Four More Oath Keepers Going Bye-Bye

1/6 was exercising rights granted by The Constitution.

Ummm, not quite.
Clubbing to the ground, dragging down step, smacking with steel poles, spraying MACE-to-the-Face, and tasering uniformed police performing their sworn duty.....ain't granted in my Constitution, and, if you are a real patriot for America, poster Duke, that stuff won't be granted in your Constitution either.

And do we want to talk about stealing from Congressional offices, poopin' & pissin' on the floors and walls of our Capitol?

What you fantasize as "exercising rights"....was, in reality, insurrection and sedition, and un-American.

And the courts are saying so. Duh!
The difference was five states where ballots mysteriously appeared after midnight for Biden.
Trump told his inner circle in the W.H. to keep their mouth shut about him losing the election, BECAUSE HE KNEW HE LOST & KNEW HE COULD BULLSHIT HIS RABBLE INTO BELEIVING HIS STOLEN ELECTION BULLSHIT.

In that, he succeded.
"...the cowardly cop that received a medal for shooting an unarmed woman."

On the other hand, Republican Speaker of the House, Kevin McCarthy, today stated this about the shooting of insurrectionist Babbitt: “I think the police officer did his job,” McCarthy said Thursday in response to a question about whether Babbitt was murdered.
Trump told his inner circle in the W.H. to keep their mouth shut about him losing the election, BECAUSE HE KNEW HE LOST & KNEW HE COULD BULLSHIT HIS RABBLE INTO BELEIVING HIS STOLEN ELECTION BULLSHIT.

In that, he succeded.
You’re a duped sheep.
It didn’t take trump’s approval to see how demmunists obviously subverted the US election process.
The real scandal is all of the sheep who insist on pretending that it was all legit.
Yeah, you do need weapons. There has never been a successful insurrection without weapons.
The good guys had mags. And it's a damn good thing that they did.

Sorry to disapoint you with the fact that Trump's ARMED mob wasen't allowed into the capital building grounds, even though Trump demanded the opposite. If they were allowed in there would have been people shot. On both sides.
Yeah, you do need weapons. There has never been a successful insurrection without weapons.
The good guys had mags. And it's a damn good thing that they did.

Sorry to disapoint you with the fact that Trump's ARMED mob wasen't allowed into the capital building grounds, even though Trump demanded the opposite. If they were allowed there would have been people shot. On both sides.
You’re a duped sheep.
It didn’t take trump’s approval to see how demmunists obviously subverted the US election process.
The real scandal is all of the sheep who insist on pretending that it was all legit.
Got proof? Let's have it. Otherwise, stfu.
The good guys had mags. And it's a damn good thing that they did.

Sorry to disapoint you with the fact that Trump's ARMED mob wasen't allowed into the capital building grounds, even though Trump demanded the opposite. If they were allowed there would have been people shot. On both sides.

Got proof? Let's have it. Otherwise, stfu.
81 million votes, 61% of which were mail-ins. That requires an audit. No audit was done. That’s proof enough to warrant an investigation. An American would insist on an investigation. A democrat wouldn’t. Get it?
That does not mean overthrow the government although thats the narrative that libs are pushing

Of course it does. Biden won the election. Trump lost the election. Trump's thugs stormed the Capitol in a failed effort to get Trump declared the winner even though he lost. That was an attempt to overthrow the government.
81 million votes, 61% of which were mail-ins. That requires an audit. No audit was done. That’s proof enough to warrant an investigation. An American would insist on an investigation. A democrat wouldn’t. Get it?
Exactly. There should have been recounts and audits in all the contested states. It's a shame none of the fraudulent votes were thrown out.
Of course not, ya fucking moron. :cuckoo:

Storming the Capitol to prevent the duly elected president from being certified is treason.
Wrong. It's an entirely Constitutional process.

Sending fake electors to Congress to get the loser of the election, POTUS, is treason.
Sending alternate electors is perfectly constitutional.

The VP unilaterally rejecting electors is treason.

Did he do that?
Amazing how most Americans are willing to tolerate stolen elections.

Yes. What we're going to learn is nobody will step up and get these men freed, especially not the GOP. That lesson means Democrats can start jailing people at will and there will be no consequences. It will be like Lincoln's elections after his inauguration, their private army controlling the polls in all the border states and turning away opposition voters there and in most other states.

Enjoy your few victories in Congress for a few months, because in 2024 they really stuff the boxes. This is the last GOP majority until the country collapses.
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