back and quietly laugh. The NRA knows the routine. They know their Congress will do nothing to upset them. They just have to lay low and let the public and media rage on about banning bump stocks. They will allow Congressmen to say....We need to look into this and "thoughts and prayers"

After about a week, the furor will die down and it will be business as usual

Until the next shooting

I personally, and I think most gun owners, would have no problem seeing bump stocks vanish. The problem lies in crafting a law with language that bans only bump stocks and that won't be easy.

I happen to agree
It needs to cover all such devices

It may be the genie is out of the bottle and there is no way to prevent existing assault rifles from being modified

The problem is that the bump stock is not a weapon nor does it convert a simi-auto weapon into full auto. So how do you ban it without banning useful or desirable accessories? And no, any language that could be used to ban simi-auto weapons is not acceptable.

What useful or desirable functions does a bump stock provide?

Because I would just as soon bump stocks were taken off the market (as I just stated) doesn't in any way mean that there are no useful or desirable accessories. If the language is not very specific it will be opposed and rightly so.
/----/ 3D printers can crank out bump stocks in about 5 minutes.
Money must be pouring into the NRA coffers. Not everyone sees these gun incidents the same.
You're right. Because I want to cut down on the number of people murdered senselessly by guns in this country, I am "what is wrong with this country".

Solid analysis Billy Ray.

Wanna know how I know you are an idiot?
You actually think gun confiscation would end gun crime.
2/3 of ALL gun related deaths are suicide so spare me your self righteous bullshit.

You want to know how I know you didn't graduate high school?

I never once said anything about confiscation.
I never once said anything about ending gun crime.

Yet you went off on your little tangent because you're a brainwashed lap dog of the NRA and can't have an adult conversation without resorting to what you THINK I said instead of actually reading what I did in fact say.

Rollover boy, good boy.

Gun control laws don't stop criminals from getting guns or even make it harder. All it does is disarm good people.

You're right, gun control laws don't work.....Except in every single other 1st world nation in the world.

Didn't stop people from shooting up the public in France did they?

Nothing can be stopped but completely. No one is claiming that.

But the data doesn't lie. Gun control laws can and do work.
You're right. Because I want to cut down on the number of people murdered senselessly by guns in this country, I am "what is wrong with this country".

Solid analysis Billy Ray.

Wanna know how I know you are an idiot?
You actually think gun confiscation would end gun crime.
2/3 of ALL gun related deaths are suicide so spare me your self righteous bullshit.

You want to know how I know you didn't graduate high school?

I never once said anything about confiscation.
I never once said anything about ending gun crime.

Yet you went off on your little tangent because you're a brainwashed lap dog of the NRA and can't have an adult conversation without resorting to what you THINK I said instead of actually reading what I did in fact say.

Rollover boy, good boy.

Gun control laws don't stop criminals from getting guns or even make it harder. All it does is disarm good people.

You're right, gun control laws don't work.....Except in every single other 1st world nation in the world.
/----/ No you gun grabber. Gun laws work very well at taking guns from law abiding citizens. They have no affect on criminals who are called criminals for a reason.

Except in every single 1st world country.

Do you intentionally ignore the data or just don't understand it?
Why should they?

They just sit back and quietly laugh. The NRA knows the routine. They know their Congress will do nothing to upset them. They just have to lay low and let the public and media rage on about banning bump stocks. They will allow Congressmen to say....We need to look into this and "thoughts and prayers"

After about a week, the furor will die down and it will be business as usual

Until the next shooting
Wayne La Pierre was the second and possible third shooter in the room with him.
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Wanna know how I know you are an idiot?
You actually think gun confiscation would end gun crime.
2/3 of ALL gun related deaths are suicide so spare me your self righteous bullshit.

You want to know how I know you didn't graduate high school?

I never once said anything about confiscation.
I never once said anything about ending gun crime.

Yet you went off on your little tangent because you're a brainwashed lap dog of the NRA and can't have an adult conversation without resorting to what you THINK I said instead of actually reading what I did in fact say.

Rollover boy, good boy.

Gun control laws don't stop criminals from getting guns or even make it harder. All it does is disarm good people.

You're right, gun control laws don't work.....Except in every single other 1st world nation in the world.

Didn't stop people from shooting up the public in France did they?

Nothing can be stopped but completely. No one is claiming that.

But the data doesn't lie. Gun control laws can and do work.

OK then tell me why the murder rate in the UK is higher since the passing of all their gun laws, gun bans and gun confiscations since the 1960's than it was before all those laws?

Now tell me why CA the state with the strictest gun control has a higher murder rate than UT with the most lax gun control.

It doesn't fly.

Our murder rate has been going down for 3 decades despite the fact that more people own guns and more people have their CCW permits than ever before
Lets put Bump Stock legislation up for a vote in Congress and see how every Congressman and Senator votes on it.
Then they can defend their vote in the 2018 election

Anyone believe Republicans will allow this to come up for a vote?

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